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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. New story...er, add-on report? Its a new fic called: > "The Silence and the Motion" I'm trying out a new style to where there's less action and more emotion... In the Games and Stories fourm...check it out, we need more females to join in on the games, just my opinion...cause Raiha's there all alone with the guys ;) Some more ladies are joining up in the stories like StormWing, MysticPan, and mornigndew. I'm sure there's a few more that I didn't mention...I really enjoy everyone's creativity there...one of the many things that makes Otakuboards unique. :D
  2. Try to get to 500...but please, post responsibly...
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]This is a nice lineup :D Stormwing, you can have a Caster...but it can't cause mass destruction... Losta shy people here? ;) Okay, I'll fill you in on the story I made up just right now based on the profiles...before we start...this'll let other people to join in at the last minute if they want to... [i]2912 A.D. After the Apocalyptic Destruction war 7 years ago most of earth's giant cities are gone, half of the population is gone. But the world repairs itself and a type of eerie silence reigns over the world, silent marshes, forests, seas, and grass lands with the most basic of life. Most of us humans are now disbanded, seperated becuase of the lingering numbers and mistrust...we live our own life, they way we want it to be...yet, we can't help but reach out to anyone else that passes by... "It's the Loneliness, that's the killer" ~ATB[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The building folds back to it's original position...[/i] Outlaw: Well...I guess the occult did do some good to this city, even though its completley wired for no privacy. Janus: Is that all you've got!? *Transfers some of his own energy into his launcher and fires at Outlaw...* Outlaw: Not the car! *Fires his caster again, with good aim, and the two projectiles collide in midair.* Cloud: One ????: Two Cloud and ?????: Three! [i]Trell flys out of a corner of a building and shoulder charges Janus. Cloud also does at the same time on the opposite side. They collide with Janus, sending him forward and up from such a huge impact.[/i] Trell: I like doing that...reminds me of football. Cloud: That old sport? That's like 1000 years old... Trell: I know *Takes out his MAG rifle and starts laying down fire as Outlaw gets ready for another shot* Outlaw: *Marksman style targeting, Outlaw fires a high concentration or energy from his Caster, in launches with a huge explosion, pushing him back a bit, careful to not let go of his precious gun* Janus: Nice try *Dodges energy ball* Trell: Oh no you don't *Charges shield to full strength and rams Janus in the path of the fireball* Janus: Ughaaaaa!!! *A bright light engulfs Janus* Outlaw: *Kisses caster* Sweet baby, you've never proven me wrong ;) [/COLOR]
  5. It's nearly the end of the day and the votes haven't changed...tomorrow, if a miracle doesn't happen...we'll have to say goodbye to you...:(
  6. Siren: Yes, I remember you...Rane...! [i]Gets trapped in a psionic field[/i] Rane: Big mistake....:devil: Sky: Gah! He's powerful *Draws guns a begins firing* [i]Field absorbs dark matter bullets[/i] Rane: It's no use! Zero: This can't be!
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Miluska notices the needle as it goes into her body and the liquid is pushed in...[/i] Miluska: So you're actually gonna go through with it? Siren: Yeah...*Takes the needle out* UGh! Miluska: What's gonna happen to you.. Siren: Slowly, but surley, I'll be what I truly am...a dragon. Miluska: Like Trell? Siren: Yes...but I'll be able to do so much more... Miluska: I see...*Looks down and sees a shiny silver car going at high speeds through the highway...* Siren: That Outlaw? Miluska: Cloud's there too! Siren: I wonder where' they're going ? *Looks at dark light in the sky* I just had to ask....[/COLOR]
  8. I'm not an expert on weapons, but umm...I guess I'll give you an M16...
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm experimenting with Stories concentrated more on the drama and humor than the action...I'm trying to see how many people will actually join and if there'll be a good mix of men and women participants...anybody interested? I'll check back later. Just state your name, age, short personality description, and weapon of choice. I'll just be myself here... if a good balance of people join, I'll fill you in on more details of the story I have in mind based in the near future...[/COLOR] [i] Name: Rico Tranzrig Age: 17 Persona: Quiet and Shy at times. Weapon of Choice: MAG rifle[/i]
  10. Yeah...a friend of mine has a Japanese PS2 and imports the games...then I have the U.S. demo packaged with Code Veronica X...I haven't beaten the japanese version but I know you do get ranked at the end to a harsher extent, and the bosses are huge!
