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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [color=darkblue][SIZE=3]Like I said before...if you have any other questions, complaints, concerns? Comments? PM me, Flash, Warlock, or James...and we'll be more than happy to answer all of that.[/SIZE][/color]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]I sunk my teeth in for a time, savoring the half-cooked flavor of whatever animal Spyder caught on her outing...As I sat in front of the porch, overlooking the desert in front of me. I an ominous silence inside and out. This place wasn't like the inner city that I left behind. Much more peaceful and calm. I took my time devouring my meal, making it last until the final rays of the sunlight began to fade into the horizon like a dying fire. The moon and the stars began to shine once again... I looked forward, and a strange sight appeared...I put the last piece of meat into my mouth and swallowed it. "Thanks," I said silently to Valeigh, even though she wasn't there anymore. I felt really bad that I almost starved tonight. But, there are good souls out there...and I've hopefully found a few here...[/i][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Pi: Strange idea of a local...but, I guess we don't really have much of a choice but to see if there are any survivors... Chole: Okay... [i]Siren led the pack across the empty grasslands, carrying Pi. The others followed her and they flew high above the land, surprisingly fertle...but devoid of human or hybrid life. It was peaceful...but unsettling at the same time. They headed west, crossing the huge plains, then reaching the costal mountains and shoreline. No civilizations in sight. They took a rest by an unknown bay. The fog just started to shift out, brining full daylight, but wind, to the area...[/i] Chole: That looks like a good place to take a rest before we hit Hawaii...is it? Iris: Yeah...I miss that place. Rena: You visited before? Iris: As a kid...I always wondered what happened to that piece of isloated land... [i]They landed on top of a light hill, gazing over the only evidence of human influence upon the land. An untouched bridge, orange colored, lay in their eyesights above the windy top. The sun came up from behind them, casting their shadows forth...[/i] Chole: It's beautiful... Pi: What kind of disaster happened here while we were underwater...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico walked back into the kitchen and saw the newly formed group finishing up their dinner. Barely anything was left for him, and he was starving...[/i] Rico: Oh... [i]Rico turned around and walked outside to the front porch...carrying his pack by his side.[/i][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico was still knelt by the tub as she passed him by...he hung his head low and examined the blood remaining by the tub. He reached with two fingers and touched the blue material and brought it back up to his face...it burned on his skin. Chole wiped the blood on his clothing and stood back up...[/i][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The sun was setting over behind Chole's back, he was heating up before he finally decided to stand up and get back to reality...He streched with arms wide open, making a shadow over a section of the city. He looked at his shadow as he danced the old steps that were just a blur in his memory. Strangely enough, the flying slivers of magic floating in the sky, began to fall and flow around him, probably one of the most oddest, but most humbling sights Chole had ever seen. They followed his motions. Then he realized that what he was doing was his basic martial arts technique, where the rest of his moves sprung up from with plenty of practice. As he shifted positions with his hand in front of his face, palm facing up, one of the slivers rested on his hand and shone brightly...and it spoke to him. So this was essence of magic, where Artheri gets its power from. The small sparkle in Chole's hand wasn't just some mystical power coming from the temple. It was a soul, with it's own story to tell. Each and every Artherian that used a spell, called on whoever was nearby, and they would alter the reality for them. Chole noticed that his crossbow was surrounded by the tiny glowing slivers and it also came ot his mind that there was a trapped spirit inside it, they glowed red.[/i] Voice: Ah, I see that you have someone they'd like to meet... [i]Chole turned around...and old Aritherian mage stood not too far from him, holding a walking stick, dressed in regular clothing.[/i] Chole: How... Old Man: Can I speak your tounge? Well, I just picked it up after travelling to your Lands of Man. I'm Hirofa. One of the few surviving elders of Aritheri. Chole: What about someone they'd like to meet? Hirofa: I mean inside your crossbow, it's holding one of those spirits that you see floating about you. I guess that dance that you did really got their attention. [i]Chole remembered Outlaw's soul as it left his body...