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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico shone the flash light through the first of his team...[/i] Xander: Xander Harp, reporting sir. [i]They both saluted each other and Xander stood by Rico.[/i] Rico: Since you're early, I guess I should explain to you what you're getting into... [i]Welcome to P.A.S.S.A.T. (Pylon Assault and Special Services Action Team). Yeah, I know there's a vehicle with the same name outside, but that's what our team is called. Normally we deal with direct violence. But since there has been a number of disappearances within the past year, we're low on forces...[/i] I take it you attended Lt. Delphie's funeral? Xander: Yeah...gunned down at the prime of her life... Rico: Lack of equipment from budget cuts from the city. It sucks a lot...but fortunately, we get the latest in standard equipment to deal with the heavy crime. Xander: *Yawn* Rico: Am I boring you? Xander: *Shakes head* Yes... Rico: You can just check out your equipment while we wait for the others to come... [i]Xander inspected each utility and armament strapped on to his body and uniform...all standard equipment on PASSAT... ~One Emergency Handgun ~One Headband carrying a macroscopic camera, microphone, and earpiece. ~Two First Aid Sprays ~One PDA (Personal Desktop Assistant) ~One Kevlar Vest with Titanium chest protector. ~One High Intensity Discharge flashlight, rechargable. ~One combat knife[/i] Xander: Do you have our mission orders? Rico: Once the others report...until then, just take it easy. [i]Rico stood by the doorway whistling an arbitrary tune while Xander took out his PDA and started to write...The room was dark from the lack of electric light, but Rico's flashlight was more than enough to light up the room for everyone to see. It was situated in the middle of the room, creating a blue haze around it.[/i] [/COLOR]
  2. [i]Throughout the rest of the dinner, Chole remained quiet and excused himself the moment he was done with his dish of young chicken with a side of lettuce and tomatoes in Artherian spices.[/i] Chole: Thank you for a wonderful meal, my lord... Thirif: Oh, the pleasure's all mine... Chole: :therock: Peri: Dont' sweat it...it's a foreign tounge. Chole: *gets up* Alan: Where are you going? [i]Without saying a word, Chole left the dinner hall and up the flight of stairs, back into where he set down his stuff. He looked out into the nighttime sky through an open window, at the clouds of magic overhead...[/i]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Hmm...during summer, I graduate High School and get a job at a local videogame store...part-time...and then spend tons of time with my g/f. That's bacically what i have planned...but I'm a spontaneous person so anything can happen.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Turn into a reflection Just a memory. Watch as tear drops fall, Shattering ripples. Once towards direction Seperation of gender Lead me on. It's your Systematic Rendering. Again, the morning comes. The tears don't stop falling. Getting up from the waters. I stand with a calling. Please may it be from You. Not a sign, But a strong covenant That you won't turn away. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]"So this is where you are..." Espa: Who's... [i]Lupos stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. His tall frame loomed over Espa as she sat down on the wooden floor.[/i] Lupos: They came for you. Espa: I can take care of them. Lupos: I amplifyed your damage by tenfold...you weren't alone on that one. Espa: What do you want? Lupos: I don't want anything from you. Espa: Then why are you here? Lupos: To get you back. Espa: Why? [i]Espa looked down at the floor. Lupos crouched down and put his hand on her face.[/i] Lupos: You already know why... [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sat there quietly with his hands folded under the table...Thirif started to make conversation with him.[/i] Thirif: So, I've heard that you've been here before? Chole: Once...and not in the city either, just passing by. You wouldn't let me in last time. Thirif: Umm... -_-; Chole: ... Viper: There's an ominous silence...something must be wrong... Peri: Quiet...it's just a simple misunderstanding... Thirif: Yes, quite frankly, you see, we normally don't let outsiders in. Chole: And why is that? You're armed to the teeth with magic protection, what could go wrong? Thirif: There's a lot that could go wrong...we have to be careful to see if you're a practicer of the dark arts. Alan: *whispers* Liam... Viper: No...don't mention him... Thirif: Mention who? Viper: Oh, nothing, my lord...please continue. Thirif: As I was saying, we can't be too careful with these things. Chole: I understand...but now you don't worry as much as you used to? Thirif: We still do...but we realized that we can't just shut ourselves off from trading....we need that link alive to thrive. Peri: For people who are brave enough to get through such a mountain pass. Chole: I have one question...is it true that the clouds overhead have spirits within them?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]I prefer people signing up as a member of my task force, but if you know what you're doing and we'll meet later in the RPG somehow...yeah...you can sign-up as just a citizen...[/COLOR]
