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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[i]As Rico drives towards the hospital, he gets a message on the Meteo Police Bulliten system[/i] Message: Attention all Meteo Defense units, regroup @ the encoded cooridinates. [i]Rico looks at the positioning system of the city and sees that the disturbance is coming from the Outer Section of Meteo City...Tasha messages Rico from the apartment[/i] Tasha: Rico, are you okay? Rico: What's going on? Tasha: Police reports say that a huge explosion took place at a lab facility in OuterSection Meteo. Rico: What caused the blast? Tasha: I don't know...but detective Kani called and said you should make your way to Police HQ after your trip to the hospital. Rico: Got it...I'll see you in a bit. Tasha: Take care then [i]End Transmission[/i] [i]Rico speeds towards the main hospital building, takes a few bandages and tissue regenerator devices and heads to HQ to meet up with the undercover squad with Kani leading the pack. Rico doesn't know what's in store for him... [/i]
[i]Rico Stayed up all night thinking about what the Pimp said about "The Occult" Who were these people, did they have a connection with the drug dealings and random acts of violence around the city because of those drugs? Rico woke up later than usual and got ready for work. As Rico got out of his room, Tasha woke up and tried to get out of bed...eventually falling on the floor in pain and giving up.[/i] Tasha: S-T!:flaming: [i]Rico rushes in the room to help Tasha back up to her bed[/i] Rico: Looks like you're more busted up than I though. Tasha: Shut up! You don't have to remind me! Rico: Okay, fine...but you're not going anywhere or doing anything until you get better. Tasha: And how do you plan on stopping me... Rico: I don't have to, you'll stop yourself when you fall on the floor again. Tasha: [i]Starts crying softly[/i] Rico: I'm sorry....it really hurts huh? Tasha: Yeah... [i]Rico set her flat on the bed and started checking her body for massive injures. He found a broken collar bone and fractured ribs.[/i] Rico: We gotta get some medical supplies. Don't move. Tasha: Won't you be late for Kani's breifing? Rico: That can wait, she's already pleased about the video we took of the drug dealing last night. Tasha: Rico? Rico: What? Tasha: Thanks for remembering my little secret... [i]Rico heads out to the local hospital near the center of the city. He didn't want to send her to the emergency room directly or the doctors would have probably ran scans on her, revealing her Telepathic abilities that both of them posess. They can't explain why they have it...but it proves useful in missions.[/i]
[i]Rico drives Tasha back to their apartment and sets her down on her bed as she begins to wake up[/i] Rico: Sorry I wasn't there for you, Tasha. Tasha: Don't worry about it, I can...take...care...of...Zzzzzz [i]Tasha falls asleep[/i] Rico: Hmm...Sweet dreams...:angel: [i]Rico closes the door to her room and prepares dinner for one. Rico gets a call from their superior officer, Detective Kani around midnight[/i] Kani: How's everything? Rico: Tasha's asleep, she's pretty beat up right now... Kani: Do you have the stuff? Rico: We weren't able to get the drugs cause Tasha got in a bit of a mix up with another person. We have the entire thing on Audio Video if you wanna take a closer look. Kani: I'll be expecting it in the morning in my E-mail inbox. As for your partner, just let her rest. We have a lot more undercover work for you. Rico: I understand... Kani: Good work, Rico. Sorry I'm putting a double workload on you. [i]The transmission ends and walks to Tasha's room to check up on her. Awake, Tasha gets up with much pain around her body. Rico joins her eating dinner in her bed.[/i] Tasha: This is really awkward... Rico: How else are you gonna keep from starving to death. Tasha: Well, you can stuff a tube up my nose and pump food...then again I'm dangerously underweight. Thanks.:D Rico: No problem...You up for some more work? Tasha: No... Rico: I'll just have to go at it alone tomorrow then.:rolleyes: Tasha: I can monitor your activities from home and aid you from there. Rico: You sure you can get up and take care of yourself? Tasha: What did I just say tonight!?:) Just kidding...I can barley move. Rico: Okay, okay...I'll help you out as much as I can tomorrow:rolleyes: I'm gonna get some shut eye. [i]Rico cleans up, preps up Tasha for bed, then goes to sleep Little do they know they are being watched by a cloaked stranger, a member of the uprising occult...[/i]
Broadband or the.... dreaded.... 56k??!
