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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico looked out the window of the 2nd floor...[/i] Rico: God...what are those? Liam: Of all the thing's I've seen...that...is the strangest... Valeigh: Just a bunch of dummies with 2 pairs of legs out to get us. Rico: Okay, stay here and when I fire the shots...you get in action. Valeigh: Right... Liam: And me? Rico: Can you do melee? Liam: I can do melee...but I'm a wizard with knives...you should be the one charging. Rico: Right...I'm the one who's going to be taking Spyder to safety while Harlequin joins the fight... Liam: Sorry...but its dangerous if you go against them... Rico: I know...being alive does have it's disadvantages...hey...if Valeigh stays here...then she'll have nothing but a sword...what good'll that do? [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Kool climbed up a nearby tree with the waterfall in sight and plugged her ears tightly...she saw the two go past the waterfall's threshold, getting soaked before entering the dimly lit cave.[/i] Kool: *sweatdrop* This is going to be hard not thinking about it...*looks at camera* Hey!!! is this even appropirate!?!?![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Kool closed her ears...[/i] Kool: Oh dear...here we go again. Chole: Maybe it would've been better if I stayed with the guys. Iris: Are you sure about that...? Chole: Are you going to hurt me? Kool: She's gonna kill ya!!! Iris: Let's just say I'll put you in heaven... Chole: :all:[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The creatures chared at them with frightening speed...they were on all four legs, kicking up dust and their thirst for blood.[/i] Harlequin: *gasp* Rico: Get down! [i]The group crouched down while Rico closed the double doors to the shelter. Composed of heavy metal, the creatures managed to make a few dents to it by crashing on it full speed, but the doors held. They crawled deeper into the small space of the shelter.[/i] Valeigh: Plans? Now?! Harlequin: There's a path to the house here, but we'll have to crawl for a while...and who knows that's on the other side. Rico: Do we have a choice? Harlequin: *looks at Spyder* With my love's disadvantage right now...I doubt that we'll make through with haste. Valeigh: Then you two stay here... [i]Valeigh took a piece of cloth lying on the ground and wiped her blade clean of blood. Rico reloaded his guns and checked his knife.[/i] Rico: Got it...lets get out of here...we'll take care of them. [i]Harlequin opened the crawlspace for them. Rico and Valeigh squeezed through and they were on their way back to the house...[/i] Harlequin: [i]Where's Liam...[/i][/COLOR]
  5. Chole: There's...a waterfall here? [i]Flash back to "The Waterfall..."[/i] Chole: *thump*thump*thump* :nervous: Kool: What is that noise? Iris: Chole's heart beating... Kool: Don't worry, nothing's going to happen. [i]Iris takes Chole's hand...[/i] Iris: Lets go! *yank* Chole: Whoa!
  6. Sounds really cool...that 8MB of memory'll come in handy...it'd be great if you could upload your maps and swap online.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i] A shadow visited the three during their sleep...neither hostile or frienly, it looked over them and went upstairs where Liam and Siren were wide awake looking over their old texts...the shadow moved about the room and returned to where Liam was standing...[/i] Liam: I guess they're doing fine... Siren: Spying on them isn't really appropriate you know...why not the looking glass? Liam: I'm going to be using this ability elsewhere... Siren: I see...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They walked along a torch lit hallway under the church. The whispers disappeared and all they could hear was the sound of burning oil and wood. They stopped a little past the stairway.[/i] Selen: Your room is here... Pi: Wha...just one room for the...how many of us are there? Siren: Now...there are six of us... Selen: Seven if you count me and Roux...we're still part of you guys...though we're not sleeping here. I have my own room elsewhere in the church. Chole: I thought we were going to talk. Rena: Yeah...how did you get here anyway? Selen: I'll explain that tomorrow morning...just rest for now. Siren: *leer* Rena: :nervous: Liam: Yeah, I guess so... [i]Selen opened the door for them...[/i] Selen: Enjoy your stay... [i]The group walked in...Siren came inside last and she shut the door behind her after Selen and Roux left.[/i] Chole: What's wrong? Siren: There's a strange tone in her voice...mysterious...you noticed it? Pi: We've been seperated for a long time though...maybe something happened to her before she got here. Liam: Or maybe something happened to her when she got here. [i]Liam knew evil to an extent but he couldn't imagine that such influences were at a church like this. Though Siren kept open minded...