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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
Consider their "pro-hemp" nature, they carry a lot of styles. Reggae, punk, rap...though its a shame that they don't get much radio play in my area. "Amber" is my most favored track on their new CD.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Spyder finished up explaining how they came to be and tightened her pack around her. She stood up straight.[/i] Spyder: We should get going...there's nothing left for us here besides a plentiful reserve that won't last very long if we stay. Rico: You wish to tempt fate out in the open world? Spyder: It's better than staying here. Harlequin: I agree with that...though we've never strayed far from the comfort of our own homes. Stayed close by to the city and we rarely ever ventured out into the desolate plains. Spyder: Like I said, we have nothing left here. Rico: I don't think we should... Spyder: And why not?! [i]She threw a dark penetrating stare.[/i] Rico: We have power to match with the LightBearers...and anything they have to offer... Harlequin: After that horde of dummies trying to attack us? They came from nowhere...we don't possess that kind of power. Rico: If we keep running, then we can never win. We can take over this state of Anarchy and give order. Spyder: Well... Harlequin: Oh...god...just make up your mind! [/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
My heart was swimming in words gathered by the wind. My voice bounded into a cloud-carried tomorrow. My heart trembled in the moon-swayed mirror... Soft tears spilled with a stream of stars. Isn't it beautiful? If we could walk, hand in hand, I'd want to go to your town, your home, in your arms. I dream of being against your chest. My body in your keeping disappearing into the evening. Words halted by wind are a gentle illusion. A tomorrow torn by clouds is the voice of a distant place. My heart that had been in a moon-blurred mirror that flowed. Those stars that trembled and spilled cannot hide my tears. My dream of your face that I softly touch melts in the morning. -
Liam: Well, it depends what kind of coconuts you're talking about. *Slap to the face* :blackeye: Owies... Kool: You perverted...wait... Rex: What? Kool: If you two are...and Chole and Iris are...am I the only one here who's not sexually inclined? Rex: *shrug* Liam: Umm...you're mature? Kool: ?
Though Square's not the only one in making this game...Disney is contributing a lot to it, which is obviously going to have that strange feel to it. Kinda like Super Mario RPG...
Yeah, they're more concentrated on life in general, the negative sides of it mostly...
I like a lot of their songs for their "laid-back" style...when my friends and I hang out, we usually play 311. "From Chaos" is good but I prefer their self-titled CD from a while back.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]wow, I never took much notice..... I've also heard that..."Hero" song that's just been released (sorry, can't remember the singer's name), and I think he sounds pretty similar to Creed's lead singer aswell..... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]That's Chad Kroger the lead singer of Nickelback...they're accents are somewhat alike but their ideals are completely different. There isn't anything particularly wrong with Chrisitan Rock, most of them don't really make it into the mainstream. POD compares somewhat with Linkin Park, though Linkin Park is better than they are.[/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkblue]Many many years ago When I was twenty three, I got married to a widow Who was pretty as could be. This widow had a grown-up daughter Who had hair of red. My father fell in love with her, And soon the two were wed. This made my dad my son-in-law And changed my very life. My daughter was my mother, For she was my father's wife. To complicate the matters worse, Although it brought me joy, I soon became the father Of a bouncing baby boy. My little baby then became A brother-in-law to dad. And so became my uncle, Though it made me very sad. For if he was my uncle, Then that also made him brother To the widow's grown-up daughter Who, of course, was my step-mother. Father's wife then had a son, Who kept them on the run. And he became my grandson, For he was my daughter's son. My wife is now my mother's mother And it makes me blue. Because, although she is my wife, She is my grandma too. If my wife is my grandmother, Then I am her grandchild. And every time I think of it, It simply drives me wild. For now I have become The strangest case you ever saw. As the husband of my grandmother, I am my own grandpa. [/color] -
