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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Siren looks over Trell's shoulder and notices a group of Occult...[/i] Siren: Sh-t! Trell, you chose a bad place to talk serious... Trell: Huh? *Looks around* You think they would recongnize us? Siren: Never know...just cover your face... Trell: Don't be paranoid...*Sits next to Siren on the couch and turns around to face her closely* Siren: What are you doing? Trell: Saving ourselves, they're armed.... Siren: What should we do now? Trell: They're here probably just to relax... [i]Siren and Trell both look out the window, trying to conceal their faces from the group.[/i] Siren: So about Valik...why are you so glum? Trell: I don't know... Siren: She hasn't changed... Trell: No, what I meant was: She's not being the person I expected her to be... Siren: What do you expect of her anyway? Trell: *Sigh* Just for her to be with me when I need her...I don't wanna ask her though. Siren: Why not? Trell: She won't be the real her then... Siren: Exactly the opposite of you? Trell: *Nods* Siren: Then how in the world are you supposed to be happy if this doesn't get fixed? Trell: *Gets up* I need a way to tell her... Siren: *Gets up* Straight up! [i]Half of the club turns around...[/i] Siren: Oops... Trell: Let's go... [i]They step out into the balcony and take a look at the starts before finally taking flight[/i][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Siren and Trell find a secluded spot in the hall and sit down to the smooth music of "Rural 8"[/i] Siren: The music...it swings! Trell: You've never heard it before? Siren: Nope...anyway's back to what we were talking about... Trell: Valik...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell splits up with Outlaw and Cloud and heads up to the 3rd floor. He walks out into the balcony and looks around for flying Siren...[/i] Siren: There you are! Trell: Hurry up before someone sees you! [i]Trell catches Siren as she drops down from the sky. The head inside the nightclub...[/i][/COLOR]
  4. I'm not really into House...Trance is a lot more "dream-like" than House which is more solid. I only listen to it when I get tired of guitars pumping...or hearing too much hip-hop flows.
  5. I think the original creater was Will2x...followed up by MysticBabe, KakarotSSJ4, then Mystros (sp?)...
  6. [i] After a coule hours of walking...[/i] [COLOR=darkblue]Sky: We're almost there... Siren: Fresh food, fresh water! Zero: Finally![/COLOR] :tasty:
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell and Siren get out of the 911 in black leather jackets and slacks. They meet up with Outlaw and Cloud and go to the entrance to check in with the bouncer nearby...[/i] Siren: Did you happen to register me? Trell: I'll make a up a good excuse...just try and look revealing. Siren: I don't do that... Trell: That's okay... Outlaw and Clousd check in and they are let inside. The bouncer stops Trell and Siren. Trell: This is my sister... Bouncer: Sorry, you gotta register with the guest list before she can enter... Trell: Okay...*Psst* (Just fly up to the Jazz floor's balcony...) Siren: Got it... Bouncer: You gonna leave your sister all alone like that? Trell: No...*Throws the car keys to Siren* Siren: *Walks off* Trell: Are you going to let me in or not? Bouncer: Sorry...*Lets Trell through*[/COLOR]
  8. Sky: Okay..maybe we should stop and rest for a while. [i]The three look up at the cloud hovering nearby.[/i] Siren: On second thought...we should keep going. [i]They start their moderatly long trek towards the town...[/i] Sky: Oh yeah, did you happen to catch the name of the town?
  9. The rave party... [size=1]OOC: It has come to my attention that the last one sentence game was closed...I recommend finishing up soon and letting it drop down the list...[/size]
  10. Reached the sun, which he also ate but exploded in a supernova, resulting in a...
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Siren: Good job...if you wanna go on ahead with Dark...we'll just catch up with you later...[/COLOR]
  12. Wreck havoc on the chocolate kingdom...luckily...
  13. He took some Prozac and St. Johns Wort, which....
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Sky: We could try and get or find the next town...we're in dire need of supplies... Siren: Which way do we go though? Zero: Well, since I have Dark with me, I'll go scout around...[/COLOR]
  15. Jumped on his fur...like fleas, the million muffins...
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The three saftley land on a calm grassland...[/i] Sky: So where are we now? Siren: *Takes a look around*[/COLOR]
  17. [i] The three make their way out of the castle as Rane follows them at demonic speed.[/i] Sky: *Looks back* What's going on? Siren: Let's hope your bahamut can take us to safety! Zero: No problem...*Signals Bahamut* Sky: Let's do this! [i]The three run off the edge of the cloud and take a shouting leap of faith. Bahamut catches them in time and flys away...[/i]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Cloud: *Looks at all three of them* That was a bit confusing...shall we go now...? Outlaw: Let's go...*Looks at Siren and gets into his Ferarri* Cloud: *Gets inside and shuts door* What's up? Outlaw: *Starts engine* I'm not sure...but I can see it in Siren's eyes that something's not right... Trell: *Gets into his new Porche 911Turbo parked inside the garage* Siren: So you're actually gonna do it huh? Trell: Do what?! Siren: Abandon Valik... Trell: I'm not abandoning her... Siren: Then why are you going to Club Wild...? Trell: I need some time to think...and relax... Siren: Yes, in front of Go-go dancers and cage whores!? Trell: Not that floor! I'm going up to the 3rd which is a jazz midnight club, Cloud and Outlaw are hitting up the 1st and 2nd ones which are high energy, I can't concentrate there. Siren: *Calms down* Oh...From the details Outlaw gave me... Trell: You thought I was gonna cheat on Valik? *Smiles* Don't be silly like that... Siren: Brother, always with the surprises...*Slaps Trell* Trell: Let's catch up with Outlaw and Cloud... [i]Trell shifts into gear and speeds away...they catch up with Outlaw's Ferarri, side by side. Outlaw kicks the car into high RPM, speeding down highway 12 at 170. Trell shifts down, causing the 911's turbo to kick in to match his speed. They race down the highway for 15 minutes before finally coming to the sharp junction where they take the corner at 50 before finally reaching the club which is moderatley packed...[/i][/COLOR]
  19. It has begun...:) Hope the story fares well...
  20. Sega announced it a couple days ago or something at the latest videogame confrence...The Dremcast version of Shenmue 2 has been cancelled and being released on the X-Box, which means tons of dismay to eager Dreamcast fans.
  21. It does look strikingly similar to the DC's controller, and that right analog/camera stick is a little suspicious also. But I agree, it is quite comfortable when I sampled it at my nearby EB.
  22. I think the magic of Mario will hit again just like it did with the N64 and the original nintendo...I'm not sure if it will be an influential game as Mario 64 was when it reinvented the 3d platforming genre...but it looks very promising.
  23. Sorry I took so long...Real Life duties had to take care of...I'll start now...
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