  8. [color=darkblue] I really liked the battle system of that game and the story was also written good. Overall, it was a very well composed RPG, coming out of the PSone.[/color]
  9. [color=darkblue]2077 A.D. Pylon, an upright structure used for support. Welcome to the dark city with the same name. No way in, no way out, you find yourself trapped in an endless array of skyscrapers, slums, and city streets. The city is vast. Not a single ounce of nature exists within this expanse. People here try to live a regular life without thinking much of ever leaving because no one has ever ventured that far out of the city without never coming back. Maybe they got killed or they enjoyed escaping the stresses city, no one really knows, or cares for that matter. It?s crowded and miserable. Crime is common...someone?s always bound to be pilfered, murdered, raped, you name it. Shadows lurk in the darkness and take certain people away and then never to be seen again. Some say it?s a fate worse than death. Not too many people believe Shadows actually exist, but there have been more and more strange disappearances being reported and ignored. But that would be soon to change... Today... A new group of police officers, led by me, from the local police precinct, who have fortunately not encountered or heard of a Shadow all their lives, meet in an abandoned building after a strange anonymous report that the residents there have mysteriously disappeared. Our objective? Investigate the strange disappearance inside the building. Yesterday, reports say that the Shadows came and went, along with all of the residents inside. No one knows how these strange creatures do it, but people nearby say the lights suddenly went out and they heard a silence, then a loud screech to the point where their ears couldn?t take it, sending them into shock from the sheer surprise. When they woke up, it?s as if nothing had happened at all. In uniform, the group entered the large apartment complex into one of the rooms. Empty, sterile. This place couldn't be a thriving apartment complex, I thought. I turned a flashlight on and waited for the rest of the people to come inside so we could discuss the situation... Up to 6 people can join...just use this format. Name: Rico Tranzrig Age: 24 Sex: Male Weapon: Silenced Sniper Rifle Brief Description: Fairly tall, straight out of the Marines. Quiet, but friendly. Specials (Up to three): 1. Vision: Clear sight for up to 500 yards 2. Rain: Shower of bullets go through the rifle via quick trigger finger. 3. Pummel: Once bullets run out, hand-to-hand combat ensues. [/color]
  10. Take a look at the other threads and you'll get a good idea on what people like and don't like...personally, I find DOA 3 quite nice and Halo as well...
  11. [color=darkblue]Er, I'm 17 and I live in the norther part of California...I like it up here, except for the crowded life and the constant risk of rain on december through April. Other than that, the hilly landscape off to the side and the oceanic view of the bay on the other is somewhat relaxing.[/color]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Okay, I'm in... I dunno though, I stopped believing in horoscopes after I started becoming more involved in church and stuff like that. But I did sneak in a romance zodiac horiscope that seems somewhat true when I think about it a little. But like James' said, most of it's pretty general advice that anyone could use.[/COLOR]
  13. [color=darkblue][i]Rico sat up, cross-legged and stared blankly into the darkness...[/i] Rico: It happens a lot around here...kinda messed up. Hmm, I haven't seen any light bearers around lately in my area. Valeigh: You don't live there anymore, do you... Rico: Escaped... Valeigh: Same here, so I guess we're nomads then... Rico: If you say so... [i]Rico noticed the shadows of the window shutters and the light from outside...orange and yellow. He stood up and took a quick peek outside. Valeigh followed his lead, staying behind him and looking over his shoulder as Rico pushed the plastic shutter slightly downward.[/i] Valeigh: Anything there? [i]Rico crouched down quickly, followed by Valeigh...[/i] Rico: Someone's outside, armed with lit staffs...I guess I'll be able to remember what the lightbearers really look like now. Valeigh: Are they looking at this house? Rico: I dunno...I'm not going to risk them detecting us. [i]Valeigh creeped over to the door, keeping her head low. She peered out and saw Eps and Spyder walking by. They saw Valeigh crouched down and walked towards her.