[/i] Siren: Who knows that couldn've happened...she's still young and anything could change her...just like us. [i]Chole looked around. The room was fairly large, enough to house 10 or more people. The walls were made of stone and the floor was concrete with a large rug in the center. 2-story bunk beds lay scattered throughout the perimeter of the room. The torches outside were replaced by oil lamps and the door was cast iron metal with a large lock. They seemed to be safe...[/i] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Iris: What are you two smiling at? Chole: Game of hide-and seek... Kool: Yeah... Iris: :rolleyes: Kool: Then again...this is an island...wherever could we hide!? Chole: *looks at Liam and Rex* They're not moving... Iris: Of course not, they're knocked out... Chole: Do you think it's wise if we just leave them here...I mean, what if they're really hurt?[/COLOR]
  10. [i]Rico and Valeigh stood back to back, waiting for the next barrage of the strange creatures that were surrounding them.[/i] Rico: There! [i]He pointed at the shelter near the back of the house. Harlequin was looking out...and motioning for them to follow him.[/i] Valeigh: Time to go!!!
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: Safety has its price... [i]Chole walked up to him and stood beside Siren.[/i] Chole: Maybe this was a bad idea...its really hard to ignore them because they're so strong. Siren: There's gotta be a way to block them out though. [i]Selen walked back out...[/i] Selen: I'll show you to your rooms...they're downstairs and I think you'll get some peace and quiet underground... [i]Liam pushed himself off the wall and followed Selen. The others clumped up together and followed her as well. Rena stopped looked back.[/i] Rena: How about Iris? [i]Chole turned around and stood by her.[/i] Chole: She's going to be alright...just a lot more tired than we are. Rena: Oh... [i]Chole took her hand and tugged lightly. The group disappeared around corner and Chole and Rena walked faster to catch up with them. Their footsteps echoed throughout the halls and they started to slow down as they saw them walking downstairs...[/i] [/COLOR]
  12. "Peace for an eternity," said the wise man. Yet it has never came to be. Once every thousand years A star is born. Buried deep within the earth is it's seed. It seeks to find life. Feeding off the planet spreading it's roots of evil across the land. It stays firmly planted In the hearts of man. Lavos, the parasite Taking life away Before moving on.
  13. [i]Rico crawled over to his pack and removed both his guns and survival knife.[/i] Rico: We should warn the others... Valeigh: They probably already know... [i]They both creep up to the door and listen through. Not hearing anything, Rico carefully opened the door, keeping his head down down and peeked through.[/i] Valeigh: See anything? [i]One eye looked through the small crack in the door. Strange creatures stood in the hallway...posessing legs nearly artifical, manikin-like accompanied by another set of legs, replacing it's torso. They just stood there, motionless...[/i] Rico: We need to get out of here...quick... [i]Rico closed the door slowly as to not make a single sound and he turned to Valeigh.[/i] Rico: The window... [i]They walked over to the cracked opening in the wall and looked out. The distance was jumpable, but they weren't sure if shattering the window and escaping would set the creatures bursting after them...[/i] Valeigh: How about the others? Rico: They're too far away from us now...they'll take care of themselves and find us...let's get out of here... [i]Valeigh stood back while he raised his boot and delivered a powerful kick right through the glass. Valeigh then used her sword to clean up the sharp glass on the edges...this alerted the strange creatures and they started to move with frightening speed.[/i] Valeigh: There's gotta be a ton of them that wanna bust in here... Rico: What are you waiting for? [i]Valeigh took a running start and leaped out the window, landing on the dusty surface of the outside. Rico looked out to see if Valeigh was okay and turned around.[/i] Valeigh: What the hell is he doing?! [i]He loaded his guns and pointed forward. Parts of the wooden door began to break off as a result of the beating it was taking from the "puppets." Once one of them broke through, Rico foucused in on the leg that was exposed and fired two shots. They hit and sure enough, the entire pack in the hallway was panicking. Rico turned around and jumped out...[/i]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico brushed his hand against Valeigh's face, wiping away her tears.