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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. RicoTranzrig


    After seeing the trailers of Zelda and Mario sunshine it gave me a tingling sensation down the back of my spine which hasn't happened ever since I sat down and played FF7 for the first time...
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole had Iris in his thoughts...[/i] ????: I know it's confusing to understand... Iris: Why are you trying to reach me? ????: Because you're psychic abilities are still quite young. Chole: The Spirit moves through all things... ????: You know me well, Chole. Chole: :) Hi... Iris: Chole, you know him? Chole: That voice used to keep me company at night. Now that I'm here, I understand... ????: You're a smart boy. Chole: Mom's a part of you... ????: Right... Iris: What? Chole: All the voices that you hear...are really just one person...the voices of the dead, bound as one... Iris: How do you know this? Chole: I can feel mom, dad, everyone I knew...they're here. Can you feel your loved ones talking to you? [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico's eyes gave a serious look towards Valeigh. His eyes were wide open and he felt a slight pain in his chest. Heavy, but it didn't bother him. The feelings were strong now that they were out in the open. He had to respond...[/i] Valeigh:... Rico: There's always a way out of a bad situation. Valeigh: IF not? Rico: Then we run...and wait... Valeigh: Do you think the others are thinking of running away from whomever's chasing us? Rico: Yeah...they know a lot more than we do. *Rico takes her hand and raises it up to brush with his lips.* Valeigh: What should we do? Rico: Are you talking about the dillema that we have now or the one concerning the lightbearers. Valeigh: *blush* mmm.. Rico: If you're talking about the lightbearers, then we should find a way to combat against them without getting killed...though if you're asking what we should do right this moment, just the two of us, I'd say, "Just let our hearts decide because they've already decided a long time ago." [i]Rico let go of her hand and they sat on the hardwood floor. He waited for her to move...[/i] Valeigh: ?? Rico: Come here...I'll keep you warm and safe for the night...not like the previous days where we kept our distance. Valeigh: Thank you...Rico. Rico: I don't know what's going to become of us because of this...but I hope for the best....[/COLOR]
  4. tmi... I think that Episode 2 beat out Spider-Man in value. Both movies were well done...Spiderman even got more sales in it's opening weekend than Episode 2 did...but I think Attack of the Clones has that "epic" feeling to it that gives Star Wars such a huge fan base.
  5. I felt that deeply...though what I've experienced in the past that connects me to that, I left behind not too long ago.
  6. I don't think there's anything wrong with the new Zelda using Cel-Shading techniques. I think it's great that nintendo is reflecting the new Zelda game with the original NES version. I think this has already been discussed previously though so you can look there.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos sat down on the bed and breathed in deeply...tired and worn...[/i] Lupos: Espa... Espa: Lupos? Lupos: There'll always be a place for you and our new daughter by my side. I'm going to retire for the night. Espa: Okay...I'll stay up for a while... Lupos: And take care of a child that's sleeping...come. [i]Lupos stood up and walked over to Espa, resting on the leather chair nearby. He put both of his hands on her shoulders and helped her to the bed. Espa set in and lay down, careful to keep Rena safe. Lupos spread the sheets over their bodies before laying down by her side...[/i] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico's eyes stayed wide open throughout their entire conversation. He wasn't sure how to approach what Valeigh just did, but he'd surely talk about it, even though he was startled by it.[/i] Rico: We could always escape from the city. Valeigh: And do what? Rico: Whatever...you know? It's not like we won't be able to live out there. Who knows what lies out of this place. Valeigh: The lighbearers stalk the outskirts of the city...we won't get out easily. Rico: And they'll come for us if we stay. Valeigh: We can't abandon the others. Rico: Of course not...that would be cowardly. Valeigh: Then what? Rico: ...I don't know right now... Valeigh: They'll come for us...we'll die... Rico: What did you want to tell me anyway?...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos's eyes lowered and he moaned lightly in protest.[/i] Espa: What? Lupos: No...now's not time time. Espa: Why? Lupos: I'm not ready...I don't think you realized how much you've hurt me...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Well, she doesn't have anywhere else to go to, so I don't think she has much of a choice. Espa: But will she be happy? Lupos: I think she'll be alright, just as long as we're happy. Espa: *looks down* Lupos: You're not...?[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]I think I'll be one of the watchers of this town...[/COLOR]
  12. OOC: Look, if any of your are gonna argue, take it somewhere else, this RPG isn't for that...neither is one-sentence progression.
