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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: C'mon, Liam...finish the guy off.. [i]Lupos waited in the shadows for the right moment to come in and make his appearance to Sion.[/i] Liam: Only you would sink that low...to steal a demon from your dreams...or is it the other way around. Sion: Just shut up and finish this!! Siren: Even if this finishes you'll escape and we'll all live for another day. Sion: Not if I I'm around you won't... Liam: And how would that be? You might finish me off, but I'm still here...with a whole new set of arts. [i]Sion readied his sword...Lupos listened to each and every word that was said during the fight, how "only he would sink that low." In his mind, all he would have to do is read his aura, come bursting in and finish him off at the right moment.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I like Max Payne because of it's "bullet time" effect, maybe the one of the best eye-candy for the PC i've seen up to date...and it's storyline... Though Halo also has it's strengths with it's multiplayer features and slick graphics...though I wish it would come out on PC so I could play it more often...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]When you put a somewhat linear storyline with tons of characters...it's hard to relate to them and get their backgrounds...I really liked Chrono Cross because of it's relaxing environments and heavily themed texts...though the part that really stood out was the battle system. 40 hours...but I still prefer the original on the SNES...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole had tears in his eyes by the time he knocked on the vault...Faye ran her hand under the motion scanner and the doors opened...she remained fixed on the paper she was holding.[/i] Faye: So you finally know what happened... Chole: I knew what happened a long time ago...and this backs it up...except... Faye: The tests... Chole: That makes no sense at all... [i]Chole walks closer towards his aunt and the vault doors shut.[/i] Faye: I was at Celes during your mother and father's murder...your father was human...and your mother was a hybrid of a Dragon and Tiger... Chole: And they never displayed any traits... Faye: Yeah...look at our flesh...not a single imperfection...we look human... Chole: Did my dad, hate me? Faye: From your mother's letters...like this one I'm holding right now...they both loved you. But there was one time when your dad took you into the lab and never came back until a few days later...that would explain the pictures. Chole: What for? Faye: To find out why you had almost none of his traits...none of his DNA... Chole: You mean I was a perfect clone of my mother? Faye: Well, except for the XY trait...that meant your sex...nothing more...not your height...not your hair color...not even your behaivor... Chole: But did they have to strap me down like that? Faye: Unfortunately...your father made a grave error that sent him running and eventually got him killed. He may not hate hybrids...but his colleagues did... Chole: Who did he work for? [i]Faye held up a buisness card..[/i] Faye: Meteo City R&D...they hate hybrids...and they found about you and took you from him after the scans were complete... Chole: What did they do to me? Faye: That I have no clue... Chole: Oh... Faye: Chole, there is one more thing... Chole: What's that? Faye: Your mother...she was pregnant when she was killed... Chole: :( The baby died? Faye: *clutched her stomach* No... Chole: You have it with you right now!? Faye: No...I raised her in my womb and let her go before their Hunters came looking... Chole: How? Faye: I visited her body in the mourge afterwards and scanned her body to find a fertile egg still inside her...so I raised it...but when they found out...they came after me...so right after I had her...I let her go to one of the nurses...told 'em to find a good home for her... Chole: I had a sister?! Faye: I'm sorry it's all so much...but you have a right to know... Chole: Do you know where she is? Faye: No...I'm sorry... Chole: Probably got killed during the massacre... Faye: Don't say that... Chole: Chances are... Faye: She got orphaned...and since the city isn't in the best condition... Chole: Did she have the same traits as me? Faye: I only got to hold the little girl for a few days...but I got in a scan...and your traits match except for her XX trait... Chole: Female...same traits...orphaned...a few years younger than me... Faye: Actually...a few more since I took quite long with my pregnancy...3 years to be exact...making you six in the hands of Siren when she was born. Chole: Siren took care of me? Faye: She was the one who named you...well, she said you named yourself through your first word... Chole: Did you name the little girl? Faye: Nope...I wanted her identity to be a shrowd to the goverment... Chole: I see... Faye: Well if you ever see your sister, say hi to her for me... Chole: Anything else? Faye: That's all I know...sorry...oh...can you go join up with your friends...I have to clean up here... [i]They stood up in the pile of papers and started to pick each one up carefully. Chole handed the pile he had to Faye and he walked out...