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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: It's good that Karu's safe... Sephiroth: Yeah...it is...but now we really have to go look for a faster method of transportation before we end up dead in the grasslands... Chole: Why is that... Sephiroth: It's a long ways to the next place. Chole: I see..I wish we were lucky as Karu...getting carried away by a flying golden chocobo... Sephiroth: Yeah...but I think that was just blind luck... Chole: I guess so... [i]They continue walking down the wide path of grass...barely anything stood in their way...which felt a little lonely for Chole.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The three approached a small patch of mountains when the sun begain to set...at that time it was significantly more dangerous to travel by chocobo or foot. Muggers and goblins were on the loose...creatures created by the Mako near Midgar city.[/i] Father: We go! Billy: You brought the firewood, right Chole? Chole: *checks back* A thermal lantern...but that's it. Father: That's good enough...we'll be safer if we camp around the mountains. Billy: Do you want us to go look for Materia? Father: It would be good...since we'll be trading very soon and we have a longer way to go before we reach Kalam... Chole: okay... [i]The three rode into the mountains...it took time for the chocobos to adapt to the steep slope and the presnece of monsters nearby. Chole had to take out his short sword to fend off a couple from taking and eating his Chocobo...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: We're looking for the BMW's and Infinity's... Lidan: Oh...stealing big huh? Jessie: It's what the boss wanted... Lidan: Hey...he's your boss...I work under you... Jessie: Really... Lidan: Look over there![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The Chocobo Farm was in full swing when Chole woke up in his bed...he rubbed his eyes and looked out the window...realizing that his family had already begun the day without him...[/i] Chole: Oh! [i]He jumped out of his bed and got dressed...as he started out the door to help out with the gigantic birds, his mother stopped him.[/i] Kalai: Where do you think you're going...? Chole: Outside to help... Kalai: Nope...since you woke up late...your doing work right here... Chole: But mom?!?! [i]Chole stomped his foot and went into the kitchen. In a few minutes of rushing, he finished cleaning and organizing and exploded out of the door where Chocobo Billy and his father were waiting...[/i] Chocobo Billy: Hey! Where have you been, lazy!? Chole: Mom kept me in! Father Chocobo: We were waiting forever for you...we're going to take these three birds and hunt around for materia and greens to sell... Chole: Great! But where? Billy: Near Kalam town... [i]The three prepared the Chocobos, putting on their harnesses and saddles and Chocobo shoes. All three got their surival packs and monunted.[/i] Kalai: Hey! Come back safe now y'hear! All: Yes ma! [i]Father led the way, along with Billy, and then Chole, the youngest of the family...it would be a few days before they reached Kalam town...they would cross miles of grassland, followed by mountains where materia lay. Chole let out a scream, as they left the farm...[/i] Father: What was that all about? Chole: Whenever we leave at high speed on these birds...I...it's so thrilling! Billy: Oh brother... [i]The three left the ranch with their mother waving at them...the chocobos gave out their usual "wark!" As they also said goodbye to their brothers and sisters...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: We could keep walking... Sephiroth: And that's probably the best thing we can do right now at this moment... Chole: *sigh* [i]Chole and Sephiroth exited the temple's protective barriers and headed back out into the open wilderness. The sun was rising, but it was still very much cold. Sephiroth could feel the warmth in the Pheonix tail he just received. By the time the sun was high enough to make their eyes squint, they they reached the end of the forest...ending up in an endless pasture...[/i] Chole: What is this place? Seph: Bacically, nothing but grasslands for a long while...this would be the perfect place to raise chocobos...if there's actually anyone living around here...