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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Take this for example.... Someone you're really close to and trust with your emotions goes behind your back and breaks that trust... Yet, they apoligize... What or how long does it take to regain your trust for them?[/COLOR]
  2. [i]Just as Trell can see the heads of the soldiers, he blanks out and jumps into the dreamworld[/i] [COLOR=darkblue][i]*Voices call out in short whispers* Trell! Trell!? TRELL!!! Trell: *Stops and hovers above* What the? ????: Remember me? Trell: Apparently, I don't.... ????: I'm sorry I had to leave you and your sister alone, I had no choice. Trell: Is this...mom? ????: Yes... Trell: Why did you have to abandon Siren and me? ????: I was hunted down for a long time...my destiny, was never fullfilled. I was killed after giving birth to Siren.... Trell: Destiny? ....*flash* Aurora? Aurora: So you know my name... Trell: I don't know how... Aurora: I shall visit you again... [/i] [i]Trell's conscious jumps back into the real world in his human form as he nears the soldiers. He charges up, this time...a mirage surrounds Trell instead of his red energy field. The mirage spreads around the small army, warping their bodies and crushing them...[/i] Trell: I understand *Turns around to face the city and charges back.* [/COLOR]
  3. I do, I have to anyway. Just keep on posting normally
  4. It's not that big...I like the small community. But I also like the large community b/c I get a lot of knowledge and share a lot that way.
  5. Ahem...Raiha...I'm not me in this story.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: But it looks like we have some other matters to take care of...*looks at the next wave of techno soldiers comming from the east...* Miluska: Not again... Trell: *Takes stance* Valik: What are you planning to do? Trell: Take 'em head on...*Morphs into dragon and charges forward*[/COLOR]
  6. We tried putting it in our siggy's...but to no avail...
  7. I don't think too many people would be here posting like us after 100 years of living. Er, maybe just a glitch with the system, kinda like Y2K....
  8. I usually just blank out when I'm low energy...I just listen a whole lot with a mindlesss expression on my face.
  9. The only way I can stop stuttering and becoming nervous is if I just let it all out, which my voice projects out in all directions so everybody calls attention to me, then I get all tense when I realize that everyone's looking at me.
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]The only thing I don't like about the X-Box are the lengthy load times and the slow FPS. They got Halo clocked at 16FPS. Hmmm a video game console that's not made by the Japanese, this I've gotta see... again.[/COLOR]
  11. F-k Writer's block! J/k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rico: *Flys to Charlie and tackles him* Charlie: Whoa! Rico: Welcome back! Charlie: *Gets up* *cough*...yeah Valik: I think we should get outta here... Siren: Right...*Morphs into dragon* [i]Charlie and Valik hop on and she flys away[/i] Trell: Miluska? Miluska: Comming dad! [i]Miluska and Trell levitate and follow Siren towards the outskirts of the city[/i]
  12. Whew I haven't done emulators for a while...I used to go to Plasticman's emu site, but I think it got closed down...try searching for zohpar and it may link you to some good ones...
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Over here, we have Bay Area Rapid Transit or BART...it's a series of electically powered rail cars that move at high speed throughout the bay area. It goes underwater across the bay and around the cities, mainly San Francisco.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Okay, yeah...six votes...I don't get it...[/COLOR] :rolleyes:
  15. True, the workers there steal your credit card numbers and use them for evild purposes.
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]I'd say PS2...its a pretty powerful system that has a lot of potential. Not to say that GCN and X-Box don't have their powerhouses, but PS2 is what I have right now and it's really good, despite a slightly lower loading time than the GCN.[/COLOR]
  17. Umm....well, I'm kinda resting off of G&S for a while and concentrating on other fourms here...doing games just isn't my thing right now. I'll still be around, just not that much as you'd see the regular players.
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Do you ever think shyness might be related to a chemical imbalance?[/COLOR]
  19. Same here, I barley have enough time to do games and stories anymore...maybe a monthly story would do good...
  20. So RAK is a revolving concept like Meteo?
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