[/i] Spyder: What's wrong? Valeigh: I think there may be lightbearers outside. Eps: ... :demon: Rico: We shouldn't mess with them...we don't really know what we're up against...and I'm not really sure if it's actually them. Spyder: How many of them are there? Rico: Just one... [i]The four noticed footsteps downstairs...they began talking in whispers...[/i] Rico: Is anyone down there? Spyder: No...Liam's resting in the other room... Eps: It's just one person... Valeigh: Well, [i]you[/i] can go if you want to...I'm not really in the mood to fight.. Spyder: Rico? Coming with? [i]Rico shook his head.[/i] Rico: No...not if I have to...none of us should be alone right now... Spyder: You're sure it's only one person... [i]Rico crept back and looked outside the window...he couldn't see much since the only light was coming from the lamp post...no one seemed to be outside on the front yard.[/i] Rico: The front's clear... [i]Eps and Spyder stood up and started walking towards the stairs...Valeigh got back inside the room and left the door open. Rico reached into his pack and got out his combat knife. They sat next to each other and listened to the advancing foosteps of Eps, Spyder, and the unknown intruder...[/i] Valeigh: Good luck....[/color]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Hmm, I guess you could call the GCN the only true [u]gaming[/u] system currently being developed for. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]That night, Rico slept well. The silence and the comfort was more than enough for him to just lay on the floor with his pack behind his head. Back in the city, he would have set his mind on full alert while resting. How long had it been since he'd gotten a full night's sleep. Sounds from outside the hallway woke him up...[/i] Rico: mmmmm... [i]He opened his eyes slowly. The bright moonlight shone through the shutters of the old house. He noticed the light shifting and he could hear footsteps just a few feet away from him. He sprung up...Valeigh was there, groggy. She gasped.[/i] Rico: Oh, I'm sorry... Valeigh: It's alright...I was just relieving myself. Rico: Were we sharing a room? Valeigh: There's not enough room here...you fell asleep quick...Athen is downstairs, Spyder is across the hall from us, and Eps is to the left. Four bed, two bath house... Rico: What is Spyder doing? Valeigh: I guess personal stuff... [i]Rico sat up, crossing his legs. Valeigh sat on the soft carpet floor as well, resting her back by the wall.[/i] Valeigh: *sigh* Rico: Where do you come from in this city?[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Flash, I'd send you my MMX 4 and 5 via FedEx because I don't play with them anymore and they're in good condition...but NTSC and PAL incompatability...j/k By far, MMX is my favorite megaman series. The first X I played, I got hooked. I have yet to play X6...but I hear there's nothing really innovative and new...just regular die-hard side-scrolling gameplay. I really hope for a MMX game to come out on PS2 in cel-shading 3D.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I really like the overall system...Nintendo got to a Really good start with GCN and it has a very promising future. Even though it isn't really 128-bit...it's a lot easier for deleopers to program great games for and the S3 texture compression along with the progressive scan ability really pushes the limits of graphics and framerates to that of a PC.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Complain about what? GCN? Nintendo? Either way, this is SPAM...please be more specific in the future.*click*[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole walked rather briskly along the hallway, not noticing the open door to his left. Peri jumped out of her room and stood in front of Chole, unexpectedly...they both paused...[/i] Viper: Where is dinner though? *peers over corner* Oh... Chole: Umm...hello... [i]Peri took a deep breath to releive her tension. She noticed that Chole didn't carry that familar scent of a watering hole and she opened her mouth.[/i] Peri: Let's eat... [i]They looked into each others eyes and stood still for several seconds. Viper left them alone for a while to grab Alan out of bed...a scream and a rustling noise broke the silence.[/i] Chole: Like Viper said...where? Peri: Just down the stairs, in the main dining hall. We're having guests so I think you might want to put away some things. Chole: *looks behind at his crossbow* Oh... Peri: Yeah, that...it'll only be for an hour or so...it'll be safe here. Chole: Okay...*turns left* Peri: Umm... [i]Chole set his crossbow, pack, and armor down by the cabinet of Peri and Viper's room...[/i] Chole: Not here? Peri: No! no...it's alright... [i]Viper came out, holding arms with Alan, still groggy...[/i] Viper: This guy' is some sleepy head...C'mon...we have to eat. [i]Viper and Alan headed down the hallway...but before she took to the stairs, she looked back at Peri and Chole...