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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]I suppose my best accomplishments are mostly personal (breaking through shyness, helping out friends in serious trouble, etc.). But for awards and stuff like that, I placed in the top 10 young authors a few times...8, 9, 11, and 12th grade (finally rank 1 here :D), Graduated high school with honors, and made it a few times to final rounds in Forensics (speech and debate competitions). Hope there's more in the future too...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Hehe...that was...strange...but I could imagine that on a comic strip in the paper or online.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]When I was a little kid I usually played around with a really, really old computer (30Mhz with a 10Meg hard drive!). I used to use my index fingers before my mom taught me how to position my hands so I could type faster. I hardly use my pinkie fingers though, except for hitting the shift and A key.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]They say they're political...but eh...their lyrics are really open to one's interpretation...given that you can acutally understand what the lead singer is saying. Aside from that, they have a really unique style and if it weren't for Serj's "drill instructor" voice...it might have been better. I think they're a good band though...to get rid of stress and for a good laugh.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Sorry to hear that man...if you wanna talk, my boxes are open as well.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Breath of Fire is one of my personal favorites too...the original being the epitome of them all. I liked how IV expanded on the graphics a little, but does it always have to be Ryu and Nina?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico and Valeigh were walking for several hours and night fell once upon them again. As they got closer to the jungle, the constant showers began to blanket them with an unnatural amount of water that they both haven't seen for a long long time. They took cover in a derelict building intertwined with plantlife. Thunder struck their ears while they huddled closely together as the rain and light winds continued to beat their bodies.[/i] Rico: I never expected this to happen... Valeigh: I hope we can find the others soon... Rico: We better take care of ourselves first. [i]Rico reached into his pack and pulled out a large piece of cloth intended for patching up wounds. He then tied the four corners to the exposed pillars of the building, making a shield from the incoming wind and rain. Valeigh kept on the lookout for anyone who might hurt them...being near the city, they both knew there were a lot of them lurking around.[/i] Valeigh: Where can we start looking once the rain stops...you know it'll be harder once we're in that section of the city, near the shelter Rico: It's been a while since we've seperated. And it makes we wonder if those "things" are still there. Valeigh: We can take them on if they do come at us :smirk: Rico: Maybe...but I'd more sure about that if Harlequin and the others were here. Valeigh: Stop saying that...don't wish...just do! Rico: Alright...:rolleyes: Valeigh: Whatever comes at us, we're not alone and......we're not going to die no matter what the lightbearers do to us. [i]Thunder struck...[/i] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Feels very similar to the one in Nintendo... Well, for me, Doom 3, for sure and maybe for X-box I might purchase Dead to Rights.[/COLOR]
  9. Things or ideas that are overused in videogames today... It's that 4th dimensional pocket: Most characters in RPG's tend to have unlimited space, carrying hundreds of items easily accessible to them :rolleyes: and FMV (self explanatory)...
  10. Playing against your neighbors from the comfort of your living room rather than strangers online...the 802.11 standard is relatively fast with wireless speeds ranging from 1.6-11("b" standard) to 45-108mbps ("A"-standard). Not as fast as hardwire but very convenient. The range is somewhat limited to around 300 feet so it can be a tad bit expensive putting in multiple Access points to broaden the range. Seems like a very good idea in the future when engineers improve the range of the 802.11 standard.
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Religion never truly had an impact on me until recently...like, last year. The thing is, when you get older...you start noticing things that you never noticed before, things that you like and things that you don't. Religion is really more of a personal journey and going to church or a gathering (IMO) is like going to a safe harbor, completely on your own will, to rejuvinate yourself so you can have strength to face your own challanges. Just from personal experience, whatever makes you happy, whatever makes you nostalgic when you're with a religous gathering, that'll proably be the religion that you belong to. But yeah, just keep talking to experienced people about religion and just be open-minded to different things. For now, I don't recommend announcing your decision...just wait until you've thought it through, slept on it a couple times...[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Thanks :D I'll definitely use the new one.[/COLOR]
  13. For the NES, the only game I wasn't able to beat was Bart vs. The Space Mutants (The museum level). I had no idea what to do with that T-Rex...and for the SNES...Super Nova b/c every time I die, which happens at some point or another, I shut off the game since all my precious powerups are gone.
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]The first game that I ever beat was Tetris (well...after level 10, the credits started rolling). But the one (that actually had an ending) that really got me hooked was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 with the great 3/4 overhead and great 2 player action both for the NES.[/COLOR]
  15. I managed to get all golds for B-class (a great way to start off the game without having to buy a less powerful car)...but the Super License is incredibly diffiult to get silvers or golds. Well, now that GT3's out, I'm working on that, which is a lot easier since there's ghost cars that'll motivate you. I think a good driver would be someone who can break into the apex or intert drift, and exit on the outer side of the track at full speed, when you see the replays, it's a work of art. And whoever can master the fine tuning (in numbers) of their personal car is truly exceptional. My current cars in that game are the TVR Speed 12 (massive torque and oversteer) and the Lotus Elise GT1 (very well balanced for battles). Too bad you can't do a car transfer from GT2 to GT3...
