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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Besides being able to be taken easily in a long car trip...PSone isn't really for playing walking around or when waiting for a bus er something like that. But having an LCD for the PS2 saves a lot of trouble from having to convert your car's Navigation LCD and audio system to be able to play the newer games on those boring car rides. lol...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by {Angel}Healer [/i] [B]im kinda shy, i talk around and joke with my friends, but mostly im a loner cuz everyone has a best friend or girl/boyfriend and I have neither :( Needless to say, the few friends I have im never shy around but...everything else seems to ignore me like a void of empty space... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]That's kinda like what I went through in middle school...don't worry though...give it some time and it'll eventually go away...I think things'll get better later....just keep the friends that you have now, they'll most likely be the one's you'll be friends with for a very long time. ;)[/COLOR]
  3. About the self-centeredness part...I think it applies to people who overcome shyness and turn into really talkative ones. Just from the example of a person I know...he used to be really shy, just isolating himself and plaing videogames all day, not saying a word or having really superficial conversations...and now...he's into public speaking, completely overcomes his shyness and...turns into a snob. All he can talk about is how crummy his life is and how others are making it worse for him...yet, he's rich, lives an only-child's life in a 3/4ths million $ house and has everything he could ever want...except a girlfriend, which he doesn't know just happens like the wind.
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico motioned for Wasabi and Xander to follow him out of the apartment. They picked up their gear and headed out, closing the door behind them. The three gathered on the stair access and Rico raised his flashlight upwards.[/i] Xander: Up? Rico: Yeah...be on guard...there might be those...umm...what do you call 'em? Wasabi: Squatters? Rico: heh, yeah...I think... Xander: Then we can arrest them for trespassing... Rico: It's sad that we do Want to arrest people 'cause it brings in the extra bucks. Wasabi: Eh...but they are breaking the law... Rico: I suppose so... [i]They head upstairs, their footsteps making large echos throughout the shaft. Their flashlights illuminated everything in their path, creating intense shadows as the light passed through the stair rails. Wasabi started getting a little jumpy after a few flights up.[/i] Wasabi: Man...the darkness gives me the creeps. Xander: That's 'cause you still green...give it sometime and you'll be alright... [i]They stopped on the second floor access...[/i] Rico: Okay...after this, there's one more to go before we meet up with the others...stay in contact and don't hesitate to call for help if you need it. Xander: *checks his headset* I doubt that there'll be anyone since this place has been under lock and key ever since it was found abandoned. Rico: Yeah... Xander: I know though...you never know... Wasabi: What are we looking for? Rico: Any shred of evidence that someone used to live here... Wasabi: Got it... [i]Rico used a key given to him by the local locksmith, who supposedly has every key to the local area. He unlocked the door and opened it. Xander shone the HID light through the narrow hallway and walked through first, followed by Wasabi. Rico closed the door behind him, making a loud banging noise, causing all three to jump.[/i] Rico: Oh sh-t....? Xander: Ha...ha...*uneasy laugh* Wasabi: ... Rico: Kay...we'll start checking the rooms on the left and work our way down to the right side... [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]I used to think that way...being self-conscious and all...but a friend told me to not care what other people think about you...just don't talk too much and you'll be fine. I'm somewhat talkative now...but I still hold back my tounge at times. I think that shyness is also caused by a chemical imbalance that can be treated through medication...[/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Apparently, it's because you're no longer a Moderator... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Holy....well...I didn't figure that out until yesterday night...quite a surprise though... IC: [i]Chole and Ky stood outside the building trying to figure out what happened...a Shinra official approached him.[/i] Shinra: You'll have to keep moving along, sir... Chole: But I wanna know what happened... Shinra: Just a simple dispute...now move along. It's been taken care of. [i]The Shinra soldier waited for Chole and Ky to leave the front of the building...[/i] Chole: Can the mayor help me? Shinra: With what? Chole: Can he find some greens for my chocobo? Ky: (LoL...oh man...this kid's way in over his head.) Shinra: Umm...of course...just go inside and talk to him...but you have to leave your chocobo outside. Chole: Alright....thank you sir... [i]Chole left Ky outside and walked into the mayor's offices...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. RicoTranzrig


    [color=darkblue]OOC: Alright, Let's start...;) [i]Rico stood straight up as the others passed by him and stood by the beam of light in the center of the room. One-by-one they joined up with... Xander Neil Raynor Rex Flash Wasabi... Rico eyed the badge of the last two people and raised his eyebrow slightly. Once they all settled in, they awaited his instructions... [/i] Rico: Welcome to the PASSAT...I take it that you've read the news reports and the general briefing from the department. We're here to prep up, bacically, before we set foot outside of this apartment complex. I've passed it this place a couple weeks ago as well, at night, and saw lights and various people going inside and out. Now it's all gone because all the people in this building suddenly vanished...and they want us to find out what really happened... *Flash stepped forward... * Flash: So what do you want us to do first? Rico: Ask around first, I saw a couple of people passing by and noticing the police tape some officers just put in. See if the actually know anything about some of the people here...if we're lucky, someone might be able to tell us what happened... Wasabi: ... *Raynor looked outside the only apartment window in the room and noticed the strange people that only come out at night... * Raynor: I hardly think they might be able to give a straight answer...without a fight... Rico: Then there should be no problem if they put one up for you... Neil: Heh...good... Rico: Use the rules of engagement to it's limit. Stay in constant contact and we should be fine. *Xander held up his PDA.* Xander: These little buggers... Rico: Yup, use those to take notes...or record them with your headsets. Umm....Wasabi, and Xander, you're with me...we'll survey the complex to look for clues and the rest...start interviewing people around, and making arrests, if neccesary...this area needs to be cleaned anyway...let's go.[/color]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]I like Human Clay the best because it talks about life in general and it has With Arms Wide Open...a song that I have not gotten tired of even after many hits of the play button. The entire album just made me think a lot about the future...[/COLOR]
  9. If it is true...it'll be a disappointing to see less games specifically made for GCN...I guess Factor 5 is going to be taking the place of RareWare since they've been closely studing the hardware of the GCN...plus, I believe they're involved in the new Metroid project...
  10. Damn IGN insider lockouts...and Rare...I can't believe them...well, I guess because Nintendo's getting a lot more 3rd party attention Rare might loose profits because of it...keep us posted though, since IGN is still somewhat skeptical of it...
  11. RicoTranzrig