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Viper... [i]Chole walked away as he called her. Viper looked up at him and saw him wave his arm, beckoning her to go with him. She cocked her eyes and started following him. Aeon stopped her...[/i] Aeon: Be careful with him... Viper: Dont' worry, I won't kill him... Aeon: Tch! I don't mean that! Viper: Okay, I know...I'll be on guard. Aeon: *sigh* [i]Chole stopped in the distance and sat down on the green pasture. Viper kept her distance...[/i] Viper: What is it? Chole: I didn't know it was going to be like this... Viper: I thought you had a clear understanding...especially after the cave. Chole: I know...What was I thinking? Viper: It doens't matter anymore...but what are you going to do now? Chole: Leave... Viper: ... Chole: Stupid stuff happens when I'm caught in something like this...so you understand why I do what I do. Viper: I guess so...but you know I have been alive for more than a few centuries...don't you think I would now that? Chole: Compared to you, I must be some kind of fetus... Viper: *tries hard not to laugh* You know...I would have taken baby also... Chole: *hangs head down while gripping crossbow against his body* Viper: You can come back if you wish... Chole: *closes his eyes* I'd like that.... [i]Viper walked up to Chole and reached out her hand. He looked back at it and looked at her face. He took his right hand and held her hand while she helped him up.[/i] Viper: It's good to have you back... Chole: I'll try hard to not do that... Viper: Bacically that means "no"...just a nice way of saying it. Chole: Ugh...You know it's probably going to happen again... Viper: Just let me be the one next time... Chole: :rolleyes: Viper: Just kidding... [i]Viper kicked Chole on the back and they walked towards the rest of the group...[/i][/COLOR]
OOC: Lol...good thing only two people at my school actually go to this place. ~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Diamonds are pretty. Iris: Yes, that's right, Chole...they are pretty.. Chole: But not as pretty as you. :D Iris: :rolleyes: :blush: Sere/Kool: LoL! Rex: How many times have I heard that before? Liam: *psst* Give him a chance, will you? Rex: *psst* Alright! Chole: Huh? Oh... Liam: no, it's alright...it's just cute. Iris: :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Aeon: Bástard... [i]Aeon took his gloved hand and pinched Chole's ear...[/i] Chole: What the? Let go! Aeon: Hey Viper, Look what I found... [i]He throws Chole forward, causing him to slide fowards along the grass and stop in front of Peri and Viper...[/i] Chole: Sh-t... Viper: *spits* What are you doing here? Chole: I came to talk... Viper: Talk huh? Peri: And what exactly are you two going to talk about? Chole: Don't alienate me... Alan: Alienate? Liam: I guess it's a word in his tounge. Chole: I thought that Viper was only a close friend...I swear. Viper: Really? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole cut Siren off and walked off to be alone...he stood still and looked back, making sure that no one was listening in. He took a deep breath and scremed...[/i] Chole: WHY AM I HERE!?!?! This...this isn't fair! For IRIS! Liam! Pi! None of them! We wanna go back...I want to live a normal life! You cant! No one has the right to control our lives! Siren: Who are you talking to? Chole: Gah! Siren: ?? Chole: I...I miss home... Siren: We'll be back...don't worry... [i]Siren put her arm around Chole, who towered over Siren just a little. He hugged her...Chole started crying and she just held him there...just like she promised to do so long ago.[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: Don't fire yet, until they start messing with us...we don't want a fire fight here... Lidan: okay...*keeps gun steady and concealed* Jessie: I'll try to loose them... Lidan: How? Jessie: This is a Banshee...tuned by yours truly. [i]Jessie downshifted and sped up greatly, spinning his wheels for a few blocks, leaving the car in pursuit in completete smoke.[/i] Lidan: That was quick. Jessie: Now to find a car...hmm...pick one...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: For what? Espa: Keeping me safe.. Lupos: oh, no problem... Espa: Is something wrong? Lupos: No, not really... Espa: Not really eh? Lupos: ...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Liam: If we can get there on this much fuel... Chole: Eh...we'll be able to make it...the question is...will they be willing to buy a helicopter from us? Iris: I think so... Kool: I really wanna go! Iris: Then Guanzhou it is... [i]Iris sped up and headed north...