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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Crazy! I turned on the TV after taking a shower just right now and I saw it...all the smoke from both towers.
  2. [i]The creature rematerializes directly on top of Miluska, Outlaw, and Artoni.[/i] Outlaw: Gah! Artoni: Just get Miluska outta here! Outlaw: What about you?! Artoni: I'll hold it off. [i]Outlaw, with Miluska, ran out of the command center and outside, a good distance a way from the building. Trell and Valik are speeding towards the building and crash through the command center window to meet up with Artoni and to see if Miluska is alright.[/i] Trell: What's happening...*Looks up to see a shadowy figure* Valik: Where's our daughter!? Artoni: She's in a safe place... Trell: That's good, but what are we gonna do about that? [i]The shadowy figure begins to take form...[/i]
  3. Hmm... Drew FatherDrew (I don't get it...I'm not a father) Foo Punk Volt JimBoy ShyGuy PsychoKiller SmoothCriminal Bones (I'm guessing from star trek) TheRapist TL Man DrunkChipMonk MeteoKid There's much more...but these are the ones I can think of right now.
  4. [i]Trell and Valik speed towards the cave Charlie, Siren, and Raynor are in.[/i] Artoni: *Radios in* Be careful you two, I'm detecting a massive energy signature spread out and converging into one point. Trell: Thank's for the heads up. Valik: How are we gonna take on something that huge? Trell: With the entire team... [i]Inside the cave[/i] Charlie: Let's get out of here...*Groaning sounds* What in the world? Siren: I'm hungry? Raynor: I don't think so...we should get out of here. [i]They head out to the exterior of the cave and meet up with Trell and Valik.[/i] Valik: Thank heavens we could find you three. Siren: What's wrong? Trell: We're picking up a massive energy signature inside the cave. Charlie: So I guess I didn't finish it off...:rolleyes: Raynor: This is serious. Let's get out of here. [i]They look up in the sky to see a black mass gathering into a large bloodRed sphere, then dissipate...into the mansion...[/i] All: :eek: Trell: You three catch up with us later...we gotta be there right now! [i]Trell and Valik jump into the air and speed off back to the mansion to confront Cyo.[/i] Valik: *Teardrop* I hope Miluska's alright...
  5. [COLOR=green]Trell: Something doesn't feel right... [i]Trell closes his eyes and speaks with Miluska... Trell: You okay sweetie? Miluska: I'm okay...it's hard for me to communicate with the outside world though since my mind isn't ready yet... Valik: What're you to talking about? Miluska: Even though Charlie blasted Cyo, the demon, out of physical existence...his spirit is not at rest. Trell: That means...[/i] Trell: *Opens his eyes* Charlie!! Valik: I'll go with you... Trell: Miluska? Valik: Let's go, I'll leave her with Artoni...if something goes wrong, we'll need each other to spot. Trell: *Runs towards the command station* Artoni: Hey you two, up and about alread? Valik: Can you take care of Miluska for a few minutes? Trell: Where's Charlie? Artoni: *Takes Miluska* He's on his way back...I watched him kick some demon arse Trell: Thanks! [i]They run out of the command station and fly off towards to where Siren and Charlie are at. The demon waiting for a chance to regenerate and strike in its new form...[/i][/color]
  6. Shimmer me timmers, mayhap I be a theif.
  7. Cool, I was just talking to her in the dating game:D Maybe you could post a theme, something meaningful, and have the players act it out.
  8. Do you know of any songs that really mean a lot to you? Something you listen to that'll help you through tough times? Or something that just gives you a sudden rush of emtotion (Maybe a tear jerker)?
  9. Yup, it's a huge, huge game alright. Have you ever tried professional mode in arcade? It's pretty challenging.
  10. Just my underwear which would mean an undershirt and boxers.
  11. No problem... but if we do play it out, the hard part is finding a good amount of people (maybe 3 or more?) who are actually constant posters to play out the parts.
  12. Trell: Let's go back to our room. Valik: Okay...but could you help me out of this place right now? [i]Trell takes Miluska while Valik puts on her regular clothes.[/i] Valik: I am not walking around in a hospital gown... Miluska: :angel: Trell: *Bounces with Miluska* Cute. Valik: Are you acting like your dad Miluska? [i]They head back to their room and close the door[/i] Trell: Umm...we don't have much here in the food dispenser for Miluska...I don't think her stomach can take baked cheese chips. Valik: Is that what we've been eating here ever since we arrived? Trell: Yeesh...yeah, in bed anyway...but we do feast a lot with the team in the dining hall. Valik: I've never done this before...but I could feed her myself. Trell: Okay...I'll just get you something healthy to eat. [i]Valik unbuttons her shirt while Trell leaves her and Miluska alone. He goes into their small kitchen and takes out a few items from the refirgerator and starts cooking.[/i] Artoni: *Calls Trell* Trell, sorry to bother you two. You must be very tired. Trell: It's okay, I was just cooking. What's up? Artoni: It's Charlie, somethings wrong...but since you're busy right now...I'll fill you in on the details later. I'm gonna go talk to him. Trell: Okay...just be on guard...I have a strange feeling about this. [i]End transmission. Trell finishes up cooking his special spaghetti dish that they used to eat on special occasions back in Meteo City. He walks back with two plates. He sees Valik and Miluska sleeping on the bed.[/i] Trell: Sigh...I'll just save it for later then. [i]Trell puts the plates inside the preserver, lays down beside Valik and puts his arms around both her and their daughter.[/i] :sleep:
  13. The summary is kinda confusing...does she use the book or does she go inside the book? It's a good concept and I think you should post the story up...(or let us play it out).