[/i] Viper: ;) [i]Then she vanished...leaving Chole and Iris alone in the hallway together.[/i] Chole: Shall we, then? :rolleyes: Peri: -_-; she set us up... Chole: I know...but who else would you be escorted by? Peri: ... Chole: Embarrased? Peri: Oh no...sorry... [i]Lady Perigrine blushed red and took Chole's hand...he joined her side and they walked downstairs to the huge dining hall...[/i][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]I felt my eyebrows lower. If someone was looking at me now, I seemed mad. But I was a little confusing. Being isolated away from normal life, whatever normal was, I never really expected to overcome a strange emotion like this...my chest ached and my stomach tickled. My face quickly filled up with blood, that the cold windy air couldn't cool it down. I could feel my heartbeat lightly. I just sat there, trying to figure it all out, even though I did know what was going on, I held that feeling of confusion. I stood up and streched, then I walked back inside. Spyder and Athen were there, along with someone else... [/i] Eps: Hey... Rico: Who are you? Eps: You didn't notice me? Spyder: It's alright...this is Eps, one of our own...from hell, of course. Athen: He's from our side of the tracks...so we can trust him, more or less. Rico: So you're the one who nearly left me starving. Eps: Umm... Spyder: Don't be so hard on the newcomer... Athen: Okay, it's getting late...we'll get acquainted tomorrow...but tonight...we rest...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole stood behind Rex...smiling...[/i] Chole: :D Selling us out? Rex: No...I... [i]But before Rex could finish his sentence, Chole put his hands into his pack, reached in, pulled out with palms facing up, and blowed out strongly.[/i] Rex: Whoooo!!!!! [i]Rex wafted the light powder, knocking him out cold. Iris continued to beat Bill senseless, even though he was already knocked out cold...[/i] Iris: Stupid! *punch* Bill: *shake* Iris: *kick* Bill: *shake* Iris: *spit* Bill: *shake* [i]Chole looked up[/i] Chole: :therock: Uh...I think we should go now...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]From the corner of her eyes, Viper noticed Chole outside the complex as he entered. With him, trailed hundreds of sprits...[/i] Peri: What's wrong? Viper: Oh...nothing...they're really nice... [i]Viper knew what had happened to him. His style of walk didn't suite his old nature any longer. She had to time this perfectly...[/i] Viper: So...where is Alan sleeping? Peri: The room across us...my relatives made accomodations. Viper: And Chole? Peri: Well...he's with Alan... Viper: I have a bad feeling about this. Peri: Why? We're not at each other's throats, are we? Viper: No...but we're not sisters either. [i]Viper heard his foosteps coming up on the third floor...[/i] Viper: Its just a risk...you never know if Chole came from the local tavern or not... Peri: Maybe...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: There's really not much point in crying over the lost souls here... Rena: That's cruel...how can you have no sympathy for the dead... Chole: I know...and I should die for it as well...but if I did listen to the voices of the past, my soul would be crushed and flooded as well. Pi: Some words... [i]Chole knelt by Rena and held the skull and felt the memories flow through his mind, up until the violent untimely death of the child...he shed a tear...[/i] Chole: What can we do? Iris: Just don't worry about it. Especially you, Rena... [i]Chole set the skull down gently by her brother and they stood up.[/i] Siren: As we stand on top of this hill...this may be the highest peak we may reach with our feet. But...somehow...we'll make it...even if we do end up like those two children...at least they'll find peace.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: What are they doing to him? Iris: You don't wanna know... Chole: eh...so is it safe? Iris: To what? Chole: Rescue him! Iris: Well, Why don't we listen onto their conversation first then we'll decide...its getting a little interesing... [i]Chole and Iris stayed close together, eavesdropping on the producers and Rex...[/i] Producer Bill: We'll give you a large cash settlement... Rex: What are you going to do? Bill: We'll take you home and give you the money if you tell us what your friends are up to. Rex: Wel...I don't know... Bill: Then how about this? [i]Bill shut the lights, making it even easier for Chole and Iris to peek in without being caught. The procuder rolled a tape of a woman in a tankini...[/i] Rex: *drool* Bill: You can have her too... Rex: Ye....[/COLOR]
  25. [color=darkblue][SIZE=3]Like I said before...if you have any other questions, complaints, concerns? Comments? PM me, Flash, Warlock, or James...and we'll be more than happy to answer all of that.[/SIZE][/color]
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