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Jessie: Leone territory...it's not easy being here... Lidan: Why, do they know you or something? Jessie: Not really...they just have a tendency to be irratonal and fire at random people, sh-t lik that... Lidan: Whats the cars for? Jessie: Rigging...with explosives. Someone else is gonna put them back and once the owners start the car? Boom!!! Lidan: Cute... Jessie: All we have to do is steal 2 or 3, then we're set... [i]Jessie pulls out of the highway and into the northern part of Portland.[/i][/COLOR]
Gaming The No: 1 Nintendo Game of All Time
RicoTranzrig replied to Liquidus_Snake's topic in Noosphere
Yeah a few games were left out...because there's a limit on how many spots you can put. -
[COLOR=darkblue]Sere: Hey! I can do whatever I want :flaming: Chole: *sits down, shoulders hunched, spinning his thumbs* Sere: I thought so... Iris: Where should we go!?!?!?!!? Liam: Back to the U.S. Chole: That's too far... Ryan: Australia? Iris: Not after what Rex did... Rex: :rolleyes: Chole: How about Asia? Kool: Where in Asia? Chole: Some 3rd world place...maybe Indonesia or Malaysia...we should have enough fuel to get there...[/COLOR]
The game is nothing like Simpsons Road rage...is more of a really up to date hong-kong verson of the Driver. Except that you can't get out of your car and it's not as violent or deep as GTA3.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos: Okay...I'm getting a feeling that you and Espa want to talk alone... Kira: *turns head* Lupos: okay, okay... [/i] *Lupos woke up and found himself holding Espa in his arms. He stayed motionless...listening into the other people in the building...*[/COLOR]
Where does the network adaptor plug into? hmm, I always thought it would be coupled with the harddrive as a small package that fits into the expansion bay.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sat on a nearby boulder and sighed...his breath still cool in the midnight air. Everyone with the exception of Siren and Chole was asleep.[/i] Chole: So what now? Siren: I don't know.. Chole: You're the one who led us all the way here...no I want some answers... Siren: It was your choice of coming here...dont' put this all on me. Chole: Okay, fine...but why lead us here...? What's with the hunters going to such lengths to hurting and capturing us? [i]Iris heard Chole's contempt and woke up...her eyes half-open, she listened to their conversation.[/i] Siren: The Cristal.... Chole: I don't understand why you want to unleash such a huge amount of power. Siren: Because I want to end the strife and agony that the hybrids have endured all this time... Chole: But we were happy until the experiments started taking place... Siren: I know it seems a little hard to swallow...but believe me...I'm not deceiveing you. Chole: I sure hope so...[/COLOR]
OOC: Flash...you know too much about us... ~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Jessie and Lidan each had their share of food before they cleaned up. He opened up his garage to let the smell of original recipie grease out of his garage and noticed the sun had gone down...Ryan was still tied up and Jessie had a choice to make...[/i] Jessie: Now, I'm no murderer...so I'm gonna let you go... [i]He pulled the tape off of Ryan's mouth to let him speak.[/i] Ryan: let me go then. Jessie: Ahahaha...not so fast...I'm not just gonna let you go and have you come back with something other than a pistol pointed at this lady... Ryan: Fine...I swear...just let me go... [i]Jessie untied Ryan and set him forth outside...[/i] Ryan: I thought we had an agreement. Lidan: That agreement had a limited time offer! Ryan: I'll see you around b-tch! Lidan: Hmph! [i]Jessie closed his garage door and walked over to Lidan.[/i] Jessie: You mind explaining all of that... Lidan: I told you, I do it for the money. Jessie: *Checks his pager* Look...I gotta nother job that'll get us some good cash to make it through the next day like rich people... Lidan: What's the job? Jessie: 8-ball says that we gotta boost a few mafia cars and bring them to his extension not too far here... Lidan: Do you normally do this? Jessie: Not really...especially with the Mafia... Lidan: You want me to come along? Jessie: You could be a look out or bait...your choice. Or you could just stay here and wait for the real mission to start. Lidan: I'll go...just in case... Jessie: Whatever suits you... [i]Jessie stored the chicken in his mini refrigerator and got his jacket. He jumped into his Banshee while Lidan opened the door and slid in.