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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]I hope they'll broaden their options on online connectivity with FFXI...I don't really want to spend money on a hard drive unless the PS2 goes fully online with browser, e-mail, music downloads and everything. But still...$200 does seem like a small price to pay to get that much storage.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: LoL...save it for the campfire... [i]They found a reatively small patch of grass, without any sharp blades, and set up camp...it was only the five of them without Aeon or Viper...Chole and Liam gathered firewood while Peri, Alan, and Outlaw set up their area.[/i] Alan: Peri, I really have to tell you something. Peri: Can it wait... Outlaw: ?? [i]Out in the forest...[/i] Liam: Chole...what's wrong with you? Chole: What's wrong with me? Liam: Yeah...ever since I met you...you've been kind, cool, and sophisticated...but now, after you messed around...you're all sad and everything. Chole: I guess I'm feeling very much like and áss right now. Liam: OUch... Chole: It'll probably go away within a few days...assuming that Peri and I have a really long talk... Liam: I think Alan beat you to that. Chole: He can talk on whatever subject he wants to...I have my own personal issues with her. Liam: But you two aren't even like...engaged or anything. Chole: So? [i]Liam didn't say another word afterwards...they continued picking up wood for the fire and some for keeping Chole's bolt and arrow supply at it's peak...night approached and they headed back...[/i][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: If you mean if we go out or sleep together...nope...but we do get out. ~~~~~~~~~ [i]Jessie and Lidan could hear gunfire from the distance and they stopped to listen.[/i] Lidan: It looks like something's going down... Jessie: It has nothing to do with us. Lidan: I know... [i]The two strolled around the park and near the small pond where they saw a suspiciuos looking man staring directly at Lidan.[/i] Jessie: Does he know you? Lidan: No...and I'm not going to do anything if he does come up to me. Jessie: Well...maybe you should. Lidan: I wanna see how agrressive you are... Jessie: *gulp* oh...okay... [i]The man started walking towards Lidan and finally said something...[/i] Man: Hi... Lidan: ... Jessie: What do you want? Man: I was speaking to the lady! Jessie: She's with me! Man: Can's she speak for herself. Lidan: It would be a wise idea for you to leave us alone... Man: What? You two out on a date or something? Jessie: Yeah...that's...right! now get lost! Man: Oh...a hot head huh? Jessie: What the hell are you doing here anyway getting in our way?! Man: Wanted to offer your girlfriend a buisness opportunity. Lidan: Sorry...but I don't work at sleazy strip clubs. Man: Oh I think you do... [i]The man brandished a gun at Jessie and Lidan. He backed away and kept both of them in his sights. Jessie tensed up and he began to think of a way to get out of this mess...[/i] Lidan: You're not giving me much choice...now are you... Man: Follow me! [i]The man turned away, giving both of them the perfect opportunity to disarm him and take off...but Jessie knew something was fishy about him...the man had no intention of killing them...he led them to the woman's bathroom of the park and shut the door...[/i] Jessie: What's this? Man: Sorry...I had to make it look as realistic as possible. Jessie: Who are you anyway? Man: You probably don't know who I am...but I've heard about you. Lidan: Oh really... Man: You as well...I'm here to make a buisness proposition...from the FBI... Lidan: :therock: Jessie: You're kidding, right? Man: Nope...you know most of the stuff that's been going on in the shadows...and we want you to work undercover...both of you. Jessie: Oh really?! How much are you paying? Man: Way more than 8-ball could ever compensate for your troubles...half a million...plus benifits. Lidan: Yipes.... Jessie: Sounds tempting...what's the catch? Man: I'll take you to headquarters and I'll show you...