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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]I would ask a friend from the past IRL... 1. What have you been doing this entire time I was gone? 2. Do you still care about me? 3. How about tomorrow? [/COLOR]
  2. They say it's a sequel to the original Chrono Trigger, but in certain elements only, not the story...which was kind of a downer, unless something happened in the unreleased Radical Dreamers that changed a lot of things. I didn't really like having all those characters to choose from in the game, let alone acquire all of them. Otherwise, the game was great...the battle system where you build up your power level each time you successfully attack. Particularly, I love the music in the game, complimentary to the environments. There are multiple endings as in the first one...but not as many...
  3. I too will be planning to get it for the PC just because I heard that the software installation is daunting for the PS2 and I don't want to disrupt my home network just to play XI, unless the PS2 supports a wireless network adaptor ;). It really will be set apart from the other games so far...but, as previously mentioned, it does have a storyline and ending. Then XII will pick up on the single-player experience again. lol, I really like the idea of having an Otaku clan for an MMORPG...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]106.1 right? [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, KMEL and Wild 94.9...whenever I turn it on, there's music in the background while there's someone constantly talking and making phone calls. :rolleyes: I think 98.7 is KISS where they play mostly oldies and R&B. The lead singer in APC is the same one in Tool so their styles are really similar...dark, but unique. Like Wrist said...there has to be some point where you get tired of mainstream music and have to listen to something that has the quality that you enjoy. [/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Sweet. What kind of car is it? [/B][/QUOTE] It's an Acura 3.2TL...and it has a few mods in it. I don't test it out with a clock or anything, but it constantly hovers around that speed and it really picks up if I push it in the freeway. Others who own the same car say 0-100 is around 12 seconds...which is still quite fast.
  6. My friend had enough money for it so he's online...the graphics are okay, but the gameplay is fun. He tends to get killed a lot though. I doubt that you can use the mic on the comp without the proper drivers, unless your computer has an OS that supports USB mics.
  7. I watched a lot of them when I was a kid...it was funny how Link would always ask for a kiss from Zelda after each episode and not get one. For the Sonic cartoon, I liked the ABC one better since it had that dark look to it.
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm thankful that I haven't gotten into a car crash ever since I got my license 2 years ago...I think one of my close friends dying in one influenced me a lot. I've been really careful since then...but still, I drive a car that has the ability to go past 100MPH in a matter of seconds, add that with driving around in California's most hostile freeways I've gotten into my share of close calls...[/COLOR]
  9. I heard that either AC3 or AC2 exp had networking capabilities, is that true?
  10. The only thing that I had a problem with were the controls...which took a little getting used to. But after that, it's really a ton of fun customizing your mech. My friends and I all have the game for PS2 and we battle each week.
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]I do prefer alt. rock and metal, but the majority of people around my area enjoy hip-hop, so I take a certain liking to it. I enjoy a lot of the 'underground' artists (like some of the contributers to Linkin Park's Reanimation). I can't stand the stuff that they play on the "party station" in my area.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]It would be cool if there were branching storylines where you could pick the group that you like working for and stick with them instead of having them try to blow up the car you're in. All the while the other gangs would become more hostile towards you or attempt to manipulate you into their group.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]I woke up at around 5 (Pacific time) and started getting ready for school, which basically means shower, breakfast, videogames, and otaku for the next 1.5 hours. My mom turned the TV on and I logged on to the Otakuboards so we both found out what happened. Once I got to school, I spent most of the day watching the news trying to get all the info while the towers finally imploded 2 classes into the day. After that...they just kept rerunning everything...which got me depressed so I spent some time with my girlfriend to feel better, hope she did too. What surprised me that day is how they found someone to blame, quickly... I didn't expect another attack to happen...from the terrorists POV, they wouldn't risk exposure to their entire network.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]There is suspicion that the virus is present California from a L.A. case involving a woman with similar symtoms. Though, it's not confirmed that the virus has reached here so nothing to really worry about yet. I'm going to have a bottle of bug-off handy since there are wet marshes nearby.[/COLOR]
  15. [color=darkblue]Actually there's already been a thread about this...since it's coming out next week, you can add your input [URL=]Here :)[/URL] [/color]
  16. When you say Duncan Sheik, artists like Coldplay, U2, John Mayer, and Counting Crows come to mind. They're along the lines of adult alternative rock, mature and easy to listen to. Not boring at all...but it depends on what a person's style of music is.
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I rarely lie seriously to people I know or an authority figure (should the need ever arise). Though, when I do, I'm usually guilty of Facades and Omission. People can see through me pretty clearly enough to tell if I'm lying straight out or not, so I just don't, or just have a play on words.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]I've done a lot of things on my off time...mainly, I built my new computer and moved into a new space. I also did that college orientation stuff and been out most of the time with people I know, don't really know, etc. Then I keep checking to see if OB's up yet or not.[/COLOR]
  19. It looked pretty basic then...you can really tell how far we've come, especially now that v6 is up and running.
  20. From personal experience, whenever I rent a DVD out and play it on my PS2, at some point in the movie, it just stops and gives me an error. Any used DVD (by another person that I don't know or who doesn't take care of his DVD's) gives me that at some point in a movie...probably because of wear and tear, smudges, etc. My friend tells me that you'll get about 100 hours of DVD playback before it starts to really show the signs of malfunction.
  21. I'm going to say that you can't really go wrong with a PS2...it's got some great games already and even better games to come (awaiting the 17th for Kingdom Hearts!). Obviously, the performance (in numbers) makes the PS2 the weakest system...but most quality games run at 30-60FPS so you don't have to worry about slowdown too much. Load times are significantly faster on DVD games than CD's so remember that when buying games. Keep in mind that a PS2 doesn't have a dedicated video card...only a graphics "synthesizer" so the core processor is doing a lot of the work, which explains some of the "dated" graphics in some games, though that's very impressive for a core processor to do all those calculations by itself. But enough about the tech stuff...the only nusiance that I experience is the fan...it's a little loud like a computer's fan. I recommend you purchase your PS2 at a store such as Wal-mart or Costco...stores that don't really specialize in Videogames since stores like GameStop tend to overprice. [color=blue][size=1]Oops, edited the wrong post. Boy am I rusty. I apologize Rico.-CWB[/color][/size]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]It was pretty good...my friends and I finished it over last, last summer...though it wasn't really like the Sercet of Mana's on SNES. But it certainly was interesting in that it featured beautiful watercolor BG's and that land creation system.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]So that was what otakuboards looked like before I signed on for the first time...too bad the stuff during my early days there weren't archived.[/COLOR]
  24. Once, and that was a long time ago...I have a friend who attempted just a year back because her b/f hurt her so, but she didn't go through with it...she told me a few weeks ago so we talked about it. We both agreed that everyone does have a lot to live for but people get depressed and all that. But when you think about leaving everything behind, a lot of people are going to feel bad for a while, then forget about you. You always have someone else to look after you, even if you don't think so but you have to have the guts to reach out for support. And to all the people who know someone on the verge... even a simple, "hello" can brighten up someone's day...maybe even prevent a person from taking their own life.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][b]You can use Playstation cards for your PS2 save games, but they will use up a lot of blocks.[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] I thought it was the other way around where you can use your 8MB PS2 memory card to back up your PSone games.
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