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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico and Valeigh continued deeper into the cave, looking for any signs of life or hostitlity. A sense of hightened awarness came over them suddenly, for no apparent reason...they both stopped dead in their tracks, motionless.[/i] Rico: What's wrong? Valeigh: I don't know...I think we've gone too far. Rico: You wanna go back? Valeigh: If we get stabbed from the back, there's going to be a real problem. Rico: Harlequin, Athen, and Spyder must be done...it would be better if we moved back... Valeigh: ...... Rico: *takes Valeigh's hand* [i]Valeigh looked up, Rico nodded.[/i] Rico: Let's go... [i]Valeigh squeezed his hand and followed Rico as he turned around and walked back up with rapid pace. As the night raged on, the shadows grew deeper in the cave, following the two's path back to the outside world. If they hadn't moved back, the wouldn've been engulfed by the dark hand, and drawn in to oblivion...though Rico's hand came in first and drew both of them towards the path of the cresent moon...to where the battle really was.[/i][/COLOR]
  2. Yeah, there has been way too much competition in that...videogame developers who love what they do really get messed up...like when Hideo Kojoma finally released MGS2...he was completely transformed into a tired frail man, depressed...there's so much pressure to come up with something fresh...it's just not fun anymore...Nintendo's making a great effort with the fact that the GCN is concentrated towards video games only, which makes perfect sense and keeps everything simple.
  3. The X-box version is the "cleanest" out of the three b/c of the supeiror hardware...the coding's (by Activision?) pretty much the same for all three though it was kinda like the original Spiderman with almost identical graphics except the poly count and resolution was bumped up along with the frame rate and textures. It was a good game overall...not really a keeper though.
  4. I think FFVII wasn't the first game to utilize CG...but it was the first to use it as a storytelling component with the rest of the game when the rendering hardware of the PSX just wasn't enough to do what they wanted. Though in most of the FF PSone games, they're basically just for eye candy.
  5. I've never gotten the chance to play PSO for DC...though I wonder how the broadband adapter's compatability would be for a DSL modem linked to a wireless gateway. Sega/Sonic Team has had tons more experience with online gameplay than most of it's competition...I think starting with their own cable service a while back...
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]In their dream...the empty darkness surrounded them once again.[/i] Chole: And what about now? They find us sleeping like this. Iris: We're just..."kids"... Chole: Teens...would be a better term. Iris: I'm cold anyway and you keep really warm because you're a hybrid dragon... Chole: Makes sense...kinda... ~~~~~ [i]Outside the corridor, Pi fortune came up next to Liam.[/i] Liam: What are you doing here? Pi: You're not going alone around this place. Liam: This is a church...I don't think evil could take over this place...spiritually. Pi: Still...this place gives me the creeps...underground tunnels still intact...Selen in a dark hood... Liam: I was just exploring...I'm not one to sleep during this time. Pi: You sure they won't get mad? Liam: I hope not...we're not disturbing anyone...as long as we keep quiet...Pi... Pi: What? Liam: Nevermind...*keeps walking down the halls away from the church's main hall.* [i]Pi followed closely with his weapons at ready beside him.[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They heard gunshots in the distance, typical of night time in the city, not in the Plains...[/i] Valeigh: Grrr.... Rico: Just a little longer...*looks at the door of the cave where the armed man came through...* Valeigh: What is it? Rico: I'd hate to stir up everything...and it's a bit risky...but they said we had to lock this place down for them so they don't run into trouble. Valeigh: *draws blade* Rico: *Creeps as close as he can to the door while remaining in the shadows...* If there's anyone waiting there...we're toast... Valeigh: Look on the bright side...if they do, we're skilled enough to turn our advantage into a disadvantage...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: No...wait...! Valeigh: ?? Rico: We're not even sure if they're friendly or not... Valeigh: Too late for that now... [i]Another person dressed in drab clothing came out, armed to the teeth. Valeigh raised her silverblade up high and threw it with quickness and precision. It flew with a great amount of force, striking dead center into the man's heart. He fell instantly...[/i] Rico: Sh-t... [i]Rico got ready for combat and approached the body. He turned the man around...it was hard to decide if he was a bad person or someone who was just trying to defend their home..though he disarmed him and lay him flat on his back. He disappeared back into the shadows with Iris.[/i] Valeigh: Well? Rico: I can't tell...maybe we should wait for the others...[/COLOR]
  9. Also, you'll be more comfortable with that person if you do choose to pursue something "deeper." You'll know their strengths and weaknesses and it'll be easier for someone to accept a familiar voice instead of hot looks.
