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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: But it's not chaotic...it's stable... Valeigh: What is? Rico: Your physical form it's balanced. Valeigh: But I can't be here if you're not here. Rico: And I can't exist when I'm distant from you. We fade, ignored by the world...and we'll be stuck to walk the world until we find each other again. Valeigh: How would you know? Rico: We can't be harmed when we're not together, therefore we can never die. Valeigh: Why would you want to die? Rico: So I can leave this place...if there is no way out of hell, death is the only option. Maybe then, I might go someplace better. [i]Valeigh looked at him, confused...[/i] Rico: Not now, of course, we've got people to meet up with. There still might be a way. This place is changing all the time. [i]They continued their walk. Rico kept silent for a little while...his thoughts to himself: "Do I even love you? I wanted a way out, but instead I met you. Now I am bound. I'll learn to love again..." "Love. If one of us dies first, then it'll leave the other behind forever. We'd have to leave at the same time for both of us to be free." [/i][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Valeigh took Rico's hand again, restoring the light. The last words that Valeigh said shocked him more than her cry into the dimming sky. He closed his eyes and let the surge of emotion pass through his body. Unexpectedly, those emotions collected at the focal point of his heart and creeped down his arm, into his holding hand. The purplish-white glow flickered and burst into a dark passionate red that could be seen for miles away.[/i] Valeigh: Well, if you're trying to be subtle, you failed. Rico: Could it be helped? Valeigh: I guess not... [i]They heard the feint cry of the wolf again, responding to Valeigh's call a second time. She closed her eyes and listened closely.[/i] Rico: What did they say? Valeigh: They know of someone else who is in love, still far away, but they could sense their radiance as much as they can see ours. You were right...we should continue towards that direction, the two pillars of light. Rico: Rotting flesh still line the paths towards there. Valeigh: I know, but we won't fall to that. We have protection from evil now. Rico: The wolves? Valeigh: Yes, and this... [i]She raised their joined hands.[/i] Valeigh: The worst of Ochkik Haddah won't dare to come near this light. [i]It it should have been cold that night, especially to Rico. Ice was already forming on some of the vegitation and the puddles of rainwater froze over on the trail. Though, they kept each other warm on their long walk together. The weather was strange, their condition even stranger as they neared their destination. Seemingly unarmed and defenseless, they had no weapons remaining, no packs to carry items in. All material that they had was their dirtied clothing, but Valeigh would speculate silently, even those would have to go eventually...[/i] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]A wolf cried in the distance, catching their attention. Time seemed to flow faster now and it looked like they hadn't aged much ever since things started to change.[/i] Rico: We'll find one another soon enough. Even though we are at a disadvantage. Valeigh: Why is that? Rico: We can't split up, look around, and meet back here. Valeigh: I don't mind...I don't want to be alone. Rico: You have a point...everything seemed to slow down and I would wait for a long time for the day to end. Valeigh: We should get going before the light goes away. [i]Valeigh stood next to Rico and took his hand. A light sensation came over them and a purple-white light dimly eminated from their joined hands.[/i] Rico: Well, whatever Ochkik Haddah did...it's kinda interesting. Valeigh: It makes me wonder what else he gave us... [i]They walked under a patch of trees, their shadows covering them...the light became brighter...Rico lifted his hand and raised the light close to his face. He smiled and Valeigh looked at the glow in his eyes, she smiled as well.[/i] Valeigh: It's pretty... Rico: Yeah, you are... [i]Luckily the mild darkness and light conceled her emotions rushing up against her skin, the bluish tint that rarely showed, except in the heat of battle. They broke the stare simultaneously and started walking again, looking down and slightly up ahead, constantly looking at the light from the corner of their eyes...[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: Well, I barely understand who that is. You sacrificed yourself so I could live...but it left me with this... [i]Rico raised his arm.[/i] Valeigh: ... Rico: I don't know why this happened...I wanted to leave this place, but now I can't. [i]He faced Valeigh.[/i] Valeigh: Maybe...someday... Rico: Well, it's good that you're still here, it's kind of painful walking alone. Valeigh: Where are you going? [i]Rico pointed to the two lights in the sky, the only points not covered by clouds.[/i] Rico: Whatever that light is shining on...something special's there. I'd die in the desert if I tried to leave. I have nowhere else to go...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico's vision cleared. At first he thought he was seeing things. But there she was, kneeling beside him, looking into his eyes. Valeigh's eyes opened, she was thankful that he was okay throughout the night. He wasn't in the best shape, clothes torn, tattered, and damp from the drastic climate change.