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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=green][i]Trell flys out of the roof of the building and finds a safe distance to eye the battle...[/i] Trell: Don't worry...it wasn't your fault. Miluska: *Crying* Trell: I hope mom can stun her without hurting Siren...poor kid...*Hides her head on his shoulder* You don't have to watch if you don't want to... [i]The battle commences...Wolf vs. Tiger...[/i] Siren: *Melts under the building and pops up under Valik, hurling gigantic spikes under her* Valik: Holy! :eek: *Rolls out of the way and jumps onto one of the AC units.* Siren: *Charges energy field and lunges forward with fangs straight out* Valik: Siren packs more punch than I can take... but I don't want to hurt her by going all out...[i]Trell...I need help...[/i] *Jumps out of the way and jumps on Siren's back.* Trell: I hear your mother...she needs my help... Miluska: ... Trell: I'll be right back...don't go anywhere. *Flys off to the battle.* Miluska: *Sniff...raises herself up and follows Trell.* [i]Trell engages his energy field and lifts Valik out of the way before Siren could counter...[/i] Valik: Thanks... Siren: *Howls at them* Trell: Hold her for me... Valik: Okay...I hope you know what you're doing... [i]Trell drops Valik back on the roof top as he continues to circle around the skyrise...[/i] Valik: *Dodges the dark-purple spikes thrown up by her shadow and lands successfully, in battle position.* Siren: *Lunges forward again* Valik: Torpor... *Turns back into human form and the energy around her enscapulates Siren, trapping her in a blue energy prison and causes her to go into a deep sleep.* Trell: There you are! *Catches Miluska* Miluska: Huh? No dad! I'm not going back...I wanna see Siren! Trell: That's what I was planning...*Smiles* [i]Trell carries Miluska to the rooftop and lands next to Siren...still in Wolf form...trying to escape the energy prison.[/i] Miluska: Siren! Trell: It's a lot safer this way... Miluska: ?? Valik: We're going to fight her Wolf side in the dream world...it's her turf so she'll be a lot more powerful. Trell: But, if we're successful in defeating Siren's Wolf half...only her other hybrid half will remain. Valik: She's half and half? Like Miluska? Trell: Yeah...I sensed something in the dream back at the cloning complex...she's half...dragon... Valik: Like you? Trell: Like me, only half...so Miluska and I going to have a major disadvantage in the battle with her knowing a dragon's attacks and avoiding them...but I'll pull through with all of us together. Miluska: Okay... Valik: I know you're scared... Miluska: I wanna help...*Determined look* Trell: Okay then...Valik? Valik: Ready? Miluska and Trell: Yeah... Valik: Torpor! *Energy radiates from her body and surrounds the three...they fall unconscious and enter the dream world where Siren's dark half is waiting...* [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Miluska: Siren...can I ask you a question? Siren: Go ahead, shoot... Miluska: Umm...where are you planning to go after the entire thing blows over? Siren: ....I - I never thought about that before... Miluska: Since you have nowhere else to go...It'd be great to have a big sister like you. Siren: Really? *Smiles* Miluska: Ya-hum! Siren: Would your parents like it? Miluska: Prob-ably, I think they'd be happy to adopt you. Siren: *Looks at Trell and Valik talking inside the aparment* Yeah...maybe... Miluska: *Looks at watch* It's still early...*raises up in the air* Wanna go around? Siren: Okay... Miluska: *Pokes head inside living room* Mom! Dad! I'm going to fly around with Siren! Valik: Umm..okay, be back @ 11 or I'll have your dad track you down. Trell: Huh? Miluska: Okay, B-y-e! *Jumps off of balcony* Siren: Whoa, you know this city by heart? *Follows her out* Miluska: Not really... [i]The two fly out into the cold sky of Meteo City, littered with lights and busy streets, it's hard to get lost here...especially with the moon so bright and full in the sky...[/i][/COLOR]
I was looking for any Otaku conventions in Cali and I stumbled onto theotaku.com...I didn't really want to join the boards yet until a friend from another board talked about it...took up interest...and now here I am.
[COLOR=darkblue]I'd Most likely be with Raiha for a long, long time :D...but for close friends I would like too keep in touch with...White Digivise, BabyGirl, Stormwing...[/COLOR]
c00l, 1m 93771n9 t43 h4n9 0f 17...50|274....
