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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=green][i]A large cruiser speeds over Trell and Valik. It lands in front of them and out comes Charlie.[/i] Charlie: Where have you two been? Trell: Well...it's a long story, sorta. Valik: How's Miluska.? Charlie: She's doing fine...resting back in Meteo City. Valik: We're both tired...we should get going. [i]They board the cruiser and speed back towards home...[/i][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]Trell: Valik...how'd you get here? Valik: I followed you into the Void...it's not that hard to follow your signature. Trell: Do you know the way out? Valik: Yeah...I still have an entry point open. Where is this place?? Trell: I'll explain later...lead me out of here before Flash gets back his senses... [i]Valik takes Trell's hand and they jump through an invisible hole...they reappear back in the desert.[/i][/COLOR]
  3. Too bad you don't live near her...or do you... I also repair computers...but I'm not A+ certified to do it for money, legally anyway... Well, see ya later...
  4. [COLOR=green][i]Trell blocks the fireball with his shield and gets up. Fortunatley, the complex was empty with the team looking for Trell. He flies back to the complex to survey the damage, trying to find survivors. He doesn't sense Valik or Miluska. He Locates Flash's energy signature.[/i] "You killed my family...you weakling..." Flash: *Telepathically* Weakling? Me? Haha...you can't even find me. Trell: Oh, I will...soon...*The massive red energy is absorbed by Trell. He falls to the ground, dead... No more haze in the sky...Trell disappears in the shadows...* Trell: Looking for someone? Flash: Hehe...Nope...I- *Trell reappears behind Flash and grabs him by the neck.* Trell: How does it feel like, killing all those people? *Takes Flash's body and speeds towards the ground, creating a massive explosion in the middle of the rocky wasteland* Flash: I don't have time for this...*Puts up his hand and emits a pulse wave at Trell. But he doesn't flinch.* Trell: Remember? An soul cannot be beaten...but it can be taken away...*The red energy begins to flow around Trell's immortal body, turning into a sillhouette of a dragon's head.* Flash: I will never be defeated...*Casts meteorain, a shower of burning rocks.* Trell: I know...goodbye anyways...*The red silhouette englufs Flash...once inside, Trell casts Gateway...* [i]The red energy silhouette disappears...Flash disappears...Trell disappears... No one knows where they are...they reappear in a type of dark void, powerless...[/i][/color]
  5. I have that problem when I'm playing RPG's with my neighbor...I give him the controls...and when there's a scene (like in FF7) he just keeps tapping the circle button to skip through the text so he can't get the story line, or know what to do next. Good thing I have a fast reading average so I can get all the info that flashes by.:rolleyes:
  6. Some cultures don't celebrate it because they're really superstitious. For halloween, I'm probably going to dress up as Volt from The Bouncer and go trick or treating with my G/F, dressed as Dominique.
  7. I really like DoomTrain and the ChocoboSummons. For a spell, Meteor, Pandora's Box, and Ultima.
  8. I know one for PSX...but it's in Japanese only. It's a strategy game featuring the Enitre Gundam storyline over 4CD's. Even though the grapics may be outdated, the game is pretty worth it.
  9. RPG's are long games with great storylines, if done right. A while back when I was a kid...I alway's enjoyed hack 'n slash, beat-em-up and platform games.
  10. [COLOR=green][i]Trell eyes the red Ferarri screaming out of the complex back on the highways. He sees Cloud and Outlaw going out for a joy ride.[/i] Trell: Nice car... [i]Trell sighs and spreads his arms wide. He looks towards the ground.[/i] "So I guess this is the end...even though I love Valik with all my heart. It doesn't seem like she loves me. Why go through the burden of it all when I'll eventually get hurt again somewhere along the road of life?" :( [i]Trell wipes away his tears and looks down as he prepares to take a leap of faith....He jumps...[/i] "But it's not worth it..." [i]Trell charges up and boosts himself before he hits the ground. He flies High into the sky a red haze of energy, filled with frustration and sadness. Trell heads out, away from the complex.[/i][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green][i]Trell sets down Miluska on the bed and walks to the kitchen, head down. He looks out the window at the full moon and stars. Tears start to stream down his face as he goes into a silent sob. Valik, in the other room, changing Miluska's diapers notices Trell standing still, looking out the window with his back turned. She could tell something was seriously wrong with him. He was never like this before, always happy or, at the least, somber. But never this sad.[/i] Valik: *Walks over to Trell...* Trell... Trell: *With his back still turned to Valik, he puts his hands together and takes off his ring and sets it on the counter. He turns around and walks out of the room.* Valik: *Looks at the door shut* What's wrong!?!:( [i]Valik looks back at the counter and sees a sparkle on the counter. Upon closer inspection...she notices it's Trell's promise ring. She picks it up and looks at the inscription: "Trell, Valik, and Miluska: September 9, 3001. For all of time..." Valik pockets the ring and takes a look at her ring. Inscribed is the exact same message. She takes off her ring and pockets both of them...she picks up Miluska and heads out of the room to find Trell. Back out in the balcony...