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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell stops the car and gets out. He look at the massive vortex forming over Meteo City...[/i] Valik: Trell? What's happening? Trell: (This can't be...) Siren, can I have your Crystal? Siren: Why? *Clutches it in her hand* Trell: No time to explain...*Extends hand* Miluska: Dad? Trell: I never meant to cause anyone trouble... Siren: *Gives crystal to Trell* Valik: Trell...what are you saying? [i]Trell puts the crystal around his neck, charges his energy field, now stronger than ever. He looks at the vortex and flies direclty into it.[/i] Miluska: DAD! Siren: ... Valik: Do you know what's going on? Siren: *Looks at Trell's fading energy signature* ... Miluska: Siren! *Starts crying* Siren: He's leaving... Raynor: *Looks at Trell* What are you doing here? Trell: I came to take care of buisness... Raynor: What are you talking about? Trell: Stop Flash for all of us... [i]The energy field around Trell moves to his back and forms two blue wings, extending to the sky. Trell moves toward the vortex and the energy follows him. A bolt of plasma comes through the vortex and hits Trell...[/i] Trell: Valik...Miluska...everyone... [i]Back on the streets of Meteo City...[/i] Siren: That crystal...it's a family heirloom, only in times of great trouble is it used, by the oldest surviving member. Valik: Trell...don't do this... Trell: *Telepathically* I have to... Raynor: *Throws an energy sphere towards Trell* Trell: Don't do this! *Ignites and reflects sphere* Raynor: *Shields himself* [i]Trell throws himself inside the vortex with great force, his energy is engulfed with it. The vortex closes...daylight returns...and Trell is nowhere to be found...[/i][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]How about CD compilations like FF: Pray, FF8: Symphonic suite, or FF: 1989-1994? there's a ton of 'em...which one do you think is the best[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]What do you think is the best soundtrack ever in the series? Including special compilations and other FF CD's...[/COLOR]
  4. I would say WWII...but I know there's something wrong with that one too.
  5. Sky: It has bee a couple years since you've been here... [i]They see the swarm of dragons in the air...they cast down their flares...[/i] Siren: Run!
  6. I think I'll stay peaceful for now...
  7. Krillin, that's a real good idea..it'll give you time to see if the girl's worth it or not.:)
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell, Valik, Miluska, and Siren get into the M5, shift into gear and speed away[/i] Valik: *Accesses car's database* Okay...just follow the map... Miluska: *Looks outside.* It's dark... Siren: Look! *Points at large shadowy figure in sky* Trell: What? I can't believe it...it's Valik: Cyo... [i]They find the straightaway to the building Charlie's motorcycle and kick the engine into high RPM...[/i][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Artoni approaches the figure...the smoke clears :eek:!!!! A Masked Occult....[/i] Artoni: Ahhh!!! *Fires her magnum, repeated shots* [i]Meanwhile, back in the command center, Trell accesses the LiveWire system and check out the log files of Artoni and Charlie.[/i] Trell: Interesting... Valik: What is it? Trell: They left this morning...and Charlies' motorcycle seems to be nearby...just a couple minutes away. Miluska: We going to find 'Toni and Charlie? Trell: Yeah... Siren: *Looks out window at Globtech Building* There's fighting...*Looks at the cafe nearby* It's totaled, but resuce teams are there... Trell: *Accesses resuce team log files* Some injuries...and there's a massive energy signature being detected...but supression teams can't get into the building. Valik: Well, let them take care of it...download the coordinates of Charlie's bike. Trell: *Downloads files* Done...they should be in the car... Miluska: Long elevator ride again? Siren: Yeah...I'll give you some pliers... Trell: We might wanna suit up...they must be in some kind of trouble. [i]They go into the supply room and get into their combat gear, tough cotton suits each armed with a H&K Pistol.[/i] Valik: *Locks in pistol* Let's go... Miluska: Right! [i]They board the elevator and head back down to the parking garage..[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell crouches and finds the control panel for the elevator. He opens it and disconnects the speaker...[/i] Valik: Smart man :) Miluska: How much longer? Trell: Beats me...probably a couple minutes...it is a 200 story building... Valik: Who rebuilt this place anyway. Siren: Rumor from the resturant has it that a large group of people just came out of the access ports underground and started rebuilding... Valik: Occult? Trell: That would explain that sewer deal a long time ago. Miluska: Occult? Valik: Long story...don't worry about it now. Siren: The masked men... [i]The elevator reaches the top floor where the command center is. The doors open and they walk through the computer filled room...[/i][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The M5 speeds down highway 10, circling the Centeral complex...[/i] Trell: Siren, don't use it unless you really, really have to. Siren: I know that...*Looks at Miluska* Miluska: What? Siren: Nothing *looks at giant park as they pass it by* Valik: Hey, that park...I can't believe they restored it...it's protected by an energy shield too. :) Trell: Maybe we can go there later. [i]Trell finds the access road to the underground parking lot and pulls in...[/i] Siren: Maybe we can get some straight data of what's going on... Valik: Hopefully, we can find Artoni and Charlie fooling around...better that then in trouble. [i]They park near the elevator and get out...