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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. I'd probably wanna first visit Tokyo (to experience the Tokyo Game Show). Then I'd tour around Europe for a while...probably alone or with my speical someone.
  2. [i]A sleepless Artoni and Charlie walk out the front door to meet up with Outlaw[/i] Artoni: Who dis? Charlie: Why are you talking like that? Artoni: No reason...I'm just tired... Raynor: Remember me? I'm Raynor... Outlaw: Way back when... Artoni: What brings you here to the northern continent? Outlaw: He woke up here...no idea... Charlie: Strange...but, welcome to this house. Raynor: Thanks, can you keep me up to date on Flash?
  3. [i]Rin hands the flashlight to Squall[/i] Rin: Than you lead... Squall: Fine... [i]They reach the end of the stair case and end up in the sewer system.[/i] Squall: Mind the smell...this place is gonna be a lot harder to spot enemies that'd like to take a bite out of us. Rin: *Takes out map of sewers* Man, this place is huge...let's try to make our way to Centeral Silent hill... [i]The group runs towards the north, not knowing what lurks beneath the murky waters...[/i]
  4. [i]Trell and Valik are in their room, two beds, seperatley sitting on each one.[/i] Trell: I was wondering...since we're gonna be parents raising a child of our own...will you marry me? Valik: :eek: :eek: :eek: Trell, I-I don't know what to say...but yes... Trell: It'll be better for our child to come into a loving family. [i]Trell hugs Valik and they lock in the embrace for a moment.[/i] Valik: Trell...I've always loved you... Trell: I've always loved you also...*Feels Valik's stomach* Our child's very lively... Valik: Well, yeah- ouch...I wonder what her animal is gonna be, dragon or tiger... Trell: I'll say it'll go with the Tiger since you're carrying it. Valik: Who else would...? :) [I]They look into each other's eyes, touch foreheads, and share a deep, passionate kiss. They look out the window to hear sounds from a cycle that just pulled up...[/i] Trell: It's getting late...and we haven't slept the entire day... Valik: Okay... [I]Trell uncovers his bed sheets and hops into his bed. Valik walks up to her bed. Just before she uncovers the sheets, she jumps onto Trell's bed and falls asleep beside him.[/I]
  5. Cool, I need something to keep me awake right now...:D
  6. That was the best jacket logo I've ever seen..."no escape" FFX sports a lot of fashions too...IE: soaps shoes
  7. OOC: Flash can't get into the city...yet [i]Flash aims a gigaflare at Valik and fires Valik: Noooo!!! *Screams*[/i] Trell: *Wakes up* Valik! *Gets out of bed and walks over to Valik sleeping in the bed next to him.* Valik: *Breathes heavliy* Oh, god... Trell: *Hugs Valik* It's okay...you're safe. Valik: *Feels stomach pains...* I have to---uhhh *Runs out of bed and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her* I hate this morning sickness... Trell: *Turns on the lights and walks to a nearby food dispenser and gets a glass of milk with a dash of nutmeg.* You'll get through this. Valik: *Opens door...* I'm alright now... Trell: *Hands her the glass of milk* I saw what happened... Valik: I hope that never happens... Trell: I've been up all night thinking. This is our child...even though we didn't engage in that type of activity. It's a symbol of our love. Valik: Yeah, so we're gonna be parents... Trell: I was wondering...
  8. Is it up yet? I dont' see it on the boards...
  9. Trell: It's not safe...where's a good place to stay at? Charlie: My place...it's not far from here but we can't land such a huge ship over there...the cristal's kept there, but it's not much use now since there's no more energy left in it. Valik: I feel it inside myself and my child... Trell: I feel it too... [i]Outlaw, Cloud, Sage, and Charlie scout ahead a very safe path for Artoni to drive Valik and Trell inside her APC (armored personell carrier) They finally make it to the palace gates after an hour[/i] Trell: What happens now? Valik: I guess we just relax until my baby is born... Artoni: How does it feel being, er becoming parents...? Trell: I'm...happy. Valik: So am I...even though it does hurt a bit, and I'm still hungry. Artoni: We'll take care of that.. [i]The shielded gates open and the APC passes through[/i]
  10. Since he's not here right now...it woudn't be nice to take his own RPG...but since lot's of people are posting pics... [URL=http://www.rpgamer.com/games/wa/wa3/art/jet.jpg]Picture of Rico in this story[/URL]
  11. Artoni: No, the safest place we can go to is the northern continent...even though it's in civil strife, we're still isolated from the rest of the world. Trell: The mountain's a long shot...remember what Flash did to it in the dream? Valik: Okay...fine...but I wonder what that was... Trell: I see it on my scanners...60 miles away from here. It'll take us 3 minues to route there...but we're so close to the northern continent. Charlie: Continue plotted course, we want to be safe as possible...you still have a baby to take care of. Valik: I know that...!:rolleyes: Sage: Continuing course... Cloud: Civil strife? Outlaw: Charlie's one of the protectors of this region...he left for Meteo City and everything turned chaotic.. [i]The massive ship receives clearance and passes through the energy field unscathed[/i]
