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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]It is true that some Americans take for granted the things that other nations would do anything for. In a free society where the individual controls their fate, they can do whatever they want to satisfy themselves. Americans are fortunate enough to have that kind of luxury...unfortunately, not all the world is like that and that's only one side of it. Not all of us Americans carry that kind of mentality. I remind you that America is slowly becoming a nation composed of many races, many beliefs, and a whole bunch of ideals. It used to be domintated by the majority...and in some cases, that is still true. But that's slowly changing. It would be easy, but very foolish to put the blame on America since it is a superpower of the world, thus making it an easy target for critisism. Sure it's made its mistakes and commited evil acts...but other countries also have their share of slip-ups. And they'll continue to do so because of bad leadership or whatnot. I'm not really sure how to respond to this...but from this individual's point of view, if someone starts to hate, then, in the end, they destory themselves because they forget how to survive on their own values and beliefs that made them who they were before they fell into the neverending spiral of hatred.[/COLOR]
  2. This was a good idea...if there's anyway you can salvage it...but with things looking like this, then...sorry about this RPG...
  3. I think when a CD is released here in America, they don't really know what will be the big hit...well, some do know but typically, not many will spend their money for only a few tracks, that's what the radio's for.
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]A lot of movies games aren't reviewed well enough (maybe they watch the first 10 minutes before deciding). I suppose it is a warning for parent's of younger children...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]I don't start school until mid September so I still have a while to go but at least I know my classes...they're all 90 minutes long with the exception of one being 2 hours long. Let's see...Calculus, Comp Sci, Expos Writing, Philosiphy, and General Studies.[/COLOR]
  6. You get used to it after a while...the most frustrating was in GT1 in A-Class...trial mountain, 2 corners...omg...I think that prepped me up for the other GT's. ~ Thinking that you're faster than everyone else does give you a ton of motivation to win, combined with skills and patience, the'd be a very potent opponent. All my friends don't really provide the challenge I'm looking for in that game, whether it be their skills or intimidated by my reputation as a person who's completed all three GT's legit...
  7. They're good, but most of their songs aren't the style that I like...well, except Crawling In the Dark...
  8. It's a pretty good album more concentrated on hip-hop with their lyrics being more intelligent than most other artists. They even have some of their old stuff back when they were Hybrid Theory.
  9. Personally, though, I do prefer having Otakubaords keep to a small size, its easier to get to know people that way.
  10. Wow...some hangover...the alcohol would make it more like 3 and 1/2 pills. There's really dangerous side-effects alcochol can produce if mixed with any kind of drug. Let this be a lesson to everyone...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Yeah it's a disc that will let you play any GC game on any GC, no matter what format. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Careful about the PAL and NTSC designations when importing...though I'm not sure if GCN has that problem like the PS1 and 2 do.[/COLOR]
  12. Maybe I'll get Twisted Metal Black: Online since I never got the orignal, XenoSaga (whenever it comes out), Kingdom Hearts, and Wild Arms 3...I'm really lacking on the RPG side of PS2.
  13. I can sorta relate but I think this isn't for everyone...have your friends over. Adults are adults and they should be mature enough to talk with them and see for themselves wheter or not they're good kids or not.
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]I suppose my theme song would be "Fragile" by Sting...reminds me a lot of what happened to me throughout the years...[/COLOR]
  15. Nintendo tends to reach out to a broad audience...of course, those games aren't for everyone.
  16. Hey, if people are willing to help out in anyway they can...there's got to be something positive about that.
  17. I like the idea of getting Gamers and others into the community that where I seem to be going with my interests...I'd be willing to help out with the new site once more free time becomes avalible for me. Just e-mail me.
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]I think it's just people's preference. Some people just like having their RPG top-down, 3/4 isometric...while others enjoy multiple camera angles and rotatable screens. A while back, people had problems working in 3D for the PSX since they were new at it and needed the extra time that was usually devoted to other parts like storyline. RPG's are special in that they're criticized more on the storyline and gameplay rather than the eye-candy.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]I guess...don't worry, if you can't help but worry...then take the previously mentioned advice, talk to people about anything, maybe yourself. Everyone has a purpose in life...it just takes a whole lot of searching to consciously find out what it really is. Edit: In a way...you've influenced me right now, really letting me know that I'm not the only one out there who...wonderied...losst close friends...and stayed up late nights, crying...[/COLOR]
  20. There's no real danger in using Kazaa...I use it sometimes and the only downside to it is a lack of files that I'm looking for and a constant Ad bombardment every single hour. (Keep the Virus filter on though). WinMX is really good if you're looking for a particular song, plus its easy to setup.
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]I consider myself Chrisitan but I'll bet you and I have different views that I'd be more than happy of talking with you about. Though, I'm not really learned of Buddhism...[/COLOR]
  22. That's good...now you've gone through your feelings, you can start living a happy life again. I wish the best for you!
  23. You mean weapons? Well...its a good alternative to jumping on their heads and throwing fireballs most of the time.
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Didn't you already have a topic similar to this one? Plus there is a previously discussed Halo that'll answer some of your questions...[/COLOR] [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=9849&highlight=halo]Right here[/URL]
  25. RicoTranzrig


    [COLOR=darkblue]The trailer got me kinda creeped out...so I think I'll go see it...I wonder what They actually look like.[/COLOR]
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