[/i] Chole: So all these people...are dead? Hirofa: No, they're very much alive...in another plane of existence. Chole: And my bow? Hirofa: I have a feeling that it's been locked up for quite some time and its powers used for many purposes. But you, my son...you seem to be using it well because the soul trapped inside is not lonely. Chole: It has aided me in many of my journeys. Hirofa: And given you many things...may I see it? [i]Chole reached behind him and pulled the crossbow out of its resting place on his pack. He handed it carefully over to Hirofa...the spirits followed...[/i] Hirofa: It's heavy...but you've adjusted to it. *closes his eyes* You're a good man, Chole...with a good heart...you know how to use your crossbow very well and I hope you continue to do so for a very long time. Chole: Whoa...you got all of that from it...I mean...him? Hirofa: Well, it's a her, actually...your guardian. Chole: Nga! Hirofa: Haha...she has no name...nor does she want one...just take good care of her, like you are trying to be to the one you love. Chole: What? Hirofa: The sprit inside your crossbow is telling me also your deepest thoughts...don't worry, I'm not going to go further into your personal life...she won't tell me... Chole: Okay...:therock: Hirofa: Well, whoever it is, I bid you a happy life with her, as well as your guardian... [i]With that said, high mage Hirofa waved his hand and the sprits around Chole's crossbow flew back into the sky. They watched all of them join back with the stream and Hirofa handed it back.[/i] Hirofa: Someday, it'll talk to you when your life is complete...I bid you farewell... Chole: Nice to meet you... [i]Chole and Hirofa turned around and headed their seperate directions without turning back. Chole headed back towards the city as the lights from each to the buildings flickered to life. He held his crossbow in his hands, thinking of what power it possessed. No matter how much it did, he knew that he would never misuse it, no matter what the circumstances. He also thought about what Hirofa said, about his love. He thought about Lady Perigrine, back at the desert where she confessed her love to him. He wondered if the spirit inside his weapon knew it too. Chole did have the weapon for as long as he could remember...[/i] Viper: CHOLE!!!! [i]He heard Viper's loud shouting from the distance and started walking much faster. His eyes closed in on her calling out from a window of the upper floors of the temple.[/i] Chole: I'll be right there... [i]As his eyes were locked on Viper, he looked inside the room and noticed Lady Perigrine on the bed...[/i] Chole: ...for you... [i]Chole continued down the hillside, into the temple. Little did he know that a few slivers strayed from the stream and followed him from a distance. One of whom...was Outlaw's soul...[/i] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, with his crossbow set on his side and his arms folded with his back against the wall, sprung back up and joined with Viper and Alan...[/i] Chole: You are lucky...some of us aren't able to use magic at all, especially in the north where most of the magic is nothing compared to what we're seeing right now. Viper: Well...I don't know... Chole: Obviously, I was born elsewhere so I can't complain too much. Alan: What should we do now? Chole: I'm going to look around the town for a while... Viper: Well, if we can't find you after Peri's done, we're leaving... Chole: Fine... [i]Chole quickly turned around and got his crossbow. He put it behind him and walked out of the large building, passed by many Artherians, looking at him. He searched around the city, greeting some as he passed the commoners. Normally, their place was too dangerous to make a trip to, but a lucky few make it. Chole finally reached the back of the city where the iron walls extended around a couple of hills. He climbed them, passing by more Artherians and rested on the highest point. He sat down and focused his vision on the building that Viper, Peri, and Alan were in. He saw the multi-colored magic that was coming out of the top of the buidling and he wondered what caused that...He breathed in fresh air and lay down, looking up at the skies as that very same stream flew overhead...[/i][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico held Valeigh with an arm under one of her shoulders as she held on to his neck with one arm as well, keeping her wounds untouched. Iniside the house, there was no furnishings to take a rest in, so they put their back to a wall and slid down slowly until they were sitting comfortably on the floor.[/i] Rico: ... [i]Rico looked over as Spyder passed by the door, holding a wild antelope in her light arms. The city was in enough decay that nature was making its way back near the abandoned parts of the city. She set the large animal down on the floor, its blood settled down on the floor, creating a small pool around it.