[/i] [i]Something [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue] Rico: Maybe you need a second opinion... [i]Rico took the object from Sala's hands and examined it himself with his hands and eyes...[/i] Sala: How can you see those inscription with just your eyes... Rico: Tri-mode lenses...they work in and out of the Matrix... Syth: See anything? Rico: Strange inscriptions...I can't read it though...*tosses it* Looks like a work of art though...mysterious...it doesn't look metallic... Warlock: Did you get anything on the material? Sala: Titanium composite...that stuff isn't really like metal... Syth: That's right...but the color...the ambient dust should have made it a bright blue. Flash: That's preservation for you. Rico: I'll just put this on the dashboard with a little thermal paste... [i]He takes a tube of pink paste and sticks the pyramind by the window of the helm.[/i] Warlock: It's our good luck charm... Sala: I don't believe in luck... Rico: Hehe...are the ships components ready? Raiden: Yup...just about one more hour until we're ready to hit the road... Syth: Hmm...seems that is our good luck charm... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: My parent's were murdered when I was three, I was too young to member! [i]He stood straight up and slammed the monitor, backing out and double-clicking on "Cristal..."[/i] Iris: Are you alright? Chole: I'm fine...if my parents were hybrid haters, then why would they have me? Iris: Are they even your biological parents... [i]Just then, a stream of patterns emerged from the screen, catching Chole's eye...putting him into a short trance.[/i] Iris: Chole. Chole: They're my parents...that I know...I have dreams of them sometimes when I'm really down...they're always there in my mind. Iris: Than explain the pictures and the file. Chole: .........I can't... Iris: Why not? Chole: I JUST CAN'T!!! [i]The screen turned blank...at first Chole thought the computer crashed...but heard sound in the background...an audio track was playing...a woman's voice.[/i] Woman: To Faye, hear me out...the Cristal. It runs through my veins...to this very day it does...but soon, I will die and my son will receieve what should have been locked away forever. They're after me... [i]A baby could be heard crying in the background...[/i] Woman: I was the first born...and it wasn't 300 something-odd years ago...only 24...please take care of him...and hope that he never knows... [i]The door got knocked down before she could finish her sentence. Shots were fired and the crying of the baby stopped. Footsteps, and then silence for a few minutes...[/i] Chole: Oh... [i]The baby's crying could be heard again as the footsteps of a single person could be heard. Another woman...[/i] Woman2: Hush, little one... [i]The video finally stopped...and the disc ejected.[/i] Chole: ...*picked up the disc* Iris: That sounded like Siren... Chole: I know... [i]Chole walked over to the window sill and pulled up the coverings revealing the entire city engulfed in a sparkling blue haze from the waters above. It was calm...but they knew that slowly, their world was being shifted out of allingment, and in a few months...all hell would break loose, literally. His eyes looked around and he turned back, heading straight for the door.[/i] Iris: Where are you going? Chole: Back to my aunt, Faye...and don't follow me, please... [i]He ran out, skidding on the polished marble floor and sprined back towards the kitchen...[/i] Chole: I have to go... [/COLOR]
Maybe you shouldn't...
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Y'know, I'd talk about it if everyone was comfortable about these things... Peri: And you know that isn't possible...not everyone here is a sex crazed maniac... Liam: Like me... Chole: Exactly...;) [i]Peri looked at Chole with both of her eyebrows up. Chole noticed her and they locked eyes with each other.[/i] Peri: What are you looking at? Chole: How long is it until we get across this desert expanse... Viper: About 5 more days at this pace, if we don't stop or get stopped... Alan: That shouldn't be too hard...considering all this power we have on our side. [i]The sun was finally set up while they continued their walk silently as the giant ball of fire stood still in the sky, altering everything in their world. The desert heat began to intensify around them and noon fell in.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: But why the Cristal?! Why would they want to mess around with me? Iris: I don't know any of the answers either... [i]Chole backed out of his profile and headed onto the Hybrid section of the disc. It displayed Trell and Valik's profiles and the complete stories for them...with pictures and everything. Even a child named Miluska was mentioned...but no Chole.[/i] Chole: So these are my ancestors... [i]Iris paid attention to the dates on the corner of the screen...[/i] Iris: Chole, do you know your parent's names? Chole: No, not really... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looked around and found a couple of fine-bristled leaves. He tore one branch off and ran.[/i] Iris: Okay... [i]He came back a few minutes later from the fresh water pool, clean from any of his "friends" from under the sea.