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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[i]*Trell and Valik are fast asleep when they telepatically communicate in their dreams. They are thrown into a dark environment with light only shining on them.* Trell: What is this place? Valik: I don't know...this isn't the first time it's happened before. Trell: Something seems wrong...about this city and the hybrids. Valik: Yeah, especially that underground village. We gotta go back there and check out what in the world they're doing. Trell: Let's bring a full team then...Charlie, Artoni, Outlaw, Cloud, Sage, and anyone else willing to help. Valik: I feel someone else...Flash! *Flash approaches from the distance at high speed, eventually meeting up with the two.* Trell: You! Flash: What are you doing in my domain! Get out! Valik: We don't know how...we can't wake up! Trell: *Tries to cast FlameBuster...nothing* Looks like we can't hurt each other here. So it's no use in doing anything else but talking and thinking. Flash: Fine, just to entertain you since you've invaded my dreamspace somehow. Valik: Why are you trying to kill us? Flash: I scanned your power, both of yours...that Cristal you wear on your neck Valik...it was something that Charlie gave to you that both gave you the ability to use your full potentials. I want that.! Trell: What are you planning to do with that power. Flash: I am immortal...in soul only...absorbing the power of the Cristal will give me the strength to be immortal phsically also. Valik: So you can kill all of us? Flash: I dislike all hybrids, if you haven't noticed already...but since I can't tell who's a hybrid or not anymore...I'll spare the citizens of this city. Trell: So you can kill the rest of the people elsewhere, you bástard! Flash: No...I'm through with killing...mass killing anyway. Instead, I'm going to destroy the root of all hybrid existence.[/i] Valik: What? How is that possible?! *But the dream woke up, and they found themselves on the couch...it was morning and they had to go to find out what Flash exactly meant about the root of hybrid existence.*
Gaming Connection between Final fantasies
RicoTranzrig replied to The 8th MS Team's topic in Noosphere
Storywise, there isn't any...but all the objects like the summons, class systems (maybe not so much in FF7 and 8) and magic are all there. Not to mention Cid, Biggs and Wedge...I don't know how long they've been in the FF series and gotten beaten up/killed...There was this other guy named Johnny, I think...who was in a couple FF's. -
I try to find comfort in God...but it's difficult cause I have so many problems in life now. I pray whenever I can and I attend church...but when I see others going against their own doctrines and moral values they promise to uphold...I feel discouraged.
OOC: What's wrong...she's been wearing that since day one...and they aren't skank pants...they're soldier style. IC: Charlie: *Looks at the monitor and notices Flash is missing* What the??? Artoni: *Slips on her Jacket* Well, we're gonna have a bit of a problem...*Sends a message that Flash is out to Valik and Trell* Charlie: Oh BTW, did you happen to contact me while you were kidnapped? Artoni: Since you're not a hybrid, I don't see how...I was barley wearing anything last night... Charlie: *Replays Artoni's distress call* I could've sworn this was you. Artoni: What did they do to me down there... Charlie: Let's go ask Trell and Valik...
I respond to all of the people who sent it explaining how foolish they've become, then delete it.
Gaming Connection between Final fantasies
RicoTranzrig replied to The 8th MS Team's topic in Noosphere
I think the Chocobos were in every single FF... -
What in the world? Hope that entire mess doesn't happen again...Ruff Writah?
