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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]I use racist jokes sometimes, but I'm not serious about it. I don't think that was an act of racism though...certain gangs can be very annoying, like bothering you at some resturant or at school. There is one Afghan gang that is really annoying when I went to high school, cutting people off in heavy traffic on the bike lane! Unfortunately, one of them driving a Mazda MPV cut off the wrong person (Suburban, Mexican gangsters) and they set the MPV on fire in the parking lot the next day. We have a big police force for a small city, it's a shame this stuff is still rampant in my area.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]'You have mysteries which none can fathom. You, perhaps, will be a king. You can do nothing about it. You, on the other hand, will be unlucky, But you can do nothing about that either. Each man finds his way already marked out for him And he can change nothing of it.' 'For pleasures deriving from outside contact Are sources of unhappiness They have a beginning and an end; The wise man takes no delight in them' 'Thus it is with unrighteousness and evil, You have broken all the limits. You have so shattered the bonds of morality' 'Murderer of children And a coward whose evil deeds are beyond all tally, For three thousand years you shall wander this earth, You black-souled wretch'[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]It might be good to talk to her one-on-one about how you feel. If you're needs aren't being met, be heard so it doesn't get out of control later.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Something like that that happened in a church that I used to go to a long time ago. It was raining heavy the day before and some water leaked in through one of the windows towards the front of the church. When we went to services Sunday morning, there was a muddy water mark along the wall in the shape of a cloaked female figure. I pointed it out to my mom and she said it was a sign. Whether or not it was an act of God, it doesn't matter...it didn't really help me out much, except distract me from the more important stuff.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Heh, your example sounds like someone we know...nickname starts with an "M." Real name starts with a "T." I know I've been lied to before because some stories are just too outrageous to be true. Right now, I'm don't really care if they do lie or not because the truth comes out sooner or later and it's embarassing to them. More often, a some people I know have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, hiding things even though what they have to say is important like if someone's in the hospital or they have something pressing them, but they don't want to tell. I guess it's not as bad as lying.[/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by noodleboy [/i] [B] music. it's great they even give u the soundtrack. it's enough to make u happy in those few happy moments that silent hill give u and scared as hell in the rest of the game.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Is this the American version you're talking about?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Hmm, I would love to have a cylindrical-shaped room with a long curvy table along part of the perimiter, allowing ample space for a small bed/futon thing and closet, which provides tons of space for many computers. I'd have multiple sockets in the room, electricity on the top, ethernet on the bottom where it would link to a centeral gateway somewhere else in the house. Perfect for working (lay all your books and paper out and multi-tasking with a few computers around you) and LAN parties (network ready computer game room). As personal preference, I don't like to have a entertainment setup in the room...that would be weird with the design. Maybe a non-intruding skylight at the center of the ceiling with those phillips long-lasting flourecent lights surrouding it, also layed out in a circular fasion. Not to mention a good paint job on the walls, aluminum flooring (to prevent overheating of computers on hot days), and some good works of art hanging around. Seems excessive, but that's my dream room.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Well, if OB went down, whoever I'm close to, I'd still keep in contact with. Some from OtakuBoards, but are long gone from here now, are my pen-pals through e-mail or "snail-mail". But that won't happen anytime soon :)[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]A really close of mine from 3rd grade was coming home from bible study while his parents were away on a cruise ship for their aniversary. This was Junior year btw. He was lucky to drive before all of my friends, including me...soo much freedom. Strangely, he was driving the safest car in the garage with airbags, abs and all...somehow he lost control on a stretch of road and side-skidded into a tree. His parents chose to keep it off the news except for the local paper and school because we knew they were going to mess up his rep trying to explain how it all happened. The newspaper said he may have been under the influence...which makes no sense at all b/c he came from church and he doesn't drink anyway. That was really sad when I heard the annoucement in school...we love driving and practice a whole lot and he's one of those people who's always happy. He'll be missed.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Driver's ed was cake...we had this instructor, Bill, who was always sick so we ended up studing those books on our own, watcing tons of videos (including a Simpsons episode where Homer had to stop drinking for 30 days), and often played pool and cards in the room next door during breaks. With a more normal teacher, it probably isn't that bad, probably much more lecturing than we got. There were quizzes and a final exam thingy...but they were easy plus almost all of us got our permit on the first try. Driver's training was fun too...I had some laid back guy who took me through everything the first lesson. Then by the second lesson he felt confident about my driving techniques and we just went cruising around town with the loud music.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm definitely going to get this game. Hope you can import cars and licenses from GT3. I like how you can apply the same driving techniques in real life and have similar results. EDIT: Also, I hope they put the USED car lots back like in GT2, I love those classics in all their polished glory.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]I like playing mind games now that a few of my friends live far away....like this one, which upon viewing it, my friend called me sick, along with other obsceneties.