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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *making native american noises* [i]Chole grabbed one of the producers by the neck and jumped off the building, dragging the producer along with him.[/i] Kool: Chole!!! Liam: OMG! He's insane! :D Iris: Why are you laughing....he may be dead!? [i]The all look out the window and see Chole running around jumping. The producer apparently was unharmed also...[/i] Iris: WTF? Sere: We should call security...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos looked at Espa's face tense up and he knew that someone was following her...he took a deep breath and looked at the streets in front of him...it was still a good distance before they weren't able to use their Dark Arts...[/i] Lupos: Do you want something? Man: Huh? [i]Without even looking, Lupos swung blindly into the air, knocking out a few teeth of the man, leaving him on the ground, bleeding.[/i] Espa: :devil: [i]Espa used her Nosferatu strength to grab and choke the man...she took her fingers and concentrated them at a point near the side of his neck.[/i] Lupos: Go ahead... [i]Espa didn't not hesitate to plunge her fingers into his skin and rip open the flaps, exposing the arteries of his neck. She took her teeth and dug into them. Spraying bright red blood all around. She drank heavily, with the man's eyes wide open in complete shock...[/i][/COLOR]
OOC: Umm...Rex ran off...but anyway... ~~~~~~~~~ Liam: Why don't we go off to my room? Chole: You mean our room... Liam: Whatever... Iris: No...this is fine... Chole: Tch...ruin our fun... Kool: What were you guys planning to do anyway? Chole/Liam: Oh nothing :D Sere: Right...
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: What I find funny is that I just met you and now I'm sleeping with you... Lidan: Typical for me... Jessie: How long do you think you're gonna stay? Lidan: You want me out? Jessie: no...I didn't say that....I just want to know if I should keep uptight like this or loosen up when I'm like this with you. Lidan: If you're jittery now...then what in the world is going to happen if I pull a gun to your head?? Jessie: I don't want to think about that... Lidan: Well...what If I put my hand on your shoulder... Jessie: Don't even try... [i]Lidan trailed her finger along Jessie's back...he cringed and laughed.[/i] Jessie: That tickles...but I don't feel nervous about that... Lidan: I need to shop quick tommorrow...when's 8-ball gonna deliver the money? Jessie: Tomorrow...or whenever the car's been rigged and delivered. Lidan: Okay...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Let's take the thrilling way out... [i]As they walked towards the door, Lupos stopped before he turned the knob.[/i] Espa: What's wrong? Lupos: Zack and Siren...they're right outside... [i]Espa focused on their auras...burning bright red...the aura of lust...[/i] Espa: Ehhh... [i]Lupos took her hand..[/i] Lupos: Do you mind hiding in the shadows for a while with me? Espa: Not at all... [i]Lupos lead her to a dark corner and they disappeared into the walls, travelling upwards toward the rooftop.[/i] Lupos: Hold on tight... [i]The building's shield extended for a few blocks, enabling Lupos to fly...a technique he has not used for a few decades. The cold LA wind blew through them as they landed softly. Lupos set down Espa and the walked the dark streets, hand in hand...looking for fresh blood.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]A tear fell down Lupos face...Espa's lips caught it and swallowed the minute drop of salty liquid.[/i] Espa: We'll be okay... Lupos: I really hope so.. Espa: I know so... [i]They shared a deep embrace and lay back down...they both had no intention of being intimate with each other this night..[/i] Lupos: Can you feel it? Espa: Feel what? Lupos: The energy in this entire floor...it's been rising ever since we got here... Espa: I can feel it.. Lupos: It's not just us... Espa: haha... Lupos: What do you want to do when we wake up... Espa: Go hunting...I'm hungry... Lupos: *looks at the clock* The day's almost over...we should go get ready...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]In the middle of the night...a few sounds could be heard from the hallways...laughing and running noises...[/i] Chole: Tee...:D [i]Chole stormed out of his room last as the guys got out and ran around like little children.[/i] Liam: Quiet...we might get kicked out... Rex: I can't...contain myself!!! Chole: Then go to the bathroom! Rex: I didn't mean it like that.. [i]Rex ran off, taking the staircase downstairs...[/i] Chole: I really hope this night out doesn't turn into an international dispute where Rex ends up getting arrested. Liam: yeha, he really doesn't need to get caught by the Chinese military...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Jessie tried to sleep inside the leather seating of his car...but it was like sleeping on a bed of nails compared to sleeping on his "G-Laid" matress...he got up and swallowed hard...he pulled over the sheets and saw Lidan sleeping soundly.[/i] Jessie: Hmm... Lidan: Just lay down beside me...I won't bite...much... Jessie: Err... Lidan: lol...I'm just kidding...baby... [i]Jessie got into his boxers and shirt and lay beside Lidan. He turned away, towards the garage and pulled the sheets over him.[/i] Lidan: Dang...don't be so nervous...[/COLOR]
