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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. I took a look at the screenshots at IGN...and it's actually a visually impressive game: No Jaggies, nice lighting effects...huge textures...
  2. I really wanted for link to look as real as possible...but I guess the cel-shading is fine...with the big eyebrows, eyes and all...what would really be cool is if they made link in the game look like his character artwork in the manual. Cartoony, but very anime like.
  3. *Trell is caught within the Trine pyramind...* [i]I'm...trapped...but still alive...[/i] Trell: *DeathCharge! Trell gets up, still inside the pyramind and charges at Flash head on, ramming him fiercly with electricity running through Flash's immortal body they dive into an abandoned building.* Flash: *Grounded* You still can't kill me, I'm immortal! :smirk: Trell: *Still within Trine* I may be mortal...but my soul is not...AridShockWave! Trell lets out a scream that can be heared for many miles away, shattering windows...the blue sphere surrounds Trell again, the dragon shouts become louder until the earth begins to move around violently. The blue energy surrounding Trell leaves his dragon form and flies out of the Trine pyramind. [i]My spirit is free...TerraForm! The ground begins to shake as Trell's life force leaps into the air and throws a white beam at the ground...the underplating of Meteo City reflects it...throwing Flash up high in the air, the beam penetrating his body and leaving him heavliy damaged[/i]
  4. My vote goes to Linkin Park...but I enjoy The Calling for an adult edge to rock music.
  5. [i]Trell: I can't move...what do I do now...I'm gonna die even before the battle started? No! I can't allow myself to die! I have someone who needs me![/i] *Trell closes his eyes as the giga flare rushes towards him. The blue energy field surrounding Trell becomes even brigher, almost white in color.* Trell: I won't be defeated...I can't move my body...but you can't paralyze my mind! *Gigaflare passes through him, being blocked by the energy field.* Flash: Hmm... Trell: *The energy field huddles him into an infant's position as pulses of immense energy flow through the air.* My true potential...Hybrid Vigor! *The energy field changes red as Trell morphs into his dragon form he extends his wings and lets out a deafening scream...Double vx Bomb! A large, white ball of fire is thrown from Trell to Flash...*
  6. [i]Trell and Valik receive a massive damage report...130 killed...no injuries[/i] Trell: *Hits the command console* Dámnit! Valik: What now? We can't stop him cause no one's powerful enough... Trell: *Looks down, thinks and looks up at the the destroyed Meteo City* Lock it down...there's one defense mechanism left...the underground structure is indestructable. Valik: Okay...*Radios in...* Citizens of Meteo City...this is an area wide lock down...everyone is to go underground and evacuate the city.*End Transmission* There, I said it... Trell: *Leaves his console and heads over to the preperations room* Valik: Where are you going!? Trell: I'm gonna make sure no one else dies...*Runs out* Spot me! Valik: Trell! No! *Runs after him to preperations room* Cloud: *Runs into Valik* Whoa where are you going? Valik: I gotta go after Trell...he's gonna need some help. Cloud: I don't think you should go out there with him... Valik::flaming: And why is that!? Cloud: You're the only one who's capable to command...what if something goes wrong, you need to tell people what to do and where to go... Valik: I, just can't leave him! Outlaw: Don't worry...he'll be fine... [i]At the preperations room[/i] Trell: *Fits on his old combat suit* I thought I'd never use this again...*Charges up to an immense level...lights begin to shatter as an immense blue energy surrounds him* Let's do this! *Charges out through roof of HQ and scours the city* Valik: I see him...*Glows blue* He's diffrent...*Radios in* Trell! Take care! If you're in the slightest danger of being killed, I'm coming over Trell: Okay...thanks for everything...*End transmission* Outlaw: Then it's set... Cloud: If he doesn't make it...we'll have to pull for him...
