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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]An Overdose Delusion... Heaven's Night The mists of fear Lift from my sight. I wander through the forest In search for the truth Only to find the faces Of the elder trees They say, "Over there." One after the other They point me to different directions And I realize...they can't help me. I call out to the skies No one hears me Echos coming back at me Now I know it's time. Leaving this place Providing only a passage to the other side A moonlit path looms in front of me To a place where I can cry. The lies the people try to give me In return they feed off my life Trying to take from me what is right. No faces left to turn to. No one's there All these feelings I have to feed off their hunger Thoughts dancing in and out my mind. My soul is bleeding I am searching, am I blind? All alone and bound forever Trapped inside me for all time... Someone please...save me... [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]A budding actress Destined to become famous Stopped only by fate.[/COLOR]
  3. Chrisitan rock is good...but lately, the only things that have been catching my ear on the radio that's remotely American is heavy metal, but now that Korn influenced a lot how that's played, it sounds a lot like rap as well. Even the current rap recordings are starting to reek... I think that the only music form that's worthy of being called "American" is good old Jazz, which is pretty much the root of the entire R&B, Hip-hop culture. But even Sting has capitalized on that form. The So-called "techno-trend" was around two years ago. One of the favored radio stations in my area had it playing in the morning and at night with hip-hop in the afternoons...then everyone considered techno repetitive and thus stripped it off the air...I still miss good quality techno music...not the cheap happy-hardcore type... America is falling behind in music...playing the same old styles over and over again with new artists...maybe it's because too many people watch MTV, telling us what's good or not...let everyone decide what's good for themselves...
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sits up, flushed, and sees Kool runing towards them...a flowing white figure...[/i] Chole: Gah? Liam: Looks like a ghost... Iris: Nope... Kool: Heyyyy! *waves* Iris: Hello! Kool: *reaches them*pant*heave* I found...something...a ship... Liam: Not again... Chole: You think we should check it out? What did you see? Kool: Not much...but it's definitely not the T.V. producers... Liam: But we were just getting settled in... Kool: Do you wanna stay like that for a long time? [i]Liam looks at himself laying on the beach with ragged clothing...but a clean shaven and cut.[/i] Liam: Let's go...*stands up* Chole: Wait...this could be another trap though...so be careful.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico stood still for a moment before speaking...[/i] Rico: Well, at least things are quite peaceful...for now. Valeigh: I wonder when we're leaving. Rico: Most likely after their "training" is done. Valeigh: Yeah, I suppose...until then? Rico: You know, we haven't been outside for a while...how about we go take a walk? [i]Valeigh thought for a while. She knew he had other intentions other than just getting some fresh air, but it didn't really matter at this point. She stood up.[/i] Valeigh: Okay....why not? [i]Rico walked over to the front door...[/i] Rico: Maybe we can grab something to eat along the way... Valeigh: (Maybe that's not the only thing that you'll grab...) Rico: ...what was that? Valeigh: Oh nothing...just don't pull anything on me! Rico: *raises hands* Hey...no....I wasn't going to... Valeigh: Alright...:rolleyes: [i]Rico waited outside on the front porch. Valeigh set Harlequin down on the only couch on the first floor and walked out a few minutes later...[/i] Rico: *rubs eyes* barren desert... Valeigh: Duh... Rico: Hey, I got here at night...I didn't see anything remotely looking like this. Valeigh: So you're telling me that never once did you bother to look outside? Rico: It didn't look like this on the roof... Valeigh: In any case...let's go...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Siren, Liam...let's go... [i]Lupos raised his hand and left the room. Liam and Siren followed, closing the door behind them, leaving Espa and Rena alone inside the private chamber. Outside, Siren put a hand on Lupos' shoulder and turned him around. They stopped on the stairway leading upwards into Liam's living room.[/i] Siren: Lupos...this is going to be a lot more difficult for you. Lupos: I know. But I'm up to the challenge. Liam: You are aware that you nearly lost Espa much like Sion and Siren. Lupos: Fortunately...very fortunately, that didn't happen. Siren: You're commited huh... Lupos: It's hard not to with the kind of attachment I have with her. Liam: And now the child, named Rena....? Lupos: She's in good hands...they both are. [i]The continued up the stairs and into Liam's living room where they met up with Zack once again sleeping on the couch.[/i] Siren: I too, have responsibilities of my own... Lupos: And we still have no idea what's going to happen to him. [i]Siren knelt down beside Zack and stroked his face. They could only hear the sound of light breathing coming from him and a feint aura.[/i] Siren: I miss him... Liam: Hopefully, he'll come back to us (OOC: Where is Anti?) [i]Downstairs, Espa held Rena close to her. As Espa listened and felt a deep connection to the child, her natural instincts began to take over. Not that of a nosferatu, but a normal human being. She sat down on the bed and let down the upper part of her shirt, exposing her chest to the child. Espa released the tension in her arms and had Rena decide for herself whether or not to take Espa as her caregiver. Rena looked into Espa's eyes and a blank expression lit up her face, one of confusion and curiosity. It wasn't time yet...[/i] Espa: Okay... [i]Espa put back on her garments and lay down on the bed, keeping Rena lifted high. Both of them began to laugh, enjoying the simple moment. Their auras could be felt by the three Nosferatu up above.