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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. How about ideal car settings? I have a Toyota Supra RZ and I'm toying around with the settings right now.
  2. I use Adobe PhotoShop 6 and Illustrator 7 to make my avatars. They're really good programs to use.
  3. Valik: [i]Screms in pain[/i] When will this baby come out~!? Trell: Just a few more minutes! Valik: LOL! I can't take this! Trell: (She's laughing? This is crazy...) Valik: Why did this kid have to be so stubborn? Trell: Maybe cause it has stubborn parents. Heh. Valik: I'm going insane! I need something, Please!:( Siren: *Jumps onto balcony and walks inside infirmary* What are you two doing? You're not supposed to lock all of us out. Valik: Can you see what we're doing!? Trell: *Pulls Siren off to the side* She's having it rough *Hears screams* Siren: I think I can do something about that...*Goes to a nearby cabinet and pulls out a long syringe with a needle. Valik::eek: *Stick* Oh...much better... Trell: Thanks umm... Siren: Siren *Shakes hands* Trell: Nice to meet you, Siren. Valik: How much longer.... Trell: *Checks control panel* Your body is almost starting its contractions. Siren: Congratulations you two. Valik: Trell...don't leave me... Trell: I'll never leave you *Stays by her side and holds her hand*
  4. Maybe in your time zone...its still the 7th here in Cali.
  5. [I]Charlie and Artoni walk out to the balcony to talk.[/I] Charlie: Happy Birthday Artoni... Artoni: You're strangley hyped up about my B-Day...you even sent that funny male stripper. Charlie: Well....:D I uh...sorta like you. Artoni: Hmm, I kinda knew that already for a while...instinct. Charlie: Oh... [i]They stand in silence for a couple minutes[/i] Artoni: I dunno...getting involved with each other...I don't think I can handle it. Charlie: Since we've been in this team together for so long and we're probably gonna stay together as a team, it's cool. Artoni: But see, what if something big comes up, then you'll get distracted. I just don't know right now what to think. Charlie: mmm...:( Artoni: Don't worry, I'll still be your friend always. I need to think about this right now. [i]Artoni smacks Charlie on the back lightly, smiles and walks back inside to her room.[/i] Charlie: Man, that was tough...
  6. Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages...
  7. I enjoy Blink 182 sometimes."Stay together for the kids" is the song I'm liking now.
  8. Hehe, thanks for nominating me and Raiha.:D I'll nominate SSJ Chic.
  9. Hey SSj Chic, didnt you have a B-day in september too?
  10. Okay, I'll join in:) Name: Maligin Element: Electricity Dragon's Name: Aegis Weapon: Corruption's Bane(A large sword that distorts reality using a massive electric charge). Age: 17 Personality: Dark and mysterious, the only person he talks to openly is his dragon. Though he is kind hearted towards others, he is equipped with the BlackArts to those who are hostile. Hair: Black with golden streaks Eye Color: BloodRed Clothes: A large black trench coat, dark brown boots, dark brown pants, and a steel plate.
  11. Cool, Eternal Jehuty has the same B-day as me...now I'm wondering if it's the same age also...
  12. [i]Outside[/i] Artoni: Whoa, she was really fired up back there... Charlie: Wait a minute! If the child is born now...then It'll have the same B-day as you Artoni! Artoni: It looks like you couldn't forget...*looks at male stripper* Charlie::D *Slap to the face* Oi... Artoni: It's okay... Raynor: I can't believe it's finally happening... Outlaw: How long have they been in there? Cloud: About 30 minutes now... Artoni: It's a wonder huh... Charlie: What is? Artoni: Them two...Valik and Trell...even though they got seperated for a long time, they were able to eventually come back together again not only once, but twice... Outlaw: *Pops open a box of soda and shares with everyone* Yeah...Cheers! All: Cheers! *Cans click together*
  13. [i]Trell walks out of the room to be confronted by Raynor[/i] Raynor: You gotta go see your wife, er...Valik. Trell: Heh... [i]They leave Charlie sleeping standing up and run to the infirmary. Valik is shouting and sweating heavliy[/i] Valik: Grr, I can't take this! Trell: I'm here *Holds her hand, she squeezes hard* Gahyao.... Valik: You better not leave my side! Trell: I wouldn't miss this moment. [i]The rest of the HybridVigor team walks into the room...Sage, Outlaw, Cloud, Artoni, Charlie, Raynor, Trish, Stripper.[/i] Valik: NO, only Trell and me! Get out! [i]:eek: The team runs out of the infirmary while Trell locks the door...and stands by Valik... waiting.[/i]
  14. Trell: I dunno, i'm no good at abduction theories... Raynor: I'll check this out later on... [i]Charlie comes walking out into the balcony with a red face.[/i] Trell: Hehe, what happened? Charlie: Umm...Artoni... Raynor: Oh...LOL...we gotta celebrate Artoni's B-day for real later on. Trell: Yeah...so Charlie, what's up? Charlie: Raynor, sorry but could you leave us to talk in private? Raynor: Oo...okay...*Walks back inside infirmary* Trell: What is it?....