[/i] Spyder: ...dinner is served... [i]Athen joined her side and looked down at the creature...[/i] Athen: Raw? Spyder: I was hoping that this Lightbearer could create some fire for the night. [i]Valeigh only closed her eyes as her head tilted and rested on Rico's shoulder. She opened them after hearing Spyder and tried to grasp what she was saying...[/i] Rico: They were wondering if you could make some fire so we can eat. [i]Rico looked at her, the blue blood still flowing from her shoulder, but the bandages were helping to keep her alive.[/i] Athen: well? Rico: She's still not well. Do you have a place to rest? Spyder: There is a bathtub that you can lay her in right past the stairs. Athen: So then, we're going to have to eat this thing like it is? Rico: Do you two have wood? Spyder: There's a pile of them in the back... Rico: Here... [i]Rico reached with his free hand into his pack and pulled out a box of matches, throwing them over to Athen.[/i] Athen: I never really thought that these things existed... Rico: That's my only pack...as a token of peace. Spyder: ..... [i]Rico, helped Valeigh out of the kitchen and into the living room where they looked around for the bath. When they finally found it just a few feet past the stairs, they went inside. Rico crouched down and took Valeigh's legs as well, lifting her up flat on her back. He stepped into the rather large tub and set her down. Rico carefully stepped back out and knelt by her side...[/i] Rico: Can you hear me?...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos said goodnight to the others and the took to their respective rooms inside Liam's mansion. As Lupos prepared for sleep, he looked around the room and found several items that belonged to Espa...one of which was a silver locket. He opened it and a small piece of paper fell to his side.[/i] Lupos: ... [i]He picked it up and looked at it...nothing but a slip of paper with a red spot on it...he took a whiff and realized immidiately that it was her's and Lupos' blood mixed, taken during her embrace...The thoughts of the past surged through his mind, each and every single detail. He carefully put the paper back inside the locket and closed it, setting it on the table against his bed. He fell asleep...[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I hope the soldiers fend them off well... Pi: Well, they always have plan B if it doesn't work...flood the city. Most of them should be out of their shells right now. Siren: There are a lot of mysteries to Celes...first it was in an isolated island, now underwater...they're resilent. Iris: What should we do now? [i]They took a look around and saw fertile grassland instead of a barren desert...[/i] Chole: The world's probably changed a lot ever since Meteo City took to the skies. It might be wise to explore... Pi: But that took ages last time. Siren: But, most of us can fly now...except you...but I can always carry you. Pi: For how long? :therock: Siren: It shouldn't be that long since we're all pretty fast... Chole: But where to? Siren: I don't know...the hybrid warriors have probably reached the far continents and started to destory everyone there...sowing their seeds as well. We need another place that'll give us the power to make it out of here and back into Meteo City...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole shrugged and stood off to the corner in the shadows, fixing up his inventory...[/i] Chole: Well, if you figure out what's wrong I'm right here... [i]Alan joined up with him and stood by...[/i] Alan: Liam's going to be rejected huh? Chole: I don't know how hell works... Alan: ... Chole: Well, I guess we should just not cause trouble until Peri figures out what to do before we start moving. Alan: Or Viper... [i]They both stood with their back to the walls, waiting for Viper and Peri...[/i][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The three of them shared a laugh and turned to Siren...[/i] Lupos: Hey, how about your embrace? Siren: Mine? Liam: Yeah, you've never told us anything about your past life before, except that you were from Cairo or something like that. Siren: Well...I wasn't really much of an important person in my village by the desert, but I managed to find work among the servants...carrying huge blocks of stone. Lupos: That many years ago? Siren: Yeah, I'm old...anyway, there was a Nosferatu colony that decided to take up residence around when I was 20 or something and they embraced me a couple years later when the found out about me. Lupos: How'd they find out? Siren: One of the Nosferatu fell victim to my beauty. Liam: Hah...was it Sion? Siren: No...he comes in way later... Liam: So who was it? Siren: I forgot his name...but he was quite the charmer...and my embrace was quite painless. Lupos: But, what happened to him? Siren: Well, he was killed by Sion about 200 years down the road. [i]Lupos hung his head low.