[/i] Jessie: Do you plan on wearing that outfit all the time? Lidan: If I get enough cash to buy a new wardrobe...I'm stuck like this for a while... Jessie: geez...okay *starts car* Let's do this...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Aeon: You know, you're really messed up Chole...we all thought that you and Viper were an item... Chole: I thought it was different... Aeon: In what way? Chole: We were just good friends... Aeon: Don't give me that crap! Chole: Look, believe what you want...I'm telling the truth. Liam: I sure hope so... Chole: I know that Viper likes me...I know that Perigrine also likes me. But it would be better if I stayed Viper's close companion. Alan: Oh...meaning? Chole: If she wants or needs support...I can always give it to her. But Lady Perigrine is beckoning me stronger. Aeon: Are you sure that's her or her body? Alan: Lol... Chole: Okay, look, I'm faced with a tough decision...a love triangle...I thought I'd never get myself into something like this...but the only way to solve it now is... Aeon: Pick Peri? Chole: No...drop everything... Alan: ...Are you nuts?! Chole: No...it's the best... Aeon: You know that'll leave you alone once again. Chole: Better than breaking someone else's herat. Alan: That's the sweetest thing I've heard you say. Chole: *shrugs* [i]They exit Manfort and head out into the open road, looking for Viper and Lady Perigrine...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Bitrate is bacically how fast it can process information at the most basic level...I think that X-box is considered 128 because it runs on 4 32-bit processors. But PS2 runs on a single 128 (emotion engine). Processes data much faster and more effciently when data is run through the processor...which means 300Mhz at 128 is a lot faster than say 700MHz at 32-bits.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos: Agnia? Lupos took a look around his surroundings and noticed the scenery change into a city landscape...but one not modern. Something from when Chole was a bit younger as a boy...the 1920's maybe...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Jessie didn't stay out for long, only getting some fried chicken as he went back to check up on Lidan. He decided to go through the back door instead of his garage only to see Lidan with a gun pointed to her head.[/i] Jessie: Can you tell me what's going on and what you're doing in my house? Ryan: This your crib. Jessie: Yes...I don't recall inviting you. [i]Ryan pointed the gun at Jessie's head.[/i] Jessie: Are you going to shoot me in my own home? For no good reason? Ryan: I do have a good reason...you're toying around with my lady. Jessie: Yours huh... [i]As Ryan diverted his attention to Jessie, Lidan took the advantage and attacked Ryan, disabling his gun. Jessie picked it up and pointed it straight at his temple, at point blank range.[/i] Ryan: *gasp* Jessie: Move again bástard and I'll blow your brains out. Lidan: Jessie, just do it! Jessie: No...I gotta eat... [i]Jessie gets some rope and ties him to the chair nearby, then ties the chair to one of the pipes.[/i] Lidan: Hmph! Jessie: now I'm gonna eat my dinner...if you wanna join me at my table...feel free to do so...but I don't want any guns in my house, is that clear? [i]Jessie opened the garage door and threw Ryans gun in the water. He pulled his banshee inside and set up plates and the food.[/i] Lidan: Good...I'm getting hungry. Jessie: I thought you said you weren't... Lidan: Well, I am now... [i]She teasted Ryan...[/i] Jessie: By the way...do you know who he is? Lidan: Sorta...I used to work for him... Jessie: I see...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Seph: Have you tried your electronic stuff? Chole: He's out of range...actually, I did see chocobo tracks around...he might have been taken by some riders. Seph: He knows where we are...and he can kick some áss... Chole: You think we should wait for him? Seph: I would like to have Karu back...but we need to get going. Chole: Not even for a little while? Seph: Oh...*sits down* fine![/COLOR]