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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Here in California, since I'm by the coast, it's windy...plus lately there's been these strange electrical storms, but no rain, just thunder and lightning...
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell pushes himself out of his own imprint made on the hull of the APC and looks at Artoni staring through the window. He gives an okay sign and flyes off to catch up with Siren.[/i] Outlaw: *Looks at the dent in the wall* Geezzz... Artoni: That's mah boy...:D I can't believe I just said that...*Turns ship around and boosts back to Meteo City.* Outlaw: *Opens up the roof hatch* If we're going to cross all these people, might was well make the best of my Caster...*Jumps out and stands on the roof, firing away and creating gigantic craters out of the large stream-like armada of soldiers.*[/COLOR]
  3. Oh well, hey, have you noticed some of the people still on the chart arent showing up?
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell returned to the ground and engaged in some hand-to-hand combat with some of the biowarriors, throwing charged punches throughout.... Siren: Heads up...*Looks in the direction of the rising sun* Trell: Huh? *Sees a flash of light* Could it be? Artoni: Trell's in trouble! Outlaw: How do you know? Artoni: *Gets into APC with Outlaw and launches in the direction of Trell and Siren.* Raynor....[/COLOR]
  5. Creator's Note: [COLOR=darkblue]Since this story's been going on for quite sometime, it seems to be lacking something I couldn't possibly make up for now that so much has happened...so I'm deciding whether or not to finish this. I mean, it's been a great piece of work that I've put a quite some time into, trying to continue Mei Rishin's precious concept...I need some feedback, if there's anyone out there looking at this story still...[/COLOR] :(
  6. Wow, breaking up and getting back together at a later date, I envy you...that's a really mature and tough decision to make...
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: This is insane...*Shoots up and starts firing wildly at the biotroopers.* Siren: You'd better believe it. *Morphs into dragon and sprays field with white flames, obliterating the radius* Artoni: Good work...*Takes sniper rifle and picks off a few tank pushers* Trell: *Flys up into air and lays down cover fire for Outlaw.* Outlaw: *Fires Caster, disabling a tank and sending a few troopers to hell.* Trell: F-k! *Looks around the wave of troops coming from the horizion* Where's the end to all of this? *Charges up and speeds out* Artoni: *Looks up at Trell moving away from the group* The hell is he doing? Trell! Siren: I'll go after him *Chases Trell, launching fireballs as she storms through the path.*[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE]ok now who would be the person youd marry?[/QUOTE] I guess Raiha....
  9. Yeah, you too wilma...as to your question... I'd say that 'sexy' is, like what mornigndew said, very,very attractive. Though I'd give up my virginity to the person I marry...
  10. Hmm, looks like they already have a Mp3 decoder in the works "Ministry of Sound Interactive Edition." Lets you use your MP3 CD's to play with the graphics rotating in the background as visualization apps. Nice party tool
  11. Heh, I wasn't too happy neither when I found out a certain someone was doing that behind my back....but I'll put it to rest.
  12. I'll have to admit to doing that too...in the 5th grade...which was about...7 years ago... it was fun at first, but then I realized it was just like those sex chat things on the phone...but for free... But now it's a bit stupid I guess...and you never know who you're actually cybering with...Hey it might just be a member of the similar sex you're cybering with for all you know.
  13. ...Though I really wish PS2 had support for other applications like deafault MP3 playback, Anti-Aliasing, and multi-region DVD/VCD support...The hard drive doesn't really do wonders yet. I've seen Playonline for PS2 active in broadband Japan...it just has so many features when coupled with a mouse and Keyboard, its a bit indescribable..."Wow!"
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]This kind of bothered me a few months ago...but... What do you think about "Cybering?"[/COLOR]
  15. Since the timing for the vote off was a bit off...how will the 5th vote off go?
  16. I think what would have made the game better was if they continued the story after they made it out of the castle...or actually made the story a bit clearer...
  17. I dunno, some people define it as comfort sex...the person or both partners are sad because of something that happened and they turn to each other for strength and comfort...it's amazing and yet, mysterious...
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell stares out the window as the transport flys off in the direction of Raynor's army, wondering about his future wife and current daughter and if he'll be able to see them again. Artoni puts the ship on Autopilot and gets out of her seat to gear up. She notices Trell in a bit of distress and sits next to him for comfort. "How you holding up?" "I'm alright, just thinking about Valik..." "I know she's on a diffrent ship, on a diffrent mission. But the teams were balanced out so we have greater chances of making it back in one piece." Trell looks at Artoni, shouldering his rifle. "You think we can take all those biotroppers on?" Siren smacks Trell on the head with her pistol. "Don't go negative on me now brother. We'll make it out, but we need you 100%, no less than that!" Trell says silent... Outlaw tries to boost Trell's morale, "You have a wife and kid waiting for you after all of this is over...don't you want to see them live out their days happy?" Trell straigtens up and responds positivley, "I'll do it for them, if not for anyone else in the world important to me." "That's the spirit!" Siren pats Trell on the back. Artoni looks forward at the dark spiral of light. "Moment of truth...get ready." [i]Trell, Artoni, Siren, and Outlaw line up near the hatch as the APC lands and the doors open in the middle of the desert. They find their positons in the dunes on the outskirts of Meteo City. They charge up, all except for Outlaw who packs and locks in his Caster. They watch in wait for a good portion of Raynor's troops to pass by before engaging them...[/i][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]1. Just my partner and me... 2. Can't give you any insight on that since I'm a virgin...and still, it's something special that only two people should know all the details to in complete secrecy.[/COLOR] This question's been running through my mind... [i]Do you think it's right for two people to engage in sex after experiencing a tragedy such as 9/11?[/i]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm from California...which is in the U.S.A. Lived there all my life and don't know too many people on the boards who are from the same state...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Usually I just work out in my school's weight room...they ususally play whatever music you want them to so I go for Rap and Metal to get rid of my stress and anger. If not then there's always those nice drives, on tarmac for me cause I don't have no AWD Subaru :p ... If those two aren't options, then I can always go to my best friend for help...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]I don't think too many people would go through puberty at age 10 or 11 would they? Then again, I've been hearing all this stuff about that stage hitting eariler and eariler in a child's life and they start questioning what's happening to their body which is a bit sad since its basically them loosing their childhood and innocence and just plain growing up too fast.[/COLOR]
  23. [b][QUOTE]1.Should sex be rough? 2.Should preteens have oral sex? (even 10 year olds know how knowadays)[/QUOTE] [/b] Not the first time, no way for me anyway...the first time for someone should be very special 'cause you're giving away a part of you to someone you really love and it should be done in the most gentle way possible. But if the couple is willing and comfortable with each other...then yeah, I guess... Again, I think not...it'll probably be the psychological damage that'll hurt the child more than anything.
  24. That game does Rock! It perfectly matches with the ambience of the PS2 system. Though it is a bit short in playtime, it's a must play! BTW: Yorda's blind right?
  25. I agree, even on 56K it feels like I'm at posting at school (T3).
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