I'd probably choose B as my first preference...Its okay if I'm isolated...from "man kind"...meaning men... then C because that was a dorky response. j/k lol
[COLOR=orange]It wasn't that bad...if you want a bad RPG for the 64 console...Quest 64...but I guess it was allowed to be bad since it was the first attempt at an RPG for the system...well, I guess the 64 wans't in RPGs...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: LoL... Iris: Bye, Chole *blows a kiss* Chole: Nyak! :love2: Rex: Awhoooo!!! Chole! What did you get yourself into!? Chole: :shifty: [i]Liam, Chole, Rex, and Ryan walked across the hall with their keys. Liam unlocked the door and opened the room, revealing a wide space of furniture and beds for each one to sleep in (4).[/i] Liam: This is great! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos felt the surge of emotion from Siren and he stayed inside the room...He wanted to leave, have some time to himself...but he didn't want to be rude to Espa or Siren.[/i] Espa: But I need some time to myself. Lupos: I'd really appreciate it if you told me beforehand so I don't get surprised and start thinking other stuff...... [i]Lupos lay down, guiding Espa down with him. He kissed her on the forehead and closed his eyes.[/i] Espa: Are you going to be alright? Lupos: It depends on what you think...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]That's probably one of the main reasons why I didn't really switch to N64 after SNES. The RPG's were all going to the PSX because of the huge CD format at the time. Right now I'm really anticipating the arrival of new RPG's for the GCN and PS2...especially when they start employing dual layer DVD's.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looked at the departing Viper and Aeon and a tear ran down his cheek...[/i] Chole: Sh-t...Sh-t!! [i]Chole ran off,crying hysterically...[/i] Liam: Whoa...I've never seen him like this... Peri: I guess he really messed up twice...once by sleeping with me...the next by lying...sh-t... Alan: This isn't good for him... Peri: Well, I still like him..he seems like an honest enough guy...just really confused, I guess... Alan: You wanna go after him? Talk to him?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lidan laughed...and sat back...[/i] Lidan: A rock eh? Jessie: Just the way I work. Lidan: Okay...but I thought that 8-ball wanted the cars intact... Jessie: And I want to stay alive...it's a small price to pay. He's just gonna take it outta my cut. Lidan: That means I'm gonna starve... Jessie: I'll cover you... [i]Jessie started his car and they headed back through the main road. It was a few minutes after midnight and the back streets were no safe place...[/i] Lidan: I don't want you to take care of me all the time. Jessie: Just until you can get back on your feet. Lidan: Hey, why are you being so nice to me. Jessie: I try to help out whenever I can... Lidan: You should be working at a day care center or an orphanage or something like that, y'know... Jessie: I can't...I'm no good there...this is what I do...and it pays off in the end. Lidan: Even if you get killed? Jessie: I won't get killed...I've run into some close curves in the past...but I'm not careless. Lidan: Suit yourself...we got the money right? Jessie: When 8-ball e-mails or pages me...he'll have the money on my account. Lidan: Great! [i]Jessie pulled up to the docks and got into his garage...he turned off the car and they both got out. Lidan yawned...[/i] Lidan: Tired... Jessie: Wanna use my bed? Lidan: Thanks...but where are you gonna sleep... [i]He closed the garage door and turned on the lights.[/i] Jessie: In my car...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole slept for a while before the sun finally went back into the sky.[/i] Iris: Rise and shine... [i]Iris poked her head in front of Chole as he opened his eyes.[/i] Chole: Morning already? Iris: C'mon...you wanna get to Meteo City as soon as possible don't you? Chole: Well yeah... Iris: Then get up! [i]Iris pulled Chole up from the soft grass and dusted him off...Siren was watching in the distance.[/i] Iris: Huh? Siren: Just in case you two go crazy... Chole: LOL...don't worry we wont :D Iris: So are we going through that forest? Siren: I'm afraid thats our only alternative...plus I talked to Pi last night and we don't have a map for this place either... Liam: That's okay...just as long as we don't run into any other hunters... Chole: Are we leaving yet? Iris: As soon as the "children" are ready... [i]Iris walked off and tended to Roux and Rena...Chole followed her.[/i] Iris: Coming to help? Chole: Yeah...I wonder how long its going to take to get back. Iris: Hopefully not that long...at least shorter than it took to get here. Chole: Yeah...you're right... [i]The two woke up Roux and Rena and got them ready...there was not time to eat if they wanted to get past the hunter patrols...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]That's not a really rational thing to do...I think it makes sense that you should pass all your classes before you get a job...school first...I mean, if she had you that she has to love you unconditionally. If not...then you have to let her know that you're not being treated the way you want. The sooner you tell her the better.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole jumped off the chopper and waited for Iris to get out...