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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. I'm going to close this...I don't think this is a real sign-up, no solid storyline, and a triple post...can't do that either. It would be best if you not make your own yet until you get the hang of it.
  2. When there's absolutely nothing to do at my house and I have a friend along...we role-play the people in books we've read the past nights...it's a lot of fun being someone else and messing around like that, making up and living your own story.
  3. It's not gonna happen... though...as with all forms of media: movies, text and TV, video games can influence a young one's life a lot...which is why they have restrictions in movies, hard text to read in books, and cable TV...they're doing the same thing with video games.
  4. Those are really good...:D Direct, but powerful...I can relate to a lot of them...it's saddening, but it's a fact of a teen and adult's life...
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico wrapped the last of the bandage around Valeigh's arm and sealed it with a light piece of tape that he had hiding in his pack.[/i] Valeigh: *sniff* [i]He wiped the blood away from her lower lip and chin and tilted her head up. Looking into her face, a wave of compassion came over him. A few tears slid down his face and met with the pool of fluid on the ground. Valeigh was still sitting down, recovering from the pain she had just experienced. She hoped that none of the venom got into her system, making her weaker as the days would go by. Rico joined her side, putting an arm across her. She buried her face into his chest and rested with her broken arm raised to her own shoulder. Harlequin and Spyder knelt by them.[/i] Spyder: Athen needs our help if he doesn't come back to us in a few hours. Rico: He's done this before. Spyder: Many times...though I never realized how disfigured he was until just now. [i]Harlequin pointed at the tread marks made by the van. Burnt rubber, kicked up dust, and the fumes of struggle were apparent around them.[/i] Harlequin: Here... [i]He pointed towards the eastern horizon past the hilly landscape that Valeigh and Rico went towards to escape from being killed.[/i] Spyder: We should get moving then...the Ochkik-Haddah could be nearby. He walks slow, but don't let him get you...one touch and your soul is his for the taking. Rico: We don't want his minions to be coming after us either. [i]Rico tapped Valeigh slightly...but no response. A worried look came upon Harlequin and Spyder.[/i] Harlequin: This isn't good...we can't travel very far without her being awake, especially after dawn...she'll most likely be killed from loss of fluids. It'll be hard to find a safe haven with the Ochkik-Haddah after us. Spyder: Though I wonder if another raid vehicle will come nearby soon...we'll be able to take it on and our lives might become a whole lot easier. [i]Spyder and Harlequin stood up.[/i] Rico: Where are you two going? Spyder: It'll be a couple hours before the sun is fully risen...we will take to the east and come back before Valeigh is in any serious danger. Harlequin: We hope to find Athen and a vehicle we can take... Rico: *holds Valeigh* One thing though...the Ochkik-Haddah. Spyder: Yes, that is our main concern...yours and Valeigh's safety. The creature is slow, but very potent...you'll hear the warning signs before he actually has a chance to harm you. Rico: What are those signs... Harlequin: When you hear the sounds...don't try and fight...just run..even we cannot defeat him. You will notice a darkness in the air as I think you have in the cave not too long ago. Whispers of a thousand voices will overcome you as he gets closer and closer, showing how many souls he's stolen up to this day. Rico: You've gotten into a close encounter with it? Spyder: Unfortunately...we tried to take it out...but in futility... Rico: This is an open desert...where is our safe haven? Spyder: The hideout...where we reloaded...you'll be safe there. If you've noticed, there's a wind stream that eminates at the perimeter of the city. Your scent will disappear... If Valeigh wakes up or not, head for that place...we'll be looking for you there when the time comes tomorrow... [i]Spyder and Harlequin turned from them and looked back one last time.[/i] Harlequin: Take good care of your love...Rico. Spyder: *nods* [i]They took off in a mad dash, kicking up soil. A few minutes passed before they were clear from Rico's sight...leaving him and her in the middle of the arid soil...Valeigh began to move slightly...Rico shook her just a little.[/i] Rico: Valeigh...? [i]Her eyes were still closed.[/i] Valeigh: Rico...what happened...? Rico: Harlequin and Spyder went to look for Athen...we're heading back towards our shelter just outside the city...remember. Valeigh: Yeah... Rico: Can you get up? Valeigh: *nods* Rico: Take your time...we have plenty...I'll keep you safe...[/COLOR]
  6. Nice piccie ;) From what Elite DBZ said...this RPG'll start either tomorrow or about 3 days... Maybe we should start thinking about where our starting postions are and who we're with...
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Spyder: Here...! [i]Spyder pointed her hand towards the creature nearly inches away from Valeigh and knocked it away towards the desert sands...[/i] Rico: *closes eyes* [i]He held up one of his guns and raised it. Though in pitch black, he squeezed the trigger and a powerful blast came out, followed by an irritating scream...Rico tilted his head to get a better view of what just happened.[/i] Harlequin: Good shot... Valeigh: *sits down on the sand* [i]Rico heard the thump of Valeigh's body hitting the ground. He turned around and crouched low, taking out a few bandages from his pack...[/i] [/COLOR]
  8. Sounds interesting...though I have to agree this could turn into a spam topic in no time without a proper storyline...maybe it would be good to use that time to think of one in the meantime...I wouldn't advertise that we should post to 1000 either...no pressure is much better. BTW... Name: Rico (Convoyist) Drives: 93 Toyota Tacoma :D Attitude: Mild-mannered, though serious when it comes down to buisiness.
