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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Vinn and Sayuri had been good neighborhood friends ever since they were old enough to walk. Their mothers were best friends and, in turn, Vinn and Sayuri were also. Vinn looked at her bloodstained slingblade and looked at her red face.[/i] Vinn: What did you do? Kill someone? Sayuri: Yeah...I mean, c'mon...if he wanted to get me laid...at least he should have tried talking to me instead of backing me up against the hood of his car... Vinn: Gezz...this place is already bad enough without peope like that... Sayuri: So how are things? Vinn: Slow...you want something to eat? Sayuri: No thanks...your cooking sucks! Vinn: Hey! You better be lying! Sayuri: I'm just kidding, I love your cooking... Vinn: Anyway...I was thinking of closing up shop... Sayuri: Why? Vinn: I mean it's an honest buisness selling groceries...but eh...not enough... Sayuri: It's all about the money 'aint it? Vinn: The root of all evil... [i]Vinn and Sayuri looked up at the television set in his small store... "Several murders have taken place here in this fine city...spitting a pattern of homicide, all related to several different people who claim the were under the control of 'demons' (excuse this commentative laugh HA!!)..."[/i] Vinn: Well, will you look at that.. Sayuri: I've hand enough of dead bodies today...grab me a soda...[/COLOR]
OOC: We'll be there! ~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]The rest of the group ran from the scene...Iris carried Roux and Rena and charged out faster than anyone could catch up with...Chole came in next, trying his very hardest to put distance between the bullets and him. Night took to the skies and Liam held onto him. Chole stopped and looked back...[/i] Chole: Siren... Siren: [i]Go on, little one...I'll see you again with Pi.[/i] [i]Chole turned back and saw Iris running off, nearly turning into a small speck in the horizon before Chole started running again, with tears in his eyes. After a few minutes, he was alone...Night had flown by and was already caught up with Iris...but as Chole came up to the desert. He most certainly knew that he'd have to face the underground caverns again, along with an occupied Zophar. He stopped and sat down where the desert sand met with the green grass of the peninsula. He looked out into the open sea and back into the desert. For once he was alone, trying to head back to Meteo City by foot. He was a quick kid, but his emotions got in the way. He missed Siren and Pi and he missed the others heading back to Meteo City without him. He wondered if they already had made it back, and it was all very possible. But, as the sun set...he couldn't move, he just continued to cry and cry under a palm tree. That was the innocent child he was, seeing the sorrow of battle and the lonliness of being alone...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Outlawpulled his hands foward, showing the blood dripping from them, muscle exposed and knuckles as white as the moon...[/i] Outlaw: What in the world were you up to? Chole: I was out training... Alan: More like you were out trying to beat yourself do death...those trees might have been infected... [i]Outlaw went to his horse and reached into his pack to retrieve a few bandages.[/i] Peri: What possessed you to do this to yourself?! Chole: What do you think? Peri: you're frustrated with something? [i]Outlaw took Chole's gloves off and poured stinging whiskey all over his hands. He put some on the bandages to keep it from being infected and wrapped it around each hand.[/i] Chole: Don't tie my hands together, okay? Outlaw: It might be useful... Peri: Outlaw dont! Outlaw: I was just playing around... Alan: He might not be able to fight for a couple days... Chole: I'll be fine...Peri...I need to talk with you... Peri: Okay... Outlaw: Umm...let me finish first... Alan: We should go look for Liam... [i]Outlaw finished up plastering the bandages and they got their weapons and headed out into the forest to look for him...[/i] Peri: What did you want to talk to me about? Chole: Why you love me? Peri: Because I have feelings for you... Chole: And you didn't bother telling me? Peri: I thought you already knew... Chole: I didn't...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos walked into Liam's library and looked around for a specific book...Liam came in a few moments afterwards.[/i] Liam: Are you looking for something? Lupos: Have you ever heard of Nosferatu being called to by Demons? Liam: Well, visited...but those things haven't happened ever since the fall of the great vampire Kain. Lupos: Kain? Liam: One of the original vampires to undergo the mutation...from that, he drank blood and created more of his own through his victims. Lupos: The founder of the Nosferatu... Liam: Bacically... [i]Liam pointed a finger at a huge book on top of the shelf and set picked it up in thin air. He set it down and opened it, flipping to the pages of Kain.