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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. I really like the timing system on the attacks and some of the platform genre scenes....but I hated sharing FP(flower power? something like Mana...)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by safer cloud [/i] [B]When are we going to start this?:confused: [/B][/QUOTE] Again...when is this starting???
  3. How bout the new FF10 characters? I heard Rikku is pretty fine!
  4. The problem with placing mass amounts of space in the cartrige is that...there's a strange load time to it (mainly concentrating on RE2). Legend of Zelda: OOT proves that CG cutscenes aren't really neccesary to make a good game. In-game ones will do just as fine.
  5. I know that...I like the show but I'm still waiting for the new episodes to come out...
  6. Not really...Ocarania of Time was quite long. I'm trying to think of a couple more long games... the only other game I can think of that has almost the same amount of space as a CD is Resident Evil 2(512MB)...but that takes forever to load the scenes.
  7. ...can I make up my own Psychic? Name: Rico T. Age: 19 Sex: Male Location: 17th Street Skylax Apartment Complex Bio: Being introduced to mass amounts of PPEC's during infancy, Rico develped a hidden power that helps him to lift objects and alter reality. He lives a normal life, not knowing his growing power...he joins the police force as an undercover officer, hoping to rise the ranks. He relies on the massive computer in the center of the city to help him on his cases.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]I can tell that game's going to suck.... Nothing but blood, guts, and killing. It reminds me of DOOM, except it probably won't be anywhere as good. It's like I thought before, X-box is going to be soo focused on graphics that the games are going to suck, probably. Plus those graphic's in that shot don't look all that impressive... [/B][/QUOTE] True, the graphics are kinda lame, based on the specs of the x-box, they look no better than what a Voodoo5 chipset can do.
  9. I thought you said you were gonna post em Sephiroth...
  10. Oh...there it is *Looks up* Thanks...*click*...
  11. SsJ chic's and mines are about 4 days...if she ever posted her B-day up...FireMac and BabyGirl are pretty close to mines too, same age also.
  12. Well, from what I see, they story is a really good start...just dont make the same mistake I did and keep writing until you tire out...then you wake up and look at what you write and say, "The hell was I thinking!?!"
  13. I can't seem to find the Logout button...I don't want anyone to snoop around my Otaku account when I'm away from my comp...maybe I'm just blind...Lol...:confused:
  14. "Well, my name's Chirton..." He shakes hands with all of them, " and this guy who fell from the sky- where, where did he go?" Ben, Mike, Firewood and Syliva look around for the strange man. "Oh well, we wanted to loose him anyway..." Syliva knelt down and asked Chirton, "Could you tell us the direction of your leader's palace?" "Oh you mean the king?" Chirton asked, "It's right over there." He points to the large castle to his right with dark clouds towering over it." Mike commented on the oddly gloomy scenery, "Hmm, that's strange. Anyway, we should be going on our way. Nice meeting you Chirton." Ben, Mike, Firewood and Sylvia wave to Chirton before heading past the palace gates. Chirton walks home, wondering where that strange man went, carrying his sword and sheild left by a tree during his training.
  15. It could be a lot like Klona...it's still a side-scroller but it's all 3D.
  16. Yeah...you do have more posts then anyone right now:D
  17. How does it feel being top poster?
  18. Oh well, *Switches to cowboy accent* keep oooon postin'
  19. Like I said in the old boards. "That Japanese/German Mix makes her fine"
  20. I saw your post count jump from 180-240 in the morning...I can see why you're exhausted...
  21. I guess...climbing the ladder again and discovering new titles isn't so bad...how bout custom titles?
  22. The only thing I have trouble on is treading water...
  23. I love changing my accent when I play pranks on people...they almost never know who I am...
  24. " Hang HIM!!" Said the village people.
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