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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Well, I can't respond to your poll because I never had major surgery on anything before. But, it's good that you got that thing out early before it did anything bad to you. So I guess they didn't use nitrous on you to calm you down. Like I said before, take it easy...and other people should be doing your chores for you right now. :huh:[/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkblue][center][u]Shards[/u] What if your own life were shattered Into a million pieces, In others eyes you have died, Yet were not aware of it? You live your own life To the fullest, Yet in others minds, Fall short of thier expectations. Beleive you have your own life To fully flesh out And know when you're done See others pass you by the blink of an eye While your life goes on. [/center] *edited*[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]In my area, we have 2 big festivals going on. BFD and Summer Sanitarium. They're both musical festivals with bands and artists all over the place. Unfortunately, BFD already happened a few days ago with Good Charlotte and a bunch of other alternative bands. Summer Sanitarium is towards August, which I can defintely get tickets for. Linkin Park, Metallica and other such bands performing in that one. There are also smaller cultural festivals around the bay area like this cook off and another multi-religious festival, which are always nice (and free too).[/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkblue]Time, destroyer The victor over demonic activity He is the one who dances the Creation Without it, the arts would not exist; There would be no extension of the soul. Fire, Dance of Time Look past the corruption; Find beauty in a new song Forging weapons Past the limit of corruption. He dances the raw emotions Felt by the sorrow Find a calling in the silence; Make from the shattered pieces: Time, destroyer.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]Name: Mark Goodwind Age: 24 Apperance: This guy is a bit smaller than others but manages to reach the top drawers of cabinets without aid. He still has his full set of hair, short black, no gray streaks. Heavy lifting and a lack of proper diet and exersice gave him a rather strong build underneath his dense lab clothing. Unit: Science-Team Specialty: Heavy arms, Electrical Engineer Weapon: Anything he can find... Bio: He made a living for himself by going to Bovine University, a school with a funny name, but a very prestigous academic prowess. It was also expensive too. So, in order to pay off his debt after graduating with a degree in Elecrical Engineering, he signed up in all the local places. None responded and he was forced onto the street. A few years later, a strange man, pale, wearing some pricey suit, came up to him and asked him if he wanted to work for them down in Black Mesa, near the southern tip of Nevada. The Limo was open, he had nowhere else to go, so he took the chance and hasn't regretted it since then...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I like Juna's response. We have the ability to take in our experiences and mainpulate them with our thoughts and actions based on what's been given to us. It's the way we express ourselves. Kinda like babies. They want to communicate their needs to us and learn as much as possible, but they have a lot of barriers like language. So what can they do? Cry? Babble? So, I think all of us have some kind free will. But it's all limited to the imagination until we find a way to express it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I rarely use the freeway unless it's for long distance like the mall or some good place. I average around 60-80 MPH with a tendency to stay on a lane that's not filled up so I can take it easy. The fastest I've gone was when I got really mad when some driver almost swiped me into a semi trying to cut me off without warning. Well, he cut me several times trying to play around. So I floored it and ended up at around 140MPH to get away from him and find an exit to cool off. But I wouldn't do that again, of course. I don't like my local freeways.[/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkblue]Many our believers, though our faith is One. One in soul, though many are our bodies... One soul becomes one hundred over time; Just as a single light from the unknown shines on this place, And lights a hundred walls, All light returns to One. Houses cannot stand forever; As we remove the walls that block the sun Beleivers, then, will again become One. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]I think alien life does exist. It's possible there are beings out there who think, feel, and reason. But what's even more possible is that there are single-celled organisims out there that are more resilient in harsh environments.[/COLOR]
[color=darkblue]I'll recommend Dark Cloud 2 and Xenosaga for some of the newest RPG's out there along with WW2's recommendations. You'll find a lot of variety on the PS2. If you're looking for something in the survival horror category, Silent Hill 2 or Fatal Frame are two good choices. Look around this fourm for some big topics or games that catch your eye.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]The way I see it, the "nice guy" finishes last only because he's always nice. While that's not really a bad thing, it's good to take some risks and try new things, keeping a good balance.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Who? Raiha How old was I? 16, I wasn't interested in that stuff until that day... How was it? Really special, it was her first too. Circumstances? Summer 2001, we had established a very strong friendship and I spent the afternoon with her. Sidewalk, next to the park. Nervous, but sweet, and it seemed like a very long time. Best? The first one with butterfiles and a pounding heartbeat. Worst? Hard to say, but I'll have to say each time it felt dishonest; when we had something to say, but never said it, and forgot about it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Well, I'm thinking that jealousy is a sign that you still need to know the person more before you really love the person, probably you're still in the infatuation stage. It really depends on what your definitions of love are. I used to be jealous and started suspecting things with my 'special friend'. And now, I feel that I can trust the person more simple because I know more about her to feel secure; hopefully to eventually ignore all the negative suspictions and concentrate on giving her my love/support.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]If you take a look at the site, Digipen is a technical institute devoted to prep students for a career in the video game field. It's very prestigous and your background in computer knowledge has to be pretty lengthy to get in, from what I've heard.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]lol, this game's pretty cool for a small school project and it has so many references to other video games (IE: the save couch in ICO and that Xenogears thingy at the beginning). The acting is cheesy but it's enjoyable...it hasn't crashed yet on my computer so they did a pretty good job.