[/i] Lupos: About the demon visitations. Liam: That was an after effect of the mutation...people embraced and people who turn into nosferatu natrually don't look alike. Lupos: Oh? Liam: They're more pale...with tough skin...strange eyes...just...not human. *Points to the book* Kain was visited many times by unknown spirits...and that's it... Lupos: How about Nosferatu like us? Liam: It's happened to Nosferatu who change into their original form...why do you ask? Lupos: It's Espa...someone or something is visiting her dreams. Liam: I don't know...I'm not sure anyone would know...except maybe Fong... Lupos: No...we can't bother him, it would alert everyone and cause panic. They already heard of Zack's predicament... Liam: The Strife...the era where millions of normal Nosferatu turned into their long lost ancestors. Lupos: Do you think it might happen again? Liam: Only if the Tristes are massively gaining the upper hand. Or we are... Lupos: Either way...if it's true...we'll be in trouble if our covers are blown...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole jumped out of the water and toweled himself off. The sun was out and shining through the skylight. He took a seat by Kool and Sere to dry off while Iris continued to chase around Liam and Rex.[/i] Liam: Chole! Help! Chole: :sleep: Rex: :rolleyes: Kool: He actually fell asleep out of his bed for once. Sere: *shrugs* Chole: I'm listening :sleep: Kool: :rolleyes: Sere: This is going to be a long day... Chole: Unless you wanna go out sightseeing...we're stuck here...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, Siren, Pi, and Liam managed to get into the covering before the hail of bullets reched them. [/i] Chole: got any ideas on what we should do now? Siren: If we try to fight back...one of us might get seriously hurt...if we run out into the open...we could all die... Night: So what should we do?! Siren: *sigh* You guys go ahead...I'll keep 'em busy. Chole: What? Siren: you heard me...I'll set up a shield so you guys can get away...I'll manage, somehow... [i]The group stood up and looked at Siren...[/i] Pi: We're not leaving...you alone.. Siren: You wanna stay with me? Pi: :rolleyes: Liam: It would be best if he did...he has battle experience. Chole: mm... Night: It's okay, Chole... [i]Siren raised her hands and set up the shield, the bullets were being absorbed by it....but not for long.[/i] Siren: You guys have got to get outta here and make it back to Meteo City...don't worry...I'll catch up with you when this is all over.[/COLOR]
OOC: They have a webside that has some quick info on it with a nice big map you can use. [url]http://www.rockstargames.com/grandtheftauto3/[/url] ~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: I need to mod my car for a getaway...a really quick one at that. 8-ball: You know there isn't anyone else in this city that can do that for you, besides me. Lidan: (Does this guy have and ego or what?) Jessie: I know...so can you do it? 8-ball: How much you got on you? Jessie: How much do you usually price. 8-ball: 750 Jessie: I got 500...right here...*pulled out money* 8-ball: That's fine...it's not going to be enough for a 'quick' getaway...but you'll manage with the driving skills I've seen come outta you. Jessie: Thanks... 8-ball: I'm gonna take your car for a while...you can use that one over there... [i]8-ball pointed to the car dealer to the left of him. There, Jessie and Lidan took a look over and saw an assortment of cars, particularly a nice Stinger (Picture Mazda Rx-7)[/i] Jessie: Alright...thanks... [i]He gave the money and keys and drove the car into his garage, getting straight to work. He would page Jessie later on in the day when he was finished. In the meantime, Jessie took out a strange device that looked like a key, but more blunted. He stuck it into the Stinger car and managed to open it.[/i] Lidan: how'd you do that? Jessie: Adjustable key...one size fits all... Lidan: Why didn't you use that last time? Jessie: If anyone spotted us, it would makt it look like the work of a common criminal, not a above average mastermind. Lidan: Thanks for adding "above average" I thought you had the same ego as 8-ball over there. Jessie: Geez... [i]They both got into the stinger and drove off. It wasn't as nice or fast as Jessie's old car...but it would suffice...[/i] Lidan: Where to now? Jessie: Momma's Resturant to pick up some to-go stuff and back at my place. Lidan: Treating me to a date eh? Jessie: I guess so...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole had fun in the pool, even though his new clothing did get soaked. He took off his shirt and pants, leaving hin in his swimming trunks, floating about in the deep end, watching Iris chase down Liam and Rex.[/i] Chole: Go get 'em! :D[/COLOR]
