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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. LoL...this fits nicely with what I'm doing now IRL... ~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Rico Age: 17 Sex: Male Height: 5'7 Weight: 160lbs Specialty: ER physician. Bio: Straight out of the University of California San Francisco, Rico takes on a job as an ER physician...he stresses out a lot and tends to not ask for help when he really needs it. Otherwise...he's nice and easy going.
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Iris woke up holding each other for comfort and warmth throughout the night the got up and dusted each other off...[/i] Iris: I wish the waterfall were nearby...I haven't taken a bath in a long while. Chole: Yeah...no kidding... [i]They held hands and walked out...blinded by the morning sun they walked under the cool canopy, continuing their search for the chopper...[/i][/COLOR]
  3. lol, based on GTA3 huh...sounds fun ~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Jessie Age: 20 Bio: Jessie is a wheelman doing jobs for different people...getaways...drive-bys...you name it...he might be able to do it. Description: Wears a beanie, black leather jacket with T-shirt that says MSX, dark denim pants, tall 5'11 type person. Weapon Of Choice: Silenced 9mm Vehicle of Choice: Red Banshee (Or whatever he can find there after that's fast and picks up hookers as fast as possible).
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]It's funny when you input the cheats...moon gravity and perfect balance w/perfect manual...I messed up my brother's records because of that lol...around 1,000,000 pts in one trick, totaling 37million in one session.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: You may not be the perfect girl...or the perfect Nosferatu, for that matter...but you are very much perfect for me... Espa: I needed some time... Lupos: That's fine... Espa: And I don't like losing my stability like this... Lupos: You it's really hard to maintain for long periods of time...take it from me...it's better to let it go little by little than to let it explode into something insane... Espa: Maybe you're right... Lupos: Besides...it's just me...I've known you ever since you were a little kid... Espa: But we were never in contact with each other. Lupos: Not at the time...but later on...yes...very much so...and it was through your own free will. Espa: ... Lupos: It wasn't a trap...Fong told me to be your mentor because he couldn't take care of you. I never intended to be with you like this. Espa: ... Lupos: You'll be fine...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: Dámn...they're coming from all over the place! Chole: There can't be an unlimited number of people trying to track us down...that'd be foolish. Liam: I dont know...it does seem like it though. Pi: That's it!! [i]Pi reaches into his vest pocket and takes out a small, cylinder...[/i] Siren: What is that? Pi: A Slug! Iris: Huh? :therock: Pi: A U-238 slug...I mean... [i]He loads it into his Launcher and steadies his aim at the cliffs above.[/i] Chole: There's something wrong with doing this. Siren: The after effect...! Pi! Those shells better be depleted! Pi: They are! I know about the fallout...these are mother earth friendly. Iris: Oh really, are they? [i]Pi fires...in the blink of an eye...half of the cliff gets cut in half. Hordes and hordes of people fall from the tall cliffs and land dead in the water...[/i] Liam: Whoa... Siren: Nothing could have survived that...it ricocheted all over the place...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Peri: It's about time. Chole: We're you expecting this? Peri: Not really...but once I found out that you were in Manfort...I thought about it. Chole: Are you thinking nasty thoughts? Peri: Now that you mention it...yes. [i]She pressed Chole down to the soft goosefeather bed and began to unbutton his shirt.[/i] Peri: What about you know who? Chole: I never said anything that would tie me with anyone...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]lol...*** out of you and Umption...tsk tsk tsk...(I dont' know what the hell I just said...) ~~~~~~~~~ Chole: I thougth we were just gonna take a short break. Iris: If we're going to make it to the other side, we need it to be bright and safe.... Chole: Good point... [i]Chole looked around and saw just a dirt floor around them..[/i] Iris: Not much for comfort though...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: I understand... [i]Lupos held her body closely as she trembled in humiliation.[/i] Espa: ... Lupos: It's alright...you're here with me now...don't be ashamed. [i]Espa cried throughout the day and Lupos just held her all that time. It seemed like forever as Lupos' shirt was covered in her tears. He let her hide her face in his chest while stroking her hair and soft skin.[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Last class of the day...Rico had his keys ready in his pocket and was fiddling with them as his english teacher lectured about something about "grapes" but he didn't want to waste his thoughts on that...As the bell rung he packed up and headed back towards the parking lot where the craziness each day was taking place. He sped up his walk just to beat the first layer of traffic that would come out of the school that day...he had no intention of wasting his engine power on stop-and-go traffic.[/i][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They remained in that postition for a few seconds before Chole finally said something...[/i] Chole: Do you have breathing problems? Peri: Ack!! *falls* Chole: Hehe...I'm just kidding. [i]Chole helped her up from her fallen state and put his arm around her shoulders.[/i] Chole: Wait a minute, why didn't you just come with us? Peri: Because if we went as a huge group...people might be suspicious and attack us more than I would want. Chole: But we were off fine...with my crossbow and Liam's brutality. Peri: Is this what you do to all girls you meet? Put your arm around them and talk in a somber, but very sensual voice? Chole: I save my best for the best... Peri: Is that a fact? And your whores? Chole: I treat them the worst...if they want to use their bodies for that horrible purpose...then that's what they deserve.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]It was about 9:30 in the morning when Rico finally made it to class.[/i] Ms. Lorenz: You're late! Rico: Sorry, I got held up in traffic... Lorenz: You live 7 blocks away from here...how could there be traffic in residential. Rico: I took the busy street. Lorenz: You're gonna have to show up to class on time. Rico: Why? I'm passing, arent' I? Lorenz: Well...yeah...just...just be here on time okay? Rico: Alright...I'll try. Lorenz: The nice way of saying "no" [i]The entire class laughs and Rico goes on with a regular schoolday. Lunctime and Rico goes back to his Acura TL, parked horizontally across 3 spaces, far in the back...[/i] [/COLOR]
  13. I'd have A journal with pen. The journal to keep me sane...and the pen to kill myself once I run out of ink or paper.