  11. Sweet :D The one on the right looks interesting...the one on the left is the color I want my GCN to look like. :)
  12. I think she needs comfort and support right now...you could put it that you may be her life saver that she holds on to, to keep her from drowning...I'm treading my own deep waters right now so I know how she might feel. It hasn't happened to me yet and I hope it doesn't...but if it does, I think I'd want to be with someone close just to cry and let my emotions out without feeling ashamed...
  13. Heh, that means I'll get interviewed sometime in the near future...my PM box is always open to anyone...
  14. Another day starts now...let the votes continue...hopefully..
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell walks to the temporary quarters Valik, and Miluska are staying at. He recieves a transmission from Artoni[/i] Artoni: Trell, we need your help...come to the cooridinates I'm giving you right now and bring some gear...You'll need it. Trell: What's going on? Artoni: I'll explain when you get here...Artoni out! *End* [i]Before Trell leaves, he pays a quick visit to Miluska and Valik.[/i][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]All three are sitting in a circle when the BN comes out from the nurses station and sits with them...unstrapped[/i] BN: Now...what would you like to discuss today? W_D: Wahhhh....*Dizzy* BN: Anyone else? *Takes out "the black book"* Rico: What's that black book for? BN: I use it to keep log of all our meeings... Sia: Yeah right! You only use it so you can report to the others that we're much crazier. BN: That's right Mr. Sia...:devil: Rico: *Spits on BN* You make me sick! BN: *Spit gets absorbed by her special cotton dress* I know...and you can't do anything about it...boys? Bodyguard: *Takes Rico away* Rico: Nooooo!!!!*Gets locked in the Seclusion room* BN: Now, as for the rest of you...would you like to tell me your problems...or shall we do this the hard way...?[/COLOR] :angel: [i]Will Sia and W_D have to lie their way out of this situation by telling the Big Nurse deep dark secrets they never had? Or will they swallow their fear and refuse? When will Rico be let out of that dark, pee smelling room?[/i]
  17. WD went through some kind of transformation...er was she like that all along?
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Artoni looks up as Janus flys up into the day sky...[/i] Artoni: :flaming: Outlaw: Cool it...he can't damage any of the buildings...some type of indestrucable alloy... Cloud: But the people... Artoni: *Radios in to LiveWire* All citizens, evacuate to your homes and nearby shelters... Outlaw: There...it shouldn't take long before the city turns into a ghost town again... Cloud: I guess this is why the citizens are mad at us...we've turned the city into a battlefield... Artoni: We had no choice...I guess this place is some kind of magnet for trouble, in a metaphoric sense. Outlaw: We need the team here...Sage, Miluska, Trell, Siren, and Valik... Artoni: *Gets on the radio* I'll go tell em...[/COLOR]
  19. I also don't like the fact that sometimes I can't get on...but I think that's getting fixed...or is it my computer...?
  20. Members? You can look at the member count on the main screen of the boards...
  21. Vote counts are now rising...DBZMan and Raiha are now tied for 3rd place...
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Bodyguard: Move along! *Pushes Rico out back into the sitting area* Rico: What am I supposed to do here? Bodyguard: SIT! *Forces Rico onto the chair and straps him down* Rico: This isn't fair! *Feels wasted* Oh man...*Sways around* This can't be good...:sleep: Sia: What!? Me too!? *Dizzy and gets strapped down with Rico* Big Nurse: [/COLOR] :devil:
  23. Artoni: *Computers report hostpital explosion* Holy! Outlaw: What's up? Artoni: We gotta get over to the hospital Charlie's staying at right now! Cloud: *Rolls chair back* Huh? Outlaw: We're going for a little trip.... [i]They gear up with medium armament, load the dropship with combat supplies and go...[/i] Artoni: I'll fill you in...*Turns onboard monitor* An explosion has occured at the hospital where Charlie is staying at...Reports are coming in that someone's preventing the Resuce team from getting past the rubble. Outlaw: I could only guess who that is... Cloud: It's gotta be Cyo... [i]They near what is left of the hospital and notice the dark energy signature...and man with the launcher...[/i] All: Charlie! :eek:
  24. Cool... [i]All is well within the mental ward...until the Big Nurse and her three bodyguards walk in...[/i] Big Nurse: Medication time, medication time... *She starts playing opera music through the loudspeaker and she is protected by a large bullet proof glass...* Rico: Oh no....not again...*Walks over to the nurses station to receive the "red pill..."
  25. HUH? Where'd that come from?
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