Sorry...didn't fit...I guess after this...it gets a little confusing... ~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkblue] Rico threw the fan and lodged it into the upper metallic floor, hooked the string to his belt, and jumped down. Selemia watched Rico descend, ?Your poor sister.? ?Well if you want to save her, get your *** someplace useful, like out of the way?? Meanwhile, downstairs, T.Kay, still poising as Jade scanned the crowd for Sacherry and located him near the giant fireplace. ?Hey Jade, where have you been? He looked up at her and offered her a seat. ?Sorry, but I ought to get going now. It was nice knowing you Sacherry.? She started to leave for the parking lot when he unwisely stopped her. Her hidden anger somehow made her all the more attractive to him. But T.Kay had a slight delay in scanning his mind so he caught her off guard and put his hand on her shoulder. She neatly backhanded his nose, just missing his forehead, knocking him unconscious, and unfortunately for her, not killing him. ?Oh my, I?m so sorry!? She moaned, trying not to laugh. She had to escape before his personal security arrived. Rico came running with his gun armed but concealed. ?Jade, what happened?? T.Kay had to force herself to continue crying, something she loathed doing. ?Mark, its all my fault, I really did it this time.? She pointed innocently at Sacherry and sobbed hysterically. Rico stepped over his fallen body and hugged T.Kay, ?Don?t worry Tasha, just follow my lead.? He whispered as they got up to leave. He said to the crowd, "It's okay, Jade. Let's just go home it's been a bad night for both of us." ?Hey, not so fast, I?m afraid you?ll have to come with me.? One of the bodyguards stopped the pair. ?I?m so-so, sorry.? T.Kay cried on Rico?s shoulder for a lasting dramatic effect. Rico tried to hold back from roaring with laughter as he attempted to reason with a thug twice his size, ?Sorry sir, it?s just not her day.? He handed her a handkerchief. ?Come on, my sister?s just having a rough time: her boyfriend dumped her and she lost her research job at Meteo INK.? The bodyguard looked at Jade with complete understanding, ?Eh, I guess you just had it bad today.? He gestured for them to leave. ?Thank you.? T.Kay and Rico exited quickly. Her, still enraged by his insult, punched him in the arm. In the security room, Selemia commented on Rico and T.Kay?s escape, ?Well, you two sure know how to make up a bunch of ****.? She laughed through Rico?s earpiece and T.Kay?s earrings. But you?re still mine Mark Oleander. Inside the car, T.Kay let lose on Rico, ?What the hell was that? Dumped? Researcher? I?d kill you if I still had my fan!? Rico looked at her reddened face and clenched fists. ?I?m sorry, but I had to make up something, and quickly.? ?You obviously weren?t thinking very hard were you?? T.Kay said sardonically as she stared out the window and started laughing. ?Could you have come up with anything better?? He shot. ?Okay, no, probably not. I?m sorry, If only I had my fan, I would?ve killed him right there.? ?I know.? Rico smiled. ?We going to do next?? T.Kay asked. ?Well if you kill Sacherry, we still have to nab Selemia to testify. It's a weird system we live in.? ?What do you mean ?IF?? Of course I?m going to kill him!? T.Kay yelled. Selemia was able to get a few words through her mind to T.Kay's as she headed downstairs. ?Just calm down Sis, besides, I?m coming down, Sacherry and his ?minions? are after you.? ?Oh, that?s just great, I need to get some real clothes on. Rico, ignore me.? Diving into the back seat, T.Kay quickly switched her dress for black linen pants and her traditional leather jacket. Removing a metal case from the trunk, T.Kay brought out her two guns and belt. ?Well, at least I can move properly, that dress was very constricting.? ?I liked it.? Rico said innocently and openly. ?Don?t flatter me, I?m angry and destructive and hungry right now, lets go.? ?Um, okay, we?ll meet you in the back,? Rico said to Selemia as they exited the car. "We still have to get 'you know who'," he gestured to T.Kay. ?I don?t think that will be necessary.? Selemia said sweetly. She was standing right next to him. ?What-?? ?Teleportation is a beautiful thing.? She smiled. ?Do you want your fan back Sis? ?Thanks chic. Do you have any weapons?? ?Yeah, 4 throwing daggers, a fan like yours, and a M6.? ?Whoa, that stuff was in your dress?? ?Uh huh. Fortunately for me, there?s no security check