Trell: Hey, Artoni's coming back to his senses... Artoni: Huh...? What happened... Valik: Remember the club...you got kidnapped. Artoni: *Looks at her clothes and rests her head back on the seat* Dámn...why did I wear such tacky clothing... Valik: What!!??:flaming: Artoni: C'mon Valik...it's way too revealing...and it doesn't suit my tastes. Get me out and into my white pants and jacket outfit... Charlie: *Carries Artoni* I'll take her to the locker rooms...just take it easy...Meteo Police is in a scramble to organize now that most of it's officers are back from cleanup. Trell: We'll talk later... *Trell and Valik wheel in the bullet riddled car for repairs. They go up to the rooftop and Trell carries Valik back to the apartment.* Trell: We haven't been here in a long time...I can't believe the were able to restore everything. Valik: It's great that the system here keeps track of everything. *They take a rest on a couch* Trell: This is so comfrotable...:sleep: Valik: Flight and driving takes a lot out of you huh....*Cuddles up with Trell and falls to sleep.*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B] NOOO!!!!!!!! BAD BAD BAD BAD CHOICE!~! :) well, i am out.. later.. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay...what's wrong with the RSX?
*They put Artoni in the back of the cruiser and drive back to HQ.* Trell: I wonder what that message from Charlie was all about... Valik: I don't know...what in the world did they do to Artoni, she won't even wake up...but she's still breathing. Trell: All she wanted to do was have a good time...she must be freezing, with such a small shirt on... Valik: *Takes Artoni's leather jacket and places it on Artoni.* [i]The crusier pulls up at a stop sign when a limosene pulls up beside them.[/i] Trell: After we clear this case and get our cut in §$§ we'll go to something like that. Valik: Trell... Trell: What is it? Valik: Their windows are rolling down... *Machine guns start flying...Trell and Valik drop down in their seats to dodge the bullets while Trell guns the engine. They make it out alive.* Trell: Shoot, what in the world was that? Valik: It was one of those masked people again...*Looks in shattered mirror* And they're not stopping at that. Trell: *Radio's Charlie* Hey, we're being followed and getting shot at! Have backup when we get there... Charlie: Got it! *End Transmission*
Acura RSX is the car I would recommend to buy...
Rin: Hello!!?? *Sees a small creature with a knife and a small hump on it's back starts charging toards him* "S-t! I'm outta here!" Rin runs out through the backyard and out through the gates with chain wrapped around in one hand and ShotGun in the other. Old Silent hill begins to suddenly turn dark. "What the hell is wrong with this place? and what the hell am I doing here?" Rin turns on his flash light and looks behind him...being pursued by 6 hell hounds, he starts running madly, emptying out the shotgun's single bullet and taking out 2 of the dogs. Me makes a right and sees the stone markings of "Silent Hill Elementary." "I'll take my chances in there..." He runs inside the school and shuts the door behind him, evading getting mauled by the hell hounds. His flashlight his still on...but it is completley pitchblack...with only 5 feet of sight around him.
I don't care for parties, only clubs...so a Car.
[i]Trell sneaks up behind the room Artoni is in[/i] Trell: Strange this is the only place where there's actually people. Valik: Then we should be alright... Artoni: [telepathically] They have their backs turned...there's an access port on the roof. Trell: I'll take the roof *Flies up and quietly opens up the lid* Valik: Leaps up into the air *I'm going with you...double surprise* Artoni: They're doing something...*Gasps as tubes are injected into her body through her arm...cloudy blue liquid enters her body.* ???: Hehe, it's working better than I expected...her T-fers (Energy producing hybrid cells) levels are off the scale. Trell: We can't let them do that to her... Valik: On three...1 Trell: Two... Valik: Three! *They jump in and start attacking the nearest person they find...eventually disabling the entire group.* Trell: *Goes up to the stasis field and destroys it with a FlamingPunch.* Valik: Now to see who these strange people really are *Unmasks one of the ????? and reveals that the person is a normal human.* Trell: *Unhooks the needles and tubes going into her and carries her outside, back near the access port of the sewer.* Valik: *Follows Trell* Is she okay? Trell: Something feels...diffrent about her...
Name: Syllibus Roc (Just call me Syll) Age: 16 Race: Human Description: Tall, very strong looking, black hair, black eyes, black vest and soldier's pants. Bio: Abandoned at birth, Syll was put into an orphanage on planet Amber until age 12 where he ran away to another continent via airship stowaway. Syll learned how to become a tough survivor in the city, learning how to build ships and create weapons out of junk, spare parts, and raw materials. Personality: Patient, strong willed and tough, but kind towards others he knows closely.