[/i] Chole: Ta-da... Iris: Uh...much better.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The optical disc autoloaded on his computer and the screen turned blank for a couple of seconds, but the hard drive was working. Finally the screen came to life with rows and rows of binary coding, followed by a strange logo "M" and then Chole's picture.[/i] Iris: What is this? Chole: I have no idea...well, I know that it's about me... [i]Chole stood up while he waited for something to pop up. A serial ID code appeared on the top of his picture, reading "M-3T30" AKA Chole. A meny finally popped up to the right of his photo and displayed three items. M-3T30 Project DragonFire/TigerIce Hybrid Cristal[/i] Chole: ... Iris: Oh...Chole... [i]He didn't understand it at first, but Iris had a clear understanding of Chole background now that she saw.[/i] Chole: What is it? Iris: Look at the M project. [i]Chole pointed at the bar and it loaded up a profile of Chole with a 3-D graph of his DNA. Varous pictures of Chole appeared, including him at his home back in Meteo City, outside. But one particular photo didn't register in his mind: He was in the labs, strapped down with his eyes wide open, looking aimlessly foward.[/i] Chole: No...I...I don't understand... [i]Neither of them really could read the DNA model to the right, but the surrounding text they could understand perfectly... "Chole displays no Hybrid characteristics except for a small energy stream that flows through his underlying chest area constantly and adapts to significant temperatures." "DNA scans confirmed that he is Hybrid. No other viable evidence to suggest the presence of the Cristal reseqencing." End[/i] Chole: What was all that? Iris: I'm not really certain...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I thought the game would be a lot longer, eventually spanning outside of the Jupiter station...the game was really short. It did try to extend the life of the game with a Versus mode which was entertaning...it was a really good first generation game...but most people just boutght it for the MGS2 demo at the time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole smiled and folded his hands in front of his stomach.[/i] Chole: Well...yeah, I am... Iris: What are you hiding? Chole: I don't know... Iris: ? :therock: Chole: I have to do this alone... Iris: I can't do that... Chole: Why not, I just have to look at something that I don't even know. Iris: What are you hiding?! Chole: *looks away* Iris: *transforms back into human form* Chole: Sorry, I'm just not used to the hybrid forms. Iris: Why? You're exposed to it every single day. Chole: Only in tough situations... [i]Chole walked towards his room and opened the door, Iris still following.[/i] Iris: Can I? Chole: You won't take no for an answer will you?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hey wait! Let me finish up my food! [i]Chole dips some salt water in the crab, finally manages to crack it open and consumes it's insides.[/i] Chole: Bye crabbie... [i]Throws the crab into the jungle.[/i] Iris: Chole, over here... Chole: Huh?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole walked into the kitchen with Faye and sat down on the large table, serving him tea.[/i] Faye: So tell me, what's been going on with you these past few months. Chole: Well, I did have the adventure of a lifetime...never been out of the city before. Faye: That's good...come here, I want to show you something... [i]Faye got up and led Chole towards the back of her house. Chole never went there before since it was under lock and key, but Faye knew it was time that Chole knew, he was ready. He had the experience. She used her magnetic strip card to unlock the sliding doors, revealing a large vault full of steel lockers.[/i] Chole: What is all this? Faye: Chole, I'm a record keeper...being your mother's baby sister and your father's brother in law, I took the liberty of keeping all their personal records on paper file so they wouldn't be tampered with. [i]Faye's 5'2 figure reached up with her card in hand to a fairly large box situated at the top row. She opened the lock and removed the large box, nearly dropping it if Chole hadn't helped her. She set it down on the ground and opened it...revealing tons of documents, pictures, and an optical disc.[/i] Chole: All of this...records of my parents? [i]Chole fumbled through the stacks and stacks of photos that were printed out. Kids, teens, adults, the wedding, even when Chole was in infant in their arms, it was all there.[/i] Faye: It brings back old memories...I was only 14 when they had you. Chole: You were young... Faye: Yeah, I was also a tech freak... Chole: Now I see where I got that from. Faye: Haha...if that's the case, than I think you'll be interested looking into this. [i]Faye held up the optical disc and gave it to Chole.[/i] Chole: It'll work...? Faye: Yeah... Chole: What's in it? Faye: It's a surprise...you go ahead and take a look at it through your private terminal upstairs...I haven't seen these photos lately either...come back downstairs later and I'll share with you. Chole: Thanks...Aunt Faye... Faye: Oh no problem... [i]Faye straighened up her glasses and sifted through the photos as Chole walked back into the kitchen and then upstairs...