[/i] Trell: *Steps up on the railing and looks down, a large shadow of himself blankets his darkest hour. He shouts into the open plain.* :( Valik where are you when I need you the most? As a true friend...as someone you can tell anything and everything to?![/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green][i]Trell goes inside the Cristal cave to think, to recall what happened a long time ago.[/i] I just don't get it! Why am I acting like this? Grrr...:flaming: Something just doesnt feel right. Sigh...maybe I should just go home... [i] Trell charges out of the cave at high speed and heads back to the complex. He goes inside his room and changes out of his formalwear and waits...[/i][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green] Trell: I don't really think you'd understand... [i]Trell walks back inside and out into dining hall[/i] Artoni: So what's up? Trell: I need some time to think. [i]Trell walks out of the dining hall and into the foyer. He goes to the front courtyard and launches off towards the Cristal cave. Valik comes back into the dining hall.[/i] Valik: Where'd Trell go? Outlaw: Beats me... Cloud: Well, if he ever comes back...maybe we should hold a party to cheer him up. Valik: I'm gonna go look for him. Miluska: Mommy? Valik: Sorry, you'll have to stay with 'Toni until I come back, okay? Miluska: 'Toni, 'Toni! Charlie: I hope you find him... Artoni: Don't worry about it... [i]Valik walks out of he complex and starts searching for Trell...[/i][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green][i]Trell sits around and chats around with the rest of the team...for a while, he is happy. Nothing to ruin his bright spirit. But something hit his mind, a memory long ago. Not too clear, but something was definitley wrong.[/i] Valik: Trell, is something bothering you? Trell: Excuse me....*Walks out to the balcony.* Outlaw: Trell, are you okay? Trell: I- I don't know... [i]Trell opens the balcony door and leaves it open, causing the wind to slam it shut with a loud echo. He leans over the railing and looks down at the rocky earth below the complex, trying to recall a moment of sadness and dismay. He didn't understand why he wanted to recall it, but he felt compelled to do so... *Back inside, Artoni looks over at Trell through the window while holding and feeding Miluska with a bottle of milk.*[/i] Artoni: I wonder what's bothering him... Valik: *Continues eating her dinner* [i]Everyone looks at Valik[/i] Valik: What?! Charlie: *Points to Trell* Valik: *Looks at him, then pans the room* Cloud: I think you should talk to him... Valik: ... Raynor: *Gets up to go talk to Trell* Artoni: *Pulls Raynor back down* Valik, aren't you going to support him? [i]There is an eerie silence in the room, everyone is looking at Valik who remains silent. She continues eating her dinner, not paying attention to Trell. Artoni is getting agitated. She never taught Valik to ignore a loved one when they needed them the most.[/i] Artoni: *Gets up and walks out to the balcony. She leaves the door open and looks at Valik.* Are you going to support him or not? Valik:.... [i]Artoni turns around, angry, she slams the door shut, causing an even louder thud of the door.[/i][/color]
  15. [color=green]I prefer to call it a Baby Bag, it sounds less crude...:) ~~~~~~ [i]Trell and Valik, holding Miluska walk into the dining hall in their formal attire. Today's a special day.[/i] Miluska: Toni! Hungry! Daddy? Mommy? Artoni: *Stands up, dressed in her formal attire* Welcome back. We saved a special spot for you three. [i]Artoni leads them to the center of the giant round table. Trell sets Miluska on a high-chair and they take their seats.[/i] Valik: *Looks around to see everyone eating quietly* Wow, lot's changed... Raynor: Yes. Especially when we look at you three, such a happy family. *Notices the rings on Trell's and Valik's fingers.* Hey, since when did you two get married?! Trell: Not yet...we don't know when we're going to get married...but we will. Siren: I've been working on designs, for as long as I can remember...I know how to spruce this place up. Look what I did to Charlie. [i]Everyone looks at Charlie, probably the best dressed in the hall, sitting next to Artoni[/i] Valik: Umm...trying to impress someone, Charlie? Charlie: I think everyone knows... Artoni: I'm really flattered by your interest in me...sorta:D . Charlie: Hehe, we're all friends here, let's dig in...like those three over there. [i]They look over at Outlaw, Cloud and Raynor, stuffing their faces.[/i] Cloud: What? Miluska: Hungry! Raynor: *Passes the rice and roasted chicken* She have any teeth yet? Trell: Nope...she's only a few weeks old now...there's some pushing out a little, but for now, it's just warm milk. [I]Valik opens up the Baby bag, takes out a bottle of milk, and gives in to Miluska who starts drinking. The team grabs what they can and begins to eat madly.[/i][/color]
  16. [COLOR=green]One more... Name: X-fer Age: 19 Weapons: HardEdge, FireKnuckles, Shotgun. Items: Potions, FenixDowns, ???? Amulet Bio: X-fer isn't the one to talk, but act instead. He has a short temper but is fair in his day to day dealings. He resides in the sunny town of Costa Mesa working as a chemist and bartender.[/COLOR]
  17. My friend was lucky enough to get into E3 and play the Tidus version of the FFX demo. She said it was really diffrent from the other FF's, obviously, and that the graphics were a lot like Devil May Cry's.