[/i] Valeigh: Hey there... [i]Valeigh reached to place her hand on Rico's shoulder. To the surprise for both of them, her hand followed through as if it weren't there. Rico looked up at her translucent self. Valeigh looked back and noticed the green vegitation was also visible through him.[/i] Valeigh: I'm... [i]He extended his hand with the imprint of Valeigh's blade along his arm, concealed by the sleeve of his clothing. A fear came over her and her hands stood still, not making an attempt to reach and hold his hand.[/i] Valeigh: I can't. Rico: Are you afraid? Valeigh: I...I... Rico: You're a ghost? [i]Rico raised his knees to a more comfortable sitting position to match her knelt height.[/i] Rico: Take my hand and see... [i]Valeigh reached out as Rico did. The imprint of the blade on his arm began to react, but not in a physical manner. Rico felt it slightly telling him that she was close to him. He raised his sleeve and saw only the outline of the blade as a scar, not the full burn marks. Valeigh closed her eyes and her eyebrow's raised in delight. Their hands interlaced each others through the fingers, palms touching. Her entire body was no longer a fragment of his imagination, she was there with him.[/i] Valeigh: I'm glad...that I'm still here with you. That you know I'm here. [i]Her hand let go and she turned around briefly to examine her surroundings. She walked a moderate distance from Rico until they were slightly smaller. They began to fade again, and the burns on Rico's hand returned. He clutched his arm with his right hand. It hurt Rico and Valeigh felt empty.[/i] Rico: How is this possible? [i]Valeigh turned around and ran back to him...they were whole again.[/i] Valeigh: Did we die?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Through the night, Rico continued to dream. He felt Valeigh's blade pulsing against the skin of his arm, without form, posessing force, urging him to move in a direction he could not see. He took the first step. Under his boots, he felt the rough texture of dried grass crumbling under his weight. The light rose from the sky and he could see the tracks of a railroad behind him where he once stood. The silence haunted him and his only companion, the blade of Valeigh. It pulled him to follow the tracks. He placed his feet on the wooden planks between the steel rails and faced each side, hoping the blade would guide him. But it too. fell silent. He heard the sounds of the train's whistle in the distance and woke up beside the dirt road he had been traveling for many days now...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]It's better to get things out into the open, even though it might hurt... I don't think it's bad to lie either if you think you're not ready to let out some things you hide. If the truth does spread...things will change and you'll have to adjust to everything. I know there'll be people around that really care about you help you through those changes... I still have secrets that I keep to myself and never tell to anyone, really personal stuff...I let the people I love in on them if they're really not understanding me.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]I've had my PS2 lockup when I put in new games but I haven't experienced anything like that before. If you're playing different games and it keeps appearing, you might need to get your hardware checked...I'm not sure what it actually is. Oh, the mysteries of the PS2...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Not really things I want...but what would like for Christmas. :) 1. Spend time with Raiha in front of the PS2, drinking hot chocolate. 2. Say 'hi!' to Juu in real life. 4. Platinum colored GameCube (w/Metroid Prime) 5. X-Box (w/Halo and Splinter Cell) [/COLOR]
  10. [size=1]Well, he's taken care of...not very nice of him to say all those things.[/size] [color=darkblue]For my thanksgiving...food was great, but turkey was bad so all of us stuck with the spaghetti and assorted cultural dishes.[/color]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]The first game that I managed to beat on one quarter was Killer Instinct...loved that game! But it did take me a lot of practice.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]My friend ever since the 3rd grade died January of 2001...I knew him well enough to call a brother, very nice and outgoing...followed his example a lot when I was feeling low. We don't exactly know how he died, but he crashed his car coming home from bible study. I never expected it...I was waiting for him to lend me FF9 but it never came to that. I still miss him, but I know he's in a better place. Sorry, man...a death of someone you know is tough...even if you don't know 'em that well.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]I've talked to you a few times in the past and you seem to be a very nice person, especially when I wrote that scene for a past RPG we did, you told me how it bothered you and I apoligized and we settled it quickly. You can do the same...I hope you feel better and take it easy.[/COLOR]
  14. RicoTranzrig


    Usually, it is permanent and we never hear from the person again. But they would have to be quite offending to be banned.