[/i] Chole: Hi! Iris: Wait long? Chole: Nope :D [i]Chole took Iris' hand and led her down the helicopter.[/i] Kool: Aw...I wish my boyfriend did that for me... Liam: You have a boyfriend? Kool: :rolleyes: He's probably moved on now... Rex: How about you Sere? Sere: Umm...nope... [i]The manager of the hotel came out and greeted the group.[/i] Manager: Care to explain you using this heliport? Iris: We want a room! Manager: At the lobby! Now get this thing off! Chole: We were wondering if we could sell it. Manager: Welll.. Kool: WE'll let you think about it... [i]The group passed by the manager and they headed downstairs.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Ummm...Well...I'm afraid that I'll loose you to someone or something else... [i]Espa stayed silent...Lupos hoped that he didn't have to speak long...but he wasn't going to have the luxury this time.[/i] Lupos: ...And...I'm always afraid that I'm making a mistake and that you don't really want to be with me anymore...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole couldn't sleep. He sat down by the fire with his legs crossed, just staring straight into it.[/i] Chole: *sigh* [i]A he heard footsteps in the grass not too far away. He stood up and looked around. The footsteps continued, getting closer and closer. He got his blade and readied it...but there was no need to when he saw a few unarmed men, travelling by chocobo coming up to him.[/i] Man: Hey there! Chole: Hi... [i]Sephiroth opened one eye and looked at the man confronting Chole. He immediately sprung up and walked over to them.[/i] Seph: Who's this? Man: I'm a merchant around these grasslands and the surrounding areas. Chole: Oh...that's great...we could use some chocobos though.... Sephiroth: Well...do you? Man: I could get some in a day or so. Chole: Oh? That'd be nice... Seph: How much? Man: You can rent some for 100gil a week. Chole: That should get us through this expanse? Man: Of course... Seph: You got anything else?...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Chocobo Billy woke up in the middle of the night to "wark" of their chocobos.[/i] Chole: Is everything alright? Billy: I dunno... [i]Billy took his thermal lantern and shined it around the area...revealing nothing but grasslands and the walls of the mountains.[/i] Chole: Is Father alright? Billy: Yeah...of course...but these chocobos don't make those kinda sounds without anything going on... Chole: You think we should go look around? Billy: Naw...let's just sleep on it... [i]They go back to their sleeping bags...Chole tried to sleep the rest of the night, but he couldn't. He sat up and thought about Midgar city and Kalm town...the sun rose and the Chocobos shouted the new day...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Aeon: Gimmie!!! Obsidian: Here... [i]Aeon took a look at the strange writing and smiled...[/i] Viper: Will it work? Aeon: No...I mean..of course it will... Viper: Yay... Aeon: But...*shuts the book* Chole: What? Aeon: Let's keep going. Chole: What is it? Aeon: I'll tell you later...so umm are we going as a group? Peri: I'm with Chole... Liam: So am I...I guess... Viper: Well...he did wrong me...but...I guess it wasn't anyones fault...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Billy managed to set up camp and hurry on over to look for Materia fountains...particularly Yellow and Green ones...[/i] Billy: So, you have any plans when we get there? Chole: Well...what do you mean? Billy: you know...in Midgar city...there's a lot of pleasure where you look.. Chole: Oh...not really...I just wanna get some medicine and stuff like that...maybe weapons. Billy: I know a place...we can stop by there and I'll introduce you to some people. Chole: Okay... [i]They continued looking around, but found nothing...the mountain seemed to be devoid of all materia, stolen away by the mako reactors...they headed back to camp where they saw Father sleeping....[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: Look, just keep on the lookout before we get killed...I'm going to use my tool to get in and out in no time Lidan: Alright... [i]Jessie drove around a few more blocks before they finally spotted a Mafia Sentinel sedan...He stopped his car a few meters away from it and got out. Lidan stayed inside and kept on the lookout. With a few short clicks with his "tool" He managed to open up the car and steal it. He drove away and came back in a few minutes...[/i] Lidan: Where'd you go? Jessie: I took the car and stored it nearby...8-ball has tons of connections...so was there anyone? Lidan: Nope..what was that tool you used? Jessie: Umm...a rock...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Viper: Chole...over there...he made a stupid mistake...and he wants in the group again. Peri: Your group, not mine... Chole: Yeah...*kicks a rock* Aeon: Really...well, I can't go against my sister's wishes... [i]Chole got up and walked over to Peri...[/i] Peri: Yes? Chole: *he shook his head* I want in... Peri: So who's team do you want in now? Chole: I thought there was only one team... Peri: No...now there's two... Chole: Grr...Are we going together as a group or not!? Viper: Are you talking to me? Chole: All of you... Liam: I think he's gone crazy... Chole: No I'm fine...I'm going to Arethei. Peri: Do you even know where it is? Chole: No not really... Peri: *sigh*[/COLOR]