[/i] Faye: Yes...but you[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hmm... [i]Chole took the crab from the flames and looked at it...looking for a weak point.[/i] Kool: Need help with that? [i]Grabbed a rock[/i] Chole: No, I got it! [i]He slammed it down hard on the crab, smearing it on the rock, spilling it's juices all over.[/i] All: Chole! Chole: Sorry... [i]He took what was left of the crab and sucked on it's shells to get most of the meat out of it's claws and inner body. He then took another crab and held up the same rock up high.[/i] Iris: don't even think about it. Liam: Just don't kill it... Chole: Isn't it already dead? Liam: :rolleyes: Chole: :shrug: [i]Chole dropped the rock and tried to pry the crab open with his hands...he finally found that the underside of it could be opened with ease and he started eating from there...[/i] Rex: Umm...Chole..you might not wanna eat there... Chole: Why not?*slurp* Rex: Umm...nevermind...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]They entered the great underwater city via underground tunnels where they were greeted by a group of people, including Chole's aunt.[/i] Chole: We're safe...for now. Pi: We can't hold out here forever, soon this place'll turn into an oven. Iris: But they should be out of orbit by now, right? Pi: I was talking about way later... [i]A person stepped out of the crowd and took Chole's arm.[/i] Faye: How are you guys holding up? We heard the news but we couldn't really do anything about it without getting ourselves killed. Chole: I see...how's the city? Faye: It's fine...c'mon, we'll talk and cool off. [i]Faye walked with Chole as the group followed them back towards her house.[/i] Siren: Last time we came here was just for a rest stop. Pi: A good one at that...that's why I like it here so much. Liam: I think we'll be planning most of our stay here. Siren: No kidding...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos waited outside the door, wielding the two blades. His years of experience all came down to his body. He wasn't thinking, he kept his mind clear and waited for the signal when Sion had the upper hand. Siren didn't notice Lupos' feint aura since he had no current emotion that she could see. He was hidden. Lupos: Even if you win, Sion...you can't destroy us...:demon:[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Personally, Ico is a work of art...pure ambience, much like myst, but without all the confusing puzzles...and better graphics. It's short...it took me 7 hours the first time through and then 3 the second. The environments are stunning and the character animation is nearly flawless. There's rarely any diolouge apart from Icos call for the princess...even though you don't understand half of what they're saying...the story line is very good and emotinonal because the way Ico holds her hand each and every time is powerful in some way. It's hard to describe...but it's a great game.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole was sweating heavily as the fires of the Sancuary burned across the desert. The group took cover from wave after wave of heavy heat, nearly toasting them.[/i] Liam: This really isn't good. Siren: We have to hold on...and keep from the heat as much as possible. Pi: Celes!! [i]Pi got up and started running across the sand, towards the underwater city of Celes. Chole looked ahead, but could barely see through the mirages in front of him.[/i] Chole: Iris! Iris: What? Chole: We gotta go after him! Iris: And you want me to carry you? Chole: No...just run with me! [i]Iris got up with Rena and carried Roux on her back. He held on tightly while Chole took a look back at the gigantic city in the sky. The heat didn't really bother him too much.[/i] Iris: Chole, are you coming or not?! Chole: Hold on... [i]Chole took a deep breath and blew out, hard...blue and white flames spurted out from him, torching the air and shooing straight up into the sky, brushing the side of the gigantic city before dissipating into smoke.[/i] Rena: Whoa... Chole: Let's get out of here... [i]Chole, Rena, Iris, and Roux dashed off to catch up with the others. Pi was nearly at the Celes entry port. They would be safe there, being covered by water, but not for long.[/i] [/COLOR]
ZOE...I don't really think there's much of a strategy element to the game. It's just a faced paced shooter with awesome adaptive camera views and great battles. It's a lot more like a flying MegaMan game in which you upgrade your Frame...but for the GBA...hmm...kinda hard to visualize, but I'll look into it.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The group finally started to get ready for their walk across the desert expanse...which was surpirsingly cool with the wind coming in from the waters far away. But they weren't heading for that...Viper's wounds were nearly all gone, except maybe for the personal scars in her mind, but everybody had those. Chole and Peri stood side by side.