RicoTranzrig replied to Desert Shadow's topic in General Discussion
I have 56K since the Lazy phone company doesn't want to offer DSL in our area:flaming: Sometimes I can tap into the T1 connection at the school using an AirPort. -
FF6, that's the one I started with and fell in love with the FF series.:D
What do u wanna do after senior year???
RicoTranzrig replied to Ice Dragon v2's topic in General Discussion
Oops, umm...I didn't see that when I posted....:rolleyes: But that was something I told my friend a while back...say, last year... -
Even if there's something important the next day...I always stay up...
What do u wanna do after senior year???
RicoTranzrig replied to Ice Dragon v2's topic in General Discussion
I'm probably gonna end up working for a major magazine company writing articles on either cars that I test&review or video games that I try out and rate. Marriage? Probably another female writer... -
[i]Rico comes back in his criuser to the club and sees sage peering in the alleyway[/i] Rico: Sage, I couldn't find any spare officers at the station, are you my backup? Sage: I guess so...I was just patrolling my usual area. Rico: Hey, what going on there? [i]They hear commotion, and Tasha's voice. Rico and Sage arm their pistols and walk toward the scene.[/i] Rico: Looks like my partner's in trouble. Sage: Why'd you leave her alone anyway? Rico: Like I said, I was gonna call for backup...but I didn't find anyone. Sage: Wait, so you're gonna bust an entire club without prepping up with backup... Rico: It was just a reconnicance mission before the bouncers wouldn't let Tasha out of the club... Sage: Since she's out now, maybe we can get her out of this mess. [i]Rico and Sage proceed forward and spot the Pimp and his two bodyguards, Tasha, and two men they've never seen before[/i] Pimp: Hey, It'll only take five minutes, then you two can have her... Cloud: I'm more of a gentlemen than you'll ever be, now let her go! Outlaw: Hey, you better not mess with me. I'm pissed off right now so F-k off! Pimp: [i]pushes Tasha out of the way into the wall, knocking her unconcioius[/i] Looks like I'll have to take care of you two for now. Rico: [i]Joins up with Cloud and Outlaw[/i] Make that 4...you're under arrest! Sage: It looks like they're gonna put up a fight before they'll listen to us. Pimp: Meteo police...you weaklings'll never match with our Occult. Rico: Occult? What're you talking about. [i]Three bodyguards get up and backup the Pimp with machine guns as he takes out his metal cane with an electric tip. Cloud charges after one of the body guards and strikes the gun out of his hand. Sage riddles the unarmed thug's feet with bullets, causing him to drop to the ground. Sage runs up to him and slaps hand cuffs around the wrists. Outlaw picks up a metal trash can and walks slowly to the other bodyguard as Rico keeps the Pimp busy with light gunfire. Outlaw blocks the bullets with the can and pummels the second body guard, leaving a face imprint on the can. They regroup to engage the Pimp.[/i] Pimp: Looks like I'm outnumbered. Rico: Ya got that right you pervert! Pimp: I don't have time to deal with insolent weaklings like you four. [i]Throws smoke bomb, spraying gas all over the alleyway.[/i] Cloud: He got away... Sage: But not his bodyguards. Thank you for your help...what's you're names? Cloud: Cloud Outlaw: Outlaw... Sage: Okay [i]writes names down on pad[/i] You'll be receiveing your pay of §2,000 each. Cloud and Outlaw: Thanks Rico: I'll take care of my partner... Sage: I'll put these two in a cell...sorry about your mission. Rico: [i]Picks up Tasha[/i] It's okay...just make sure they don't get away. [i]goes inside car[/i] Sage: You're gonna be okay? Rico: Yeah...Tasha's pretty good at healing quick with my care so I'll just meet you back at the station tomorrow. Again thanks for your help. [i]Sage and Rico drive off in seperate directions...Outlaw and Cloud head back home, wondering who or what the Pimp meant about the word "Occult."[/i]
