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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=green][i]Miluska starts floating in the air for fun in the dream world. After a few minutes, she starts to glow green[/i] Miluska: What's happening?! Trell: That must be Siren's energy signature...she's probably healing you right now. Miluska: Is it that bad!? Trell: The Artoni clone got you pretty hard with her Trine attack. But you'll be alright.[/COLOR]
  2. 1. DBZ 2. An officer...the foot soldiers are brain dead without the officer. 3. Surrender, regroup and kill them later. 4. I'd hurt myself so I can't go. 5. Spend the money like crazy...that 1/4 goes to some charity anyway...
  3. Welcome back....the boards aren't what it used to be...
  4. [COLOR=green][i]Inside the dream world..[/i] Miluska: Someone's trying to get inside my body... Trell: It's probably just Siren, or mom... Miluska: I- I'm scared...someone's tampering with my body and I can't do anything about it. Trell: You're going to have to trust the people out there...I can't leave this world yet...I need to be with you so you don't get taken away. Miluska: Okay...but it's just the clones that scare me...what if that's not really mom(Valik), or Siren... Trell: From what I know...neither Siren or mom got kidnapped. Miluska: You must've protected mom a whole lot huh? Trell: Yeah... Miluska: Then how come you're not married, dad? Trell: We never had the time...always fighting and running. Miluska: Then how come you had time for kids? *Points to herself* Trell: Circumstance...It's really difficult to explain. Miluska: I don't get it...you're not married, and you're my mom and dad. Trell: Yeah, I do love your mom, but we just didn't have time to marry. You...weren't brought to life by normal means... Miluska: ?? Trell: Mom had you a long, long time ago...when we were just teens...but since I'm half dragon, it takes a long, long time. Miluska: Yeah, but how'd you have me? Trell: ...I don't know... Miluska: Oh...I'll go ask mom, she might know... Trell: Maybe... Miluska: I wanna wake up now...*Disables the energy field around her body*[/COLOR]
  5. I was thinking about that issue with posting online about topics like the incident with your father. You shouldn't...because you just don't know what the response is going to be from people you don't even know. I know the Otaku is a community of diffrent people...but there are still people out there who don't really have any compassion. Which is why I rarley post personal topics and I use PMs to convey my feeling to people I trust on the boards...
  6. [COLOR=green][i]Valik watches in wait as Trell and Siren glow a bright green...They fall unconscious again... Siren: The power transfer...did it work? Trell: I don't know...we shouldn't be here... Siren: No it's okay...but I didn't even get a chance to lay hands on Miluska. Miluska: *Floats in the sky* Am, I...Okay?? Trell: You know what happened...right? Miluska: I know...Toni's really strong. Trell: She was kidnapped a long time ago and expirimented on... Siren: They did a pretty good job whoever they are. Trell: The occult... Miluska: Am I going to be okay? Trell: *Hugs Miluska* I just don't know. Siren: *Disappears* Good, I can finally help her... Trell: I'll be leaving really soon too. I'll visit back, but don't wander far... Miluska: I won't...don't worry. Trell pulls back into consciousness...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. Deep, really deep... :) Here's another one...Yeah, I said this a while back...but I really like it. In times of peril and plight I look to you... For a new sense of hope. A ray of light in a gloomy dark sky strikes down... So I can find you and be with you when I need you... I doubted you, you doubted me. I wish I could turn back time... but I can't. Who knows what the future will hold. But hold on, hold on close to me so I don't loose you... In the path of life. As bleak as it has and will be. This is the present. Where everything is clear, everything is certain. And nothing will ever change that.
  8. [i]Sky and Zero dissapear in the cloud[/i] Osiris: Did you just see what happened? Siren: Yes...*Jumps off* Osiris: Hey! Wait up.. Siren: No, you stay and circle the fortress just in case we need a way out...
  9. Sky: We're almost near the interior of the cloud! *Holsters guns and stands up.* Zero: What are you doing? Sky: Taking a leap of faith...sorta... Zero: What if there's no real fortress in that cloud...you'll be killed. Sky: Not quite...*Jumps off dragon* Zero: :eek:
  10. It's all over now why even try? To take on the future, when your life has died. You'll have your reasons To try and push ahead. But you can't, when you lay in bed. You do nothing? Do you feel guilt? When you stab yourself Not with the blade But the hilt? You can't push yourself over the top. You fear death, and stop. It's all over now, why even try? When life is blurred and play tricks with the mind?