  12. What are you're thoughts on X-box's new Vehicular Combat game "Cel Damage?"
  13. I'd have to say weight lifting...it's amazing on how much people can actually carry. Gymnastics and domestic sprorts are really exciting also.
  14. [i]Trell and Valik walk onto the bridge of the ship to meet up with the rest.[/i] Artoni: We need 2 on tactical...we're launching. [I]Valik and Trell take their seats next to the large console[/i] Trell: You still remember the path Charlie traced to the north? Valik: Plotting course...area clear within 200 miles...no large energy signatures. Trell: Hyper-drive field is stable to be emitted here...we can make it to the north in a couple hours. Charlie: *Walks in* Everything set? Artoni: Let's go. [i]The ship's booster fires a blue field around the ship...and begins to float...the ship cloaks and the mirage vanishes[/i]
  15. That's cool, an adult influence on the boards.
  16. Maybe I might plan a trip there myself, once I get enough money...especially the islands around Italy where it's not crowded.
  17. Welcome back! Too bad I can't go on vacation until next year...school beckons. BTW, where is Malta?
  18. Oo. that reminds me...I have to get a present for my aniverssery this month...
  19. I'm nearly an adult also but I still have a lot to go through to reach that level...but, without doubt, I'm heterosexual, I have no sexual attraction towards males but I would never denounce those that do have attraction to the same sex.
  20. [COLOR=green]Kay, I'll join up Name: Rico Type:Citizen Height: 5'9 Age:16 Bio: An errand boy around the city of Tokyo who quit his job and started a back alley weapons trade. Specialties: Martial Arts, weapon masteries.[/COLOR]
  21. Well, for the boards here, I signed up so I could find my G/F and be with her here. For life...it has to be a pain in the áss so we can learn. We all have our good days and bad days. But everyone has a purpose in life...you just don't really know it until you look back as an old person at what you've done all these years. How we got here? I'd go with divine creation...but no one truly knows...we're just here and we have to live with it.
  22. OOC: It's okay...I used to have those...it eventually goes away. IC: [i]Preperations are underway, Trell and Valik make it to the cloaked ship first, many miles away from Meteo City, hidden underground. The ship decloaks to let them on.[/i] Valik: That was a long walk *Sits down on the front steps and clutches her stomach.* Trell: *Sits beside her* you okay? Valik: It's nothing...it's starting to hurt again. Trell: *Lifts up Valik* Let's get on... Valik: LOL, Trell no! [I]Trell carries Valik into the hallways of the ship, the crew stares at them and he sets her down[/i] Valik: Thank you...*Hits Trell* Crewman: Your room is this way... Trell: Whos? Crewman: Sorry, we only have 30 rooms on this ship... Valik: Bunked...more than one bed? Crew: Yeah..don't worry. Trell: Okay, good. [i]They go into their room and settle down[/i] Valik: 2 months...hmph...:( Trell: Strange isn't it...I didn't even 'sleep' with you, and yet we're having a child of our own. Valik: I wouldn't call it strange...more like a miracle. Trell: I think I've heard something like this happening a long, long time ago. Valik: Save story time for later...*Yawn* I'm tired. *Sits on the bed and takes off her boots.* Trell: *Sits with her.* I wonder how Artoni and the others are doing with the lock down. That fight with Flash took most out of me. Valik: Same here...trying to keep up with the damage reports and commanding troops to evacuate the city... Trell and Valik: *Fall asleep...* :sleep:
  23. It's not your fault that you can't be on and posting a lot....school's taking a hit on my ability to reach the fourms for a long period of time. As for now, I'm going year 12 right behind some of the college people here.
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