[/i] Lupos: Looks like they're having fun... Siren; I guess Rena's not hungry... Liam: Hey, Siren...have you ever... Siren: No...I'm not the type of person who can raise children well. I'm just not comfortable around them. Lupos: So you don't know anything about raising a kid...Liam? Siren? Liam: Not really...look at me...I AM a kid! Siren: Haha...I do know a lot of things...my body isn't ready for children though...nor will it ever be. Lupos: I see... Liam: Hey...Siren and I are going to pack some dinner...you might want to go along and spend some time with your family. Lupos: Family...? Siren: What do you think you three have become? Lupos: ... [i]Lupos stood up and headed downstairs a few minutes later after Siren and Liam left with the SUV...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. OOC: Not bad at all (just watch the spelling a little ;) ~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]An Overdose Delusion Marks the epitome of confusion The reprise of evil Makes for no benevolence. A world of madness Leaves me all alone Ashes of ghosts Roam the town. A black fairy lies in wait A flowing trail of death Cascades from her wings. And I, smell sin. Block minds Pass me endlessly through the halls. Their minds ferments in mystic air Intoxicating my senses. An endless forest Suddenly stands before me. It's Heaven's turn It's their night this time... [/COLOR]
  8. OOC: I'll see if I can actually find it...Meteo City's been in the vault for a long, long time...I doubt that development'll continue for a while. And...hold on...I haven't been focusing on this story for a while. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. OOC: Eh, why not... ~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Around the corner A demon confronts my soul Consuming my heart...[/COLOR]
  10. I still watch it sometimes...but I prefer SNL...MAD TV's material is getting stranger and stranger...what happened to all the bloody violence? And Clops?
  11. It's an interesting concept...but...I don't think I'd buy it because of the $69 price tag...and just the idea of flying around and looking for blood doesn't appeal to me. Worth a rental, at least....
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico took a deep breath...[/i] Rico: I have nothing to hide... Harlequin: Be so kind as to share with us your story. Rico: I don't really remember much from my child hood...I was on the run constantly after my parents died. Harlequin: Wait...start from your earliest memory and work towards the present...makes things a whole lot easier. Rico: Oh...alright... [i]"Well, bacically, I was about the age of 3 when I started remembering stuff. I was with my mother and father sifting through the rubble of a recenlty looted building, looking for anything we could live off of. We were poor...but we didn't sink low. I've lived most of my life in the city, on the run, and in constant terror, but I was peaceful, I guess. We lived like that for a while until my parents were murdered at my tender age of seven. They just went out and they never came back. I decided to look for them, only to discover their rotting corpses in a dark alleyway. That was the first time that I actually felt fear. Several people approached me and mugged me up pretty bad. Cut me too and left me for dead. I still have a scar from a back stab so I'd never forget. When I awoke, a lightbearer picked me up and carried me back to his hideout. Brought me back to life and set me out before I could stand again. It took me 4 years to recover from my wounds but I was out on the streets again with nothing more than a survival knife and a pack given to me. No transfusions though, I'm afraid... Once I left his temporary house, I set out and realized that I wasn't in my old town anymore. In fact, it wasn't as worse as the old city I used to live in...I managed to find an abaondoned building with a door and a roof and I've lived there ever since. But to make a long story short...I've lived there ever since, fending off raiders, scavanging for food...the works. Then I decided one day, when my neighbor was mugged and killed, that I needed to set out and find another place before I got killed as well. And now you see me here..."[/i] Harlequin: Interesting story...I know there's a lot more to it though... Rico: You're right about that...but it's hard to get those painful memories out into the open, let alone recall them now. Harlequin: I understand...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rena started crying. Siren tried to calm it down by singing, shaking, even standing still with her in her arms. But it just kept on screaming. Siren walked back inside...[/i] Siren: I was never good with kids... Lupos/Espa: I'll take her... [i]Lupos and Espa looked at each other.[/i] Siren: Umm...Espa, you're closer...Lupos...help her out. [i]Siren passed Rena on to Espa and left the room. She began to calm down as Espa held her firmly against her breasts. Lupos stood up and walked up behind Espa.[/i] Lupos: She's lovely...isn't she? Espa: You think so? Lupos: I was talking to Rena... Espa: Oh...*blush* [i]He placed his right hand on her shoulder.[/i] Lupos: Rena'll grow up to be a very strong person...very powerful as well, with the proper training. Espa: You're not concerned that took her in? Lupos: Yes...I still am...though, I can take care of her in case you have something else in your hands. Espa: Thank you... Lupos: But...know this...before you can raise this child to be the best she can be...you have to do that to yourself first. Find your real self... [i]Lupos and Espa looked down at Rena muttering something incoherent.[/i] Espa: Okay... Lupos: You can't run though...with this child. If you do need some time away...I need your assurance that you'll come back...at least tell me that...please...?[/COLOR]
  14. A lot of people didn't put much faith in Bush from the start...even though he's not the best president in American history, he's also not the worst...There's nothing to really blame George W. about...now the war against terrorism is something I worry about sometimes. It's a confusing war and it could take much longer than expected...how far can the networks of terrorism go if it's hit home (U.S. that is.)? But I think Bush as learned a valuable lesson as well...politics isn't a game...our people wanted the best for our country, that's why Gore won the popular vote...but the electoral college changed all of that. It's not just Bush though who needs to wake up and realize that he could lead us to destruction...the people who represent Bush are slipping up as well...
