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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Rin: Watch the window [I]Everyone looks up[/I] Flash: This isn't gonna be a walk in the park... [I]The environment transitions into Night[/I] Rin: That stairway behind the shelf should be there *Checks* It's there! Squall: Should we really take our chances down there... [i]8 Winged Demons burst through the stained glass window[/i] Charlie: Yes... [i]They all run into the narrow corridor with a large rechargable flashlight...no knowing what lurks under the church[/i]
  2. [I]The fog starts to clear up a bit[/I] Rin: We gotta hurry...they'll see us soon DemonBird: *Looks at group* Rin: Oh S-T! *Throws chain at the first bird, grappling it's leg and swings the bird to the ground then takes six shooter and fires directly into the skull* [i]Other demon birds join up on the fight[/i] Squall: Make quick work [I]Everyone unloads their guns at the demons as Rin unlocks the car's trunk and gets a small cooler and a knife. He tries to start the engine, but to no avail.[/I] Rin: Let's go! Charlie: *Throws a molotov cocktail at the group of demons, exploding and causing them to drop dead on the ground* [I]They make a run back to the church and barricade the door[/I]
  3. [i]The three walk back into the church. Flash, Raynor, and Tali wake up to a foggy silent hill[/i] Tali: Darn, I thought the nightmare would be over by now. Rin: *Checks six-shooter and closes revolver battery* Nope...but guess what I found. *Walks to cabinet to the right of the church and moves it aside...nothing* :eek: Wha? I could've sworn! No! Flash: Oh...it's something about when it turns night in silent hill, things start to change for the worst, so be glad its not there anymore. Raynor: What now? Charlie: Breakfast *Pauses and looks at everyone* umm we need to find food. Flash: *Looks at map* There's a drug store at the gasoline station. Rin: I left my car there too...I think I had a few snacks and weapons there. Tali: Who's going? Rin: I'll go, since I have the keys to my car. Charlie: :devil: Flash: I feel like doing something right now. Squall: Okay...since I was outside just now... [i]Rin, Charlie, Flash, and Squall unbarricade the church door, grab their weapons and walk over to the Last Chance gasoline station.[/i]
  4. Trell: *Notices that Sage has been gone for a few weeks with Charlie and Artoni* Sage! You're back! *Artoni and Charlie walk into the infirmary* Artoni: Miss us? Charlie: What happened? Valik: Well, let's see...I'm Pregnant! The city's gone, and we don't know what to do now... Artoni: Oh...you know we can always move back to the north where it's safe... Charlie: You can finally have your child there... Trell: I don't know...abandoning this once beautiful city...it's gonna be hard... Valik: As long as Flash is around here, we're not safe... Outlaw: I'll make the preperations to leave the city... Trell: *Takes Valik's hand* We gotta get on that ship first... Valik: Okay, don't rush me...there's someone else inside of me you know. Artoni: *Leads Trell and Valik to the underground tunnels* Keep going, you'll be safe. Charlie: *Escorts the two* Just in case... Cloud: *Works the command console* Okay, it's set on standby...we're going to be the only ones who can turn this thing back on and fix the city. Sage: Then it's set...goodbye Meteo City...
  5. Trell: In a nutshell, Valik's gonna have a baby. Valik: Obviously...but in this condition...how long will it take... Outlaw: Since you're more human tiger now...I'd give it 2 months... Valik: Oh no!... Outlaw: Congratulatios you two! Trell: *Looks out window and sees the barren city* It'll take more than 2 months to rebuilt this city...our child won't be too happy. Valik: Like we ever were when we were born remember? Trell: Yeah, not everyone is born into the perfect environment. That's how it toughens up to take on life... Valik: What should we do now? Trell: *Loads up rifle* The best thing to do right now, for our sake, is to get out of here for now...they people down there can live off the supplies for 8 years...and they can always relocate via the tunnels, they'll be alright. Cloud: *Comes back from command center* Flash disappeared... Outlaw: Then let's head out...
  6. RicoTranzrig

    This or that?

    Make out Tounges or no Tounges
  7. Trell: I'm starting to remember now...last time we escaped...we thought it was...our child. Valik: *Feels her stomach* I don't feel anything inside me...but it's still hurting. Trell: *Has Valik lie down and runs a bio scan on her* Don't see anything...you seem to be a normal...person. Outlaw: Okay, now I'm a bit confused... Valik: We're all confused. What's happening to me? Trell: I don't know *hugs Valik* you'll get through this...I promise.
  8. RicoTranzrig

    This or that?

