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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]More like GCN is for funlovers...N64 might be called a system aimed at kids perhaps...but not GameCube it's for everyone...and I guess each game they make can be enjoyed by almost everyone.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Travelling for a few miles in the thick fog...the chocobos mysteriously stopped...[/i] Chole: Oh c'mon!!! Sephiroth: Stupid bird! Chocobo: Wark! Wark!!!! [i]Sephiroth and Chole mounted off and they checked around the area and their chocobos.[/i] Chole: I don't see anything wrong... Sephiroth: But there must be something wrong if they stopped...this isn't normal... Chole: ? [i]Chole took another look around....nothing[/i] Chole: Maybe they're just tired... Sephiroth: Nope..I've seen chocobos travel for days without stopping...it's gotta be the mist... [i]Sephiroth and Chole took all their items off their chocobos and used the harness and the saddle to constrict the two birds...[/i] Chole: I've never seen a transformation... Seph: It's not pretty...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: If you don't mind...I wanna take care of a job right now... Man: Fine...we'll talk later...just don't get killed or arrested... Jessie: Don't we have immunity now that we're in your hands? Man: Oh no...we're not that protective of you...we could care less if you lived or died...we can always find replacements. Jessie: Ouch...that's cold... Man: Well..it's the truth..now if you have other buisness...take care of it...we'll be watching... [i]The man left and a few agents escoreted the two out of the building.[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Liam joined Siren and Zack as they went into their SUV...[/i] Liam: I should drive this time... Siren: Thanks, Liam... Lupos: No room for us two eh? Liam: I'm sure you two want to be alone... Espa: well... Lupos: ? Liam: You shouldn't say that...Lupos cares a lot about you. Espa: And how would you know? Liam: Pff... [i]Liam got into the SUV and shut the door. He started the engine and drove off...[/i] Lupos: .. [i]Lupos walked off with Espa towards the front of the building where their car was waiting. Espa glanced at Lupos with the winds blowing in her hair. She quickly looked back...[/i] Lupos: I'm not going to Liam's house... Espa: Oh? Lupos: Liam going to have his hands full with Zack...and I think Liam wanted us to be together... Espa: Why? Lupos: Because he and I know that staying together as we are now is what keeps us alive... [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Siren stood by the trees, reclining their backs towards it.[/i] Chole: When do you think they'll be here? Siren: Hard to say...at least another hour or so... Chole: Are they going to be in danger... Siren: Dont worry about that...just hope that they get here soon... Chole: Confident eh? Siren: Hey...I know what those two are capable of... Chole: Well...do you have anything for us to do in the meantime? Siren: I dunno...not bother me? Maybe?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, Liam, and Rex stayed high and dry as they looked down at the huge swimming pool...[/i] Rex: I'm telling you, don't mind the empty hotel... Liam: Okay, fine...hey, Chole...you like jumping off of high places...I dare you to jump off the highest floor and land in the pool. Chole: *looks up* Hmm... [i]Without saying a word, Chole started climbing the stairs up to the 19th floor balcony. He got on the edge and looked down...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole hung his head low and his ears seemed to sink much like an animal's ears are when they get sad. Peri put her arms around him and held him. Somehow...Chole wanted to get away from it all but he just couldn't...Peri was pouring parts of her heart out and Chole didn't want to hurt her. He stayed silent for a few hours in the grass with Peri just sitting there...he didn't know what to say or think about it. No one's ever told him that before...[/i] Chole: Peri... Peri: Yeah? Chole: It's getting late... [i]Chole got up with his crossbow and helped Peri up as well. They headed back to the fire to warm up, then sleep...[/i][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Thanks...*pant* [i]Siren took Chole in her arms and she started to lift off out of the ground without any visible help....[/i] Siren: you okay? Chole: Siren, what makes you able to fly? Siren: My force field... Chole: Oh? Siren: It's a gift...just like you can breathe fire and run really fast... Chole: But not as fast as Iris... Siren: That's cause you're heka young!... Chole: *shrugs* [i]Siren and Chole cleared the forest without much effort. Iris came next, carrying Roux and Rena...