[i]Trell follows her in floating quietly in the air.[/i] Trell: Charlie, head back to HQ and keep track of us... Charlie: No problem. *Jumps out of access port, grabs is HyperBike and speeds away.* [Telepathically speaking...] Valik: Nice of you to join me. Trell: Can you reach Artoni's mind with the Crystal. Valik: I'm going to save it's power when I really need it...she's probably knocked out right now. Trell: Watch out, I see someone coming in the distance. *16 more darkly dressed men and women walk by as Trell and Valik cling to the ceiling.* Valik: Whew, that was close... *They finally come to a giant city-like area deep below Meteo City* Trell: What in the world is this place? Valik: I have no idea...you have a trace on Artoni? Trell: *Turns on tracing device* Near where the water collection duct is...that large metal building. Valik: Who the hell are these people...
Valik: *Pounces on one of the four men and starts scratching him* Trell: *Delivers a huge kick to one of the strange dark men* [i]Two of the men grab Artoni and put a high powered gun to her head[/i] ????:Back off! Or the bunny gets it! Trell: Valik! Stop! [i]Valik gets off the man, bleeding profusley. The four back out and make a run for it, carrying Artoni, hitting her with tranquilizer darts[/i] Artoni: Help! :sleep: [i] Trell and Valik charge up and start to follow them[/i] Charlie: Don't go after her...we'll eventually find her. *Takes out electronic map and sees a blip of Artoni moving down under into the sewers.* Trell: We'll cut them off and surprise them here *points to map* [i]They get into the cruiser, engage the engine at dangerous speeds and reach the access ports. They jump in and take position in the shadows...[/i]
Sage: I'll do it...just have a fun time at the Club. [i]He hand cuffs the Pimp and takes him back to HQ for interrogation. The four go back inside the club and start dancing again.[/i] Artoni: I'm having fun! *Starts dancing with Charlie* Charlie: Hehe...:D Trell: *Eyes Artoni and Charlie* Oh no... Valik: Don't mind them...Look at me...*Turns Trell's head so they gaze into each others eyes as they keep dancing.* [i]As they hang around the club for a couple more hours, four heavily clothed people enter the club.[/i] Trell: Looks like our fun's over...
Diamond, since they featured it in the FMV's but also Omega since it was one tough monster to beat.
[i]They both fall to the ground as Valik starts pummeling the guy[/i] Trell: Hey, I know you! PIMP! *Finds an open space and starts kicking his head* [i]The club comes to a halt...the bouncers escort the three out of the club and they continue their assult on the Pimp[/i] Trell: Tell us what you know, or your jewels get it! Pimp: No please! I don't know anything! Valik: How bout that occult you were talking about *Kicks his face.* Pimp: oh that? that was nothing....honest! Valik: So sure about that? You assulted me and almost killed me you Bast@rd! [i]Artoni, Sage, and Charlie run out of the club, trying to break up the fight[/i]
Sage: See anything suspcious? Trell: Not yet...it's not midnight yet... Charlie: What do we do? Mingle around? Trell: Yeah, why not... *The three leave their table and split up...Sage and Charlie meet some ladies and start dancing. Trell waits by the entrance, posing as a bouncer, checking people coats for the drug.* [i]Valik and Artoni Walk in, wearing makeup, hats and leather pants and jackets.[/i] Artoni: My ears hurt... Valik: Bear with it...if you can't take the tight leather on your head...I have a green bandana you can wear. Trell: Hey, nice outfits:D Valik: What are you doing? Trell: Waiting for you two... Artoni: *Takes off hat and quickly puts on bandana* This is more like a vacation than a drug bust. Valik: I'll stay here with Trell...you go mingle with the crowd and look around. [i]Artoni Runs off[/i] Trell and Valik: :eek: Trell: I've never seen her this hyped up. Valik: Let her have her fun...it'll be interesting to see how she dances and meets people.:) Trell: Wanna go dance? Valik: Let's do this... [i]Trell and Valik hold hands as the music starts pumping again...they start dancing really close.[/i]