at the door, I own this building.? ?No kidding. When does our company arrive?? Rico said urgently. ?Oh, I?d give them around 10 more minutes, let me check just to be sure.? Selemia placed a hand on her neck and with a faint crystalline sound, she disappeared. ?How does she do that?? Rico muttered to himself. ?Beats me, but she?s got a lot of rage, almost as much as me. It?s a wonder she doesn't go around killing people all the time. She holds everything inside but when she lets loose, she really causes trouble,? T.Kay commented lightly. Selemia was watching Sacherry recover his senses. He was still inside the banquet, holding his bloodied and broken nose. ?What, who did this?? Sacherry said. ?Some girl with black hair. She?s outside. Go after her,? replied a guard. ?I will, even if she puts up a fight. Get the others.? ?Right.? he saluted. Selemia watched for another few seconds. Then transported herself back to Rico and T.Kay. ?Show?s over, they?re coming.? Selemia said hurriedly. ?Good, I?m tired of waiting.? T.Kay growled. Removing her two guns, she assumed her best fighting position. "Getting 2 pigs with one stone. Or are they birds?" Rico drew his rifle, eager to capture two culprits in one night. The three didn?t have long to wait, the enemy appeared in the form of 5 big thugs, led by Sacherry. ?Miss Oleander, kindly come with me.? ?Over my dead body,? she spat defiantly. ?That is an acceptable option.? He smiled. Rushing forward, he shot with his guns only to hit thin air, T.Kay was floating above him. ?*****! Who the hell do you think you are?? He swore. ?You?re going to have to try harder than that.? Aiming her own guns, she shot a round at him. Meanwhile, Selemia was putting her fan to good use, opening it with a snap, she flicked her wrist and watched as it sliced through one of the guy?s throat. ?I love doing that. She laughed.? Rico pulled out his battle rifle and started drawing fire. He adapted the style of T.Kay?s killing shot; straight through the neck, leaving only a string of flesh between the guard?s body and head. This is in self-defense if anyone asks. ?T.Kay, take me up!? Selemia glanced at T.Kay. T.Kay sounds familiar. "The hell is she doing posing as this guy?s brother?" Concentrating, she raised both of them into the air. T.Kay ignited the last bodyguard and the three settled back on the ground for the final stand off. ?Remember me?? The heat from the flaming bodyguard quickly evaporated T.Kay?s dye and revealed the green hair, ?I?m Tasha Kaitlin Adelle, say your prayers, ?cause you?ve got ten seconds to live.? She grabbed Rico?s rifle and carefully took aim with her signature shot. ?T.Kay don?t do this,? Rico attempted to reason with her anger, ?We can take him into the station, try him in court, and lock him up.? T.Kay stood eyes on her target, her finger bouncing on the trigger. ?Looks like your so called sister?s made up her mind.? Selemia commented. ?Shut up Selemia!? Rico shouted. He knew their cover had been blown, but he only cared about the safety of his partner. ?T.Kay give me that gun.? ?Two children lost in an ocean of morality. I?ll give you a hint boy, just let her do it.? Sacherry started to laugh, ?She?ll never find out anything about her past; her origins; her parents.? T.Kay?s eyes opened wide in surprise, ?You killed them, and that?s all I need to know.? ?Me?? Sacherry laughed hysterically, ?This sorry excuse for a heifer probably told you that.? T.Kay kept her sights while she scanned both Selemia and Sacherry in an attempt for answers. Sacherry?s mind was difficult to scan, but she eventually, she found out that he was telling the truth. And they were in for some serious trouble from Selemia. ...Rico, already having ample knowledge of T.Kay?s mental abilities, refreshed Selemia?s mind, ?Selemia, did Sacherry kill the Adelle?s?? Before T.Kay could get a hold on Selemia?s mind, she quickly opened her fan and disappeared into thin air. Rico and T.Kay set their sights off Sacherry, they realized that Selemia had a secret agenda, and Sacherry would be in danger. It was too late. Sacherry made a run for the door when Selemia re materialized and four daggers accompanied with a fan hurled toward his body, killing him instantly. ?YOU *****, HE WAS MINE!? With total disregard for life, T.Kay threw Rico the rifle and went into a trance, lifting both her and Rico. Selemia lost complete body control as she collapsed from the telekinetic stress T.Kay emitted towards the Tracer. T.Kay and Rico flew out of the parking lot alongside the building, dragging Selemia along as she hit and scraped the rough concrete. They reached the rooftop with the moon shinning directly above them. ?Rico, get your fighting stance up,? said T.Kay as she quickly released