[/i] Iris: Cheaters! Siren: You left Chole all alone in the woods...do you know how dangerous that is? Rena: umm... [i]They waited for Pi and Liam to make their way across...the hunters were almost ready to go through their rounds again...and they didn't want to be caught in the forest when that time came...[/i][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: But didn't we just see the manager? Liam: That was yesterday... Chole: Ummm... Rex: Don't get worried...it's probably just us... Chole: There's probably some reasonable explanation that doesn't involve any crazy conspiracies on us... Liam: Maybe you're right...but those camera people...they go out of their way trying to find us... [i]Chole looked outside and saw a couple of people on the beach...and he sighed in relief...then he took a look outside their room and ran across the hall to look into the courtyard and saw nothing...he started to get nervous.[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole paused and stopped crying...[/i] Chole: You...what?! Peri: You heard me... Chole: I know...but...what do you mean by "still?" Peri: Didn't I tell you before? Chole: *looks down* Well...I'm sorry, but no... Peri: Oh... Chole: No...it's not that...I appreciate that you have feelings for me...but...well........................oh I'm just being stupid... Peri: ... Chole: I mean...I never knew that until now...so now that I know...*sigh* I can't say right now...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The mist of the world grew strong in this region. It is said that they carry evil spirits that make the wildlife go evil...but it didnt seem to affect Chole or Sephiroth...they pressed on and the fog only got thicker.[/i] Chole: This'll clear out by the afternoon... Sephiroth: Are you some kind of weatherman? Chole: Nope...I just studied about weather in school and all. Sephiroth: Well, let's just hope you're right. Chole: Well...it would depend on what's actually causing the fog to come out in the first place...it's not cold or anything like that. Seph: Thank heaven for that... Chole: I dunno...it's just hard to see...as if there is anything to bump or trip over... [i]Chole continued on with Sephiroth leading...he took out his rechargable flashlight and tried to use it to penetrate and see through the dense fog...but it wasn't much use.[/i] Chole: This is gonna be a little tricky... Sephiroth: I wonder where the merchant goes... Chole: Wherever he goes, it takes a while to get back.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Sere looked outside the balcony window to see Chole and Liam running around the courtyard, having fun running around in a few new clothes they purchased at the store...[/i] Sere: Ha! Look at them! Kool: *lowers her sunglasses* Nice shorts... Sere: Hey! Chole!! [i]Chole turned around and waved...he wasn't in his torn old rags anymore...but nice shorts and an orange flower shirt.[/i] Iris: :D Liam: C'mon...let's go to the arcade...if there is one... Chole: I say we hit the pool tables...or the pool... Liam: Whatever![/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole couldn't move...surprised that Peri would actually come near him after all that he'd done...he wanted to be alone...but somehow, he needed Peri's comfort. He planned to seperate completely from the party and depart, never to seem any of them again...but now, his plans were sure to change. He just sat with Lady Perigrine holding him while Liam, Alan, and Outlaw sat by the fire singing songs and trading stories.[/i] Chole: Why are you doing this?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: Okay, I won't think about that anymore... Lidan: Whatever... Man: Follow me... [i]They entered the building and were stared at by most of the agents there as the man led them to a private room with soundproof walls and bulletproof glass...[/i][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Liam got their jackets and keys and walked outside their room...[/i] Liam: Wait a minute. Chole: Rex...you wanna come with? Rex: Nah...I think I'll stay behind this time. Liam: Okay... [i]Chole closed the door and they headed downstairs, blanketed by the heat. Liam and Chole went crazy and headed out with excitement.[/i][/COLOR]
  16. OOC: Huh? I thought that already happened in my post... ~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole seperated from the group and sat a few meters away from the fire, thinking about a few things while he looked into the sky. He dropped his crossbow by his side and lay down on the soft grass.[/i] Chole: (Do I really want to go with Peri and the others...? Am I just kidding myself?) [i]He closed his eyes and tears began to stream down his face, only illuminated by the fire and the moonlight.[/i][/COLOR]
  17. lol, that was a really fun game also...a lot of great games were left out because you can only fit a select amount on the poll...
