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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
They're most likely not going to send military troops there becuase too many casualites would take place. But since they've already decided to go to war, they want to do it with all the people's interests in fears in mind. Which means, airstrikes on all known terrorist training sites to minimize hitting the wrong people. But the media is the group I'm sick and tired of right now...always showing that second plane hitting the WTC over and over and over again these past days...
You're right...if we do go into war, it'll break all American ideals of brining justice. But the mood is complete and utter vengence right now, even in congress and all around the nation. An act of war was commited against the united states, by an unknown force and that makes it even more devistating, especially now that you can point fingers at anybody and anything, particularly people of the middle east. It's happened at my school already...and it wasn't a pretty sight...
School, School, School, School, School, School...
RicoTranzrig replied to Char!'s topic in General Discussion
Nah, I'm not into guys...some lady friends of mine tell me to pick out a cute guy for them...I don't perceive any guys my age as 'cute'. But I try to pick out the ones who have good quality, not looks, since I know a lot of people in my school who are real jerks and creeps who look really good to girls but eventually break their hearts if they get into relationships with them. -
MD Geist...if you've ever watched it...you'll know why...
[i]During Trell's walk back to his room where Valik and Miluska are waiting, he thinks about what Artoni said about Valik being his wife. "I can't leave her side...it's our child, even though I never really shared a moment of pure passion with Valik. The symbol of pure passion is there, resting in her arms. Hmm...then what am I waiting for, thinking to myself?" Trell charges up and heads out back into the empty cristal cave...[/i]
But for someone to be so educated in planes to do that, s-t...they even sliced the pentagon with deadly accuracy, literally, without even touching the ground.
Plus, if they did nearly simultaneously, the military woulnd't have much time to mobilize it's defense grids. National security failed only because no one would ever imagine something like this happening in real life. The unthinkable can be thought...
I only have one RPG...I'm only doing it for Mei Rishin, wherever she is now...I'll make something up later...anyways, with this RPG: [COLOR=green]Name: X-fer Age: 26 Weapons: -Energy Blade, capable of cutting through anything by destablizing matter. -Precision Rifle - S-337 (X-fer's special weapon...uses in dire situations since it only carries one charge.) Personality: Not so serious about getting the job done, X-fer gets the job done anyway, and with excellent preformance. He usually keeps to himself. Rank: Lieutenant[/color]
Meat, meat, and more meat... I really should start running instead of lifting weights afterschool now that I'm gaining quite a bit of weight.
[i]Valik heads back to her room, carrying Miluska[/i] Charlie: So the group's back together...it's gotten so large, there's gotta be someone we're missing. Artoni: Well we got...*Opens up the profiles of all the members* [i]Artoni Charlie Outlaw Siren Raynor Cloud Trell Valik Miluska Sage[/i] Trell:Sage...yeah, Sage isn't here...where'd he run off to? Outlaw: Not sure... Cloud: Hey, wait a minute *looks at Siren* I've never seen you before. Siren: That's cause I just got here...I'm supposed to be the nurse here, but somehow I got involved in all this. Raynor: Oh, and don't forget my ex-G/F Trish. Trish: *Poses* Trell: I hope we counted everyone...*Gets up* Artoni: Well, you heal really quick... Trell: Yeah, you taught me how to be tough...Mom! LOL! Artoni: :flaming: Grr, don't call me that! You overheard huh? Trell: Yeah, thanks for raising me...now I'll be a good father and take care of Miluska. Artoni: I'm glad that I raised two tough kids. Trell: We're both in our 20's... [i]Trell walks out of the infirmary and back into their room...[/i]