[/i] Rico: Morning's coming...we should get some rest...we'll talk about this more later though...promise. [i]He embraced her once again, only this time, he didn't let go. Throughout the entire night, they lay in each other's arms keeping warm and comfort. Two souls side by side, still alive, "...I would stay with you..." Rico's thoughts flooded his mind when he was sleeping. Something inside himself was changing. His feelings for herwere growing, just like Harlequin and Spyder's feelings for one another. Though for Rico and Valeigh, they would be brought into the light and not into the darkness...[/i][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole started out of the green room when Rena, Siren, Pi, and Liam followed him out...[/i] Chole: MM? Siren: What happened to you...you were asleep for a long time...and then you just wake up like that? Chole: You know why that is... Rena: What is? Chole: You'll undestand when we rest in our rooms here...if there are any left. Pi: Hmm...all I can sense here is the smell of burning incense. Liam: :rolleyes: I guess hybrids are the only ones who can feel this? Siren: I don't... Chole: I'm not sure about that though...but I do know whatever's here'll come to us in our sleep. [i]Selen approached...[/i] Selen: Iris's doing fine...just needs a little rest. [i]She walked back.[/i] Siren: What happened when you two were asleep anyway? Chole: Someone paid us a visit...nothing bad though. Pi: She had a look of tenseness in her face...you sure? Chole: Yeah...it's just that she wasn't used to it...*looks over* she still awake? Selen: *nods* [i]Curiously, Chole passed the group and headed back inside the greenish room...[/i][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: What? Kool: Chole....just...just don't listen to what he's saying... Chole: :rolleyes: okay... Iris: ... Liam: I wasn't even talking about that...y'know... Iris: Yeah right.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=indigo]Rico: But no one's testing us...there's nothing keeping watch over us... Valeigh: That's what you think. Rico: If you keeping fighting though...you'll loose...it's the lighbearer's test if it's anyone... Valeigh: That's right... Rico: Even though you're strong and you're fighting alongside us...it won't be enough...at least not now. Valeigh: What then? Run? Rico: We fight...but fight carefully. It's just not yourself that you have to take care of in the fight now...make one wrong move and it could cost any of us our lives...well...not really for the three...[/COLOR]
  18. In times of peril and plight I look to you... For a new sense of hope. A ray of light in a gloomy dark sky strikes down... So I can find you and be with you when I need you... I doubted you, you doubted me. I wish I could turn back time... but I can't. Who knows what the future will hold. But hold on, hold on close to me so I don't loose you... In the path of life. As bleak as it has and will be. This is the present. Where everything is clear, everything is certain. I love you with all my heart And nothing will ever change that.
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: They're the ones you have you your form...your abilities...your instinct...don't think that because you haven't seen them that they don't leave their influence on you. ????: ... Iris: And how do you know all of this?? Chole: Mom and dad talk to me every single night...when I'm asleep. I think they reach Rena too. And because this is some kind of special place...we'll all be able to hear no matter what... Iris: You're saying I can't escape from this? Chole: You can ignore them...but...they're not who you think they are... [i]In reality...the group surrounded the two. Selen got a few pillows for them to rest on and they waited patiently for them to wake up...[/i] Pi: Strange... Selen: It's pretty common...this hasn't been the first time. Siren: What's causing it? Selen: I'm not really sure about that...but just being here gives me great comfort.... [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico held her gently...that strange feeling came over him once again. It frightened him that he was holding someone else in his arms. Someone what wasn't actually dying, but just heartbroken and sad. But he didn't exactly know why. They were both in a world of evil. Rico knew he wasn't going to give in. But was Valeigh as strong...he wondered.[/i] Rico: I have you...whatever you need...I'll be here for you. You're not alone...[/COLOR]
  21. Chole: I was never abandoned...they died...but I can feel you. Not just because I'm a telepath. Iris: No... Chole: It's been a while though... Iris: I can't... Chole: I can hear my mom and dad... Iris: What do they say? Chole: Hehe...secret... Iris: Oh...no way...once we get out of this, I'm going to make you! Chole: *listens* mmm...Rena would want to hear this. Eventually, you'll hear anyway...so don't pull anything, especially not at this church.