[I]Club Skylax[/I] [i]Rico Tranzrig, now 6 months into the Meteo City police department gears up for undercover work at a local rave party in centeral Meteo with his partner, Tasha Adelle. Both in leather jackets, they casually walk past the bouncer and settle themselves down at a table in the corner with the electronica pumping. The place looks pretty normal, but within the club, a suspected drug trade is going on at this very moment among the large crowd of people.[/i] Rico: You remember your mission, right? Tasha: Of course! I don't need you to take care of me, I can take care of myself. Rico: Okay, okay...sheesh. What are you so mad about? Tasha: You didn't have to embarass me at the breifing room when I ask stupid questions. Rico: Oh, sorry about that... Tasha: I'm gonna go take a walk around. [i] Tasha gets up and mingles with the crowd, carrying a simply harmless fan that records audio and video through its hidden cameras. She talks to diffrent people, but with her present mood, she becomes short tempered when she approaches this one guy named Pimp.[/i] Pimp: Hey, you wanna go to the back with me and get it on. Tasha: I- don't think so. Go away! Pimp: You know, no one says no to Pimp! [i]He summons his body guards, to surround Tasha and try to hold her and drag her to the back alleyway.[/i] Tasha: Did you hear me? I said hell NO! Leave me the F-k alone! [i]One of the bodyguards tries to grab hold of Tasha's shoulders. She elbows the guard in the stomach, then delivers a powerful back kick to the Pimp's groin area, causing him to fall to his knees in pain with his guards helping his unconcious self.[/i] Tasha: Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way. [i]Tasha walks away unscathed and finally confronts a dealer[/i] Dealer: Here, try this. [i]holds up a vial filled with blue powder[/i] Tasha: How much? Dealer: §50 a pop. Tasha: I think I left my purse at the table. Dealer: Come back now, okay? Tasha: Sure thing...:rolleyes: [i]Rico walks up to Tasha and they start to dance to be unsuspected[/i] Rico: You sure did a number on that Pimp guy...did you scan their minds? (This will be explained later....) Tasha: Oh, yeah...the they're all strange here. I dunno what it is, but some of these people aren't, normal. Rico: It's probably that new drug we got breifed about...acts a lot like adrenaline... Should I call for backup? Tasha: I was gonna ask the same thing. Rico: I'll have em at the front, waiting, until you give the signal. Tasha: See you then... [i]Rico walks out of the club and drives back to Meteo Police headquarters for backup...[/i]
Hybrid Vigor 2..........Starts, Now...be active there:D
Sweet pictures! I'm already gonna get a GCN but looking at these pics makes me want it more.
That's happened to my many times over...I hope it never happens again...
Excellent...the new metriod screenshot looks interesting Ridge Racer was on the 64 a while back...so I guess namco is starting to support nintendo more as well. So you're actually going to spaceworld?
Yeah I remember the cartoons...it should be made into an anime series. I really wanna watch Link and Zelda battle together against Agnaham(sp?) and Ganon. Remember where all the baddies go after Link slayes em?:)
Cool, it's been 10 years already and I'm still playing it occasionally. Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 3 (6/JP) Mega Man X3 Super Metroid Zelda: A link to the past
Whoa, that's pretty harsh...I'll be careful...but I'll probably delete from my inbox without knowing anyway it since I get so much junk.
LOL, that's a lot like Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might Be A Redneck."
Well, I had my friend draw a picture of RicoTranzrig a couple hours ago...so no baggy jeans and T-shirt for me:D...
Usually I dress conservativley, that means cream colored pants and a small colored T-shirt. But if I go somewhere nice, like a club...it's black denim with a black buttoned shirt. I usually don't set trends with clothes. Hair, yes, since my hair grows diffrently than most peoples. I don't care what people think of my image so I wear whatever I want.
That's a nice drawing of Amarant and Eiko I really like the coloring methods you used.
I had a nightmare last night of this one girl I went out with leaving me forever on a plane...I woke up in a cold sweat and an emotional mess. Well, I never see her anymore so it kinda makes sense. Sometimes I have premonitions too...but they're mostly all subtle and don't happen in a couple months if I can still remember my dreams for that long.
Great explanation:D I'm starting to wonder if PS2 is going to pay the price for not putting in "Built-In" features. Like the N64 paied in sound quality when it left out a sound processor. But the PSone seemed to manage with only 2Megs of Main ram and 1 Meg of VRAM@~35MhZ? (I forgot the core processor speed but it was a double digit number...)
I really like the 3D games that came out for the SNES...even though some of them were somewhat bad, they were in pure 3D, polygons, texture maps and all! But for my 2 favorie games of all time on SNES, Chrono Trigger and Zelda: Link to the Past.
Yeah, just keep waiting...I was patient and eventually found someone who treats me right, one who makes me feel special.