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]I suppose a job that I'm really wanting to get into is magazine stuff...like EGM or Car and Driver. I want to be able to do the things that I like, then write about them, even if I do have to spend countless hours away from home. Imagine getting a free car to test over the course of a couple thousand miles or playing video games and getting paid way more than a QA tester. That'll be sweet when I start doing professional work.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Skindeep[/b] Is temptation really from the outside Or deep within? We wear the armor, Do battle with sin But the greatest weakness Lies deep within the skin. Our actions propose goodness, But are our hearts really there? Scared to admit that our bodies are alive, But our hearts are dead? And deny that only god can count the number Of hairs on our head? Nearly enough said, Take a good look in the mirror of truth, That might be the only way to get professional help. Only you know where you stand, where you sit, Where you lay and lie. With your helmet on, Will you be ready to take The first hit that comes from the sky?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]I tend to act on impluse so I've come really close to it. I've put myself in dangerous situations and see if I can get myself out, usually getting hurt afterwards...like biking at very high speeds in a busy street or driving recklessly on the road alone. But nothing's ever put me in the back of the coroner's van and my common sense kicks in before something fatal happens. For all those fortunate to be optimistic and outgoing, don't forget the ones who don't have many friends to talk to about their problems going on in their life. A simple hello or a small conversation with them means a whole lot. It does for me. Many don't have strength to reach out because all they see are closed doors and very few that are open.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]In California (Bay Area), we have something like EZPass called FastTrack. It's great...instead of paying the 2 dollar toll, it's like $1.80 each time...that saves a lot when commuting. Plus sometimes I coast, it registers but it never logs it down when I get the bill. The only bad thing is that while most bridge tolls support it, it's not on all lanes, which can be bad in hostile traffic.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]It's really bad everytime I go through things that really throw everything into question. It's a terrible feeling and I try stay active and keep it out of my mind so I don't think so much about the negative stuff.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Quake III and Half-Life are two other FPS games I've planed on PS2. They're good... SOCOM: Navy Seals is nice too, if you consider that to be an FPS (press up twice in the game and you can enter that mode).[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]It's when the valves in your heart don't close properly and they leak blood...back or forth or both creating backpressure and blood collection, which can lead to other things. My family has that condition...I used to have a mild condition of that until I started to get in shape. Strengthening your heart usually helps out through some cardio-vascular exercises. Check with your doctor.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]I think they are called Gnostic gospels. Thomas is interesting because it carries a lot of Jesus' quotes...but accuracy is highly doubtful. The people who compiled the Bible tried their best to preserve the original stories. Even if the acuraccy isn't 100 percent, there are certain elements of the story that are always consistent...like this man named Jesus who was a Jew and revealed the new covenant with God and Humanity. I think the only person who "woke up" out of the three was Siddhartha Buddha (Shakyamuni is the society that he grew up in). Jesus already had knowledge about God from birth/early childhood. And Muhammad recieved the knowledge of God in subsequent dreams throughout his life and had them written down.[/COLOR]
  21. After you log off, clear you cookies on your browser before accessing OtakuBoards again.
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]I got all of mine pulled out last year around this time. The laughing gas (or nitrous oxide) they give you before the IV will make you not care about the poke so it should be alright. The only pain that I experienced was after sleeping again at home and waking up, but the vicadin took care of that. I was delrious coming home, singing weird things. I think wisdom teeth are the body's design to make up for missing teeth...but now that there's dentists and all to keep our teeth clean, there's really no need for it so when it tries to surface, it starts pushing on your other teeth and pinches on nerves if they're not extracted. Word of advice...if you're family is eating something solid, like steak...you might not want them to stick it in a blender so you can have some too.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]While that particular FF7 scene and numerous other game moments are memorable to me, the scenes from Silent Hill 2 stuck with me more the first time I saw them. [spoiler]Because Maria looks like James' wife, he sees her getting killed over and over again by that monster with the pyramind head. He's never gotten over his wife's death because of what he did to her, as the ending shows when the letter is read aloud, and throughout the entire story, his grief is reflected by the experiences in the town.[/spoiler] So that was interesting. Really sad, how it all turned out.[/COLOR]
  24. [center][b]Crumbs[/b] Laying them never led you back Only pushed you further into existence. Enticed to eat? Yes. But filled with the putrid dirt You stepped into them. Like small beacons They revealed much of your past In different ways, but knew nothing; Cared nothing about what 'lies' ahead. [b]Duty & Desire[/b] Between duty and desire, Chances pass as one night stands. Can someone help this baby, fast? Seeking for a long time, Merely finding a bottle and a breast. Which should he take? He knows nothing To him, it?s obvious she knows the rest. Now it?s all on her: A stick of butter A bar of soap A baby, age 3, still cries, crawls. She picks up the phone, but he never calls. [/center]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]It might also be interesting to have a game like this with voting to see who people think would make a good match. Players post certain things down to get people's attention and one person is selected to be matched up with the gender of their choice (players need to have preference selected beforehand to prevent conflicts). Once the voting is over, the two walk away PMing each other as new friends or whatever. Then the others who weren't selected get put back into the next round. The idea sounds good.[/COLOR]
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