an outburst of green glowing energy that encompassed both of them. Rico now had complete control of his own flight. ?You?ll pay for interfering with my target!? Selemia?s mauled and scraped body took its stance. With her own gun in hand, she unloaded the entire clip, all 12 bullets, only to be deflected by the energy field. ?T.Kay, wherever you learned how to do that-? Rico started. ?Cut the chatter, let?s finish this.? T.Kay cut off Rico angrily, as they engaged Selemia. T.Kay began charging up a mysterious, but almost heavenly blue energy orb. Rico took out his retractable combat knife and charged Selemia with lightning speed. Her grounded Teleportation was no match for Rico?s melee skills. He was careful not to kill her, only nicking her arms, legs, and face, but T.Kay thought otherwise. She was completely enveloped in a silver energy field. Rico flew backwards into the glowing sphere as T.Kay let loose yelling ?KI!? at the same time. The blast hardly had come into contact with Selemia before completely wiping out her existence and the protruding objects around them in a bright flash of light. The energy shield vanished and T.Kay fell over unconscious onto the rooftop. Caught by Rico, he carried her light form down the stairs, into the car, and for the very first time, drove home carefully. Rico couldn?t believe what had happened that night, an unknown enemy betrayed both of them for her own psychological gain, and T.Kay had lost a trusted friend. He tried to put the pieces together: Selemia?s agenda to kill Sacherry?s, her betrayal, T.Kay?s origins, and Rico?s mysterious connection with T.Kay. They reached the apartment around 3:00 a.m., the worst time for a moonless night.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]OOC: Didn't it break? LoL...I think you know this part well. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][u][i]Chapter Three: Sayonara[/b][/u][/i] Selemia Jung was angry, from the tips of her high heels to her long brown hair. Her last client was completely horrible. ?Damn scum, I?ll kill them if I can ever get out of here.? Selemia was a resident of the mid-section of Meteo, a girl with a thirst for vengeance and exhilaration. Ever time she was forced to perform a sexual behavior, her rage only grew stronger. ?Hey Selemia are you there? Beeped her computer.? ?Yeah, who are you?? she replied. ?Someone. You?re hired.? ?Yeah, what?s happening?? ?I need my brother dead. Last name Oleander.? T.Kay started. ?Really... Okay shoot.? ?Right, well, I need him dead tomorrow night. Say 11:00 p.m. at Central Park?? ?I?ll be there.? ?Is that a promise?? T.Kay sent her a picture of Rico pigging out on one of their Friday spaghetti feasts. ?Yep,? Selemia said eager for her next victim. ?Okay, good...now cut off the link.? ?Sayonara. Now.? T.Kay terminated the transmission and grinned at Rico. ?We?re almost there, Rico. Pretty soon we?ll get the info we need to close the case.? She said happily. ?Yeah, just make sure she?s doesn?t kill me.? ?Don?t you trust me? T.Kay said innocently.? ?Hmmm. let me think. No.? ?What? Do you want to eat tonight, or will I have to enjoy that delicious spaghetti pasta all by myself?? ?Oh, right. We meet 11:00 P.M. in the park?? ?Course not.? T.Kay snapped. ?If her computer has been bugged, do you think we?d be that stupid? We?re meeting her at the party hosted by hers truly, remember her calendar entry and flyer?? ?Oh, formal attire?? ?You bet. If you have ever bought a tux before, now would be a good time to use it.? ?Aren?t you going?? ?Of course, but I will not be communicating with you in front of anyone who might recognize me. That place?ll be packed with Occult, and maybe that person we arrested a few days back. Now if you?ll excuse me, I have to go dye my hair.? ?Huh? Why?? But Rico never found out why because the door to the bathroom had just slammed. ?Girls,? he muttered. T.Kay smiled to herself, and closed her eyes as she sank into the bubble bath. After an hour had past, she stepped out of the bathroom in complete formal wear. Her hair, now a glossy black, was pulled back into an elegant twist and complimented her long blue Chi Paou. (Translation: traditional Chinese dress) ?WOW! You?re planning on fighting in this?? ?Actually no I?m planning on using brains rather than brawn. Hopefully.? ?And I suppose that?s where I come in?? However T.Kay wasn?t listening, she was typing away at the computer. ?Rico, meet your killer, Selemia Jung.? A tall woman with piercing gray eyes stared at no one in particular. ?That?s our target?? Rico asked. ?Yep. She may be a whore, but she?s got style.? T.Kay grinned. ?How?d she get stuck in this job?? ?A so called family member sold her as a prostitute when she was 14. Escaped at sixteen and joined the Occult getting revenge. A nice little birthday present for her, If you get my drift.? Rico was speechless. ?Why are you so surprised? This sort of **** happens all the time. She comes from a tough gang ridden family in the slums.? ?Oh. He said slowly, Well, I?d better get ready.? T.Kay shrugged and turned back to the computer screen. About 10 minutes later, Rico stepped out of his room. T.Kay whistled appreciatively. ?Well, that?s just charming. I think.? ?Isn?t it? He said hopefully.? ?Maybe, let?s go, and bring your silencer.? Grabbing their ever-famous black jackets, she unplugged her laptop and headed for the door. ?Wait up!? ?Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you, while we?re there, don?t mention anything about our little job. My name will be Jade Oleander, and you can pick a first name, Brother.? ?Okay, er, uh, how about, Mark?? ?Um, not exactly my first choice, but all right, just slick your hair down a little, don?t spike it up like a little kid.? ?Right, Jade.? Pulling him away from the mirror, she dragged him down the stairs and into the car. ?So when do we-? ?You mean ?I,?? she interrupted. ?Oh, ...I get to meet the Tracer?? ?She knows what you look like. Trust her to find you right away. If I know her, she?ll be wearing a little blue dress cut as low and as high as the upper class allows.? ?Oh, lucky me!? Rico grinned. ?Behave yourself boy!? T.Kay snapped playfully. ?Yes Madam Oleander.? ?Damn right, we?re almost there, keep drifting around until Miss Jung finds you,? T.Kay lectured, I?ll look for my old friend Senator Sacherry and see if I can?t call up a few favors, now recite your mission.? ?Er, er, find the Tracer by drifting and mingling lightly, get alone with her, alert you, then catch her in the act.? ?Good.? ?Ouch!? T.Kay had smacked him with her seemingly harmless looking fan. ?What is that?? ?A simple piece of miniature recording and video technology fused to about 28 bands of thin alloyed titanium. The edges are razor sharp and can slice through most metals.? ?Oh, and who made it?? Rico knew that was a dumb question as soon as he said it. ?You do remember, don?t you? ?Um, I knew that.? He mumbled. ?Of course you did. Come on, we got a job to do.? ?Right. See you in a couple hours Miss Oleander.? If looks could kill, Rico Tranzrig?s alias Mark Oleander, would?ve dropped dead, right there in the car. Fortunately for him, he had developed a resistance to her lethal looks. ?Sayonara you freak.? She growled. ?Girls...and what's with 'Sayonara' anyway?? Rico muttered and headed inside the building. ?May I take your jacket sir?? A butler asked. ?Oh, um, no thank you.? Rico said quickly. It would not do to let the whole world see the guns strapped to his sides. ?And you miss?? ?Yes please. Thank you.? T.Kay smiled. ?Well later Mr. Oleander.? ?G.L. (Good Luck/Get Laid...whatever), but keep an eye out for YKW (You know who).? ?Right.? Operation Tracer has begun. They parted ways and were soon lost in the large crowds. Rico looked around expectantly but was disappointed. After the 130th scan, he was turning when a hand tapped his shoulder. ?Mr. Mark Oleander I presume? ?Why yes.? ?Quite so, if you?ll follow me.? Taking his hand, the Tracer led him through the throng until they reached a long balcony. It was at this time, that Rico got his first real look at Tracer. T.Kay?s description was quite accurate. Tracer?s blue dress was cut in an extremely low V-neck and her skirt must have been at least 6 inches above the knee. ?What are you staring at?? ?Huh? Oh, sorry. ?Haven?t you ever seen a hooker before? Or does your sister still dress conservatively?? ?I plead silence.? ?Wise man. She laughed. Rico realized he was going to be done in tonight, so he decided to put his ?skills,? or whatever he had, to good use. ?Could we go somewhere, private?? ?I like your thinking.? Selemia Jung led him into the lobby and they hitched a ride on the elevator. They both noticed an Audio/Video camera and decided to continue their conversation inconspicuously. ?Before we start wanna know about me? ?Who was your best client?? Rico gave her a slick stare. Selemia laughed maliciously, ?Adrian. The last name is kept secret for privacy's sake. Oh yeah, he was an animal.? Rico couldn?t help but laugh out loud. The word ?animal? was exactly the opposite of T.Kay?s horrific description, unless it was another Adrian, which was highly unlikely. But he had to play along with the part of Mark Oleander, Jade?s playboy of a brother. Or at least that was the role he was supposed to be playing. ?What does he do to you that I can?t do better?? Selemia gave very graphic descriptions of the activities that took place between her and Adrian. By the time they had reached