[COLOR=green]*Cloud and Outlaw come speeding in with the stasis device and put Flash inside it.* Artoni: *Jumps down to meet up with the rest of the group.* Good work! Let's hope he doesn't wake up before we put him into the EMP field. That should disable his powers. *They take him to the EMP chamber, seal the room, and leave him there until he wakes up.* Trell: That missle blast was pretty nasty...my ears are ringing! Valik: Thanks Charlie, but we had it under control. *Rubs her bruised arms.* Charlie: Sorry... Sage: Since there's the rest of the department can fix up Flash...we can concentrate on other matters. Artoni: There are other matters? Trell: Yeah, there's this strange drug trade going on and we haven't been able to find the source or it's effects. Valik: News reports say that a guy who was on the drug went on a rampage and killed 6 people. Outlaw: Can we join in? Cloud: Yeah...how bout us? Sage: Since Kani, our boss is out of duty...I'm in charge. So yeah, you can go and help us... Artoni: Me? Trell: You and Charlie are with me and Valik. Valik: We should check back at that club again... Outlaw: I hate raves...you four can go... *Trell, Artoni, Valik, and Charlie get into a cruiser and to the Meteo Promenade to prepare for the night.*[/COLOR]
*Rin searches the abandoned house on Levin Street for anything useful or significant* Rin: What's this...a diary...*Opens it up and notices blood on the pages along with the ink.* *...October 24th, I just sent the kids to school, but one teacher really freaked me out when I saw him. It's starting to snow, in the middle of july. The news on the radio say that there's a serial killer lurking around these places. So my husband got a shotgun...* *Rin flips the page and notices a large amount of blood and pus on the blank pages...he drops it and nearly vomits on the floor before finaly coming back to his senses. He looks on the top of the refrigerator and notices a 21 inch chain and a loaded shotgun.* Rin: This might be useful. *Hears footsteps* Whos there! *Aims his flash light around the living room and kitchen...*
[COLOR=green]*Trell and Valik engage Flash in a brutal fist fight* Flash: You can't beat me, I'm too quick and strong! *Keeps blocking and countering the blows made by the two.* Trell: How bout something to go with your name? Flash! *A pulse of flames quickly charge around Trell's hands. He then lets loose blinding punches, forcing Flash to put up his sheild again.* Valik: Rue Arience! *Water again surrounds Flash and he disappears.* Trell: Okay, everything is going to plan...now we could use that trap right about now...CoronaOfTheSun! *The scythe-shaped flame captures Flash, disabling his sheild and causing him to reappear. Flash: That's it! Huh? *A lage missile hits Flash and explodes with great force, pushing all three of them back to the ground, knocking Flash unconcious* Valik: What in the world was that? *Charlie and Artoni wave to them from the top of a building, holding a smoking launcher*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]*Flash Charges up* Flash: Then let's go! *Trell and Valik rise up into the air and charge after Flash back down on the ground* Trell: Dragon'sBane! *A bubble of fire surrounds him as he rams himself straight on into Flash's body, causing them to both slide on the ground.* Valik: C'mon Trell...let me get a clear shot....YES! GlaciusSphere! *A ball of below freezing ice forms and launches towards Flash as Trell gets out of the way.* Flash: *Blocks TidalSpike with sheild* That was pretty tough...how bout this? Devil'sWings! *The ground begins to shake and flames begin spewing out of the ground* *Trell and Valik flee the battle area.* Trell: Shoot, I didn't expect that to happen... Valik: Yeah...but we can't let him harm anyone! Artoni: *Radios in* Keep him busy! We need a few more minutes to get the trap set! Trell: Okay...Trell and Valik out! [/COLOR]