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: But aren't diamonds worth at least a million a pound or something like that..? Kool: Well, yeah, but considering what we might go through...we'd waste it in a year going nuts around the world. Chole: What if we life frugally. Iris: No way I'm going back to that old lifestyle.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]I tried therapy once...by a paid professional...but it didn't do anything for me...I refused to take drugs...and I just rode it out. If you want real therapy...talk to a priest or a pastor...they know what they're doing and they'd probably do it for for free. As for listening to your mother...I reccomend it...unless you strongly believe what she says goes against you.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: Well...liberty city does keep very, very good records. Lidan: Just like an extremist group from the past. Jessie: Nevermind... Lidan: Well...if I really wanted to know what my age was...I'd do it...but the fact is...I don't really care. Jessie: Why not? Lidan: Look at me...I've been through a lot...and physical age would do me no justice. Jessie: I see. [i]Jessie found a nice parking spot by Beville park, south of the shopping mall and they got out...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: Now there isn't any shame in saying, "I wanna be a garbage man when I grow up!" :D ~~~~~~~~~ Liam: Oh...these? *opened up his bag* Chole: Ooo...pretty. Kool: And our tickets outta here... Chole: Hmmm...but how are we gonna find a person who's gonna take all of this? Iris: They might get suspicious that we happen to be carrying serveral million U.S. dollars worth of diamonds. All: Several million!!!??? Iris: Point to not that I didn't add anything afterwards. Chole: Then we can live like kings for the rest of our lives! [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]As Chole and Sephiroth waited...the sun began to set...it didn't seem like the guy was coming anytime soon.[/i] Seph: That båstard screwed us! Chole: Don't give up...he'll be back...it might just take a while. Seph: On chocobo? No way! Chole: Just wait...he'll be here... Seph: hmph! :flaming:[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: It looks like we can push on for a few more miles... Peri: Are you sure...you look a little tired. Chole: No...just...thinking about some stuff... Peri: If its about Viper and Aeon...don't worry about it. She's gone now and so just don't worry about it. Chole: I guess so...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole eventually caught up with Iris and the kids...trudging along.[/i] Iris: Haha! Too slow. Chole: Hey...I would have ran fast and caught up with you guys...but...just like siren said... Siren: Don't get careless... Iris: Sorry... Chole: That's okay...well...we did make good time. Siren: Pi and Liam can catch up with us just fine...but we have to get through this forest...so we can't really stop right now. Iris: Okay. [i]Iris got back running, while Chole kept up with her...Siren stayed behind to wait for the others...[/i][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: Hey, that matches my Banshee... Lidan: Great. Jessie: So you need anything else...you still have about 150 bucks we split. Lidan: Nope...you didn't get anything. Jessie: I don't really need anything right now. Lidan: Okay... Jessie: So where to now? Lidan: We could just cruise around and start planing for "the big mission" [i]They headed back to the garage...getting a few stares and whistles, which Lidan ignored. They got into the car and drove off towards the southern side of the district.[/i][/i][/color]
  12. [COLOR=blue][i]A tear came from Chole's face...[/i] Chole: Umm...*sniff* I'm okay... Liam: They were just kidding. Chole: I know... Iris: C'mon Chole, I would never dip that low. Chole: I know...I know... Kool: So what can we do now? Chole: Sell the chopper for a higher price? Liam: If we do that, we've gotta be careful not to scare them away... Iris: Okay *picked up phone.*[/color]
  13. Lupos: Whoa! Espa: I guess he's turned into Nosferatu... [i]Lupos smelled the air..[/i] Lupos: He's not Nosferatu... Espa: What then? Lupos: Whatever he's become...he's not vampire....