[COLOR=green]Siren: I see your surprise... Miluska: Oh, sorry...but you don't have to hide it anymore...we're all the same here. Siren: Not Trell...not you... Miluska: I know I may not have the ability to change forms like my mom, but I still possess the powers of her and my dad. Siren: I oversaw your birth...you were so small...now look at you, you're almost as old as I am. Miluska: ...*Smiles* Siren: You're lucky though...you didn't have to go through the same stuff I did.[/COLOR]
First off...you don't have to do what I tell you to...you have to decide for yourself what you want to do based on what me and others say. Okay, so you have a sort of triangle going on...you can't hide it cause it will get worse...I suggest bringing it out into the open and tell them, or her, how you feel...yeah I know it's old advice, but if they can't understand how you feel about everything, then they'll never know.
I think it'd be better if people with long siggys use the font=1 size if they wanna put their long text up.
FFX could be made on the PSone...but what improvments would there be in the techology? It'd most likely be a lot like FF8 in terms of graphics...and no voice overs? I've been waiting for that for a long time.
Hey, you never know...same thing with my ice in the freezer...it's hot over here...and the water supply isn't all that sanitary, even without the chemicals in the water.
I do not know what weapons WWIII will be fought with... But WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones...
[COLOR=green]Siren: No!!! *Breaks the link* Miluska: *Opens her eyes* Can't reach her... Trell: Maybe we should let her sleep on it...it's really tough having no family. Valik: Yeah, I know she feels... Trell: Hey, our parents abandoned us and left us Artoni to take. Valik: Where'd you get that from? Trell: Artoni...after you gave birth, she told me...everything. Valik: Is that why you were calling her mom? Trell: Yeah...*Looks out the window and sees Siren looking down.* Miluska: Dad...can I go talk to her face to face? Trell: Couldn't hurt...your almost as old as her...you'll understand each other better. [i]Miluska gets out of her chair and walks outside[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][i]Trell stops stuffing his face and looks out the window...[/i] Trell: I do feel something, diffrent... Siren: But we're in truce right now...until we figure out what the Occult is up to. Valik: True, I guess we don't have to worry too much... [i]They start digging into their plates of instant spaghetti. Siren looks up at Miluska.[/i] Siren: Why so quiet? Miluska: Just tired... Valik: Timid, just like her dad. Miluska: :) Siren: What a wonderful family. Trell: Thanks...hey, just wondering, how old are you? Siren: 16...how come? Valik: Where's your family? Siren: *Looks down* I- I have no family... Miluska: How come, Siren? Siren: They abandoned me...for having hybrid abilities when I was a baby...I used to be happy and fly all over. But the town didn't like it. So they left me in the middle of nowhere... Miluska: I'm sorry... Siren: Oh, it's alright...*Tears start to stream down her face...* Excuse me... [i]Siren gets up from her chair and walks out to the balcony...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][i]A dark shadow begins to move across the ground...Sky, riding Bane.[/i] Sky: Missed me? *Slowly pops out of Bane's shadow, pulls out his guns and fires at the stranger, killing him instantly.[/COLOR]
Eh, why not another...I like spoken words... "The closer you get, the farther apart you become..."
I own a Nikon F100...that camera cost me a fortune...but the lens cost even more which I will need to replace in a couple of months when I actually have money to spend. My photo skills are okay...most of my close-up shots come out dark though.
[COLOR=green]Valik: We can't do anything now...the corridor's gone...I think there's some technology I left behind that'll trace Artoni. Siren: Why just Artoni? Valik: A while back, she had this amulet that let us communicate with her from far away. Trell: Usually she just used to to contact her boyfriend... Siren: Oh Charlie will be pissed if he hears about this... Valik: Don't worry too much... [i]Sunset approaches as they near Meteo City. They can see the bright lights, giving them a warm welcome.[/i] Valik: I don't sense anything wrong with the team yet... Siren: How do you know? Trell: Miluska inherited the clairvoyant skill from her mother. Valik: :D Hey, why don't you stop at our place from something to eat before we start tracing them? Siren: That wouldn't be really fair to the others... Trell: But we're starving...can't really work on an empty stomach. Siren: Oh...okay...*Looks down at Miluska in her arms.* Miluska: Mommy? Daddy? Siren: Cool, she's starting to come to... [i]Trell and Siren change direction towards the western section of Meteo City to their apartment complex.[/i][/COLOR]
[i]Osiris is reading the playboy magazies as Siren falls through the dark cloud.[/i] Siren: Help meee!!!! Osiris: Oh yeah hehe....:tasty: *Rotates magazine* Siren: Grrr...*Adjusts her body so she starts gliding in the air. She sees one of Rane's dark dragons and lands on it's back. She pulls up on the dragons head, forcing it up, above the clouds. She jumps off and disappears inside the cloud again.*
Congratulations, Otaku...:D too bad I can't have that status on top of my avatar...