the 107th floor, she had finally finished, fully reliving the experiences based on what Mark Oleander saw. Once they stepped out onto the balcony, Rico was very, repeat, very embarrassed. Not only did Selemia have no shame, but she was also, well, ?experienced.? It was then that Selemia decided to drop the bomb on Rico. ?It?s like this, he?s insane.? When Adrian came to visit me, he talked about his work in some occult type thing. So he told me that some guy, Sacherry, I think, had killed two people for their daughter.? ?Did he mention any names? ?Yeah, Adelle I think but-? "Oh God, do you think they were T.Kay?s parents?" Rico thought. It didn?t really matte to her about ranting on because she was going to kill him anyway. ?I got to contact my sister, I was going to pick her up from the party but I guess I?ll be late. Just a sec.? Rico fumbled with his watch in the bathroom. Meanwhile, T.Kay was busy charming a middle-aged senator. ?So your name is?? he asked. ?Jade, Jade Oleander.? T.Kay smiled. ?Oh, how poisonously wicked.? He replied. She winced inwardly. It was at this point that T.Kay?s computer blipped at her. ?If you?ll excuse me, I have a call.? ?Oh, of course.? ?This is Jade...? ?We have a small situation Miss Oleander.? ?This better be good, I?m kind of in the middle of a conversation here.? ?I have her. She?s about to do me in and she?s babbling on about something.? ?What floor?? She said urgently. ?107, second door on the right. ?I?m on my way. She said quickly. ?Who was that?? He inquired. ?My brother, I have to, well, rescue him. I will be back in a moment.? ?Oh, okay.? T.Kay dashed toward the elevator, as fast as her dress would allow, and came racing towards Rico and Selemia, expecting her to be already held up by Rico or at least getting to the lovemaking part. Unfortunately, she walked into her confession. But she didn't open the door until Rico was absolutely ready to be killed or at least be in an embarrassing position. ?Senator Sacherry killed her parents. I guess.? ?WHAT? T.Kay screamed inside herself.? ?Yes, the Tracer was informed through Adrian.? Rico stayed calm. T.Kay walked in too soon, which was bad timing. So they had to salvage what was left of their operation from that point on. ?I can?t believe it.? T.Kay snapped. ?It?s true. For once in his life, Adrian was sober; so when he told me, I was inclined to believe him. Oh, who the hell are you?? Selemia said quietly, looking at T.Kay. By now, T.Kay was almost glowing with suppressed psychic energy and in the mood to explode something. Rico could almost sense her rage. ?Calm down, Jade I?m sure we?ll figure it all out.? ?Okay fine, you two sit here and talk about it with a page full of color coded and outlined notes, but I?m leaving.? T.Kay opened her deadly fan. ?Don?t do anything foolish T.Kay.? Rico advised. He knew how crazy and enraged she could get. ?Sorry Rico,? she slowly let her fan drop to the floor, and looked intently at Rico and Selemia, ?But Jade Oleander?s got a little pay back to deal with.? She hitched up her skirt and made a dash for the staircase and disappeared. ?Sh-t!? Rico screamed in frustration. ?What are you going to do with your sister?? Selemia said innocently. She knew she couldn?t complete her mission so she decided to help out her client. He made a run for the staircase in an attempt to follow T.Kay and tried to open the door unsuccessfully. T.Kay has the ability to melt the locks and hinges of doors. Rico took out his silenced handgun and fired a few shots. The melted steel detached itself from the wall as he kicked it open. He picked up T.Kay?s abandoned fan and removed the metal string complete with hook. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Iris got out of the pool and headed upstairs at an inhuman pace...[/i] Liam: Hey, you owe me one hundred chinese bucks! Rex: Aw... [i]The stairway access door swings open...[/i] Iris: :flaming: Liam: Oh uh... Rex: Run! Iris: I suggest doing the same thing Chole just did... Rex: But we might be killed! Iris: I know... [i]Liam and Rex hesitated before Iris charged at them...and the two dove into the pool, causing a huge splash.[/i] Chole: Hi! Rex/Liam: Ugh...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Okay...I guess so... [i]Siren closed her eyes and started emitting a green glow around her. It engulfed her, causing her to vanish into thin air...[/i] Rena: How does she do all of that?! Chole: I don't know...but I have a feeling that it'll be useful later on. [i]Siren's green glow came back, this time Pi and Liam coming out and Siren following afterwards...[/i] Siren: We're getting outta here... Chole: Is everything alright? Siren: We've been detected...[/COLOR]
Gaming Gamepro exposes Dragonball Z for the GBA!!
