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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Sorry, W.D.....I'm sure there'll be better Shoujo titles out there for you.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Three games that I have for PS2 that I would change are Red Faction, Zone of the Enders, and The Bouncer. Red Faction: More multiplayer levels to make up for the lack of 4-player action, and more vehicles. Z.O.E.: The game was really good except that it was way too short...continue the game up to where Jehuty was supposed to go. Bouncer: Put in everything Square promised in the demos of the game...weapons, co-op...etc.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Valeigh woke to a light drizzle from up above a hole in the concrete box they were in. She felt the cool, fresh air for the first time as she looked upwards and opened her mouth to let the rain kiss her. She shifted her laying body and felt a bearing weight on her legs up towards her sides. Her arms were holding him throughout the entire night, keeping each other alive from the storm. The piece of cloth that loomed overhead the previous night was gone. She shook Rico awake.[/i] Valeigh: Rico? [i]His eyes opened quickly like they always had any other night and the first the he felt were the arms of Valeigh holding him around the waist. He arched his head backward and saw the face of his closest friend. The light droplets of water diverged on her chin and fell to his forehead. He too felt the intoxicating smell of fresh air.[/i] Valeigh: Rico...are you awake? Or do you sleep with your eyes open. Rico: Closed...*gets up* Valeigh: Do you remember anything that happened the night before. Rico: Other than the it was raining and we were huddled up under a blanket that isn't here anymore. How's your side? Valeigh: It doesn't hurt anymore... Rico: Should I check to see if it healed properly? Valeigh: An excuse to get under my skin? Rico: Are you complaning? Valeigh: :nope: [i]Valeigh lifted her clothing and revealed where the wound was...a small blue scar...nothing indicating that it happened a few nights before. After Rico glanced at it he stood back up.[/i] Valeigh: We should keep moving... Rico: Yeah... [i]Rico picked up his pack and shouldered it. Valeigh stood up and dusted herself off. Their clothes were still somewhat soaked from the rain but there was no use in drying for it would rain soon enough. They stood by a hole in the wall caused by blast damage. One side stood the desert wasteland that they came from. To their right was the luscious but most certainly confusing greenery of the city. The seperation of the two sides was so apperent, a border was nearly visible on the ground and in the sky. Everything that was plated in the desert wasteland refused to grow. Rico jumped down first and helped Valeigh's light frame to the ground without further injury. The faced the inner sections of the secion of the city they were unfamilar with and continued their search for the others...[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Cool, that looks way more advanced than the original...kinda looks like Doom 3. I don't think the graphics'll chug that much since it's running on a Geforce 3...but bungie should be able to harness the system, much like what konami did with MGS2. Those screenshots certainly got my attention.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm afraid of being alone...meaning not having any support or people to care about me. It's hard for that to happen, but, that's what I think of sometimes...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Okay...stuff happens and even though there are those are things that just happen, it doesn't really bother me and I accept hardships that come along. Though there are a exceptions, events in my life that I could have really done without...registering here for the first time and having my feelings ripped to shreds not only by a person that I've grown to really trust but just other random people that I don't know but they're just complete bastards (they're not here anymore:)). I don't really mind people who come out of nowhere just to mess with me, but to have a close friend mess around behind my back over and over again with other people, that's really something I couldn't have done without. (sorry about that vent...)[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]I sometimes wish I weren't as quiet or stubborn at times. Also change my view from pessimistic(sp?) to optimistic so I wouldn't be so bad when it comes to dealing with situations that put tremendous pressure on me.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Most of my friendships revlove around a video game console...so I have a lot of guy friends who are gamers and have interests in lots of different things. They and I tend to like anime, a wide array of music, and keep our interests to girls to oursleves. Then most of my lady friends are into music and sometimes videogames. But usually all of my friends have a lot of interests to keep talking about for a long time. Then if we don't know anything about something we can teach one another.[/COLOR]
  9. Unfourtunately, I don't think this RPG is going to happen...
  10. Oh yeah...I'll never forget the time I got the Master Sword the first time when I was a little kid...and the ending music was incredibly tear-jerking...I even replicated it on sheet music to play on the piano. *spoiler* I've always liked the part in FF6 where Terra was taking care of the orphans, especially when a teen couple was going to have their first child. And then the ending where it shows the result. And then the ending to MGS where that stuff about controlling your future...it can't be done again in any other game without the same effect...