  13. ...And we know that. But lol, a game that's too detailed to be rendered by PS2 hardware...hmm the screens of that game were stunning, but toning it down just might ruin what mostly everyone was hoping for, eye candy. GTA3 does access the DVD a lot during gameplay. It almost bothers me a little to hear those noises coming from the PS2 so much. Where did the PS2 get it's graphics hardware?
  14. [COLOR=green][i]The two open up to find an empty hall. Zack was still laying down on the couch as usual, still knocked out...Siren walked up to him and ran her hand against his cheek. She turned back to Liam.[/i] Siren: Where's Lupos? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Downstairs, it took a while for Espa to divert her attention from Rena to the room, but after she started to relax, she felt him close by, being careful not to invade.[/i] Espa: Lupos? Lupos: [i]It's me...[/i] [i]She set Rena down and buttoned up her shirt...Lupos flowed out of the shadows and stood a short distance away from her.[/i] Espa: Hi... Lupos: How is she? Espa: She's alright... [i]Espa streched her arms wide open.[/i] Espa: Come here... [i]Lupos smiled and walked forward.[/i] Lupos: What now? Espa: Well...I'm staying...Rena needs a lot of care. Lupos: So I've heard... Espa: Heard? Didn't you take care of me since I was old enough to remember? Lupos: Luckily, Rena'll have the benifit of both a mother and father...even if surrogate... [i]Lupos took both of her hands with his and squeezed them tightly. Espa did the same. They brought their hands closer towards their chests and held it at the center, looking at their hands joined. Both looked up at each other and closed their eyes, arching forward, sharing a deep kiss...[/i] Siren: *Looks downward* I think they'll do alright...[/COLOR]
  15. OOC: Oh...no.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]The group drifted off into the shadows with Selen leading. The entire church was pretty much empty of people aside from the numerous lit candles and the rows and rows of wooden seating around the entire church, centered on the marble altar. It seemed very odd to the group that this entire place was untouched from the attacks up above. Chole could feel the life force of many indiviuals within the large complex. But it wasn't just that...he could also feel the many souls freely flowing through the church...Chole heard the echos from Siren and he shook his entrancement off.[/i] Siren: Chole? Chole: Oh, it's nothing...I'm sure Selen'll be able to explain everything. Rena: What do you mean by what you said a while ago? Is mom here? Chole: Can you feel her? Rena: No... Iris: I don't really sense anyone except for the people around here. Pi: What I really want to know is how this place stood after the chaos. Selen: I'll explain everything to you, but...follow my lead for now. Liam: Why not here? Selen: They might hear us... Siren: Who? Selen: The ones from up above... [i]Right after she said those words, Rena and Chole looked at each other...something was odd the way she spoke.[/i] Iris: Something wrong? Rena: Nothing really... [i]As they followed Selen across the church, they began to hear whispers echoing throughout the walls nearby. Behind them was the entrance, only a small piece of wood in the distance now. In front of them stood a sliding glass door with a green curtain. Selen opened the glass and spread the curtains revealing a glowing green room, a very small one at that. The glow was coming from the neonic lights mounted around the perimeter of the room. The walls were a soft cloth and there were more wooden pews like the ones in the main hall...though everything had an ominous green glow to it, which felt eerie to Roux and Rena.[/i] Selen: We'll talk here. Liam: Where are those whispers coming from? Selen: I'll explain...now come inside...[/COLOR]
  16. RicoTranzrig


    Celda...eh...it takes getting used to, but after looking at it the almond eyes for a while...it's worth getting. And I can see the high quality textures in Wario World, incredibly realistic... Mario Sunishine isn't really getting my attention though.