Trell: :sleep: Artoni: Sleeping like a baby... Valik: How long have you known Trell? Artoni: Heh...to tell you the truth, I've known him ever since he was born...you too about a year after. Valik: So you took care of us? Artoni: Yeah...basically. Back in Neo-Chicago...I lied again...I'm sorry. But you weren't born as humans...you were born from 2 diffrent sets of hybrid parents who abandoned you cause they were going to be hunted down and killed. Valik: I understand...you don't have to explain anymore, I know the rest of the story... Artoni: Okay, Now that you're both parents, you both have a responsibility to take care of your child as I've done with you two. Valik: Thank you...mother... Artoni: lol...oh please don't call me that, it's embarassing...but I did care for both of you when I found you out in the fields. Valik: Wait...then how can you be only 2 years older than us if that's the case.... Artoni: Umm...I lied? Valik: Then you must be around 40 then? But you don't look 40. Artoni: *Poses* Really? [i]Siren, Charlie, Raynor, and Cloud finally reach the complex and meet up with Artoni, Valik, and Trell.[/i]
Artoni: Which reminds me...Miluska...I ran a scan right after she was born...and for some reason, she's not hybrid. Valik: But, that's not possible... Artoni: I'm wondering...Valik, how did you conceive your daugher? Valik: It was so long ago...but after Trell's massive fight with Flash, I felt a pain in my stomach. I've never 'slept' with Trell before that. But safe to say it wasn't through normal means. Artoni: Oh...*Radios Outlaw* Hey, how are you doing with Miluska. Outlaw: She's fine right now...I'm taking her back home...I'll be there in about 30 minutes. Artoni: Okay...I'm glad she's alright. Outlaw: Yeah, thank's for the back up Trell and Valik! *End Transmission* Valik: But what does that have to do with her not being hybrid? Artoni: I'm not sure yet...I'll tell you later when I have a definite answer. But for now, just take care of your daugher. Trell: We'll do our best... Valik: And you are supposed to be resting...
Very interesting...LOL...they probably did use the DC and GCN's controllers for ''inspiration'' What cheaters. Then again, they needed a way for the controller to be comfortable without going too crazy on the designs.
[i]Valik busts into the infirmary with Trell in her arms. Artoni is tending the tools and medicine vials.[/i] Artoni: *Turns around* What in the world happened? Valik: *Sets Trell down on the bed* He got hit by Cyo...he isn't doing too good. Artoni: *Rips open Trell's combat vest* Umm...I'm just strong like that...anyway's we gotta patch him up real quick. *Gets a few clotting pads and sets them on the wounds.* Valik: Is he gonna be alright? Artoni: Surrreee...but he's gonna need blood. His organs are failing. Valik: You're quite calm.:rolleyes: Artoni: I have to be...I've known Trell ever since birth and if I go hysterical...it won't be very productive. Valik: Transfusion? Artoni: *Checks scanners* He's type O+...which is...*checks storage* All out:flaming: Valik: *Starts crying* We gotta do something... Artoni: Well, what's you're blood like? Valik: Ummm...*get's pricked by needle* hey! Artoni: *Runs sample* AB+...perfect, sorta... Valik: Nuuuuu...just get what you need and quick. Artoni: It's not that simple...I'll have to make your blood more like his before you can give it to him. Valik: *Gets pricked by even larger needle* Ouch! *Fluid goes into Valik* I feel...strange... Artoni: Don't worry...just know that you're going to save your husband. Valik: Heh...that's comforting...Wait! Husband? We're not married yet!? Artoni: What's that ring around you're finger then? Valik: It's a promise ring...why do you ask? Artoni: Just curious and to take your mind off of the transfusion right now. [i]Valik looks at the tube running into her arm...blood is running out of it, and into Trell's arm.[/i] Valik: I see...:sleep: Artoni: Oh...now I don't have anyone to talk to...
Oh...okay then...farewell. I used to get the same kind of disrespect when I joined the boards...hey I still do. But I've made a couple friends here. Even though I'm not really into anime that much, I still enjoy being here.
I'm a regular bench presser 210LBS is my limit right now... I'm not really good with pushups cause my stamina is not all that great. I like to do arm curls with 20+Lbs on it but only until it starts hurting like crazy, which kinda takes a long time.