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They lay in complete darkness, just the three of them...and the voices...[/i] Chole: I never knew who your parents were...strange....the thought never crossed my mind. Iris: How do you think I was born then? Chole: No...I just never thought about who your parents were... Iris: I guess you could say that blood isnt that important to me... Chole: Listen...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole listens closely for Rex...nothing...[/i] Chole: How long? Kool: A few er...*cough* umm...days... Liam: You gotta be kidding me... Kool: What? It's not like he'll die or anything. Iris: And why is that? Chole: Because...well...*trails off* Kool: So yeah... Iris: :therock: Chole: No maggots, please *holds stomach*[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Valeigh awoke in the midst of the darkness around her. She looked up and trailed her eyes to the only window in the room, broken, shattered. Rays of the moonlight poked through. Someone was holding her and she panicked, though did not move. Her vision altered to conpensate for the dim light, a blue haze came over her eyes and she could see the hands of Rico placed kindly on her stomach. It was difficult for her to realize what she had gotten herself into a few hours before, but now that she knew her guardian, she wasn't worried at all. Rico stayed partly awake throughout the night. He kept silent when she gasped and moved around, half-asleep. He heard voices down below but he couldn't pinpoint the exact location inside the house. What caught his attention was the tone of Harlequin, Spyder, and Athen. Something strange was going on downstairs. Whatever was going on downstairs was none of his buisness, at least not yet.[/i] Valeigh: Rico... [i]He snapped out of his groggy state, his eyes wide open.[/i] Rico: Are you alright? Valeigh: Let me go... [i]Rico's hands and arms slipped away from Valeigh's stomach. He kept his back flat on the wall, waiting for her to move...she only spoke...[/i] Valeigh: Tell me...what do you feel? [i]He thought about her question...they sat in the silence with only the whispers of the three downstairs and the ambience of the room.[/i] Rico: I've never been asked that before...it's hard... Valeigh: I know... [i]Rico didn't rush through his thoughts this time, he couldn't. Valeigh cared, something that she needed as well. Being alone and in constant danger all the time, they never really stopped to think about things like this. Now that they had the time and the comfort, it became all the more difficult.[/i] Rico: I know that its hard to live life like it is out there and then adjust to another one. I find it even harder to belive that any person could change overnight. Valeigh: It's possible... Rico: When I hear you, I hear anger or rage. When I look at you, I see a face, focused on revenge, hatred. [i]He raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder. Valeigh looked and sighed, holding his hand and breathed heavily. A look of worry came upon her face, but it was nothing like that at all.[/i] Rico: Though when I touch you, I don't feel any of the two...something else lies within you. Lying deeper than blood. Something inside is changing. Valeigh: I can't... [i]Valeigh lowered her head.[/i] Rico: Can't what? Valeigh: I don't want to live a life outside, fighting for a reason that doesn't exist...I don't think we can win against something we can barely escape from. Rico: What do you think the others have planned? Valeigh: I don't know...but we don't have the benefit of being dead. Rico: Nevermind that... Valeigh: *sigh* Rico: Valeigh... Valeigh: yeah? [i]He faced her dead on...and embraced her...[/i][/COLOR]
  25. Okay, sorry...but I'm going to have to shut this down because there's a whole lot of spam here now...think the story through first before making it. And I think you should wait for Modern Magic I to finish...
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