  17. Look, everyone's entitled to their own opinion... ~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Though Ravenstoture and Harlequin... I think you and I have a lot in common...It is a virtue to be patient, to be humble, to be kind, to always hope. That's what makes love successful. Take for example 3rd-world countries who still follow the tradition of having only one person in their life, chosen by their parents. Sure you might not love the person at first...but you're stuck with him or her to live life for a very long time. After a while, you'll learn to love the person. As opposed to a "free" society that allows divorce because the guy's a complete jerk or the girl's a complete b-tch...which is why getting set-up with someone by a friend or family member is probably a very good way to find a person that you can live with for a very long time and have good times with. How strange it is that "falling" could be a good thing when tied with the word "love..." [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]I think it refers a type of perfect Love...something everyone wishes to obtain but its tough to achieve, if it is an achievement at all. Yes, you can love someone, but until two people can be at comfort with one another as if they weren't in love at all...that's what love is.[/COLOR]
  19. I thought all PS2 games had a flat-rate of $49.95 I've been waiting for Frontline for a while now...and I did wish they would put out more DDR games here in the states.
  20. Hmm...this really should go in Games/RPG's...and is there a plot?
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico looked towards the arid horizon...[/i] Rico: If we knew where to go from this city... Spyder: That isn't a possibilty yet...we have some unfinished buisness to do. Rico: I realize that...the sad truth. Harlequin: But our house is our house...there's something about it that keeps us safe most of the time...we're no better off if we go into the city, even though we are much stronger than the commoners. Valeigh: Time to go home...[/COLOR]
  22. OOC: Much appreciated. ;) Good timing. ~~~~~~` [color=green] Siren: Well, we do need a place to stay and this place seems much appropriate for such the need. Selen: Alright, I'll go tell my people...Roux? Coming with? Roux: :D [i]With much joy Roux quietly ran over to Selen, who picked him up and spun him around.[/i] Selen: Thank you for keeping him safe. Rena: :D Chole: No problem... [i]Selen put her hood back on and turned away, carrying Roux. She walked into the shadows and the group was left with one less person.[/i] Liam: I wonder how they all survived here. Pi: If it's tech, I want the schemeatics! [i]The doors closed behind the group to the wind, softly, and Chole looked behind him. Something caught his eyes and he started walking towards a orange haze in the corner.[/i] Siren: Chole? Chole: I can feel something strange over there...nothing hostile...just...mysterious. [i]With a curious face, Chole peeked over the corner of the pillar at the corner of the church to see hundreds of brightly lit candles in ascending rows. Rena ran over to him and grabbed his leg.[/i] Rena: Hey what's that?! Chole: A prayer corner...I've only done it once in a lifetime when I visit mom's place. Rena: I've never seen where she sleeps. Chole: It's here... Rena: :confused: [i]Selen came back with Roux in a tiny robe with his hood over him.[/i] Iris: Cute... Selen: Shall we? Siren: Yes... Liam: Chole! Rena! Rena: What do you mean, Chole? Chole: I'll explain later...let's go...[/color]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Siren pulled Liam's hand like a little kid and lifted him up with her powerful arms. She set him down on the ground and breathed in the air...[/i] Siren: Tension's rising...I can feel it... Liam: ow...but did you have to drag me around like that? Siren: Don't tell me a 700 year old girl like me can't have my fun now... Liam: :shifty: [i]Siren opened the mansion's door and they walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch.[/i] Siren: Nothing to do... Liam: We still have to find Sion... Siren: He's probably licking his wounds in his hideaway. Same with the Tristaes... Liam: I wonder how Lupos and Espa are doing? Siren: I can feel Lupos's tension...but I don't think anything wrong's going to happen...he knows what he's doing. Liam: I sure hope you're right...[/COLOR]