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I find myself wishing that often too... Iris: It's not going to happen, is it? Chole: Sure it will...I've got high hopes... Iris: That's all we can do now...hope. Chole: For a long time now, all we've had is a small group, going up against an entire army and two....umm... Iris: Demi-gods... Chole: It's hard to imagine just the six or seven of us to take them on...we need more people... Iris: Take that idea to Siren or Pi...they'll know what to do. Chole: They're not the leaders of this group...none of us are...we're a team, banded together because we had the opportunity to give hybrids another chance. But we failed that, miserably...now only a few remain and we'll all have to make do with what he have...before we go extinct. Iris: Something tells me that you're hiding something deep inside you...a power, courage, an emotion. [i]Iris shifted around...[/i] Chole: There's a lot of other beds around... Iris: I'm cold...and I really don't want to be alone right now. Chole: Okay...but you don't have to stay down there...I wouldn't think it would be that comfortable without a pillow... Iris: You sure? Chole: If you need comfort, I'm not going to back away. Come here... [i]Iris quietly scooted up and lay by Chole's side. They were all in their standard day clothing and had not bothered to change into the robes Roux and Selen were wearing. Iris curled up and folded her hands between her legs.[/i] Chole: Are you alright... Iris: Still kinda occupied...but I'm fine...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I get out June 16th...well, not even...my finals are done before that week for Seniors so that week is just optional activites, I graduate on the 17th...which is going to be a night graduation with fireworks...but I know most of us are going to be sleeping after 1000 students walk the stage...after that...well...probably get an easy job at a videogames store and chill out with friends before we split up...[/COLOR]
Faithless is from "The Fast and the Furous" soundtrack (rock version). They put out some really good emo...but the only problem that I have with their new CD is that barely anything comes out of the low-range (sub-woofer) channels...so it lacks "kick" when I'm playing it in my car...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]In the meantime...[/i] Iris: Come here...*backs him up against a limestone wall* Chole: *lub-dub*lub-dub*lub-dub* Iris: *feels his chest* Geez, your heart beats kinda fast... Chole: Well...:rolleyes: Iris: What do you want? Chole: Iono...you're the older one... Iris: hmm...[/COLOR]
Writing Feelings from the twisted insecure being that is my heart. .
RicoTranzrig replied to liamc2's topic in Creative Works
I feel that...a part of me wants to mess people up really bad but, in truth, I've never raised a fist against anyone in my life...it can get so stupid in junior high or high school, you get a whole lot of BS and crap like that from people who think they're better than you are. A lot of people at my scholl don't really give a sh-t about how people feel. The worst was when a friend of mine went up on stage to play guitar, "I wrote this song and it really means a lot to me." "Show us your stack!" Some guy in the audience shouted out. "It's for a good friend of mine who died last year..." She starts to get teary eyed... "So?!!?" Someone else shouted out... Whatever happens you have to stay strong. The one who focuses on what they really want will get what they want...if it's to piss the heck out every sensitive soul out there, then whatever. You can leave them in the dust by the time you graduate. -
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico stocked up on avalible ammo from Liam and stashed it in his pack, along with his guns. He kept his comat knife right by his shoulder.[/i] Spyder: What's in the bag? Rico: My personal stuff...and a first-aid kit. Spyder: So you're a healer? Rico: I know common techniques...but I'm not a doctor. Spyder: Lucky, if only we were alive... Harlequin: Though remember, we do have another living besides Rico himself...*poings at Valeigh* [i]Spyder runs her hand down her cheek.[/i] Spyder: This beauty has been untouched for many many years...all my scars are within, hidden... Athen: Much like the rest of us? Rico: There are more of you? Harlequin: Yes...scattered and they roam the lands in much worse condition than most living people. It's a horrible sight, even by our standards...they have no real purpose or they never find it until it's too late. And they are left to feel the pains of rotting away... Spyder: Imagine, faces riddled with burns from the LightBearer's staff, bullets from common criminals, bruises that never go away...blood spilling endlessly for days before clotting. And yet, they live... Rico: A cruel fate...but how was such a curse put on?[/COLOR]
OOC: ...I put Selen's post in order...it made sense with Chole and Rena going outside...umm...we're still outside, aren't we. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Selen lay still and calmed down...[/i] Selen: Leave me...and awake... [i]She waved her hand and a dark haze engulfed Chole and Rena.[/i] Rena: What's going on?! Selen: This isn't reality...you were tired that you thought you were eh? Restless kids, I love you two...and I miss my childhood. Never forget...you'll lose it sure enough. [i]Chole and Iris awoke in a cold sweat. The oil lamps were burning softly, but they were close to where they were sleeping; next to each other near the doors. They looked at each other...[/i] Rena: What happened? Chole: I'm not really sure...a telepathic experience? Selen and Roux... Rena: It's hard to believe what she said...about everything... Chole: But you know how our minds work...well, we shouldn't worry about it tonight....we've been worrying about too much lately...a good night's rest couldn't hurt. Rena: mmm....:( Chole: Don't be sad...she's still the same and Roux still the same too. Rena: :sleep: Chole: *sigh* [/COLOR]
It'll come out for U.S. in around December, much like the European version...maybe even early November if we get lucky...