    SSj Chic. Crazy or Insane?
  9. BabyGirl, Raiha, Smokey Joe, and Mei Rishin (if she were still here)...these four've been cool with me ever since I got here so I respect em.
  10. [i]Trell and Flash pause in the battle[/i] Trell: *Floats around in the air* Somethings wrong...*Disables Trine field and goes back into his physical human body...* [i]Trell heads back to HQ to meet up with Outlaw at the door[/i] Outlaw: Come with me... [i]Outlaw leads Trell into the infirmary where Valik is sound asleep[/i] Trell: What happened? Outlaw: I don't know...she just fainted...said she had a pain in her stomach. Trell: [i]After all these years, it's come back...I still don't understand that pain...[/i]
  11. [i]Rin goes back to the seat and grabs his chain and six- shooter[/i] Rin: Sorry...but I'm gonna have to take my chances alone *Lights a series of candles on a trident and heads inside...* "What the??" *Looks down and sees a seires of stairways leading down to the basement* "Okay, this shouldn't be here..." *Walks down and finds a teddy bear waiting at the bottom with a knife. Rin throws his chain, wraps it around the Teddy Bear's neck and pulls it apart.* "That was easy..." *Hears a large moaning sound* "Okay, maybe I should wait until morning..."
  12. Thanks...I don't know how I got that out of my head...whew...but the only thing I don't like about love is that two people are trying to be able to accept each other so they have to be absolutley compatible with each other...the problem is, there's so many diffrent people out there...it's hard to find the right one.
  13. Right now I'm keeping to what I have...I won't look for anyone else... strange... with the words, "Falling in love" you'd never associate the term "falling" as positive. You fall on the stairs, it hurts...you fall down in life, it hurts...but when you fall in love...it doesn't hurt, until the end anyway...
  14. [COLOR=green]...The relationship I'm in seems to be the best relationship I've ever been in,[SIZE=1](not to mention the only one I've ever been in)[/SIZE] Well, if we do last for a very long time, after we get our lives together (that means financial stability and independency), then we'll take it a step further.[/COLOR] :D
  15. Yay! There's gonna be a ton of B-days this month!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B] Cool! That happened to me too! It's times like these that I believe in fate. I mean, it's almost as if it had been planned. Darnit! I'm thinking too much again!:wigout: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]The strangest part was after I met her...she ended up having well, all the same interests I do...Anime, StarTrek, not dating. After that, we became really good friends...telling secrets and everything. It was so obvious that we should be together, but we didn't notice until we took a love test online just for the fun of it...and it said "99% match" then it got really creepy. Later on, I talked to her about it...and we got together...do everything together...normal relationship stuff[/COLOR]
  17. [i]Rin waits in the front altar steps, watching the other 3 sleeping soundly...it suddenly turns night...[/i] "I really gotta get used to these transitions..." *Hears a bell ringing in the distance...* "I wonder if we'll ever get out of this town..." *Looks at gold watch given by his wife as an aniverssery present...* "I can't just stay cooped up in here..." *Paces around the church and finds a shelf with a chalice and other trinkets* "Nice...too bad we can't get too religious, what the?" *Hits the shelf with knee accidently, revealing a secret passageway* "Hmm..."
  18. RicoTranzrig

    This or that?

    Weird. In crowd or the Out crowd
  19. The graphics are awesome, but they're not as high caliber as The Bouncer's. I'm getting it!:D
  20. RicoTranzrig

    This or that?

    Never loved at all! J/k... *Happy or Sad?
  21. I've seen her before...I didn't notice it at first until I saw her again...and again I wondered what was up with me looking at her, cause I wasn't into relationships. Then my friend told me we had a new member in our group...I didn't really care who it was, until she looked up at me and it was her...the one who I knew might possibly be my one and only.
  22. [i]Flash, Raynor, Rin, and Tali make it to the church...stained lime green[/i] Rin: This place is creepier than outside... Flash: *Runs around to check the place for enemies* Clear... Raynor: Good...I guess this can be our hideout until then... Tali: *takes a board of wood and baracaides the door* Just an extra precaution... Rin: *Looks up at stained glass window* We gotta worry about that too... Raynor: We can't really seal that now...too high up. Flash: We've been up and about the city for more than 30 hours now...I'm getting a little sleepy. Rin: I'm still quite awake...I'll keep guard until then...we'll switch every 3 hours. Flash, Raynor and Tali::sleep: Rin: Okay...*Gets out chain, straightens it out and sets it down on one of the seats. He looks up towards the window, fog visible.* I wonder if I'll ever find my wife...
  23. Sometimes the realism of driving against super smart AI takes out the fun...especially in the Professional league where one slip up an run everything. But I still love the ability to hook up 3 PS2's to a hub and play fun 6 player games in arcade mode.
  24. I'll just post the one song that means a lot to me... [I]Wherever You Will Go[/I] ~ The Calling
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