  9. I think for the past few years, Square's been concentrating their focus in making "the action movie" or "the movie with a whole lot of action" with all the new hardware that's coming out. They're gonna have to rethink and focus on what they can do best...which is probably making great RPG's. It's too bad that there isn't any future Resident Evil or Dino Crisis titles that are coming out for the PS2, er...ones that are in the direct storyline. If Dino Crisis 4 were an RPG...that would be interesting.
  10. It doesn't really apply to me anymore...but we'll not go into that. I remember I was 9 when I bought Doom 2 at the computer store...they didn't even check my ID back then and they had it on their main computer, showing carnage throughout the store's sample CRT monitors. They have toughened up censorship a little...but it makes sense.
  11. I don't think it's going to be a shooter...maybe a fast-paced action game is what Capcom is shooting for. There's nothing really wrong with high-res pre-rendered graphic backgrounds. But I don't think they're going to employ it in the other DC's... As for Capcom's affiliation with Square...it should have been directed towards the game, not making movies...
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Life is like a waterfall We're one in the river and one again after the fall. Swimming through the void we hear the Word we lost ourselves But we find it all... Cause we are the ones that want to play, always wanna go but you never wanna stay. and we are the ones that wanna choose always wanna play but you never wanna loose. Aerials, in the sky when you lose small mind you free your life. Aerials, so up high, when you free your eyes, Eternal Prize...[/COLOR]
  13. I think that would be better...make it there instead kay?
  14. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico stepped out of the cave, watching the steep incline, he helped Valeigh outside the arid soil with his free hand, the other holding his gun. Valeigh stood up straight and drew her knives. Rico's other gun slipped out of his back, ready for battle. But no gunshots were heard. They stood still for a while, listening in to anything strange and abnormal.[/i] Valeigh: Do you think the battle's over? Rico: I'm thinking that Harlequin and the others successfully got through...either that or...it could be a lot of things. Valeigh: You think we should go looking for them? Rico: They said they'll meet us here... [i]They felt a cold draft from the cave...Rico stood clear of it's path.[/i] Valeigh: What is it? Rico: Let's stay in the shadows...we'll be safer...something's coming out of that cave... ????: *whisper* Die..... [i]Rico ran towards the shadows the tall rock formations gave and motioned for Valeigh to come. She ran towards at him, but not after looking into the cave and seeing a moving figure inside, unidentifyable. Valeigh's skin was crawling with bumps...[/i] Rico: What did you see?[/COLOR]
  15. If he does become a qualified candidate at the primary, then he probably won't win against Gore anyway. But I think the videogame rating system is fine as it is...a lot of stores now in my area are doing ID checks for T and M rated games. Of course, the parents can always buy it for them...at least they'll be able to see it first and choose whether or not it's alright for their child.
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole awoke during his sleep. His eyes stood open and alert, his breathing stopped, he froze. Something out there was calling to him. A voice, though the spirits couldn't reach him six feet below the earth. It was someone else...urging him to join them...curiously, Chole got up through flight and landed on the ground ever so silently. He left the room and headed down the hallway in the direction of Pi, Roux, and Liam. Siren and Iris were left inside the room.[/i] Chole: Who are you? [i]Voice: Just follow my lead, you'll be alright...we just need your help, young one...[/i] [i]Chole streamed down the hallway encountering the same bright light by the corner. He past it and saw Liam and Pi situated by the entrance. He was curious as to who was calling him, and why...[/i] Pi: Chole?! What are you doing up? Chole: Someone called me here... Liam: Who? [i]The group of hooded children heard them and turned around...Roux stepped forward in the brightly lit room.[/i] Roux: Chole... Chole: I heard you pass by a few minutes ago...what's going on? Roux: You'll see... Liam: Huh? [i]Roux motioned for Chole to come closer towards them. Hesitating, Chole stepped into the white light with curiosity and caution...the others in hooded robes stood still with their hands clasped together at their chests.[/i] [i]Voice: Chole...stand by them...[/i] Chole: Where? Roux: Over here... [i]Roux moved aside, making room for Chole, he stepped in and was the only one in plain clothes. Children's laughter spred througout the room, reverbing all around the walls. Chole turned to Roux...[/i] Chole: What's going on? Roux: Don't worry...we'll explain everything very soon. There's someone else that we need to have, but we can't reach... Chole: Rena? Roux: Your sister... Chole: .... Roux: Call her... Chole: *gulp* [i]Chole walked out of the room...Liam and Pi walked along with him towards the upper levels of the church...[/i] Liam: What happened in there? Chole: I know...I don't really like it either...but I don't fear them. They're not going to hurt us. Pi: What do they want with you? Chole: They're children...I'm still a child, sorta...and so is Rena. Got an idea? Pi: Usually, militant groups house few experienced and many inexperienced so they can meld their minds to suit their needs. Chole: Are you saying they might be training for something? Liam: Go tell Rena...then play it out...we'll be right behind you two, watching... Chole: Alright... [/COLOR]
  17. Advanced chipset (true 128-bit)...powerful, but complex...umm... FFX, GT3, GTA3... the controller, DVD playback in 5.1 with optical out, 2 USB, 1 iLink (600+MB/s), backwards compatiblity, and the list goes on...it's a really good system with all the support it's getting.