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Often, I express my feelings through speaking out (spoken word) or just writing. Usually not in front of an audience...but just a good friend willing to take a few blows to the ear drums to have me get better.[/COLOR]
  11. I think Ravenstoture and The Harlequin are also an item IRL and on the boards... Though I think online relationships are fun...but usually they don't end up being anything permanent...unless they live nearby.
  12. Eh, I wouldn't really want to think about what worse could happen (*cough train...*) but you're very lucky though....you couldn've been waiting in the bus motionless for hours while they get all the legal stuff done.
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]In each other's arms they sat up to the sound of the door...[/i] Pi: *disappears around the corner* Chole: What do you think he's up to? Iris: He better not get into any trouble... *gets up and sees Liam is missing too.* Chole: No...we shouldn't...both of them are adults...well, maybe one of them...but I think they know what they're doing. Iris: *sits back down* Maybe you're right. Chole: You know the way I think... Iris: *lays down* Do you think the spirit was there in our dream? Chole: Selen said the spirit couldn't reach us... Iris: What was the light on the surface? And how come we dreamed that dream? Chole: I don't think we could really get away from the spirit. Whatever it was...you didn't feel bad about it, did you? Iris: Of course not...I felt safe...and warm... Chole: And happy... Iris: Yeah...;) Chole: We shouldn't worry about anything...we've been doing that too much lately... Iris: Hold me...? Chole: *nods* [i]He wrapped his arms around her stomach while Iris huddled close to her...and they closed their eyes awaiting the next day... Chole: Iris... Iris: What? Chole: What do you think the others are going to say when they find out. Iris: What if they don't find out...not yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  14. Even after it comes out...it won't really reach us here until they've achieved a local fanbase and enough money to go multinational.
  15. Well, megaman legends 3rd person perspective might be what would happen to the game...but I don't know. I hope it's incredibly fast though...
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]A few people secretly riding on the back of the pickup jumped out. Armed with machine guns, they aimed in the direction of the incoming blades.[/i] Rico: Please tell me you have something else in mind. Valeigh: Umm... Spyder: Alright...you two go an ahead...Athen and I are going to find my love. find a place for all of us. Valeigh: Er... Rico: Since we took out their only lightbearer...they should be very easy to take over...but we don't want anyone getting hurt because of those guns. Besides...we'll probably run into some kind of trouble up ahead...we're not the only ones who think this is the perfect place to hide out... Valeigh: Alright... Spyder: Good job for taking him by surprise...now lets move! [i]Spyder and Athen charged foward with lighting speed and jumped into the night sky. They disappeared...Rico and Valeigh looked at each other...[/i] Rico: Ready? Valeigh: *nods* [i]Rico took out his guns out of the back of his pants. Valeigh took out two more blades and positioned her arms upright, ready to strike or throw at the first sign of trouble. Cautiously, keeping out of any light source, they moved through the shadows crouched down, listening in for any sound of life other than their own...[/i][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The sounds of the off-roader neared them by the time they came to the foot of the hills. They turned around and watched in complete darkness. They spotted the heavy-duty lighting of an old truck with huge wheels. The lights were positioned four on the top and two large lamps at the bottom. They couldn't hear what was going on, nor see Harlequin.[/i] Spyder: It could be anyone out there... Rico: With their reign over the world, I wouldn't think they'd be using such crude mechanics. Spyder: Stay still...they've stopped...[/COLOR]
  18. Blind dates are alright...last year, my friend got me to go out on one with her friends. It all went smoothly until she said she wanted to go "somewhere." At the time, I couldn't drive so I asked my parents for a ride...I guess that kinda killed everything...