Childhood treasures... A white gold cross give by my mom...and A Sting CD "Nothing Like the Sun"
Trell: Well, the corridor we traced extends for hundreds of kilometers...we exited this tunnel at about 200Kph flying...meaning that this is one big complex complex... Valik: And that place is filled with traps...hope the others are okay... Siren: So what happened to Meteo City? Trell: Since theres so many traps...the corridors shift and move positions too. Siren: Some kind of centeral hub? Trell: Yeah...it all makes sense now...how Flash got into the northern continent without having to get past the sheild, the kidnappings of hybrids... Siren: ...Where my project went in the 6th grade, causing me to get an F on my assigment... Trell: Well, I wouldn't take it that far... Valik: We should head home...there's equipment back at the centeral building that might be able to help us track the team... [i]Valik grabs onto Trell's back. Siren and Trell raise up and head back to Meteo City[/i]
MM: We want Miluska... Trell: Hey! You talk to us! Siren: *Gets close behind Trell* Valik: What do you plan to talk about? MM: We know how Miluska was conceived...through you *points to Valik.* Trell: And we know it's nearly unheard of to have a child this way where DNA combines and fuses together though pure energy. MM: Which is why Miluska is special...we need her to clone. Valik: What for? MM: Why should we tell you? You're not going to give us the girl. Trell: Then what are you talking to...OMG...Siren RUN! Siren: Huh? Trell: No, just do it! We'll be right behind you! [i]Siren makes a dash for it, carrying Miluska in her arms. Trell raises up into the air and casts Arms of Heaven...a massive flame crashes with the masked men, driving them back and vaporizing them...Valik and Trell make a dash for the top also. Huge amounts of water begin flowing into the corridor, flooding the entire cloning chamber. The other group is safe since they're much deeper in the complex. The water nearly swallows Valik up but Trell carries her to safety. Siren flies into the air also and makes their escape for the exit. But when they reac the top of the corridor and exit, they come out into a barren desert with the sun beating down...[/i]
Sky: .... Siren: Well? Sky: *Looks to the distance* I see, something... Zero: Well, that's helpful... Sky: The castle... Siren: *Clears her eyes* You're right... Zero: Too bad my dragon can't go through the cloud... Sky: We'll have to push our way through on foot... [i]The three start their run towards the Castle of Rane...[/i]
[COLOR=green][i]A few masked occult members approach Siren, Valik, Miluska and Trell. They stand up and get ready for battle[/i] Valik: Siren, look over Miluska...*Morphs into her tiger form* Trell: *Fits on his glove and powers up his flaming fists* [i]The masked occult member do nothing...[/i] Trell: What the???[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][i]Still in the dreamworld, the green glow disappears from Miluska and she lands in Trell's arms[/i] Miluska: Is it over dad? Trell: Seems like it.. [i]Trell and Miluska begin to fade away from the dream and wake up[/i] Trell: *Eyes flicker and open* Huh? Valik: You fell unconscious after that power transfer. Trell: How's Miluska? Valik: She's still knocked out...but she's healed. Trell: Strange, I left the dreamworld with her... Siren: She should be waking up soon also. It takes time. [i]Valik and Trell huddle over Miluska[/i] Trell: She's been wondering... Valik: About what? Trell: Why she's here...and why we're not married yet. Valik: Well, we never did have the time... Trell: She's wondering why we had the time for her and not us. Valik: I don't understand... Trell: She doesn't understand the concept of immaculate conception. Remember? We never spent the night together and yet we have a daughter. Valik: We could tell her about how I conceived her. Trell: See, the thing is...I naturally thought that having a baby was an expression of the love 2 people have for each other. Miluska percieved it that way too. Valik: Did you teach her that? Trell: No...we share the same mindset and that's what she believes also. Siren: Sorry to interrupt, but I think there might be some negative feedback from your daughter when she realizes that. Valik: We know...and with all the cloning being done here...it's gonna be even tougher for her. Trell: *Hugs Valik* It'll be okay...[/COLOR]