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]It was misty and a little dark when the approached the surrounding area of Midgar city and Kalm town...Chole, Billy, and Father all headed towards the smaller cluster of buildings in the distance. But Chole noticed a feint group of shadowy figures off to the distance.[/i] Chole: Over there! [i]Billy turned his head and saw what appeared to be Muggers...but he wasn't really sure.[/i] Billy: It's probably nothing...unless you want to engage them...whoever they are. Father: No, we really should get going towards out trading destination. Chole: Okay, fine.. [i]They continued, but the shadowy figures kept going straight for them. Chole drew out his sword and called out.[/i] Chole: Hello!?!? Billy: Chole! Don't provoke them. [i]A man and a woman's voice called out also...[/i] Man: Hi!!! Chole: Huh? Billy: Hmm...[/COLOR]
  19. OOC: I think they bailed out...it's something that happens when Raiha and I respond quickly to the threads we subscribe.... ~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Well, if you need anything...you know where to find us... Viper: Not this time...I don't think.. Peri: Is your brother going to be alright...? [i]Viper glared at Peri...a cold stare that penetrated her soul.[/i] Peri: I guess not... [i]The group departed, leaving Viper alone in the open field, with her brother and the wounded dragons. She didn't understand why she didn't want to hurt the dragon...maybe because it wasn't hostile towards her. She knelt by her brother and let out a silent cry.[/i] Chole: *shiver* It pains me to see her... Peri: I'm sorry about that... Chole: It's not your fault...I thought this adventure was supposed to be a blast...but things never go the way you really want them to... Liam: Don't sweat it...she'll be alright...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The man promptly arrested the two and called in a few other agents to confescate Jessie's banshee...they wanted to make it look as realistic as possible, just in case anyone was watching. Though the arrest didn't cause a huge scene.[/i] Lidan: Is everything going to be okay? Jessie: It'll be fine...we haven't done anything illegal... Lidan: Well... Man: Don't say it...we need you innocent for the work. [i]The man drove off back to FBI headquarters without using sirens. It took a while and the two were still in handcuffs.[/i] Jessie: Can you take these things off?! Man: I like realism... Jessie/Lidan: Oh!! [i]They neared the FBI headquarters and waited for clearance. The car parked underground and stopped right in front of the rear entrance. He stopped the car and let them out.[/i] Lidan: Finally... Jessie: This has been an interesting day...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos crouched down and saw Zack's bloodied face...[/i] Lupos: Zack... Zack: Mmmm... Lupos: Zack! Listen to me! Espa: What's going on? Lupos: He's turning into a Nosferatu...without an embrace... Espa: What's that supposed to mean? [i]Before Lupos could speak, Zack stood up straight, but he was still weak. Lupos helped him stand up while Espa stood alongside Zack also, waiting for any other changes to happen. They walked into the safety of the shadows and sat there, waiting for Siren and Liam to arrive...[/i][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Sephiroth set up camp and mounted on their Chocobos as morning broke.[/i] Chole: Is something wrong? Sephirtoth: We don't have a map...not a descriptive one anyway. Chole: We can make it through without one...just keep heading north, right? Sephiroth: I wonder where Karu is... [i]Sephiroth was the only one who knew how to ride a Chocobo...it took a few tries for Chole, but he got the hang of it. With the strike of the handles, the Chocobos lifted off and they headed on north.[/i][/COLOR]
  23. I think I want to see Queen of the Dammed just to hear the new music from the industrial metal bands. I heard the movie was good, but not the way Anne Rice fans expected it to be. Resident Evil's a few months away...and Rollerball was just didn't suit my tastes.
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: This is China...and they have their own aircraft... Iris: Hey...so do we... Liam: So are we going to sell the chopper or not... Chole: It depends what the asking price is. Kool: You wanna hold on to the diamonds for now? Chole: Yeah, until we run out of money. Rex: Hehe... Sere: Down boy... Iris: It is almost morning...we should get out and start looking around this place. Liam: But the filmers... Kool: Who cares about them...the can film us all they want, just as long as it isn't in the bathroom or closet....[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]I know at some point I'll have to leave and continue on with the rest of my life as a mature adult...maybe I'll come back just to see how it's doing and all. Maybe even help out with writing reviews or handling the boards. I've made quite a few friends here and it'd be nice to meet them IRL in the future. Surely I won't cut communications off with them.[/COLOR]
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