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]This was done using an older version of Photoshop since my computer doesnt' have much to work with at the moment...comments?[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]Almost sounds like a jazz/blues song......I like the part where you say your dreams are released into the neverending sky and "Wash away the rain..." makes me think 2 things: that your dreams brighten up your life. And... You hold back your own sorrows and take on the task that you were given from "up above." As you go into the last 2 stanzas, it seems as if someone has answered your pleas, reassuring you that everything's going to be alright.[/COLOR]
  18. That was great! In my mind I think...even though the guy is gone, the pain's still there and...there's not a lot of people out there who can stand up and take a beating just to ease the pain of someone else. But never once did you attack the wrong doer...the gentleman's way. :) You're lucky to have each other.
  19. I got it...just put up the standard sign-up format and introduce the story... Basic Example~ Name: Age: Description: Background:
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]I can relate to it with some of the recent movies I've watched...I wouldn't mind sex in videogames that acutally had a thematic value to it...not just to sell, but to introduce an edge of realism...Silent Hill 2 just barely presents it through the creatures movements and some of the characters like Maria and Angela.[/COLOR]
  21. That's really good...plus it really is only for imports since GCN discs are specially designed for GCN only and it saves a lot of money and time trying to mod the GCN...I think they also have colored/transparent GCN shells out there that you just put it on yourself.
  22. Too bad there weren't pressure sensitive controllers at the time. That course is fairly easy though in that it's all about control rather than absolute power. FR's are the most fun to drive and also the most powerful cars. If you're a "heavy-foot" (er heavy thumb) then maybe an Front engine/front drive or 4WD will work better for you in that they tend to not spin out, but rather to understeer.
  23. Ah, the small one...just stick to a quick small car like a S2000, or if even more daring, a toyota Vitz to prevent from going too fast and spinning out.
  24. Hey, this is seeming really long to get started...take care of all this through PM's.
  25. [color=darkblue]Valeigh: ...Do you want to travel now or should we wait until the sun starts to go down? Rico: Let's go now...we might not have enough energy left if we just wait here. Valeigh: Okay... [i]They begin their walk...[/i] Rico: ...where if I don't remain active for a period of time, I start to loose energy instead of regain it...up to the point where I'm almost dead... Valeigh: Seems to me that you just get easily bored... Rico: Yeah, that might be it... Valeigh: Rico? Rico: What is it? Valeigh: *looks down* Nothing... Rico: No really, what? Valeigh: You know it's really obvoius, isnt' it? Rico: *Thinks for a split second* Oh... Valeigh: I might just see this with you the entire time... Rico: Yeah...but we shouldn't, not until we get more pressing matters settled. Valeigh: True...but Spyder and Harlequin told us to wait for them...not go look for them. Rico: I know that...but we shouldn't...give in. Valeigh: And we're not going to...just fight alongside with me... Rico: I'd like that too... [i]They walked on until the sun beated down right above them...which was when the first glimpses of the city could be seen through the waves of a massive mirage. They wanted to forget about it, for that horrid place to be just a simple blur, they wanted to escape...but they had a responsibility to make sure the hope for a better future was safe in the hands of the undead and not in the anarchist jurisdiction of the lightbearers. Even if it was just holding down a supply house, it was important...especially if one seeking Athen, or Athen himself, were to be hurt severly. The view of the city became clearer as they wiped the sweat off their foreheads and refreshed themselves with what little fresh air they could breathe.[/i] Valeigh: We're almost there... Rico: *Looking off into the distance...* That's strange, do you remember half of the city being green? Valeigh: What are you talking about? [i]Valeigh focuses into the region Rico was pointing at...she could see a feint patch of greenery off into the distance...she never remembered a forest growing on the other half of the city...[/i] Valeigh: That wasn't there before... Rico: Hmm...it's not possible for it to have grown overnight...maybe we never noticed it. Valeigh: I've traveled this city...and not in my entire life here have I seen that... [i]Before they could even notice it, dark clouds looming over the forest began to pass over the outer arid region of the city, near Rico and Valeigh were at, from the strong wind current coming from the north...a drizzle began to form...warm water...but refreshing...[/i] Rico: :therock: This is really weird...but we should keep going...desert rains are unpredictable... Valeigh: Yeah...flash flooding... [i]The two started walking faster...[/i][/color]
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