  15. Heh...the main problem was that you couldn't make flats or sharps on the scale...
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico got up...and streched his wide frame.[/i] Rico: You think it's worth botherhing her for something to eat? Valeigh: She's the only one who can hunt pretty quickly... Rico: Yeah, let's go check... Valeigh: Hehe...okay... [i]Rico opened the door for her and they headed downstairs to find an empty living room with the leftovers from the previous day. The others were still sleeping and it was hard to tell if the meat was spoiled or not.[/i] Valeigh: Umm... Rico: Well, there's no maggots or flies around...oh...here's one way to find out... [i]Rico took out his knife and cut off a hunk of flesh from the mighty beast. He started a fire and began to roast it. The pleasent smell of meat began to flow through the room. Valeigh and Rico took deep breaths to savor the armoa.[/i] Rico: It seems good, still... Valeigh: How can you tell? Rico: There's no putrid, sweet smell to it... Valeigh: Ah... Rico: Wanna bite? Valeigh: ... Rico: Cautious? Valeigh: Yeah... Rico: Okay, I'll take a small bite, but if I don't die, it's safe to eat...well, this part anyway... Valeigh: Just one piece? Rico: It's huge, isn't it? [i]Rico took a small nibble and swalloed it. They waited for a while before he said anything else.[/i] Valeigh: Is it good? Rico: Yeah...it's safe... [i]Rico raised his knife with the impaled piece of flesh and bit a huge part out of it and started chewing...[/i] Rico: Good thing this beast's flesh is soft... Valeigh: I'm hungry, pass it over...:D[/COLOR]
  17. I'm half-asleep when I take a hot shower to wake me up. I usually dream, make up tunes and think about what should happen next in the stories that I personally write. I usually forget how the tunes go before I get to Anvil Studio's on my computer in the morning. But the scenes remain in my mind, so I write. The shower is a miracle of innovation...
  18. About that memorial...I think I've seen it before through pictures...is it that place with a Lot of candles and mirrors?