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkblue]Bottles of gas lay at the table. They lay open, the drug leaking out. Walk in, you'll choke Stay out, it will provoke. An innocent child walks around the corner of the street He passes the house turns around Picks up his feet. He runs from the foul smell With all the good reason. The gas nears a man Lighting his cigarrete He wonders about the 7 wonders of the world the seven deadly sins. Once the gas touches his light, everything sets ablaze. Never once did he smell the foulness in the air. But the child, made it to safety.[/COLOR] -
*-* Links are broken? The release date for the game seems to be far from where we are now in the year, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun...especially for the kids. Now I'm wondering if there'll be tons of singing cutscenes just like a regular disney movie...
Chrisitan Rock is bacically music focused on the Gospel. It's good because most of it is positive. Creed and P.O.D. are two examples...though Creed doesn't say if they're a chrisitan band or not. POD's songs like "Bullet the Blue Sky" and "Satellite" show that they are talking about God.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The center of the church stood the altar where the daily celebrations were centerealized at. The candles situated there reflected off the copper rooftop with a magnificant painting of the Savior. Next to him stood ancient writing that never had been translated. Selen stayed in the center with Chole holding her and Rena standing by with Roux next to her. She was still crying silently.[/i] Chole: I understand...and I'm sorry...Rena and I almost became clones as well because of our unique coding sequences... Selen: *sniff* Just...I just feel... Chole: Shh...don't say anything more...it's alright... [i]Throughout the church's main hall...Selen's cries could be heard. An eerie silence blanketed the room. The spirit left the four alone...[/i][/COLOR]
RPG StarWars Episode 10: The Return of The Dark Side
RicoTranzrig replied to SiTh_LoRd724M's topic in Theater
Start a new thread in sign-ups...the format Aries listed. -
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Which left Rena and Chole standing in the center of the room.[/i] Rena: Chole... Chole: Yeah? Rena: Can we go to mom and dad? Chole: Aren't you tired? Rena: Not really...you didn't see me yawning. Chole: Nope...*looks at others* hmm...why not.. [i]Quietly, they tip-toed to the door, careful to not wake up Siren from her peaceful slumber. Chole opened the door and slipped through, Rena walked through the tiny opening without much difficulty and they shut the heavy door with not much as a light thud. The smiled at each other and headed upstairs...[/i][/COLOR]
They're good, but I'm not really a fan of POD. I have their CD which is pretty good throughout...this time they're more concentrated towards metal than hip-hop...though I wish they'd make up their minds. My favorite song in their new release is Boom followed by Satellite.
[COLOR=darkblue]Rico: :flaming: [i]In that same instant, Rico exploded out of the window and landed amongst the piles and piles of manikins that were scattered throughout the backyard. With brute strength, he shook them off even before they had the chance to strike. He pulled out his guns and fired wildly, jumping backwards, moving closer towards the shelter. Blood leaked from the creatures, human blood...and they fell to the ground, still moving as if in sezuire. The other creatures closed in on him as he stopped to unlock the metallic door.[/i] Liam: Well, here I go! [i]Liam started spinning wildly with his hands positioned on his belt. He jumped out as Rico did, knives being launched towards the ground. They struck and killed a few "puppets" while the others focused their attention to Liam...a much greater threat.[/i] Rico: Thanks! [i]Rico knocked on the door and called out to them. Harlequin unlocked and opened the doors. Spyder lay beside him.[/i] Harlequin: Take my love!! [i]He passed Rico and joined the fight. Rico jumped into the shelter and picked up Spyder. They ran out into the open dirt road. He set her down softly and took out his guns, looking around for trouble approaching...[/i][/COLOR]