[/i] Siren: What's wrong? Lupos: Espa.... Siren: It's her choice if she wants to go back or not...but...we still have a threat to take care of and we do need you at top performace. Liam: But he isn't...and I don't think he will be for quite a while. Lupos: I wish she was here right by my side though. Siren: Then she has to learn that her first duty is to the one who embraced her because that's the only reason why we embrace...our numbers may be dwindling, but we only embrace because we care about the person and we want to take care of them and be with them. And in return, they take care of us until it is our time to leave. Lupos: Straight out of the textbook... Siren: The problem is, we can't naturally have children... Lupos: So, should we start looking for Espa? Liam: No, you do...we don't have to... Siren: But not now...she tried to use forbidden black magic...summoning of creatures...that's risky... [i]Lupos stood up.[/i] Lupos: Well then, I guess I'll have to rest for now... Liam: I know... we all should... [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico steps in and looks at the fight alongside with Athen...[/i] Rico: What's going on? Athen: You shouldn't worry about matters like this. I take it that you've seen these things happen over and over again throughout the city. Rico: Yeah...sorta. Athen: Yes, it does seem a bit formal, but that's the way she fights. Our hunger, causes us to provoke. We try to find suitable prey with unpure hearts...but that was what made us what we are. Rico: Are you vampires...? Athen: Hmm, hardly not...although it may seem like that. A deficiency in our blood is all to blame. So what brings you out to this section of a desecrated city? Rico: There was nothing left for me back there. Athen: I see...and your name? Rico: Rico...as if it mattered...chances are I'm not going to see you again. Athen: What makes you so sure of that? Rico: ... Athen: Its all desolation after this place...you can't survive out there alone. Rico: I see... Athen: I'm Athen...wait for the battle to finish and we'll see if you can join us. Rico: What makes you so sure your friend is going to win? Athen: I never said that...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]A while back, I started with the Soul Reaver series, skipping Blood Omen...but now that I've played the game at my friends house. The game is huge and the story of the vampires really got me hooked on it.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]What you think will happen, will never come to be. What you think confines you. Will be the ones to set you free. Whatever comes Just let it come. Don't expect Take your chances and run. Think two steps ahead Not ten or twenty You might wind up dead Or even worse, left with pennies. What we do now Can change everything that we have in store. One thing is certain, never forget. All the experiences we've experienced before.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Heh, no wonder some of the old stuff has to be delted...well, I really hope that our boards become unique...eventually employing new things besides speed and memory...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico turns around...[/i] Flash: Wait, where are you going? You still have to make the software for this! Rico: I'll write it later...I hear noises... Warlock: Oh, tough guy, eh? Rico: I'll get Syth to help me out...later [i]Rico goes back into the bridge and passes Raiden and Sala, heading straight for the command console...he opened up a run-time box and started to code...[/i][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: I guess the sugars inside fermented...this is from my old, old stash...right when I was embraced. Lupos: So you're really old? Siren: He was a spoiled kid...his father owned a winery back in the old country. He had a huge wine celler that Liam helped make the wine. Then he was embraced with me onlooking...he went crazy. Lupos: So who's blood is this, Liam? Liam: No comment...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole stopped and turned back to the screams he heard from the Mayor's office...the Shin-Ra soldiers by the doors of the terminal propped up and headed towards the disturbance.[/i] Chole: Hmm...hmm... Ky: :confused: Chole: It looks like they have their hands full...*mounts on Ky* let's go! [i]Ky's head cocked forward and before Chole could catch his breath, they were already running through baggage claims, heading towards the runways where some of them were being used for a flea market. They noticed that no other Shin-ra officers were inside the terminal, just a bunch of frightened and shocked civilians. They made it out and saw the shops set up outside an unused piece of concrete.[/i] Chole: This should be the place for Chocobo food! [i]They looked and looked...but no greens dealers by the end of the row two minutes later...they headed out of the terminal and looked on as the Shin-ra tried to quell the noises coming from the mayor's offices...[/i][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Roux stood still as the three ladies sped away from them...