[/i] Chole: You tired? Peri: Yep. Chole: That was some feat that you pulled off. Peri: Me and Liam...with the help of the gods... Chole: Well, at least it wasn't that god...you know who... Peri: Pfff....don't worry about him...he's just mad because they put him just to watch over prisoners. Chole: Well, what if he sees me again? Peri: What did you do to him anyway? Chole: I-uh...don't wanna really talk about it. Peri: Oh? We have all day... [i]Chole sighed and told the story of how he flipped off and cussed out the god who oversaw the town that he was in not too far off from the south. It was almost comical now that Chole retold it while the others listened. Viper could clearly remember the details that he left out and she shyed away a bit.[/i] Peri: So where does Viper come in? Chole: She rescued me...I don't know why she did though... Viper: I was following you... Chole: oh...then we must've travelled pretty far then. Viper: Yeah...you were knocked out for a few hours... Chole: Hours?! Well...nevermind that... Viper: It feels strange...being a goddess. Chole: I'm no expert on it...I don't command any magic except what this crossbow gives to me. [i]Chole held up his crossbow with one arm, creating a large shadow over Peri and Viper.[/i] Alan: Who gave that to you? Chole: Also towards the south...forgot which town. I was in a bar and the guy just gave it to me...strange isn't it? Peri: He probably couldn't lift it. Chole: Maybe...I had a hard time with it too, now that I think about it. Alan: *shrugs* [i]Chole kept glancing at Viper, who now held a slightly feint aura around her, her beauty restored. She finally caught his stare and they locked eyes, then smiled.[/i] Viper: What? Chole: I'm still trying to figure out weather or not you're a DragonHeart anymore. Peri: She's still a Dragonheart...but she wields a different spell set...inside she's still a goddess. Viper: A beginner one, at that... Chole: Well, when we all die...make sure that we go up there, instead of down to hell. Viper: Oh...of course :devil: [i]They all laughed and continued to share stories throughout the entire night. Alan and Viper kept close while Outlaw and Liam listened in. Chole and Peri, on the other hand were sitting close...but keeping their distance. Their arms were constantly touching, but neither had the urge to hold on...not just yet...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Siren: Now it makes some sense... Chole: What does? Siren: Under Meteo City is a cluster of junction tubes that link tens of miles away they can move underground at will through mechanical forces, without disturbing the geography. Flash: It's a technology beyond your comprehension. Siren: Maybe theirs, but not mine... Chole: I really wish we could do something about it. Warlock: You can't really do anything, Chole... Siren: Well then tell me, are you here to create life, or destroy it!? Flash: A little bit of both, I suppose. When we said that Meteo City is a weapon, death and destruction come to mind, not life. [i]As the group tried to enter the city, they were swept back by the force of the reactors charging up. It nearly blew all of them away if Rena and Roux weren't standing in front of Iris and Chole.[/i] Liam: This can't be happening. Pi: But it is. Chole: But who are they to constitue who lives and who dies? To create their own personal hell. Siren: Chole, can you hear them? Chole: Hear what? Siren: No, who...all those souls, hybrid and non-hybrid, that were slaughered and put to the flame. Their ashes spread across Meteo City...they're gonna use all that stored pressure to power their little ship to drag this planet right next to the sun, leaving them protected...and this isn't the first time it's happened. Look around. [i]The desert...[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Flash finally got the a video feed from Rico's headset, which was a bit blurry and with muffled sound.[/i] Rico: Can you two hear me? Sala: Loud and garbled... Rico: You... Flash: It's alright...let me see Syth and 'Locke. [i]Rico turned his head to focus on them, searching for raw materials that they could use to refurbish some of the ships systems.[/i] Syth: You see anything? Flash: Nothing yet... [i]Switches to infared.[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole knelt by Viper and took a look at her battered body...[/i] Chole: She'll live, she'll heal...*sigh* but the scars'll always be there. Liam: We can heal her with some simple magic. Chole: Heal...not restore... [i]Chole guides his hand over Viper's wounds, which were beggining to heal.[/i] Chole: Brother... Alan: ... Chole: We need herbs... [i]Alan didn't move...he was still in a bit of a shock after what just happened. Instead, Lady Perigrine got up and searched the packs.[/i] Peri: I'll do it... Liam: How about the magic... Chole: We don't know how the magic mends wounds...done improperly, it'll leave scars...hideous ones... Viper: I heard that you bástard. But you're smart... [i]She laughed...and smiled. Her voice was so feint as she whipsered the words towards Chole.[/i] Chole: ... [i]Chole got up and motioned for Alan to step in and give comfort to Viper.[/i] Alan: You're gonna be alright... Liam: We have to keep moving...she may live...but if her fluids keep escaping her, then we'll have to drag her along until we get to some fresh water... Viper: Liam... Liam: ? Viper: ...Nothing...*cough* Chole: *sigh* Peri!!! Peri: Alright...I'm coming![/COLOR]