  15. [color=darkblue]'Life has its mysteries, Which none can fathom. You, perhaps, Will be someone great. You can do nothing about it. You, on the other hand, Will be unlucky, living in a slum. But you can do nothing about that either. Each finds their way Already marked out for them And they can change nothing of it.'[/color]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Theoretically it wouldn't take much more than 2-3 megs based on what MSN and Yahoo are using right now...but it wouldn't do much mercy for 56K and below users. And the code has to be originally made or you'll get burned for copyright violations. Though I still think the Yahoo and MSN one-on-one voice messaging is more convenient and sane.[/COLOR] And Solidus...don't double post...used the Edit button instead.
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]:D! Remember the submarine/naval reserve episode? [i]At the U.N....[/i] Russian official: "The Soviet Union will be pleased to offer amnesty to your wayward vessel." American official: "Soviet Union? We thought you guys broke up." Russian official: "Yes, that's what we wanted you to think!" [i]Laughs and presses button. Everything changes in Russia, IE: Berlin wall jumps out of the ground, Lenin comes back to life and breakes through glass.[/i] [b]Lenin: "GRRR! MUST CRUSH CAPITALISM GRRR!!"[/b] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Well since you talked to the creator...that's fine, I wouldn't mind if you started it...the last Hybrid Vigor we did wasn't up to quality and it paled in comparison to part 2. I'm in the area James's predicament, I don't know if I want to start one yet...I have been brewing up ideas, but having to abandon a good idea is discouraging sometimes.[/COLOR]
  19. [color=darkblue]We have a christmas tree that we grew a long time ago in our backyard. It's in a pot and it's been through some rough times, but it's better now and we'll be using that one and we're going to set up once winter vacation starts.[/color]
  20. [color=darkblue]Good poetry always comes from the heart :D That person must me a lot to you.[/color]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]I know two movies that really touched me and both are really sad...the previously mentioned "Schindler's List" and "Grave of the Fireflies" (an anime film). Incredibly moving presentations that I probably will never forget.[/COLOR]
  22. [color=darkblue]I love volleyball ;). I play on occasion with my cousins. Though I just can't serve underhand and I can't play for long before my arms become bruised. I seem to put too much power into the ball. I guess it'll be my 3rd favorite sport.[/color]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Well, everyone knows I haven't been RPing lately but I can fit into different types of stories. I tend to sway towards the futuristic style but I've done humor, medival, just different kinds of stories ever since I signed on. I kinda like all the flashy electronic gear and ideas people think up of. But now I guess I suck at RPing and I don't have as much time to spend as I did about a year ago. *Kicks the ground...*[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Me...hmm...I guess I'm thankful for the new start I've been given. ^_~[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Same here! I'm thankful having some of my ol' time friends are back home safely and the for patience they've given me each time I mess up or fall.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue] Body, House of the soul, ruled by the Bondage of pleasure and pain. Dying, With fine garments, we dress Our rotting flesh. Often times, Body controls self, one thing Depending on another. Man and Woman As a living sacrifice, To the One they serve. [/COLOR]
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