    The only games worth playing on my old PSX ('96 version the one that overheats after 4 hours...) are the Dance Dance Revolution games...and the mixes as well since I can't play them with a regular U.S. PS2. All other PSone games from the U.S. work well on the PS2.
  12. The boom boxes dont fit...hmm...I think the Panasonic ones do...and my Technics MIDI synthesizer keyboard also works on the PSX. That should have some in Funcoland or an electronics store. You'll find it fairly common since the PS2 also uses the exact same power cord. There is the "crude" way...but try the stores first...
  13. [color=darkblue]OOC: Yeah, I'm standing right in front of the building...kicking around...[/color]
  14. Snake, you didn't even post an info sheet to fill out...how are you supposed to start playing?
  15. I heard that Tekken 4 for PS2 is going to be the first game presented in progressive scan (High definition) Is that true?
  16. V2, I'd have to say...that's when I joined and it was a lot of fun...aside from a few people who aren't here anymore...
  17. Chole: *sigh* But there's a point where things get too ridiculous... [i]Alarms start sounding...[/i] Chole: We should get going... [i]Chole and Liam picked up Rex and threw him in the water...the other three dove in and the helped each other back towards the beach...[/i]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: I'm not really sure what's going on either...I've never really seen anything like this before...blue blood...and Spyder's physique...it's all new to me... [i]Rico took a seat on the hallway floor while Spyder took a deep breath to...try to explain everything that's been happening so far... ~An hour later~[/i] Eps: So that's mostly it...you know who we are, right. Harle: Yes...but to answer your question...a long time. Spyder: Oh...okay... Harle: So where do we go on from here...now that I'm here as well. Liam: Well, that's something we'll have to talk about... Rico: Where to...I'd say out of the city...depending on what we want...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Alright...that's it...I've set up the thread in the main fourm...people can still join...but only as "guest apperances"...lol...have fun.[/COLOR]
  20. RicoTranzrig


    [color=darkblue] My favorite Genre would probably have to be RPG's...ever since I was a little kid with a Ninendo and Zelda in my room. Then I found out about Squaresoft and the world of Final Fantasy in '93 and FFVII captured me completely. Then coming second would be Adventure and the survival horror genre starting with, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Megaman X, Silent Hill, Ico, and Fatal Frame. The ambient nature of the last three games really go with the PS2. Racing would come in third because I only have a few games...starting with Gran Turismo since my dad used to be a mechanic and saw the game for the PSX and bought it...I played along and got hooked.[/color]
  21. [i]Lupos stood by the door...waiting...Siren appears by him and watches...[/i] Lupos: I......... [i]Liam turned to him...[/i] Liam: Lupos? Lupos: ...nothing... [i]Lupos lowered his head and walked inside, past them, and downstairs into the basement...[/i]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, it's really strange...just a few hours ago...it started raining?!!?! It was Hot 75~85 degrees F and then it got cold all of a sudden...and then it rains... ...El Nino is back...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sat on the window, enjoying the cool night air with his feet dangling over the edge. He breathed in and closed his eyes, trying to be at peace with himself.[/i] Chole: huh? [i]He heard soft voices from above him...they seemed familiar, but he paid no attention to whoever they were. He was happy he had no worries at the moment. After hearing Hirofa's words on what really goes on inside magic, he felt more appreciaction for the things around him...especially his crossbow. It housed a spirit...trapped inside...yet happy for Chole to be her Master...someday...maybe he would know her name. Or, he thought, he might already know...[/i][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos stood on the rooftop as he watched Espa running away...he crossed his arms and remained still as a swift breeze caused his trenchcoat to flair lightly. He squinted, feeling frustration and anger. His blood was boiling to the point where his eyes turned a deep red. In the tension he shed a tear when he noticed the baby in her arms. He lost her...[/i] Lupos: Damn it... [i]He took out his sword, aimed it towards the ground, jumped and landed on an unsuspecting victim, making a clear slice through his neck, a painless death. He sheathed back his sword and dragged him into the shadows for a quick meal. He noticed the tatoo on his neck...the symbol of "Ankh" an Egyptian god...he dropped the body because of the poisoned blood and headed back towards Liam's mansion with two things in his mind...[/i][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico stood by the door to the room he was sleeping in and rested by the beams...[/i] Rico: ... [i]Valeigh looked up and noticed Rico, basked in the moon's glow through the blinds...[/i] Valeigh: What? Rico: Friend, I take it... Valeigh: Unfortunately... Rico: How so? Valeigh: Can't you see, my blood's boiling and I'm ready to kill.. Rico: Can you control it? Valeigh: Barely... Rico: Just calm down. [i]Rico lifted himself straght up and walked past her.[/i] Valeigh: Where are you going? Rico: Greeting the new visitor...[/COLOR]
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