[/i][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Back down at the resturant, Valik and Trell look up at the battle on the top of the GlobeTech building...Chairs outside are scattered throughout the streets from the impact of Raynor landing...[/i] Trell: Holy...was that just Raynor? Valik: *Looks up at energy field in the sky* It looks like it...Flash also...something really wrong... Trell: We can't do anything about it now...its their fight... Valik: *Runs into resturant, nearly destroyed...* We need a clearout team here. There's a few injured people here. Siren: *Throws over table* What was that? Miluska: *Peeks behind Siren* Raynor? Valik: Yeah...*Picks up Miluska* We have a rescue team coming. Trell: *Runs to M5 and accesses computer and notifies the Meteo City rescue team.* They should respond quickly... Valik: Trell, you call them? Trell: Yeah...we should go. [i]Miluska, Valik, and Siren get into the M5 and speed away towards the Centeral Complex to look for Artoni and Charlie...[/i][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell and Valik get out of the car and hold hands.[/i] Trell: *Locks car* Cold...tonight... Valik: I'm glad we get to spend the night together... Miluska: Mom! Hurry up! Valik: You two go on ahead and order! Siren: ;) Okay! [i]Siren and Miluska walk in the resturant...[/i] Trell: *Stands by car and stares into Valik's eyes* Valik: *Hugs Trell* Trell: *Rests his head on her shoulder* Huh? *Looks up* [i]Flashes of light come from the top floors of the GloboTech building...[/i] Valik: *Turns around* Strange...[/COLOR]
  14. Whoa...I didn't even notice that...*looks back* :eek:
  15. I've asked girls out many times...but I never ended up in a serious relationship...yeah, Jeff's right "I'm looking for personality" is a load of bull. It's nice though....the girl that I love, I didn't even ask her...it just happened...she is hot ;) but I love her personality As for advice: Go ahead and ask her out, be cool about it and make sure you're really serious about asking her out, not getting into a relationship...that'll happen later when you know she's the right person.
  16. Hmmm.....really unpredictable...last time I had no votes, now I'm trailing the leader...
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell pulls out a picture of Artoni from club Skylax wearing a long black leather trench coat and leather pants with tight black T-shirt.[/i] Miluska: That's 'Toni!? Trell: Cool huh? Miluska: Can I dress like her then? Trell: You'll be a lot warmer...little dragon. ;) Miluska: Cool! *Gets out of car with Siren* Valik: Problem solved... Trell: We'll order to go and then look around for Artoni and Charlie...where could they be? Valik: Not sure...but what do they serve here anyway? Trell: Italian cuisine... Valik: :tasty:[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Get in ladies...Miluska has the front seat. Miluska: :D *Rolls down window and looks out car* Nice, black, pretty. Valik: Black? Pretty? Miluska: Ummm...elegant ;) Trell: Much better...*Starts up engine* Siren: Hold on...*Gets in car and straps on 5 point seatbelt* [i]Trell shifts into gear and they speed away on highway 10...[/i] Miluska: *Puts hand out of the open moon roof* Wheee! Fast![/COLOR]
  19. Yeah, one's enough for me.. Q: What does a gay man and an ambulance have in common? A: They both get "Loaded" from the rear and go "Woo-Hoo"!!!
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: *Tries to contact Artoni...* We're eating out... Miluska: Yay! Valik: Where to? Trell: Cafe ala Schacla...the we'll head over to Centeral Meteo City to look for Artoni...she's not responding. Miluska: I don't feel anything wrong... Valik: *Runs into room and shuts the door* I'll be right back... Trell: I'll go warm up the M5...let's go Milu. Miluska: *Holds onto Trell's hand* Okay :D [i]The walk out of the apartment, keys in hand...[/i] Trell: I love these nights out...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell turns on the main computer terminal[/i] ACCESSING LIVEWIRE.NET....DONE...LISTING TOP UPDATES... [i]"Genetics Company Opens Today!"[/i] Siren: Interesting...you don't think it has anything to do with the cloning complex? Trell: Not sure... Miluska: Raynor! [i]Small clip of Raynor appears on the screen...[/i] Trell: What the?? Siren: He doesn't seem like Raynor...so he did survive...[/COLOR]
  22. [i]Meanwhile, back in the Rural area of Meteo City, Artoni and Charlie are walking around the apartments in dark trench coats looking for Outlaw and Cloud...[/i] Artoni: You remember his addy? Charlie: We've never been to his place before so I'm not too sure... Artoni: *Takes a deep breath* OUTLAW!!! Charlie: Don't do that shhh! Artoni: How else can we find em... [i]A guy in his undershirt walks out of his apartment with a shotgun and fires...[/i] Artoni: Holy :eek: *Jumps up and clings to the wall* Charlie: Where'd you learn how to do that? *Takes out launcher* ????: Be Quiet! *Fires a couple more blasts* Charlie: *Starts strafeing across the hallway* Whoa man! Cool it! Artoni: Somethings up with him *Swings from pipe and drop kicks the guy.* Charlie: What's up with him? Artoni: I don't know *Straddles and disarms man, starts clubbing him with shotgun...* Charlie: Some kind of occult influence? Artoni: Proba-bly...*Picks up shotgun* Charlie: Too bad the police can't help us... Artoni: They're still getting setup...we better be careful... [i]Titanium alloy doors lock...[/i] Charlie: What's going on? *Sets launcher* Artoni: Keep on guard *Takes out pistol*
  23. All I remember is when the old dating game was fun
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