  18. Yeah, how bout that 28.8 eh? *Drops to the floor* It's not the server's fault, I hate my phone company, they won't provide DSL or 56K in my area.
  19. Even on the hot summer days (very rare) I play for hours with friends and it doesn't overheat. My old PSx though will overheat in about 2 hours of play. Right now, I have no problems, other than the slight loading times in some games. Red Faction was a hassle for my PS2, it took 3 resets before the system could actually recognize the DVD.
  20. [COLOR=green]Trell: We haven't been attending the dinners lately cause Valik was pregnant those days... Valik: *Smacks Trell on the shoulder* I'm very much able to do my normal functions. Outlaw: You three going to join us today for breakfast? Trell: Wanna go? Valik: Yeah, I wanna see everybody again as a team. But first, let me get Miluska ready. Outlaw: Okay, I'll prep up the table. *Walks back to the dining hall.* Trell: *Picks up Miluska and props her in the sink for a small bath.* Valik: *Puts soap and shampoo* Miluska: *Starts crying* Valik: Aww, its okay Miluska, we're just getting you squeaky clean for today. Trell: *Rinses* Okay, all done. Now let's get you dressed up. Miluska: *Starts crying again* Trell: :confused: Oh, I get it...she doesn't like wearing fancy dresses. Valik: Are you being like your mother Miluska? Miluska: *Splashes water on Valik* :) Valik: Okay, that's it...*Picks up a few clothes Trell and Valik have been making in their spare time. A tiny shirt and jeans.* Trell: Happy sweetie? Miluska: :angel: Valik: Okay, let's go. [i]Valik picks up Miluska while Trell carries her 'baby bag.' They walk out and head to the dining hall.[/i][/COLOR]
  21. The theme song for FF7 (when your out and about in the world). I also like the song when Cloud is on the date @ at the Golden Saucer and they're on the Gondola ride. In FF8, the Orchestra Version of Fisherman's Horizon, Balm Garden, and the diffrent versions of Eyes On Me. In FF6, the battle songs, the Esper's song, Celes' theme song, Forever Rachel, Kefka's song, and the airship song.
  22. I'd be really interested if Gundam or the bi-pedal robot concept actually became a reality.
  23. [COLOR=green]Trell: I wonder why she so hungry all the time... Valik: Maybe she want's grow up big and strong like it's parents. Trell: *Takes the bottle of warm milk from the table and gives it to Miluska.* Miluska: Daddy Valik: *Looks at the golden band on her ring finger* It's beautiful... Trell: *Holds up his hand also to show the exact same ring on his finger also.* I'm glad you like it. [i]Trell and Valik hold in a passionate embrace. Tears start to stream down their smiling faces while Miluska also smiles...[/i][/color]
  24. [i]Trell walks into the room with his hands behind his back.[/i] Miluska: Mommy...Daddy... Valik: *Turns around* Oh you startled me... Trell: Sorry...*Walks up to Valik* So how's our daughter doing? Valik: She's doing great. Hungry, but great. [i]Sets Miluska down on the bed to crawl around playfully[/i] Miluska: :) Trell: So cute...*clears his throat* Valik: Something on your mind? Trell: Well, since this is our child...and I want to be a good and loving father. Valik: What's that behind your back? Trell: ... Valik: Hmm, c'mon...lemme see, what're you hiding. Trell: *Shows her the golden bands* I want Miluska to have loving parents...not like with us and we ended up being raised by Artoni. Not that it's bad or anything...it's just difficult for someone to raise a child that's not their own. Valik: So what're you saying? Trell: *Slips on one of the rings on her finger* Will you Marry Me? Valik: :eek:
  25. [i]Rico locates the center of the cave where the Cristal shattered...he picks up a few fragments...[/i] "If this is what made our daugher to come to life and grow under mine's and Valik's blood, this is a symbol of our love...I guess...:D If not, it's a really precious mineral to use." [i]He takes a pair of gold bands he bought four years ago in Meteo City for good luck. He charges up with the bands in one hand and the Cristal's shards in the other. He puts his hands together and fuses the shards of the Cristal to the band, inscribing their names on the bands, and Miluska's birthdate 9-9-01. The fused Cristal lines the inside of the bands' indentations, causing them to emit a calm halo of color in the sunlight.[/i] "Beautiful...." [i]He heads back to the complex...[/i]
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