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Will it ever go away? Espa: I doubt it... Lupos: Because once you learn enough, you can go out on your own.. Espa: I don't know why they're here in my mind... Lupos: Who knows...but all I know is that the Tristaes are strengthening, even without a leader...much like us. Espa: Don't we have the Council of Nine? Lupos: How many times have I reported to them... Espa: Well...does asking for advice count? Lupos: That's what they're for...and maybe coordinating things...but that's it. Espa: I see...so what can we do now? Lupos: Nothing...It's hard to admit it...but we can't stop them. Espa: Why not? Lupos: They'll just keep coming back...just like us...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hmmm...acutally, the last time I heard...Garbage men get paid more than teachers do... Liam: Oh really... Iris: I think he's right... Kool: In any case...were the bottom of the barrel, right next to unemployed...even prisoners might get paid more than we do. Chole: Well, we are selling the chopper, right? Iris: Yeah...for only what...a couple million bucks. All: :eek: :eek: Whooo!!!! Iris: In chinese currency... All: :shifty: Iris: :D hehe...sorry to burst your bubble - _ -'[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: So that's all you have left...no accounts or anything... Lidan: I gotta stash...that went up with the aparment... Jessie: I see...I'm sorry to hear that... Lidan: It's not your fault. Jessie: I know...just giving my sympathies... Lidan: You're sweet. Jessie: Aw...don't say that...it's embarassing... Lidan: Well, like I said...you better get used to it... Jessie: Because you're going to be staying here for a while. Lidan: Yup... Jessie: You don't have HIV or anything like that... Lidan: Of course not! Why? Jessie: OH, just wondering. Just in case... Lidan: Haha...well, I am sleeping with you, am I not? Jessie: Don't mention it... [i]Jessie faced Lidan and promptly closed his eyes, the last thing he saw being her face...beautiful, yet, hard to believe that it's not untouched...[/i] Lidan: Good night...Jessie... ~ [i]In the morning, Jessie and Lidan woke up to the fast paced sounds of MSX radio. Lidan was the first one to get up and yawn.[/i] Lidan: Ugh...what is that? [i]Jessie opened his eyes and faced Lidan.[/i] Jessie: You don?t like the station? Lidan: It?s fine...but a little off the wall... Jessie: Oh...okay... [i]He reached to his laptop computer next to him on the bed and changed the radio station to 106.1 a more alternative-alternative to abstract hip-hop. He got up and checked his pager. Surely enough, 8-ball had paged him in the middle of his sleep, telling him that the cash was in his bank account ready and waiting to be spent. §1500.[/i] Jessie: So how much money do you think you?re gonna need? Lidan: About a couple hundred. I need to buy myself a new wardrobe. I?ll work on finding a new place, I swear. Jessie: I don?t mind...it?s kinda nice to have the company of someone that I don?t have to keep a gun by my side just to feel safe. Lidan: Aw...that?s sweet Jessie. Jessie: Nah...I don?t really feel like having psychos as my room mates...so...I?m glad that you?re here. Lidan: Are you calling me a psychopath? Jessie: No...you?re perfectly normal to me. Lidan: Aside from the clothes? I?m wearing. [i]Jessie looked over Lidan from head to toe. His eyes playfully moved around while he nodded. [/i] Lidan: Okay, you can look back up now Jessie: Huh? [i]Jessie took his eyes off her chest for a second and looked into her eyes.[/i] Jessie: Well, you are very beautiful. Lidan: Thanks :D [i]Jessie shut off his online radio and closed his laptop.[/i] Jessie: Hold on...lemee go change first. Lidan: Ha...I don?t have to change! [i]Jessie went to his desk and pulled out one of the drawers, taking out a nicely folded and ironed shirt. He opened the other drawer and pulled out a new set of jeans. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door.[/i] Lidan: (The guy is strange...but, then again, that?s just my opinion...and have I ever known a guy that wasn?t?) [i]Lidan got up and Jessie opened the door, fully clothed. He put on his leather jacket, got his pager and keys.[/i] Jessie: You ready to roll!? Lidan: Yeah!! [i]Jessie opened the garage and got into his Banshee, followed by Lidan. He fired up the car and headed out...destination...the shopping center of the Stauton Island district. They hit the highway, leading towards the bridge, top down (not Lidan?s top, the car?s) and the sun out, with wind blowing through their hair. As they crossed the bridge from Portland, they passed up a couple of Mafia Sentinels. Jessie shied away and tried to hide his head...