  19. I'll be working this summer...but not schoolwork I got through all my classes with good grades across the report card...I'm hoping it'll be a whole lot more fun than last year...
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole: The we can't hear the spirit here so we have some peace and comfort from up above. Iris: Normally, I would dream of anything but this dark place we're in...and I wouldn't know that I was dreaming. Chole: Well, that I can't explain... Iris: Well, since we're here...how are you? Chole: I'm wonderin how you are after being bed ridden upstairs. Iris: It was weird...they kept calling out to me...but I didn't let them in my mind... Chole: Like you are with me right now? Iris: Yeah...I was afraid that they would come and take me over...I'm just not familiar with them. Chole: ... Iris: Why are you thinking about new years day? Chole: You can read my thoughts? Iris: I guess nothing's hidden in this place. Chole: Like we have anything to hide from each other. Iris: We each have our secrets. But why new years? Chole: That's the day when it all started...when I saw you walking around the park when the fireworks lit up the sky. Iris: Yeah, I helped out and lived in the orphanage. Chole: And I was working on the Hybrid experiment with Ten... Iris: Are you a prodigy? Chole: No...Ten pushed my mind to the limit. She had schematics of my DNA and she knew what I was capable of...so I guess you could say she brought out the best in me. Iris: And now? Chole: I miss her...and I'm not thinking as hard about sequencing or coding as much... Iris: That's a good thing... Chole: You never really knew your parents, did you? Iris: I didn't...I was always at the orphanage...ever since I was old enough to remember. Chole: I'm sorry... Iris: You had it worse...you saw your parents die...and They tested you. Chole: The same scientists that were in liege with Ten... Iris: They probably had some plans for you...I'm wondering what happened after Siren took you away...what about Faye...it's not that clear to me. Chole: You know what I know...I can't remember either...I know Ten told me about Faye when I was older...but I wonder why Siren didn't take me to my auntie. Iris: There's a lot of questions that need some answering in your little head... Chole: Little? Iris: ...nevermind...*sigh* so since we can't wake up...what now? Chole: I don't know...maybe you can tell me about when were were escaping from that rig in the far north. Iris: Oh...that was hell...you know I couldn't hold my breath that long. Chole: Haha...well, luckily I'm an okay swimmer. Iris: Yeah, thanks for saving my life...you were blue after. Chole: Really? Iris: That was funny, I think you gave me too much air...[/i] *Chole and Iris reminiced about the underwater escape in full detail...the darkness around them began to take form. A bluish-white haze appeared, then the metal supporting struts of the rig appeared. They were floating, alone. It was surprisingly warm, and they were breathing normally, without fear of drowning. They began to drift away from each other before Iris reached her hand out and Chole took it. They pulled closer towards one another.* [i]Chole: Strange... Iris: I like this dream... Chole: It's a lot of fun just floating around, really peaceful... Iris: I've never stayed for long in water before I had to get out. Chole: That's a shame...at least there's no water to worry about here...it's just air. Iris: Chole? Chole: Ya-hum? Iris: How did we get out of this place? Chole: Here, we started down there...[/i] *Chole took Iris' hand and led her down to where their escape route was.* [i]Chole: We came out of here and we were following the others. I was so cold...and I was carrying you on my back.[/i] *Iris swam behind Chole and wrapped her arms beneath his neck so. Chole began to swim towards the surface where a bright light appeared.* [i]Iris: Like this? Chole: Yeah...when we got half-way...you started to run out of air. Iris: *Cough*Cough* Chole: Haha...then it got really hazy because I had to turn around and give you a breath so you wouldn't drown before we reached the surface. Iris: Don't ask me...I was dying and I was tapping you for to save my life. Chole: I guess...[/i] *He turned around, Iris loosened her grip on his shoulder so he could do so. Once he turned, she held on him again. They looked into each others eyes this time...much more relaxed, floating towards the top...they both smiled.* [i]Iris: You gave me life... Chole: Like this?