  15. Today I broke the curve on my chemistry class's first test...(yeah like it was that hard...) that about ends my good day....At lunch, my G/F nearly ripped my ear off for no good reason. I was carrying her bag and she yanked on my ear, hard...I dont get it...I didn't do anything to deserve it:confused:
  16. I only use manual cause it improves my times by a couple seconds when I get to control my power through the turns. Especially for FR cars.
  17. Yesterday, the 5th? Cool, glad you had a great day. For me, not too bad: Usually I keep quiet in class so nothing exciting there but study, chat, and more study. Afterschool, the parking lot was a mess as usual at my school and I got into a road rage fight between some guy and his banged up Sentra. That was funny, I could barley understand what he was saying under his loud shoddy engine.
  18. Cloud: Nothing much...for one thing. There goes your ex... Outlaw: Heh...I always wonder about her... Cloud: If she's your ex, why'd she tag along? Outlaw: Safety, maybe? I thought she was still emtionally attached to me when I resued her back in Meteo City. Cloud: Maybe she's just pissed of cause you're trying to control her. Outlaw: Naw, couldn't be that...enough of that, anything else happen when I was asleep? Cloud: Trell and Valik are having their first kid. Outlaw: Wha!? *Looks at Valik's stomach.* How?! Cloud: Don't ask me, they're both hybrids. I don't know how long their gestation periods are. Outlaw: Where's Trell? Cloud: Outside, talking to Raynor...
  19. In not particular order...the ones I can think of right now... STP 311 LifeHouse TheCalling Deftones Staind Sum41 NewFoundGlory Creed Fuel Incubus FooFighters SemiSonic Weezer LinkinPark
  20. [COLOR=green]That's really messed up...nothing like that should ever happen to anyone. Then again, it's junior high...which is the most ridiculous time for any student...[/COLOR]
  21. Even the only person I know on the boards is Raiha, there's probably a couple more people I know who post here that I might know or live in California that I could meet on vacation or something.
  22. I have held grudges in the past, but it's hard to hold em cause there's no real good reason for me to hold one since I eventually get things solved before they get out of hand.
  23. Yeah, that is a cheap tactic to make profits...GCN had an excuse for not including DVD playback because of their special format of the discs: small. I don't think that game consoles should be multi-purpose, just for games/audio CD's only. Yeah DVD playback is nice...but it's pointless if DVD's are the only things you can watch. Not VCD's or ext. Reigon DVD's that would normally play on a regular DVD player.
  24. Trell: I think you experienced a "Rushed Event" it's kinda tough to explain but...when that fireball hit you, you suddenly became unconcious and you slipped in and out for a few weeks. I don't think you're life flashing before your eyes would creat that kind of imagry since it's usually pleasent moments. I saw you get hit...but I had to flee the scene cause there was a huge-huge explosion when that fireball hit. We thought no one would survive. It may be possible that someone took you from the streets and did something to you. Raynor: I was abducted? Trell: Looks like it...same thing almost happened to Artoni...I couldn't explain what they were doing though...running tests? But after that beam hit...it probably took you back here for some reason. Raynor: I still don't get what really happened...
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