[/i] Lidan: Are you alright? Jessie: I?m fine...just a little nervous...we did jack one of their cars. And it?s probably back in it?s original place, ready to kill the person who starts it... Lidan: so? We?re getting our money and we didn?t get spotted... Jessie: I guess you?re right...but we were followed. Lidan: Don?t worry about that...you?re not the only Banshee driver out in this city. Jessie: I?m one of the very few who can afford it... [i]Lidan eyed the people inside the sedan and turned back to Jessie.[/i] Lidan: Smoke ?em... Jessie: What? Lidan: If you?re really nervous about driving alongside them...get away...this is one of the most powerful cars in Liberty City...isn?t it? Jessie: You?re right... [i]Jessie pressed the gas pedal a little harder and shifted down. They gained a lot of speed and before Jessie could look back...the black sedan was already out of view.[/i] Jessie: Oh yeah... Lidan: Hehe... Jessie: That was a rush... [i]In the excitement of it all, Jessie accidentally ran a red light, nearly hitting eight cars and two pedestrians.[/i] Lidan: But don?t get too overconfident...you almost killed us. Jessie: The car isn?t going to stop in time anyway...plus the mafia car might catch up with us. Lidan: Good point... Jessie: Oh yeah... [i]He took a right turn and slowed his car down.[/i] Jessie: You wanna take your money out now or should we just shop? Lidan: Hmm...It?s easier if we just leave your money in the bank where its safe and you go shopping with me...it?s been a while since I?ve been on this side of the city. Jessie: Yeah...people might recognize you and wonder who I am... Lidan: Don?t be so paranoid...everything?s going to be just fine. Jessie: Whatever you say... [i]Jessie took the gun out of his glove compartment and put it in his jacket. He made a left turn and they ended up in a huge parking garage...safe, protected by police and the sorts. He parked near the security booth and locked up his car safe and sound. His car was rigged by 8-ball him self. If anyone used a different key or his Banshee were to be hotwired. It would blow up in their face.[/i] Jessie: Sorry...the shopping district?s a block away... Lidan: I don?t mind... [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: So how long do you think it'll take? Seph: Based on how much we're paying and the customers he's getting...I'd say...not that long...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole tuned out to Alan's story and looked blankly ahead...thinking deeply. Chole wasn't the type to travel with groups like this....but to him, it seemed right...they continued heading north towards the magical region unheard of by meany...a mystery to some...[/i] Liam: Chole, are you alright? Chole: I'm fine...just pre-occupied Liam: Oh...okay...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos stopped and pointed at a man across a busy street not too far from H.Q.[/i] Lupos: Take a look at that guy... [i]Espa looked to see...a man with his head shaved...walking around strangely, dressed in black.[/i] Espa: Tristaes?! Lupos: Yeah...it looks like it...the aura too...some kind of horrid yellow. Espa: But how did they come back?! Lupos: They're a lot like us...even though you kill their leader...they're very much independent....[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]This time...Chole blew a kiss at Iris from the ground level. Somehow, the drop didn't even scratch Chole... In a few seconds, Chole was racing up the stairs and into Iris' arms.[/i] Chole: Hi! Iris: Oof.. It's nice to see you too... Chole: Yup... Liam: Chole, tell me one thing... Chole: Yeah? Liam: How did you manage to not get yourself Killed!!!??? Chole: Oh easy... [i]Chole let go of Iris and jumped out of the window again...and sprang up. And down...up and down...up and down...[/i] Kool: Trampolene? Chole: Yeah...I noticed it becuase this hotel doesn't have any ladders so how do they get up here and hang on in the first place. Iris: Makes sense...now...did you talk to them. [i]Chole jumped back inside.[/i] Chole: Yeah...they said that would film and that we would get paid soon enough. Liam: How soon is soon?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole chased after her...it was safe for now since the Hunters were either eating breakfast or still sleeping, according to Pi and Siren...the "adults" looked at them and started laughing, but they still remained very cautious.