  11. *Sky draws his guns and charges them with dark energy (Bane)* Sky: Bane! Ready!? Bane: *Radiates energy from guns* Sky: Ughaaa! *Starts firing dark-purple energy charges at the swarm of dragons, disabling a few, cauing them to crash towards the ground*
  12. Eye Candilicious! I really have to brush up on my photo skills now...
  13. [COLOR=green][i]Outlaw, Cloud, Charlie, Artoni (Real), and Flash continue the corridor to find Charlie (Clone), Andrews, and Raynor standing and talking...[/i] Charlie (Real): *Arms his launcher* You bastard! Give me my body back! *Fires* Charlie (Clone): *Explodes and disentegrates* Raynor: Whoa... Artoni: This is really creepy... Outlaw: I don't know what to think now. Cloud: Evac? Andrews: Too late for that...we're almost there. Charlie: That's what we said a few hours ago...and it's still all corridor. Raynor: *Locks and loads guns* Bear with it... Outlaw: I get it now...that's why Artoni was kidnapped about a year ago. Artoni: Thank Trell for the rescue...but they cloned me, to a really good extent. Sage: Something doesn't feel right... All: :eek: Trell, Valik, Siren and Miluska! Artoni: You guys go ahead...we'll catch up later... Charlie: Oh no, you're not going alone... [i]Artoni and Charlie charge up the spiraling corridor of the complex...the group heads deeper and deeper under the earth. They find more eerie tubes, now containing...what appears to be a human...but not quite[/i] Raynor: Aww...s-t...it really reeks down here... Outlaw: Which should explain the masked men... [i]A clanging sound comes from the faded distance...[/i] Cloud: The hell was that? Sage: *Draws his shotgun* Andrews: *Pulls out environment scanner* I'm picking up something...huge![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green][i]Trell: Miluska...can you hear me? Miluska: Yeah...what should I do? Trell: She's only a clone...the real Artoni's probably with the others. Miluska: Oh...I knew that...[/i] Miluska: Toni would never have a problem with me calling her Toni! *Charges up and elbows her in the stomach.* Valik: I thought I'd never see her get beat up... Trell: Quiet...I don't think the real Artoni would take that kindly. Valik: Just kidding. Artoni: You little brat! *Throws Miluska off and raises up into the air...* Trine! *Blue energy surges through her body...she releases a massive electric current that blows out the walls surrounding the corridor...the gigawatt magnitude of the current is aimed solely at Miluska...* Miluska: Ugh...*Gets hit* Uaaaaaaa!! *The bolt surges through her, she crashes on the ground* Trell: *Runs over to Miluska* Miluska!!! Valik: *Morphs into a tiger and a red energy field surrounds her* You B-tch! Artoni: If we can't have her...no one can...*Charges for the next attack* Valik: *She's my daughter...no one can ever take her away from me! *Rushes Artoni(Clone) straight in the stomach, the red energy cascades around Artoni and rips her body in half...* [i]Artoni(Clone)'s body disentegrates and Valik morphs back to aid an injured Miluska...[/i][/COLOR]
  15. [i]The cloud darkens and thunder emmits from the inside...a flurry of Ranite dragon's fly out...[/i] Sky: Oh...
  16. Sky: Okay..but our companions can't fly... Siren: Yeah... Osiris: Then hitch a ride on our dragons...oh, not you Sky...Siren may ride. Sky: Oh fine...*Gets on Zero's dragon...* well you came prepared...a passenger seat. Siren: *Fumbles with Osiris* can you stop? I prefer sitting beind you, not in front. Osiris: Ouch...fine... [i]The 2 dragons launch and head towards the cloud...[/i]
  17. Sky: I think I may have a clue...the dark cloud... Siren: Rane...*Looks up and sees a black cloud hovering over the mountains.* Zero: You think his fortress is there...? Siren: Beats me...that's where all his soldiers come from... Osiris: *Gets on his dragon* Should we try and see...?