  19. Some of the stuff by ATC...their lyrics are so basic...catchy beats but one hit wonders that don't last very long.
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm also waiting for the warmth to roll into my area...we've been having old weather for a while. Hmm...maybe during summer I might also be able to meet some of the people I talk to here on otakuboards... if they live nearby...I feel a road trip in the works as well...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Just caught the movie yesterday...I'd also have to say it's worth going to see...pretty funny in the beginning and action-packed in the end...the CG's right on key and the acting is great, especially the Hobgoblin's...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Now Rico and Valeigh sat motionless on the top of the victorian house as the others settled their disputes down below. Naturally, they were apart from the rest and they were not known very well as The Harlequin knows Spyder so they kept their distance, for now...[/i] Rico: I used to live like this, on top of a building so I could watch out for looters and other people who would do me harm. Valeigh: Comforting, isn't it...to feel safe. Rico: No, more like disturbing to see life pass you by down below...the countless violence I've seen. And you can't really do anything about it. Valeigh: But just staying here without having to worry about anything besides yourself...beats anything else. Rico: Except if you're lonely like I am. Valeigh: No...I haven't had the time to be lonely...a girl like me never really does get left alone...it sucks though. Rico: I understand. Valeigh: *sigh* Rico: You think they have anything planned. Valeigh: I really want to get out of this city...as you do...but the more people I band with, the better the chances of survival. Rico: Same here...you don't need anything special for your blue blood do you? Valeigh: Nope...I'm just like you are....eat the same foods. Rico: That's good to hear... [i]A meteor shower began to start...hundreds of streaks of light befell on the skies above. Briefly illuminating the city for several minutes...Rico and Valeigh's eyes opened up brightly and they smiled. They didn't have to worry about anything for now. Only concentrating on the remaning beauty of their life...[/i] Valeigh: Even though it's rather chilly out here...I don't feel cold. Rico: It's too bad that others are too busy to appreciate this spectacle... Valeigh: Don't worry about them...right now...there's a time when you have to help yourself before you can help others...that time is now. Rico: Oh...alright, got it ;) [i]Rico felt the cold touch of the roof on his bottom and he stood up...Valeigh followed him.[/i] Rico: We should go back inside... Valeigh: No...this may be the only time we actually get to see beauty such as this...let's enjoy it. Rico: Okay... [i]They stood side by side, just looking up at the skies as each flash of light passed over them. For a single moment, they both at peace, free to think anything they wanted besides of survival. They let their feelings flow as free as the falling stones. When the streaks of light finally started to quell...Valeigh made a silent wish. Rico was happy, but he forgot that old lullaby from his childhood. Nothing would ruin their moment...not even their worries. Neither of them had ever felt this 'at rest' ever since in their mother's wombs and their energy bounced off each other, filling them with a warm sensation...with the last star falling...the looked at each other and realized the fingers of one of their hands were interlaced with other's outstreched hand. That's where the extended feelings warmth and comfort were coming from.[/i] Valeigh: Oh... [i]Valeigh pulled away, breaking the lock, bringing them back to reality. But the feelings of that moment never left her mind...and it changed her in a strange way.[/i] Rico: It's alright...hmm... [i]Rico looked down at the roof access in a frown.[/i] Valeigh: What's wrong? Rico: We should get some rest...they're probably all asleep so we have to be careful. Valeigh: I doubt it. Rico: In any case... [i]Rico crouched down and opened the access panel. He motioned for Valeigh to go down first. She climbed down, and waited for Rico. He followed her scent and closed the hatch on his way down. They met each other at eye level.[/i] Rico: What is it? Valeigh: Nothing...*shakes her head* Just getting back to reality. Rico: Heh, same here...let's go... Valeigh: Same room? Rico: Yeah... Valeigh: Just don't pull anything on me like you did on the roof. Rico: I didn't do anything...*shrug* [i]Just then, Valeigh realized that she was the one who reached out and took Rico by the hand. In the darkness, she blushed...Rico looked into her face, noting her blue cheeks...[/i] Rico: But don't worry...I'm not going to hurt you... Valeigh: Hmm...:rolleyes: Rico: You'll be safe, I'll be safe...even though you might find it hard to believe...there are good souls out there... Valeigh: And I suppose you're one of them? Rico: ...I'm not one to be say...you decide for yourself... Valeigh: *Yawn* [i]They two passed a silent Athen before they went inside their empty room...none of them spoke and they shut the doors, tired. Rico sat on the wall and lay back, resting, but alert to catch anyone entering the room. Valeigh took a position on the other side of the room, away from Rico and the window, in the corner...they rested...Rico was the first one to fall asleep. Valeigh tried to doze off, but the cold arid air got to her and she shivered for a few hours before she finally decided to walk around the room to gain energy...but she remembered the words Rico told her. "You'll be safe, I'll be safe...there are good souls out there..." She looked at Rico, sleeing soundly by the doorway, not moving...and unresponsive. He hadn't been this secure in a long, long time. In that same instant, Valeigh realized that he trusted her...that she wouldn't do anything bad as well...She could feel the warmth radiating from him. Valeigh was so tired...before she collapsed on the ground, she took a seat by him...and in an act of faith...she held on to his arm for warmth and rested her head on his shoulder...closing her eyes...ending the day.[/i] [/COLOR]
  23. It's for the SNES...right? It should be good...should come with mouse and mouse pad. It has cool features such as a composer, animation studio, dot edit, and various games...but you can't export anything to the printer or computer...and you can only save one file...but I'd say it's a good deal for that money.
  24. Is it blue or orange...and how did you "snap" it exactly? At the connection points or is it ripped/frayed/damaged?
  25. [color=darkblue]It's also a matter of balance...and with most of the people who are shy here, they have school...people know them and see them every single day, but they aren't friends with them and it hurts to realize that some of them can take advantage of your passiveness and they actually do and then you can't do much about it... There's always going to be someone out to get you or make malice with you, it's a strange world.[/color]
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