  24. Okay! This is the last teaser before I get back to the main storyline.... Note: All of these characters are fictional and any resembelence to anyone IRL is [i]purely[/i] coincidential. :D ©2000 Meteo City Productions/InnerKid ~~~~~~~~~~~ IC: [color=green] [b][u][i]Meteo Kids Chronicles[/b][/u][/i] [b][i]?MuFFiNNs N? BaGGeLL Breakfast? @ Emergency Room[/b][/i] [b][i]D?Ann-[/b] [Sigh] The story of the 8 thrill seekers continues after they get invited to an outdoor police banquet for catching and converting the serial killer. Umm? I forgot his name. Let?s just say that the process of waking up is another wacky moment for the Meteo kids. Yeah?time to try this new drug? ?Oxyacetylene ~ PuX-239? ?[Pops in rod-shaped red pills] yeh?I can see the Leprechauns!>[fade to white][/i] The eight kids are still at the hospital sleeping in one of the emergency room beds and other places. Ryan wakes up. [b]Ryan-[/b] Hey what are we still doing here? Hey! Vince, help me out here. [b]Vince-[/b] [Takes a deep breath] WAAAKE UUUUUP! [b]Ronnie-[/b] [Springs out of bed] Ok I?m up!?Huh? [Notices he?s stepping on Rochelle] Oops! [b]Rochelle-[/b] Eeee the F?K??RONNIE!! [b]Ronnie-[/b] I?m outta here?[Runs out of hospital and hides inside Drew?s car] anybody in here? Whoa! You kids have fun? [b] Drew-[/b] Sorta? Did we oversleep? [Stretches] Sarah?Wake up sleepy head? [b] Sarah- [/b]!!! [Sits up and stretches] [b] Ronnie- [/b]Naw you didn?t miss much. (Geez wonder what these two were doing when we were sleeping?) ~ Skip to Vince and Ryan [b]Ryan- [/b] Vince, you seen the other two? [b]Vince-[/b] ?? I?m Going? [i]~ Skip to Maria and Jackie[/i] [b]Maria-[/b] [Carrying towels] Hurry, finish up! [b]Jackie-[/b] Ok?done?[Steps out of bathroom covered in cloud of steam] Lemme check my mail. [b]Vince-[/b] [Opens door] There you are! WHOA? S?T! [Shuts door] [b]Jackie-[/b] Not when I?m dressing?Knock next Time! [b]Vince-[/b] Sorry?[Knocks, then opens door again] [b]Jackie-[/b] Nooo!!! [Sigh] Awww F?K it? Hey?[Looks at monitor of computer] They invited our group to a banquet. [b]Maria-[/b] [Walks out of Shower] What did you say??Wahhh!![Runs back inside] What the F?K Vince!? [b]Vince- [/b]Maybe I should go now?I?ll tell everybody. [Runs out and shuts door and heads to Ryan?s room~] What are you doing? We gotta banquet to go to. [b]Ryan- [/b] [Stuffing bag with cotton balls and Adrenaline vials] Nothing?ok I?ll put em back. [Stuffs bag anyway and closes]. Kay, Let?s get ready. Where?s Drew, N? Sarah? Ronnie you know? [b]Ronnie- [/b]Dunno where?they looked pretty comfortable in the car when I found them. [b]Rochelle-[/b] Ronnieee!!! [Carrying syringe] [b]Vince- [/b]?I?m Going? [b]Ronnie-[/b] So am I! [b]Drew-[/b] [With Sarah in cafeteria] Here?s your food? [b]Sarah-[/b] !!! [Begins eating] !!! [b]Drew-[/b] ?I don?t get it?how come Maria and I are the only ones who understand what you?re saying? [b]Vince-[/b] Found you guys?what have you been doing in the car? [b]Drew-[/b] [Looks at Sarah] !!! (?Hey, you feel asleep on the hood...I was inside :shifty:?) [b]Sarah-[/b] [Gasps] !!! [Laughs] [b]Drew-[/b] We?re eating?we going somewhere? [b]Vince-[/b] A banquet?let?s go. [Grabs Drew and Sarah and heads back to car.] [b]Drew-[/b] Hey?let go of us?oh whatever? [i]Sarah, Vince, and Drew head to the car?Ryan walks back home and brings his crappy Nissan Sentra?they get in and head to the banquet. To Be Continued ~[b] D?Ann-[/b][Dances around] Lalalalalalala!! [Pops in More Pills and falls unconscious on the hard-wood floor.][/i][/color]
  25. I think Capcom should leave out the puzzles and have it be an intense experience. Maybe just increase the length of the game, rather than a short 5 hour run through. Maybe add more cut-scenes with improved voice acting... The game kinda resembled a 3D Megaman X game (if it existed)...maybe they can use some key elements off of the series. The bosses were a bit predictable so if they do increase the AI...there might be a problem facing hordes of monsters running at you and blocking and dodging most of your moves.
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