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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Animals cause they never mean any harm towards you...they act on instinct. Well, take it easy though...and stick to what you have right now...no one deserves to be treated that way. They'll eventually realize that along the line when they have no say to you cause there'll be others like you who you'll band with.
  2. They have some old computer games based on sex like Leisure suit larry...which didn't really work...
  3. I like all the Nintendo mascots...they're all loveable in their own way. Particularly, Link, Samus Aran, and Fox are my personal favorites.
  4. I really like the Hardedge, Masamune, and Ultima Weapon.
  5. Yeah, reality bites...but that's how life is...you're always gonna have your good and bad days.
  6. ????: Hmmm...puny weaklings...I don't have time for you...I wonder why he sent me to dispatch you four...*Jumps back out into the cloud* Sky: What did he mean... [i]The skies clear up[/i]
  7. [COLOR=green][i]Miluska raises up in the air in a red energy field[/i] Trell: That's a lot like mine... Artoni: Actually, not just the field...her eyes, hair, height, face...everything about her resembles you and Valik... Valik: Looks like we raised her right... Trell: *Kneels beside Valik and supports her neck* Siren'll heal you in no time. Siren: True...*Extends her hands...glowing green and starts to run them over Valik's neck* Miluska: Time's up Cyo! *Rue Arience! A vortex of red energy materializes around her and pins Cyo to the wall.[/COLOR]
  8. A lot of people know me and I talk to them constantly, but I wouldn't consider myself popular cause I like keeping everything in low profile most of the time at school.
  9. [i]A giant, minatour figure falls from the sky, wielding a 2 meter sword[/i] ????: *Stares at Sky and Zero* Sky: Draws his guns at the figure. Zero: Be careful...it doesn't look like he's joking around... Osiris: *Peeks through trees* I've never seen anything like that before...
  10. [i]Takes two pistols from his holster and starts firing at the fish[/i] Sky: These are stainless steel bullets so don't worry about the lead poisioning... Zero: Ngah...strage way of fishing... Sky: Well..*Looks up at dark cloud* What the? Zero: ... [i]A dark cloud runs over the Western Oasis and starts to flood the land with an eerie darkness...[/i]
  11. [i]Checks pack[/i] Sky: Well...I don't have any eggs with me...*Looks off to the side and sees sparkling water* Zero: Maybe we can fish... Osiris: Yuck...fish... Siren: Unless you wanna keep eating salted rations...
  12. [COLOR=green][i]Miluska Raises up in the air and her body flashes bright red[/i] Valik: You musn't do this! Trell: It'll be alright... [i]The red light expands and the silhouette of the infant Miluska grows...[/i] Miluska: This I must do...I've been waiting for this a long time, and now, I have the ability to do it. To grow... Valik: Miluska! *Starts crying* Artoni: Shh...you'll hurt yourelf... Siren: Don't move... *Tends to Valik's neck* Trell, you know what I'm doing... Trell: *Aids Siren* Okay...don't move her head... Outlaw: Everything's happining so fast... Cloud: You said it...just stand your guard. Flash: *Looks at the red energy silhouette of Miluska* Heh...an immortal couterpart...interesting... Trell: Well, that's our daugher... Charlie: So it's coming true...the prophecy... Raynor: What are you talking about? Sage: A hybrid who has no malice in his or her heart will bring peace... Charlie: Or something like that... [i]Trell and Valik's promise bands begin to radiate their own energy of Blue and Red...[/i][/COLOR]
  13. Eh...for me, I just didn't like That person...I didn't hate 'em, but I never really got along with That person....
  14. [COLOR=green]Trell: They're not here yet...we gotta go back. Siren: I guess so...it really sucks that we have to backtrack all this way. Trell: There's something wrong, I can feel it. [i]Trell and Siren raise up in the air and charge back...[/i][/COLOR] [i]A few kilometers back...[/i] Valik: Ugh....*In great pain* Artoni: Shh...it'll be okay, don't move. Valik: *Starts crying* Miluska: Mommy! Artoni: Shhh...let your mom rest. Cloud: She gonna be okay? Outlaw: I don't know...but we gotta keep her covered this is no place to let your guard down. [i]Charlie, Flash, and Raynor lay down fire on Cyo as he is pinned to the wall...[/i]
  15. I was just wondering...what were some of your reasons for voting that particular person...
  16. I usually never participate in homecoming...but I'm cheering for my class of 2002!:)
  17. [i]Not knowing of Valik's fate, Trell and Siren press on[/i] Trell: I sense something wrong... Siren: What? Trell: I'm not sure...it's probably just me. Siren: Obviously... Trell: Maybe we should turn back or wait for the others. Siren: I'm not turning back after we got this far...*Charges up energy blade for the next wave* Trell: Then we'll wait... Siren: Got no problem with that...
  18. Sky: I guess we should...but since you two just got up...maybe a little breakfast first might help...
  19. [COLOR=green][i]Dawn Breaks[/i] Siren: Good morning everyone *Crawls out of her tent* Osiris: :sleep: Siren: Hey, wake up, it's time to go! Osiris: Ugh...okay... Sky: *Looks at the campsite down below* Looks like they're awake....*Jumps off the canyon wall.*[/COLOR]
  20. Gorillaz is okay...the only thing that bothers me is those western standoff parts in their songs. The first time I listened to their CD I said, "What the..." probably cause they have nearly every genre mixed into their songs...
  21. [COLOR=green][i]Trell and Siren continue to lay waste to the barrage of masked soldiers when the come across a split in the corridor[/i] Trell: Where now? Siren: Well, let's just wait for them....but I think I came out of the right side...so we'll go left...[/COLOR]
  22. Hmmm...I don't really see how anyone would have anything against you...I wonder who...
  23. [COLOR=green][i]Sky wakes up in the middle of the night to meditate on a large rock nearby...[/i] Sky: Yes, I'll finally get a chance to meet Bane's counterpart. [i]Bane drifts to Sky and huddles around him[/i] Sky: Yeah, you're happy, aren't you boy? Well, let's just wait for them to wake up and we'll be on our way...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green][i]Siren draws her energy sword from her arm and aims it downward, combat style[/i] Siren: It's time to show what a medic can really do in the field... [i]Siren extends her hand holding the red blade and flies through the masked troops. She then makes her way back to Trell, outflanking the bullets, and starts spinning wildly in the air, causing the group of troops to fall down a few seconds after she catches up with Trell[/i] Trell: Wow...where'd you learn that? Siren: My mentor...:D[/COLOR]
  25. Trell: *Charges up a black energy field* I'll go scout ahead...I still have my energy. Siren: Let's do this...I've been waiting to get some action. [i]Trell and Siren fly up into the air and boost off[/i]
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