  7. Rin: There's gotta be a weapons storage area somewhere around here. Flash: In an old town like this? Not a chance... [i]The look around the police station and spot a few more demons, lurking in the prison cells[/i] Raynor: We'll there's nothing they can do to hurt us...the hell? [i]The demon walks right through the bars and begins charging toards them[/i] Rin: *Unwraps his chain and wraps it around the demon's tiny head. Rin swings it side to side on the wall until it is decapitated.* Crude, but effective. Tali: Come here, I found something... [i]Rin, Raynor, and Flash all head over to the breifing room of the station...they see a board full of evidence and pictures[/i] Flash: Looks like this place's been busy... Rin: White Claudia....up on the board...missing persons...murder victims, possible serial killer on the loose? Raynor: These people didn't know what hit them... Rin: But where did everyone go? *Looks at board* This place is pretty dangerous too...it's a long shot, a religious long shot, but it looks like the church here might be a safe place to hide out. Flash: That's crazy you know... Tali: Yeah, but where else can we go? Rin: Let's stock up here and go. [i]They take what they can...a pack of bullets, a few flares, a multi-burst rifle, and a map of the underground sewers. They head over to the church...running and stunning demons along the way...[/i]
  8. OOC: That was really cheap Final Flash... IC: [i]Trell, Valik, and the other survivors get up from the explosion and see the destruction in downtown Meteo City.[/i] Trell: Oh...s-t....:eek: *The both shout out into the evening sky on a moonless night.* Valik: Flash! are you happy now?! You just killed hundreds upon hundreds of innocent people! Trell: We're just trying to live peacefully here and you take it all away from us! What do you plan on doing now you bastard!? [i]Trell and Valik head back to Meteo Police HQ, still in their torn outfits, they organize a rescue team to save the survivors of the blast...it's morning now and troops are still trying to rescue survivors and relocate them to a safer area. Hostiptals are jam packed with the injured and the dead are being accounted and are brought into downtown Meteo city to be given a proper burial later on[/i] *Trell and Valik are inside the command station, tracking troops and getting casualty reports by the minute.* Valik: I can't believe this is happening again... Trell: There's really nothing more we can do, if we stay defensive, people get hurt, if we fight, more people get hurt... Valik: *Puts head down on console* But we're not giving up on this city... Trell: I know that...but what else can we do but stay passive and brace ourselves for the worst? Valik: I'm gonna ask Artoni....she's always been able to pull through with her skills. Trell: I wonder if Cloud and Outlaw are still alive... *The door opens to see 2 figures walk through the door*
  9. Cool, well I'll know you'll have a busy time with September *Looks at calendar* Whoa that's a lota b-day's, including mines.:D
  10. I already started school on the 28th...horrible is the word for my classes right now...my high school screwed everybody's schedueles.
  11. I have a friend that goes to Yale...just not the one in Texas...
  12. Posting in the summer does kill off a few brain cells doesn't it....:smirk:
  13. That's cool, I loved math until I got to calculus...it gets a lot more complex...
  14. The new character designs surprised me at first glance..."what did they do to the old 3D link!?" But I keep looking at the screenshots and my impression of it keeps getting better.
  15. Geometry was easy...trig was a bit harder...but Calc! Dámn that's tough...i'm dealing with it right now and it's hard to catch up.
  16. My rep would have to be a quiet...nice, but crazy guy.
  17. You could just look at our profiles.... Mines: Jimboy911
  18. [i]They see a guy with long hair in the distance getting some items to eat[/i] Trell: Akiu...this one guy I read up on the news sometimes...he's only shown up on 5 articles in Meteo City, Live but I can remember him. Valik: What's so sigificant about him? Trell: Nothing much...I do know he's a fellow hybrid. Valik: Is he part of the occult or something? Trell: No, but he's pretty famous...we're wearing his designs right now. Valik: Nice:smirk: well, he has good tastes... Trell: Yup, we'll go talk to him later... *Music starts to play* let's dance. Valik: Turn around...*Slit* Okay let's go. Trell: What was that? *Looks at Valik's legs* Valik: Staring at something? I'm just trying to make our time more fun...I won't trip and fall now... *They hold hands and go to the dance floor while slow music starts to play from the large orchestra by the lagoon on the side.*
  19. *Trell and Valik get ready for the city formal festival...they just came back from shopping at the meteo promenade and are taking a rest...the party starts in 2 hours...* Valik: I'll go get ready first...who knows how long it'll take for me to get fashionable. *Takes bag of supplies, her evening dress, goes inside the bathroom and shuts the door.* Trell: Umm...okay...*Walks back to his room and checks their E-mail box...he spots the promotion to high command of the Meteo City police.* Valik! You won't believe what happened! Valik: *Through the door* What happened? Trell: We got promoted to high command...we're in charge of the entire force now. Valik: Oh this can't be good... Trell: Now we can fully have everyone working on the occult case now...that's been going on for 4 years now, its about time we put a stop to the violence. Valik: Yeah, I guess....but did it have to be now? Trell: Tomorrow, we take command. But why don't we celebrate and relax for now. *Valik finally gets out, wearing an elegant, black silk dress, reaching down to her feet, with her hair up and glossy.* Trell: Nice *Whistles approvingly* Valik::rolleyes: Trell: *Walks into the bathroom with his tuxedo...a few minutes later, he comes out, hair straight back instead of up.* Valik: Not too bad...let's go! *The head down to their cruiser and go to the main park where food, music, and dance await.*
  20. Rin: Where to? It looks like no place is safe here. Tali: Anywhere with a strong door, that's for sure. *Raynor takes out map of Old Silent Hill* Raynor: There's a small police station nearby... Flash: I'll spot ahead...*Jumps in motor cycle and speeds off to the station.* Rin: Just in case something goes wrong and we get seperated...just use that house...you can get away from a demon easily there. *The 4 reach the police station and go inside...*
  21. I'd have to say Halo, Raw IS WAR, Silent Hill 2 (personal favorite upcoming game), DOA3, and Much's oddesey.
  22. The first name of my board name is pretty common...but not "Tranzrig" that name was just floating around in my head along with the other names I make up.
  23. It'll be the crazy áss mofo...I'm gonna get into my straight jacket now cause it's getting a bit cold...and go to my padded house.
  24. Well, if you do something wrong but have good intent...then I still believe it may be wrong. Because some people do horrible things out of good intent...human expirimentation for example...it's good intent is that it benifits the scientific community and the population...but not the person who gets to be the guniea pig.
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