[/i] *Chole tilted his head to one side and leaned forward. Iris wanted to back away, but after she realized what was going on, she only kept her eyes open. Their lips touched and Chole's arms held Iris as they breathed life into each other. They floated towards the light at the surface. Once they crossed the threshold. They awoke in each others arms, mimicing the dream silently...*[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico holstered both of his guns on the elastic band behind his pants and grabbed his pack.[/i] Spyder: I guess it's just the three of us down here...let's get out of this hole. [i]Rico was the first to walk outside into the dusty road. It was dark again. Harlequin and Athen stood coldly outside when the three finally met up with them.[/i] Harlequin: You took quite long... Spyder: So where to...? Harlequin: If we go back into the town, we'll run into the locals...which we don't want. If we go out *points to the horizon in the direction of the rising moon* that'll be the unknown. [i]Harlequin stood in front of them and crossed his arms, pointing to the city and the outside world.[/i] Rico: We might not ever come back, but I think it'll be better if we take our chances out there...there's nothing left for me here... [i]Harlequin looked at Valeigh.[/i] Valeigh: I'm with Rico...it's too dangerous in the urban landscape...but we're still in danger either way. Spyder: Fine then...*points to the east* We'll make towards the hills and find shelter before the break of dawn. Harlequin: Are we all in agreement? [i]Athen looked away with his arms crossed and his head down.[/i] Athen: It doesn't matter...whatever you guys choose, I'll follow. Rico: Do we have what we need? Spyder: You and Valeigh need food...you can't live without it... Valeigh: Then why do you hunt? Spyder: We still delight in the tastes of fresh blood. Rico: *checks pack* I still have some dried meat and packs of fresh water...we'll find more along the way... [i]Harlequin headed the pack, turning towards the hills not too far off from where they were.[/i] Harlequin: Let's get the hell out of here...[/COLOR]
  22. It's funny how Eminem's new CD came out to be #2 on the winamp CDDB's website even before it actually was officially released. I have a legit copy of it, it's pretty good...much more mature than his last couple of albums, though he still retains the anger...which a lot of fans want for some reason.
  23. [COLOR=darkred][i]Meanwhile...Chole and Iris are behind the waterfall, taking care of buisness...[/i] Chole: Whaaa..... Iris: :devil: *Holds Chole tightly...* Chole: What are you going to do? Iris: *Lowers him down to the ground with her* Hold still...[/COLOR]
  24. [color=darkblue]Congratulations :)...I got mine about two years ago and it's great driving around places without a bike or rollerblades. I love my car...Acura 3.2 TL-P...There's not much police patrolling the freeway in my area of California so the fast lane tends to be really crazy. Even driving to school is tough b/c there are a lot of dumb drivers out there who want to ruin a good paint job.[/color]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Athen covered up his wounds with the soaked bandages he was using before and stood up straight.[/i] Athen: I'll live... [i]Rico took a deep breath before speaking, the foul air still lingered.[/i] Rico: Though you're lucky that none of your body parts fell off. Harlequin: Do you reall want this to happen to you? For you rot and suffer, what are you trying to get to? Athen: How far death takes me... Spyder: We abandoned experimenting with death a long time ago. Rico: We were about to go...though none of us realized it was this bad...it's astonishing that you've made it this far, though I can patch you up. Athen: I'll live with it...don't worry. [i]Athen walked out of the shelter...but before he left the room, Rico called out again, holding out a long piece of cloth.[/i] Rico: At least put on a fresh bandage... [i]Athen extended his arm, his other kept his shirt closed. Rico tossed the bandage and Athen caught it, then walked out.[/i] Harlequin: I would imagine that if he shred himself to pieces that he would die... Spyder: But we know that isn't true...he'll live and feel the pain of his consequence... Rico: What are we going to do about him? Harlequin: There's nothing we can do...it's been difficult for all of us...and some get rid of their problems in different ways. Spyder: In my opinion suicide is not a way to go out in style...[/COLOR]
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