  18. Making out? I thought it was just the hooker and the guy just rocking the car, literally. Though I don't see why people have to wait two more years aside from the fact that it's being targeted by the censorship people and they need to make some serious alterations to the game...maybe improving it? Though I think it's already good as it is with improved textures, faster load times and more features with the X-box ability to store music.
  19. Good luck...if you were staying in California, you'd be able to see me. But no luck in that since you're going to LAX instead of San Francisco Intl. It's great that you're finally coming over here after so long. :D Stay safe...
  20. The most recent platformer I played was Jax and Daxter...which was pretty funny. But I think most of us have been playing platforms ever since it came out...aside from great cinematics and the realm of 3D...developers are going to have to be very innovative with the genre. Though just adding one new, never before seen feature to a game could really make it shine.
  21. Yeah, those are probably the much better games. They didn't really do much to improve the PC version rather than add a couple new features such as MP3 playback, as previously mentioned and a second-rate replay option...as well as the cleaner textures and higher resolution. But you'll need one heck of a system to be able to play it...anything below GeForce 3 makes the PS2 version a better alternative. Though I think the X-box is more than capable...2004 seems a long, long way off...I don't think GTA3 would be much profitiable with it out so long...
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Kagim Name: Blair Age: 17 Height: 5'7 Description: Rather short and a little wide, Blair is well composed and very strong. He has long, black hair, extending just a little short of his shoulders. Weapon: Boomerang Magical Ability ~ 7...Blair's skills in magic aren't focused as well, not enough to create fire, though he can command objects (Telekenesis) to his very will IE: His boomerang... [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: It might be best to leave her alone, but it's your call... Pi: Erm...nevermind...let's just keep walking around. [i]Pi and Liam's eyes left the corner, leaving Rena alone in the center of the church. She was kneeling, eyes closed...it seemed as if nothing could disturb her locked in a strong meditation. Though the two could hear her whispers, feint words coming from her mouth that were barley audible. Once the reached the catacombs, her whispers disappeared as well as the celesital surroundings they were once in. They passed the room they were sleeping in and walked further down the rock solid halls. Their footsteps echoed throughout, but it didn't seem to bother anyone who had their doors closed. Rows of orange-yellow torches stood by the walls, lighting their path. But a bring white light stood at the curve, beckoning their curiosity. Pi heard footsteps behind him and they looked back.[/i] Pi: Who's there!!?? :eek: [i]Roux walked up to them and stopped.[/i] Roux: Hi. Liam: What are you doing up? Roux: Selen told me. Pi: And where are you going? [i]He pointed down the hallway to where the bright light was beaming forth. Though the couldn't see around the bend where they were.[/i] Roux: There...excuse me... [i]Roux hung his head low and walked quickly past them...Pi and Liam looked at each other.[/i] Liam/Pi: Wha? [i]Roux's shadow faded as he distanced from them...Pi began to follow...[/i] Liam: Umm...I have a feeling that we shouldn't be here. Pi: It'll be alright... [i]They met the corner and the looked forward where the light was eminating from...[/i] Liam: Whoa... [i]The rocky walls ended...a large hall stood in front of them with bright white walls of where the source of the light was unknown. There, they saw Roux put on his hood and he joined many others his height. A group of 20 or 30 young people gathered around in a circle, dressed in white, silent...Pi and Liam stood aside and watched. A couple of the children, including Roux, noticed them. Though the didn't mind them being there...[/i][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Take me for a journey to the unknown, alone, with nothing to lose. For a time, many people heard the exact same thing hear the repititions ring and sing the siege of the mind. It is my mind to mold and meld into one It is my soul to hold and scold when right is wrong. You're not taught it you just know it seeps inside you at birth releasing you from the halls of pain. It scorches you and melts all that you know, all that you believe in, into rock. Set in stone, the shape your soul takes is determined by the stakes and the hammers of your own will... [/COLOR]
  25. Well said :D Simplicity is the key...I think Nintendo is keeping a lot from us and surprising us at a lot of turns...when they announced the polygon rate with full effects, it was actually much more than that. It's an amazing and very friendly machine, refelcting much of its games. Even though it's missing some of it's 3rd party support, like Square...their games aren't producing the same impact as their SNES counterparts or FFVII.
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