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Eh, it's the hormones... ...about your G/F...man..you shouldn't have let someone else use your s/n, especially if you use it to contact someone really close to you. I suggest to let you and your g/f sleep on it and then talk IRL where there's no easy escape.[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]offline multiplayer? thats a good oxymoron. I think the word you're looking for is "single player" or maybe it's just me... [/B][/QUOTE] I think it's also LAN compatible...much like how CounterStrike is, using a ethernet router...:)
  13. I have to agree with TN...they had the first three series on UPN's afternoon lineup a long time ago (1996), which was pretty good...but then when they moved it to the Cartoon Network I was really disappointed by the quality of the voices and fighting effects.
  14. Lol...give it to Nintendo to put as much as they can into their games...
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]I tend to sing random songs when I'm alone since I fee weird about presenting my real vocal range to other people...not that I'm tone deaf or anything like that but the last time I sung, the crowd went dead silent and looked straight at me, mouths open. Other than that, I'm pretty much the same with everyone I know, with a little shyness around new people.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]That's some theory...I do believe that life exists elsewhere other than Earth...it could be in any form as well, most likely small ones like bacteria. As for more intelligent lifeforms out there, it's possible. But, as previously mentioned, there's no proof yet that life does exist. And if they are advanced enough to pay us a visit out here, why pick on cows and poor people? Er, maybe they're trying to protect themselves from bad people here...[/COLOR]
  17. I've heard it's pretty lengthy to install...but the game practically runs off the HD so the load times are really down...the FMV is a huge improvement from FFX, looking a lot like the FMV from Blizzard's latest games WCIII and Diablo 2 and the game looks very promising and a worthy accomplishment for Square's first MMORPG. Though I'd probably just take a PC version if it's going to be released sometime later on...
  18. Hmm, not sure but if it's a preview screenshot you're looking at, then it's usually just that way before they start balancing out the game.
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]As for the gear...well, if you're going paintballing, the gun could range from 35-1000 dollars depending on your range preference. Helmets are usually provided...other than that, everything else is pretty optional (vest, padding...etc) depending on how much pain you're willing to take. Normally it's just a bruise if you're wearing a shirt but if the ball breaks on open skin, it might bleed. About Airsoft...it would be more difficult to be put off the field since you can't really tell until there's rips in your clothing...and there is that deal about point-blank shots that could be really dangerous if you're using BB ammo instead of paintballs.[/COLOR]
  20. I like the way the play their music...tracks I particularly listen to on their latest CD are Falling Apart and Finally...most of their songs sound the same throughout with a slight sad emotion.
  21. That was cool ;) I like the introduction...and the beautiful, but somewhat testing Kelly...hmm. I could see her as comic relief and a fatalist in the story.
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Hmm... Strongest pts: 1. Kind / Compassionate 2. Near photographic memory... 3. Sensitive and Strong Weakest pts: 1. Sensitive 2. Shy 3. Easily discouraged... Maybe a lot of us have more in common that we think... [/COLOR]
  23. I've ripped into an X-Box before, took a look inside...and the design is just like an actual PC...with EIDE cable, socket 375 or P3/4 socket, even the power cable connection to the motherboard is identical. With a brief modification to the core instructions, anyone with a technical background could easily modify it to function like a normal computer...running emu's and stuff like that.
  24. Yeah, the warning had me a little on the uneasy side when I looked through it. Also, I've noticed that a lot of people just like to delve into the RPG and live it, rather than going through a background, they want to make their own. And this isn't the first time a topic like this has beeen created, Omega Tempus has a similar one. It's really just trial and error...not all ideas are going to work.
  25. RicoTranzrig


    Well, that's explained in the movie...I just got back from the theaters and I have to say, it's really well done with a good dose of humor throughout. It definitely creeped me out during the second half.
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