  18. [COLOR=teal][i]Trell helps Valik up...[/i] Valik: Miluska. Miluska: *Gently lands on the ground and turns around* Mom? Trell: You've grown... Miluska: I had to...Mom was gonna die if I didn't. Valik: I understand... [i]Miluska runs over to Valik and hugs her tightly.[/i] Miluska: I'm sorry...*Rests her head on Valik's shoulder* Valik: It's okay, it's okay... Siren: *Looks at Trell* Well, what are you waiting for? *Pushes Trell* Trell: Ack...okay...:D *Puts his arms around Valik and Miluska* Siren: Aww...what a loving family:smirk: ... [i]Artoni comes running back up the corridor....but something doesn't seem right with her...[/i] Artoni (Clone): Hey you guys...and gals... Trell: Artoni! How are the others? Artoni(Clone): They're....fine... Valik: Good...we should catch up with them... Artoni(Clone): You four go ahead... Siren: Let's go...*Starts running* [i]Miluska, Valik, and Trell follow Siren's lead. Miluska looks back at Artoni with suspicous eyes...[/i] Artoni (Clone): *Charges up* [/COLOR] :devil:
  19. [COLOR=green]Sky: And that strange looking figure that came out of the sky... Siren: They want to take care of me...with extreme prejuduce... Sky: Well, now I understand Osiris' concern about you. Siren: Makes me feel safe having my companion around and you three... Sky: Thanks... Siren: Now if there was only another woman here...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green][i]Trell looks at Miluska, concentrating on building up her strength for the next fight...[/i] Trell: Strange isn't it... Valik: ?? Siren: You guys never got the chance to see your daugher grow strong...she just morphed... Valik: Oh...*Looks down* Trell: *Puts arm around Valik* But...What's done, is done...I don't think Miluska put anyone after herself, ever...besides her stomach. Valik: ...*Smiles* Yeah...I guess so...but look at her...she's not that little child she used to be anymore... Siren: She's as nearly as old as I am... Trell: And she's already outgrown both of us... [i]The three wait for Miluska to charge up...[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green][i]A flash of light covers Siren and Trell...time freezes and they slip into the dream world...[/i] Siren: Where did we go? Trell: Odd...it's probably the power transfer that took place. Siren: Oh... Trell: We're telepathically linked right now...it's what happens whenever 2 or more hybrids fall unconscious nearby each other. Siren: We need to get out! We're all gonna be in trouble if Cyo comes back... Trell: We can't...we have to wait until our bodies recover. Siren: Oh, I see...you slip into this dream until you're body is at its optimal condition. Trell: That's what Artoni taught us... Siren: Shouldn't Valik be here too? Trell: I don't know...she probably recovered already and she's watching over us with Miluska until we wake. Siren: So we just sit here... Trell: Yeah...which really bites... Siren: *Sits down on rocky soil* Just curious...how did you and Valik get together? Trell: Long story... Siren: Well, if we're just waiting around here, I'd like to hear it...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green][i]The three pack up and leave camp...after a few minutes back on the desert...[/i] Sky: So what's up?[/COLOR]
  23. Shoot, you're leaving?!?! I remember when I first came on I think I PMed you first... Yeah, it's been fun...but the Otaku does lack something now...
  24. [COLOR=green]OOC: Don't worry, I'll put you in...just PM me with the bios... IC: [i]Artoni, Raynor, Charlie, Sage, Outlaw, Flash, and Cloud leave the area and head on forward towards the corridor to battle the incoming wave of masked soldiers.[/i] Artoni: I hope they're okay without us...*Loads her rifle* Raynor: I just want to get to the bottom of it all...literally... [i]Back at the battle with Cyo...[/i] Trell: Siren, stay with Valik...make sure she doesn't get injured any more than she has to...*Powers up and joins the fight against Cyo with Miluksa.* Valik: Be careful...*Sleeps* Miluska: Daddy, thanks for helping me out... [i]Trell charges forward at Cyo, fists blazing in a mirage of intense heat. Cyo's shadow seperates from the blows as he tries to escape. Miluska raises up into the air, turns her body sideways and runs on the walls, Matrix style, the walls catching fire and exploding with huge scraps of metal bursting out of the walls, hitting Cyo. Trell sheilds Valik, Siren, and himself from the flying shrapnel...Cyo's body begins to fluctuate and it disappears into the wall..[/i] Trell: He'll be back...[/COLOR]
  25. Pissing people off... I did that once when I refused to drive a whole bunch of people to a concert and decided to take only one other person with me...
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