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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. RicoTranzrig


    [COLOR=darkblue]I take a liking to this band...I heard their samples in the intermissions of loveline on the radio. Someone said they were a good mix of Deftones and Blink 182 styles. I think their single is "What it is to burn." Great vocals and well placed screams.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Sweet! I'm trying to get 100% under 2 hours in Fusion...I got 100% in 6 hours and the ending picture of Samus was very....interesting in that one :whoops: [/COLOR]
  3. [color=darkblue]Hmm, both examples that you used, severous, were both PS2 games...I think it might better suite the Sony section. I guess game of the year for each category...:whoops: But you're free to include games for other platforms as well.[/color]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Though I haven't been on much, there are a lot of people who've helped me out or just really had nice conversations with. There's [b]BabyGirl[/b] for giving me a warm welcome when I first signed on a long while back. Umm, [b]James[/b] for understanding some of my rough times during my moderating and not booting me. [b]Endymon[/b] for being a true friend IRL and fun to hang with. [b]Raiha[/b] for loving me to death and staying with me... edit: There's also [b]Raquel[/b] or Siren for sticking with the bad rpg's that I've made. Even though they're not here anymore, [b]Seress[/b] for all those nice morning chats during my winter depression. And... [b]Undying Angel[/b] for celebrating new years online at watching the same TV shows talking about them on AIM at the same time. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Some of the recommendations listed I double on...especially Chrono Trigger, if you can find it. Super Mario RPG is really good too along with Gradius 3 (a great side-shooter).[/COLOR]
  6. [color=darkblue]Of course, If members really want to help...probably the best way to do it is to use the "Report this post to a moderator" button by the actual offending post.[/color]
  7. Expect it to be out January of '03. It looks promising but I don't have the cold facts about this game.
  8. Oh, dear...lol :D ~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue] Hurt through force, Making men and women into things. Being born, To suffer violence. Housing a life In a living corpse. Pushed, we fall. Fallen, we lie where we are. Immune to galvanic response, Unaffected by another presence. Shattered and exposed, Is the armor of the single soul. Releasing what's gone, It cannot be captured back. Though unambiguous, No room for reflection. Misery, Precursor of Love. Master and slave Stand equally innocent, As brothers and sisters In the same distress. [/COLOR]
  9. The latest one out is a very potent and easy to use 2D RPG development kit...it looks a lot like Final Fantasy 5 in terms of graphics with a 1st person battle system, though I heard this was changable. Personally, I prefer the PC version because you have more options for importing things like music and FMV.
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]I've heard people say they like me, but I never really pursued anything other than friendship, with the exception of the person I'm with...but that's a long story. If you're wondering before they even tell you that they really like you, they'll spend some time with you and, later little on, the flirting begins...much like what Foredaddy and genkai said. :whoops: Mixed signals are hard though...so it has to be an mutual thing of taking initiative before it turns into that (hope that made sense).[/COLOR]
  11. Tekken Tag, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, and Virtua Fighter 4 are the fighting games in my small PS2 collection and they're all great games with their own style. And for the RPG department, Final Fantasy 10, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Kingom Hearts are the only ones I have and they're worth the money to get. Well, maybe you should test out some of these games at a local video game store to see if they suite your tastes.
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]I sorta know how you feel... My mom used to drink every time she came home from work (this was about 6 or 7 years ago). At that point, I really had a tough time in school since I wasn't really the ideal student back then. So it was really tough to hear what she had to say the first time my performance started to slump. And then to remind me that I'm going to be a failure every now and then...no real emotional support, and she'd really make me feel bad if I did something wrong or said something that she didn't like. Then I stopped talking to her for a while, which wasn't the best course of action. The most she'd get out of me at that time was a simple yes or no or a really harsh response, which happened to be a dead silence. A few weeks passed. When she was driving me to school, she blew up in my face, crying, saying that I had no respect for her and other things. I tried to calm down and I asked something like, "Why do you think it's this way?" And left, going about my normal day. From that point on, I haven't seen a bottle of liquor in the 'fridge since...and my mom's been a bit more tolerable...I think my dad had a talk with her too. Alcoholism can really damage people in tons of ways...it's hard to deal with but the person has to sober up and think about what they're doing...[/COLOR]
  13. I got Metroid Fusion today...and I have to say it's very sweet :whoops: There's that same mild creepiness found in Super Metroid. Nice static cutscenes to look forward to... BTW: This game is very, very addicting...
  14. Last time we talked about this, we didn't really get too much in depth. With it out now and later on for the PC in Q1 of 2003...it should be a good thing for X-box owners who weren't truly satisfied with MGS2: Substance.
  15. That's very odd...bras don't really serve a purpose until the teenage years when the development of the body begins to kick in. Toddlers don't need to assert themselves in that way...
  16. [color=darkblue]Well, you already know this but... "Know that I love you and I await for you to tell me the real story over the candlelight once it's over. No matter what the outcome, just let go and I'll be there to catch you and hold you until you wake up from this nightmare."[/color]
  17. I'm going to say the people who voiced in the Legacy of Kain series, preferably Soul Reaver 1 and 2...I forgot most of their names, but I have to say they were really top notch during the sequences.
  18. I don't mind at all...I think it'll encourage new people to become a part of the community faster. And offering My Otaku as a easy hand guide will prove very useful instead of laying out the FAQ or rules all in one page. (If it's going to be designed that way...)
  19. [Color=darkblue]It's her decision if she wants to stay or not, but get it to her head that if she's not being treated right, then there's no point to be with that person. It would be better for her to get some time off with a friend to think things through.[/color]
  20. Well, to my understanding, FF 6 comes with FF 5 and a average music CD featuring selected songs from the two games (FF Antholigies). They nearly identical to their SNES counterparts except for the fact that there's FMV at the beginning and the end, the load times of a CD (not too bad), and a few extras you can unlock. Storywise, they're both very strong. If you can get really into FF 6, it's somewhat of a tear-jerker at times. It'll last you around 17 hours, maybe more. The battle system of FF 5 is a bit more complex than FF 6's, but FF 6 has more playable characters and you can completely customize your party, even the main character (whoever that might be).
  21. [color=darkblue]I always initial my edits (usually for bad language) with ~R.T. and a dark blue font because my name doesn't show up on the bottom when the need for editing arises. Strange...maybe someone could look into that... [/color]
  22. Hmm, I'm not sure if this'll work without a password (b/c I'm on a school server right now) but you can try going to this database. [URL=http://0-web6.infotrac.galegroup.com.library.csuhayward.edu/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_EAIM?sw_aep=csuh_main]InfoTrac[/URL] If it works, I'm sure there's a few articles on Bach and music theory.
  23. Why not go to your public library? The book stacks there have much more relevant information than internet sources.
  24. Well, being in magazines...I used to write to EGM a lot and my letters get published (I go as different names). Then PSM filmed the prescreening of Kingdom Hearts at the Metreon in San Francisco...they interviewed a lot of the people waiting in line, I wonder if my opinions made it through the CD or magazine. It's definately a profession that I'm thinking of taking up later on in life when I get better at writing articles.
  25. Look no further than [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=13377&highlight=xenogears][u][b]here[/b][/u][/URL] and you'll see that a lot of us agree with you.
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