  14. I found out my G/F was posting here, so I wanted to be with her online and IRL.
  15. I pick zelda even though it wasn't an epic masterpiece...that was my first rpg and I stick by it.
  16. Trell: Should we wake up? Valik: No...she's too tired right now. We might hurt Miluska if we pull her out of her sleep. Trell: What did you just say? Valik: I said we might hurt her. Trell: No, the name? Mi-lus-ka? Valik: Oh, I don't know where that came from...(yeah right...) Trell: I heard that...LOL. Valik: Seriously though, I think our daughter wants to be named that... Trell: Miluska... Miluska: ...:) Trell: I guess so... [i]They spend the entire night playing around with their daugher Miluska as one small happy family[/i]
  17. Trell: Hmm...it's kinda hard...she's going to live with it for the rest of her life. Valik: Yeah...*Yawn* wow, childbirth does take a lot out of a person. Artoni: I'll think of some suggestions. Outlaw: How about Jane? Artoni: Does it looks like we have common names around here? Charlie: *Raises hand*:rolleyes: Cloud: Midori? Valik: Hmm....that sounds nice... Outlaw: Isn't that the name of your cousin? Cloud: Grr...I can't think of anything... Siren: *Jumps in* Aww, I missed it. Raynor: We all did, except mother and father. Valik: Trell, let's think of something and choose togehter. Trell: Okay. But You look really sleepy right now... Artoni: We should leave them alone with their child. [i]The team leaves the room except for Trell and Valik.[/i] Trell: *Stares at Valik* Valik: What? Trell: You two are very beautiful.:) Valik: :love: [i] Time passes into the deep hours of the night and they finally sleep...they reappear in their personal dream world. Trell: Here we are again, and look who's joined us. Valik: *Carrying their daughter* What do you wanna be named little one? ????: ....:sleep: [/i]
  18. Trell: C'mon Valik, don't give up on me now... Valik: The painkiller's starting to wear off *hears something strange* what was that? Trell: Umm...*Looks* Start Pushing! and remember to take deep quick breaths. Valik: Nooo!! *OOC: I'll just assume that you know how a baby is born IRL...so I'll skip the part.* IC:[i]Trell and Valik finally get the baby out of her body and wrap the baby in a warm blanket[/i] Baby: *Starts crying* [i]Trell and Valik hold the baby close to them and stay silent[/i] Valik: It's not, hybrid... Trell: Just like Charlie said...*Trell takes the scissors, cuts off the umbelical cord and ties the end.* Valik: :angel: It's a Girl, just like I hoped it would be. Trell: *Puts down the scissors and huddles close with Valik and the baby.* She looks like her mother. Valik: She does not! Well, maybe the hair...but she does resemble you more. Trell: No...she does not look like me. Wait...*Has the computer take a picture of the three and cross refrence the photo* Valik: *Looks at the monitor* Us, she looks like both of us. Trell: But she's beautiful, just like her mother. *Kisses Valik* Valik: *Starts crying* Hmm...:) Trell: *Starts crying* [i]They hold still, a surge of pure emotion running through them. True love, their child, a symbol of that love. It's pure. Trell cleans up and puts a blanket over Valik and their child. He goes outside to tell the others.[/i]
  19. I think its all about balance...if you experience something, are you old enough to learn and remember so it'll help you out in the future? But once you experience something mature for the first time, you need time for it to absorb into your mind (and heart). When you age and you look back at all the tough experiences you've had, it may seem like child's play, simple, insignificant. But those experiences are what guided your life to where you are now so they mean a whole lot more.
  20. [i]Trell and Valik stay close to each other in a moment of silence before the final moments.[/i] Trell: Our child is almost going to be born...:angel: Valik: *Looks at Trell, then her stomach* I can't believe it's finally happening. I'm not ready for this. Trell: Neither am I...thought it would be a couple more months but I guess we'll have to adapt. Valik: Please don't leave me if things go wrong...:( Trell: I won't ever leave your side...I Love You. [i]The final contractions start and Trell prepares to receive the baby in his arms...[/i]
  21. If you get your hands on the Escudo...try pumping it up to the max...its kinda weird how fast everything is at 260-500 MPH
  22. I got that car too. I'm stil trying to tune that car too...but it's a lot more balanced than the Supra and easier to find good settings.
  23. I'm happy with 3 gold chocobos...I don't wanna go through that breeding again.
  24. Yeah, it shouldn't be too big of a deal though.
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