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I think we're talking about the GP32 system, made by a Korean company. [URL=http://www.gamepark.co.kr/english/system/gp32.html]GP32[/URL] We've talked about this a while back and we came to the conclusion that it wouldn't do really well outside of Korea. But then again, if it gains mass popularity there, there might be some competition in store for the GBA.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I guess my advice would just be to give her some love until she realizes that there is that hope deep down inside. I kinda figure that children carry some behavoiral aspect of their parents and it keeps getting passed down. There isn't any hiding it even though people try, but just keep giving her that unconditional love and compassion, no matter what happens.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Well, maybe for the original Nintendo Super Mario, but he was much more curved and dynamic in the SNES version. I'm not realy sure what point you're trying to make here, but it is a great game. I like the many different environments it had to offer and how you could navigate the map in many different ways, like Super Mario 3. The ability to use the super cape and ride Yoshi were very innovative ideas to add for this SNES starter game.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]These are all the FF games I've played so far. In terms of an interesting storyline, I love FF6 because it's the second RPG that I've played and the game takes you everywhere with branching stories and no true main character. FF9 would be my second choice because it's the most refined FF game for the PSone, everything was neatly well done and very classy change from 7 and 8. If I still had it, FF4 gripped me with it's dark storyline and strange actions of the hero, Cecil, accompanied with some of the best music compositions a FF game has to offer. FF7 is good because it played on the idea of a futuristic setting, even though much of the world isn't. The story was gripping, but some parts were confusing for me. FF10 is very linear and some of the components are annoying, like you can't skip scenes if you die and have to repeat it over again. But that didn't stop me from enjoying the game that has many memorable quotes and themes to offer, not to mention the excellent eye candy. FF8 had to go on the bottom of my list because the story jumped a lot and the junction system had a learning curve more difficult than the previous FF's I've played. Although I had a nice time playing it so it's definitely a good game. But I feel it's getting more credit than it actually deserves.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The tension was at it's peak when Dash could see the ripples of the cloaked ship right above him. His hands were soaking with sweat as he pushed down on his yoke to avoid a huge chunk of rock. The ship matched course and speed. This was it. Once they saw the blue afterglow of Tavelak's rockets, Dash would launch and guide missiles into the ship directly above him, then drop a bomb set for a few seconds before hitting his own boosters. They spoke in whispers.[/i] Dash: Are we ready? Noir: Yeah. Emiko: Just make it out alive, we have our people waiting for us on the other side of this belt. Tavelak: Check your scanners, Dash. Can you lock on? [i]Dash looked at the information screen on his display. They really did a good job hiding themselves, except for the ripples in space. They knew they were there, but how many? And how big? If they ran, they could get in the way of their retreat. So he reached for another button, yellow.[/i] Dash: Mark your scanners to their Tag feature. It's like sonar, it'll mark the locations of any object it can detect. [i]A few seconds passed, what seemed to be an eternity.[/i] Tavelak: We're ready here, Dash. [i]His hands sweaty and shaking beneath his gloves, he hit the yellow button and a small object launched from his ship. It activated and lit up the entire area with light nearly as bright as Solar. Luckily they were wearing their helmets to prevent from being blinded.[/i] Dash: I'm detecting ships as large as our own Carriers and small as spy probes. Numbers are reaching into the hundreds. [i]The small team knew it. They were outnumbered.[/i] Tavelak: Can you find a clear path? [i]He checked for one. A small narrow path, which was devoid of Kareck, appeared on his scanner and the computer plotted the most sane course.[/i] Dash: Yes, check your displays, we're going in![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The battle was over and Kato instinctively changed back into human form. He followed Nepenthe back into the forest and walked with the others. They could hear the soft breaking of air above them as if something big and powerful were approaching. Siren and Nepenthe began to quicken their pace, as did Kato, Rinalph, and Laitina.[/i] Kato: Where are we going? Nepenthe: We're going back for Jenica, she's been alone for too long. [i]Kato looked up and the flying figures overhead, seaching through the thick layers of trees. Night was falling, concealing them from their keen vision. They were nearing their hideout, planted against the mountainside. Hopefully, she hadn't been too bored holding down the place.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]The PS2 still has very strong 3rd party support and good developers know how to work around the system. So the more support a system has, the more people are going to want it. The Dreamcast and other systems die out because the company doesn't support it anymore, therefore, no one else really does. Nintendo's getting back into things and becoming more popular by making it easier to develop for with it's larger medium and balanced hardware. So I hope they do hang on and make this system successful like the SNES.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I think FF7 is very easy to learn when starting out in RPG's. But if you're talking about new generation stuff, Dark Cloud 2 seems to be getting good reviews. The only RPG I have for the PS2 is FFX and it was good, but too linear. Xenosaga's coming out very soon so you might want to check that out too. You've played Pokemon so it works pretty much the same way. It's not that difficult to learn an RPG...well, maybe FF8, but I got used to it in about an hour.[/COLOR]
Gaming To take turns, or to jump right into action...
RicoTranzrig replied to Ninjaman's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=darkblue]I think a lot of it depends on what satisfies a person when they battle. With action, you have good control and you can dodge anything the enemy throws at you, if you get used to fighting. With turn-based, you can plan out your attacks carefully and think your way through the situation, and in some games, out think the AI in the game. I'd prefer the action RPG if it were multiplayer RPG's, then turn-based for single.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]I'm so sorry to hear about your little brother. You talked about him a lot a while back 'cause he had special needs and you took care of him and loved him like crazy. Somehow, a lot of that rubbed on me and helped me understand more what it's like to have real patience and understanding. If I could, I'd give you a warm hug too. I'm not sure what kind of advice to give you...just be yourself. Whatever you're feeling, express it and don't hold it back. You have the right to do anything you need to for a loved one.[/COLOR]