[/i] Siren: So much energy... Pi: You think they'll be safe? Siren: We should go follow them...just in case...you never know if they're really planned. Liam: But why are they so interested in us? Siren: Because of what Chole carries... Pi: And that is? Siren: The Cristal.... Liam: What?! Siren: It's true...I thought what I saw was the cristal in the northern continent...but I realized that Chole was carrying it all along...because I felt the same beckoning sensation each time I'm with Chole. Pi: Makes sense...sorta...but why doesn't he have that power...looks just like the rest of us. Siren: It's dormant...something has to happen...a great cataclysm has to take place in order for the Cristal to act upon Chole. You've noticed his fire and ice...that's his ancestors abilities. Liam: Half dragon, half tiger...you've told me Siren...but he has more than that? Siren: Yeah...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: But that was just a dream, wasn't it? Espa: Well...hehe...no... Lupos: That must be the perfect place for Nosferatu...blood on the tap... Espa: It wasn't really fun at all...for me anyway. Lupos: Well, why not? Espa: Kira was there...mostly showing me around... [i]The man Espa left behind was taken away by Nosferatu standing by...[/i] Lupos: I see... Espa: I did me some good... Lupos: I've noticed...*nods* I've missed you a lot. Espa: I know... [i]Lupos and Espa held hands and strolled around the streets of L.A. looking for a quck meal for Lupos...though he wasn't hungry yet...they had all night to go out and enjoy themselves. While Siren and Zack were enjoying themselves, Liam stayed downstairs, standing by and conversing with other Nosferatu...[/i][/COLOR]
  23. [color=darkblue] [i]Chole waited as Father and Billy got up. He had been awake the entire night, watching over them and the chocobos for any kind of trouble.[/i] Billy: Chole, have you been awake all this time? Chole: I couldn?t sleep... Father: Well, don?t fall asleep on me when we get back on the road. Chole: I won?t... Billy: Yeah...you?re still a young adult...you can take the stress. [i]The three packed up and mounted on their chocobos. It was a tedious process down the mountain since their birds were somehow afraid of heights...which seemed natural since chocobos don?t fly.[/i] Father: C?mon...you can do it... [i]They finally made their way down the mountain and back onto the open grassland. After a few shouts and kicks, the chocobos were running at their usual pace, 80mph. Running over boulders and small land animals, they were well on their way towards the small town of Kalm to trade. Billy was more of the wild type and had plans to go to Midgar City afterwards. The previous night, he had asked Chole to go...but since he was more of the shy type, he thought he would just hang around the Kalm town bar while Father traded. But it wasn?t going to be that easy with Billy pressuring him throughout the trip...[/i] Billy: Are you sure you don?t want to come to midgar with me? Chole: I don?t think so... Billy: C?mon! Father: Don?t push your brother... Chole: I mean, I could go...but I?m not gonna be doing what you?re doing... Billy: And that would be... Chole: Playing around with the girls. Billy: I don?t think I mentioned anything about that... Father: But that is what you?re going to do...is it not? Billy: Well...yes :D Father/Chole: I thought so...[/color]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Jessie turned around and saw her propped on one elbow smiling at him...[/i] Lidan: What's with the hat? Jessie: It brings good luck..but I keep myself clean each and everyday...even though I sometimes dress up like a poor bum... [i]Jessie took off his beanie, revealing his short, curly dark hair.[/i] Jessie: I always have bad hair days.. Lidan: That can always be fixed...you just follow the wrong styes... Jessie: And you know style... Lidan: tch...of course! I'm I girl! Jessie: Just kidding... [i]Lidan reached and stroked Jessie's hair...lightly.[/i] Jessie: Doesn't that hurt...have your elbow like that? Lidan: On your bed...absolutely not...it's funny though...you have a double king size bed...and you don't even share it with anybody else... Jessie: I like having my space. Lidan: You don't seem to mind me here... Jessie: Not really...I told you...I enjoy company...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]After beating himself up a little...he waited outside the gates...crossbow in hand...[/i] Peri: Man, it looks like you're gonna kill this entire city... Chole: Let's just go...we have some stuff to talk about along the way... Alan: Oh? [i]Chole noticed Peri and Alan riding the same horse...he got a little agitated.[/i] Outlaw: Don't worry, he's just her apprentice. [i]Chole turns and starts walking ahead.[/i][/COLOR]
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