[i]Trell and Valik engage Cyo They Goes into a deep trance, red energy begins to flow through them now more than ever. Trell takes out his pulse rifle while Valik takes out her dual revolvers.[/i] Valik: *Fires rapidly, the bullets covered in red energy, penetrating the shadow of Cyo, but it seems to have no effect.* Trell: *Circles Cyo, firing an endless burst of the same bullets covered with massive amounts of red energy. They too penetrate the body of Cyo* Cyo: *A part of it morphs into a red sphere containing all the bullets shot at it. The bullets also morph into thousands of massive spikes. They red sphere disappears and the spikes hurdle at greats speed towards Trell and Valik...* Valik: Trell! *Shields herself, fending off the thousands of spikes.* [i]Unfortunatley, Trell was much closer to the spikes as it launched since he was circling Cyo. He tried to dodge the energy splints with great speed while attempting to activate his shield, but a few got through before he could successfully block. A few hundred splints stab Trell in the stomach and chest.[/i] Trell: Ugh!.....*He falls back and looses his red energy field.* Valik: *Speeds towards the falling Trell* Trell, Don't die on me! [i]Valik catched Trell before he landed on the concrete grounds of Meteo City. She flew back up and reinitiated her energy shield. Cyo stopped to savor the moment[/i] [i]She Examines Trell. The energy splints disappear, leaving massive wounds to his body, bleeding profusley.[/i] Valik: Okay, you got what you wanted! Are you happy now?! Cyo: Miluska... Valik: *Charges up a massive amount of energy.* I'll never let you have either my daugher or the man that I truly love! [i]Valik, still carrying Trell, raised one hand and charged up Ethos' Lament....millions of sharp-edges stones streak towards Cyo, penetrating its body and crushing its shadowy spirit.[/i] Valik: I know you're still alive...but not for long...RueArience! [i]*A massive water tornado pummels Cyo's crushed body, seperating it's shadow in half[/i] Valik: *Speeds out of Meteo City with great speed back to the northern continent in search of medical help...* Trell: *Starts to wake up* Did you find our daugter? Valik: *Cries* No... Trell: Ow... Valik: Don't look! You'll go into shock. Trell: It's bad isn't it? Valik: Don't worry, the team'll patch you up...:( oh...please don't die on me... Trell: *Starts to fall asleep* I'm- I'm...trying... [i]Valik comes up towards the complex and speeds up, charging into the infirmary....[/i]
Yes I would...even though it will damage me greatly if I fought. I owe it to my country. I'll do this because I want to ensure the freedom of future generations. I already said this before but....'freedom isn't free'...we're never safe if we don't band together as a family, even if we do live in a place where nearly everyone has an opportunity to make something of themselves. This is our home, and we won't be disrespected in our own home.
One of the bumperstickers in my history teacher's class states "Freedom isn't Free...join the military."
[COLOR=green]But it's really difficult for me to cheer up and be marry right now since so much good fortune was brought to me these past couple of days only to be shattered by the events that took place when I got up from bed and turned on the TV. I know that I'll eventually get over it and my kids are probably going to wonder and ask what happened later on as they grow up...and the hardest part of it all will be explaining to them why...:rolleyes: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I'm so sorry:( I'm at a total loss of words...[/COLOR]
I don't think the nation will go to WW3...I hope not...but they will provide swift vengence to the perpatraitors. Also, this war won't be fought on a world scale, just between 2 countries. But still, a war? In this day and age? Unbelievable...
A Prayer to all those who have died today, and all there families.
RicoTranzrig replied to a topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=green]I pray for all the victims of today's tragedy and all the people who suffered from these events. This is a time for greiveing right now...there'll be time for healing and getting on with our lives later on. I've been spending time with my G/F after classes today in a moment of silence in front of the TV. We both believe in god and we offered our silent prayers that we won't have to engange in a full scale war but bring swift vengence. Since I'm a senior for high school, I'm a bit worried that I may have to be drafted if a war should arise. That was an idea I thought about a few months ago for a history class that I had...and I can't believe that it may come to be a reality.[/COLOR] -
[i]Trell and Valik follow the shadowy figure as it makes it's way out of the room.[/i] Trell: Our Miluska... Valik: I'm gonna get that...whatever it is! [i]They both begin to glow with a massive red energy. They lift off into the air and pursue the shadowy figure with great speed[/i] Trell: This is taking too long...where did Outlaw take Miluska. [i]They zero in on Meteo City, still under construction...[/i] Artoni: *Radios in* I'm detecting Outlaw's com signature near the city limits...I'll give you his last known cooridinates. Valik: Smart man...now let's show everyone how to kill a demon. [i]Trell and Valik charge up their energies as they pass the outersection borders. The demon Cyo looks back and stops dead in its tracks to combat the two...[/i]
All the news sites that I normally go to are down also...I can't believe this is happening.