[/i] Chole: Hmm...hey, don't you have tons of power hiding inside you... Roux: :D Chole: Aww...don't gimme that... [i]A hybrid warrior charged straight at them, coming out of the rubble of a destroyed building...causing them to spring backward, pushing up against the edge of the dome...[/i] Chole: Hold your breath! [i]Chole grabbed Roux gently with one arm. He breathed a fireball from the other one he released it with so much force that it threw them past the water barrier and into the ocean. The fireball exploded, creating a small shockwave throughout Celes. Luckily, no one was around besides they Hybrid and a few shells waiting to hatch, which were all incinerated...swimming was Chole's real forte and they headed for the surface, not feeling the heat of Meteo City in the waters anymore...[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]I made quite a hasty trip to the outskirts of the city. There, the the crime seemed much less active because the houses were in pretty good shape and there was light inside...one house particularly caught my eyes. Shadows were moving vigourly inside, indicating the people there were still active throughout the night, like I was. The door was open so I decided to take a look inside. There, I found three people. Two women neck-to-neck, prepared for combat against each other. And a man...standing steadily...[/i][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They dove underwater, holding each other tightly as to not get swept away from the strong currents coming from the ship. They both opened their eyes and guided one another towards the destination, without any fear of being seperated. They dove deeper and saw an underwater port, used for carrying and deploying submarines. Inside the ship, the two sprung out of the water and into the floor of the holds.[/i] Chole: We made it... Iris: Now to find Rex...I wonder where, though...I don't really know much of ships... Chole: Well, I've only been in one...a while back...but I think I might be able to find a way. Iris: Well, it's better than coming here and then getting lost... [i]Chole took her hand and led her out of the water to dry off. After a few minutes, they started exploring the lower floors of the ship quietly...[/i][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The group sat around a etheral spring to get their surroundings as the people stared at them. Chole took a whiff of the vapor coming from it and he got somewhat dizzy.[/i] Alan: Strong? Viper: No drugs!! Chole: Okay...*turns around and turns red* Peri: Oh no... [i]They waited as Peri tried to recall where the house of Thirif lay...[/i] Chole: Maybe it might help to talk to some of these people... Alan: They don't understand our language...especially with that loose tounge of yours... Viper: Hey, I have that accent to you know! :flaming: Alan: Whoops, sorry...about you Lady Perigrine? [i]Peri stood up and walked up to one of the onlookers...[/i] Peri: Ra! Man: Ra! El reithei...der nosch fou hew Drognan! Ah norin! ;) [i]Peri slapped the guy and then walked back, infuriated...[/i] Chole: What happened? Peri: Nothing...*face turns red* Chole/Viper/Alan: :shifty: Chole: What if we go to the leaders of this place...it might help...it's better than getting hit on by a 4'2 guy. [i]Alan turned off to the side for a huge outburst of laughter.[/i] Peri: That's not funny... Viper: Over there! [i]Viper pointed to a fairly large building where many people were moving inside and out and magic was spewing forth from the rooftop.. They headed towards it...[/i][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos stood at the driveway as he watched his kin disappear from his sights. Siren and Liam joined up with him and each put a hand on his shoulders.[/i] Siren: Don't feel bad about it. [i]Lupos looked down after she vanished from his sights.[/i] Lupos: This is depressing. Liam: All in the life of a Nosferatu... Siren: Look what happened to me...Sion...now Zack...but even though he's a lot more loose, he sticks close by. Lupos: I don't even want to think about comparing Espa with Sion, it's wrong... Liam: Hopefully, she'll come back. But we have to keep moving ahead. Siren: There's really no time for guessing anymore and we really need to get out spirits up. Liam: Blood? [i]Siren, Liam, and Lupos went downstairs into Liam's wine cellar and spent the entire night sharing their past life stories over preserved and aged delights...[/i][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos closed his mouth and opened his mind... "Would it really matter if I did it or not? What kind of person did you turn out to be anyway? If you don't care then leave! Apparently, I've done something wrong and you have other things on your mind. I thought that you would be a valuable addition to what Siren, Liam, and I have created, but your putting us at risk. So are you going to fight with us, or just stay here and try to communicate with dead spirits?"[/i][/COLOR]
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