RicoTranzrig replied to The Darkness Bu's topic in Noosphere
Oh well...but we are...so HA! I happened to read the very same article and Its great that they're finally releasing some RPG oriented DBZ games again for the U.S. shores. Even though they may be the last batch...*sniff* -
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: But I'm not dumb enough to risk killing my car for that much money...but I wouldn't mind holding the money and getting away with it... Lidan: :devil: [i]Jessie drove off the Callahan bridge into Portland, jumping off the ramp and skidding into the intersection. He turned left and headed straight for the northern district, where the Diablos were holding the race later on at night...[/i] Lidan: So this is the place? Jessie: Yup...after this, I won't be trusted anymore... Lidan: Then why do it? Jessie: So I can get myself a new place besides near the dog food cannery. Lidan: Lol...I see.. Jessie: They expect me to be here at the intersection by midnight...and you'll be my good friend that holds the money while I take the wheel after signal "Go!" Lidan: Great idea...but suicidal... Jessie: Once we hit my place...we'll be safe...these are low-profile gangs...just simple street thugs with nothing more than a pistol for defense and a dinky car to boot. We'll make it out...just need a few adjustments from my boss. Lidan: Boss? Jessie: Don't mention anything about the FBI job. Lidan: Okay... [i]Jessie waves at a Diablo gang member and drives off, heading towards the car crusher where 8-ball's garage was nearby...[/i][/COLOR]
Well...you do open up the PS2 system to solder in the Mod Chip, which in turn, voids the warranty.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The three witnessed the shadowy figures drop suddenly and emit a strong howl..[/i] Chole: Wow... Billy: We should get going... [i]He sheathed his blade and continued towards Kalm town. They noticed many people travelling to and from Midgar city from this point. The fog cleared up and the huge city was visible for the first time in Chole's eyes...[/i] Chole: It's huge!!! Father: Hehe... Billy: Yup...after we go trading...we'll celebrate...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos waited outside the door of Liam's house until the SUV arrived...Liam pulled up to the driveway and rolled down the window.[/i] Liam: Aren't you supposed to be with Espa? Lupos: She was tired...so I just dropped her off... Liam: Okay... [i]Liam shut off the engine and got out...he opened the garage door and they headed inside. Siren got out and helped Zack out...[/i] Zack: I'm fine... Liam: Good...hurry inside... [i]Liam closed the door and locked it after the two got inside. They proceeded to the living room, which looked relatively new, aside from the different tapestries and expensive furniture that were unreplaceable. They each grabbed a seat and sat in the center where a large table was placed...[/i][/COLOR]
Stability for Driver?...not really (on my old, old PSX anyway)...I had my car flying off the Golden Gate bridge and driving on water when the police hit me from the rear. After a restart on survivor, the police cornered me and launched me into the air, dumping me in a building where they couldn't reach me.
[COLOR=darkblue]Hmm...fun...;) Name: Vinn Age: 21 Personality: Calm and nice at times...but when provoked, he can be a very poor example of self-control. Appearance: 5'11, shaved head, brown leather jacket, sleevless muscle shirt, silver cross, tough material black pants. Long Range weapon: .357 Magnum Short Range: Brass Knuckles Bio: Straight off the wrong side of the tracks, Vinn runs a rather small grocery store. He's a commoner...with many neighborhood friends and a very short fuse...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]lol...Adam doesn't talk that much...acutally, he's never spoke to me at all....[/COLOR]
There is a chance that they might exist...but it's unlikely that we'll ever get to see a species from another planet that not microscopic or has the intellegence comparable to our own. And besides...how would they know where to start looking...
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Fine...I'll drop you off there... Espa: What? Lupos: It looks like you don't have anything to do... [i]Lupos drove up the L.A. hills and up towards his manor. He stopped the car and let Espa out. Lupos slammed the door and drove off. Headed for Liam's house to check up on Zack...[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: We still have $1100 to spend...I'm happy with that... Lidan: We could get more.. Jessie: I'm not a greedy bástard... Lidan: We could get this job done and we'd be worry free for a long time.. Jessie: I know...but we don't even know if they're going to do us in or not. Lidan: They said no... Jessie: Do you really believe them? [i]Jessie headed towards the Callahan bridge...towards 8-ball's shop...[/i] Lidan: What are we going to him for? Jessie: A tune up.. Lidan: I thought you did it... Jessie: I need parts though.... Lidan: Why do you need to tune it up anyway? Jessie: To earn some extra cash... "Ya see...there's a midnight racing circuit that takes place all over Liberty city...the course demands that you have the very best in products and tuning." Lidan: What's the prize money? Jessie: 10 grand... Lidan: Yipes...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole got away from any source of light, into the woods and crouched down with his crossbow pinned between his legs...he took out his gloves and put them on...training time and also a time to think...[/i] Chole: So Lady Perigrine loves me... [i]In the pitch black..Chole fired a dozen shots, all honing into the center of three or four seperate trees.[/i] Chole: I've only known her for a couple of weeks..! [i]He rolled over and fire a couple of shots at himself...launching off into the distance, then turning around and coming back at him. He dodged nearly all of them, except one...which he caught by the shaft and reloaded.[/i] Chole: And Viper...she's gone because of me! [i]Fired another salvo of arrows in a circular motion, arrows launching in each direction...[/i] Chole: And...who's to blame? All me!! [i]He threw his crossbow into the ground and started battling a tree, ripping off the bark and nearly tearing its body from the roots. His hands started to bleed under his gloves and tears started to flow from his eyes before he finally stopped. He wiped himself up, picked up his crossbow and headed back to camp...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I think that driver 2 was a lot worse...even though you could exit your car when you didn't have police chasing you...and the police AI is so cheap there...I like the original because of it's off the wall physics and fast gameplay for PSone even if you couldn't exit your car.[/COLOR]