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]I scored 500,000 (er around there...) pulling off tricks at the airport baggage claims. 48x combo with a custom skater...I think I ended up with a score close to 800,000 or something like that. I've only played THPS3 for a week...but I've been playing the series for quite some time.[/COLOR]
  15. I tried raising a red baby dragon thingy (I forgot it's name) and I gave up after a while...
  16. Yeah...that's the one I've had trouble with in the past...mainly the 30 block one with switching function...messed up my FFVII data...
  17. I wasn't aware that you can save PSone games onto a PS2 memory card directly from the game...it's just as a secure backup measure that you can do through the browser window and transfer your files on there, really useful. Yeah, Its probably the memory card...
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Liam, Siren, and Pi take aim...waiting...[/i] Iris: Huh? Chole: They want one of us to find a target for them... [i]Iris takes her scope and looks around on the cliffs of the peninsula...nothing.[/i] Iris: I don't see anything! Chole: Keep trying... Roux: !!!! Chole: What's wrong? [i]Roux kept looking around with his scope. Since he was much shorter, he pointed it straight...towards the water...[/i] Chole: No! [i]Chole takes one of Pi's pistols and runs over to the water. He started firing wildly and ran out of ammo.[/i] Pi: Chole...let us take care of this... [i]Chole got out of the way and Pi launched one large RPG (rocket propelled grenade). It exploded a few meters away, splashing everyone. A pool of blood formed atop the surface...[/i][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole saw Siren's immense power stored in her body, flowing up towards her hands and fingers...he didn't let her down...he set his scope to maximum zoom and located close to 20 hunters hidden beind a rock formation unreachable by Liam's bullets.[/i] Chole: *Points* Siren! Siren: Good :demon: [i]Siren fires a small green bolt. Everyone expected it to be much bigger...but they weren't disappointed when it penetrated the rock and exploded inside, causing chunks of superheated material to splash down on the waters and the 20 people situated on the cliff. Chole had to turn away because of the brightness of the blast while Iris had to comfort Roux and Rena because they were crying from the sound and light of it all. Siren smirked and crouched down again, looking for more targets.[/i] Pi: That's it! Liam, you can't have all the fun... Liam: Huh? [i]Pi reaches into his pack and takes out several small boxes. He opens each one of them and pulls out the parts to a much larger Launcher...[/i] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]In the worst case, somehow something wiped the memory card clean and you would have to reformat it and all that kinda stuff...(typically happens on 3rd party memory cards that hold more that 15 blocks). Try cleaning it, inserting it into slot 2 or try the memory card on someone else's PSx...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole followed Peri upstairs. By the sound of her footsteps on the polished marble, Chole could tell that this wasn't her usual self...he proceeded carefully, cocking back his crossbow on his shoulders with gloved hands. Ever since the incident outside of Manfort, he never bothered to take them off. Although he may have to, soon...[/i] Peri: In here... [i]Peri led Chole to the furthest room on the second floor of Lord Obsidian's mansion. A double-door guest room lined in velvet carpet and silk tapestries. An elegant chandiller(sp?) hung at a reachable distance, reflecting the sunlight through a small glass window on the ceiling.[/i] Chole: Looks like Obsidian's going to take a while with Viper and Aeon...Liam's just kicking it... Peri: "kicking it"? Chole: Ummm...its...a north western accent... Peri: From where? Chole: Forest River... Peri: ...I guess so...*sigh* [i]Peri took off her cloak and set it down on the large bed, also with silk sheets. She then took a seat on it and folded her hands on her lap.[/i] Chole: You know, I thought you'd be glad to fight me... Peri: No...I wouldn't Chole: Why? You seemed so eager to back in the forests of the north. Peri: I never meant to... [i]Lady Perigrine lowered her head and tears began to flow down her cheeks again.[/i] Chole: Is this what you are? Some strong hard áss b-tch that likes to f-k around with other guys...? [i]That last remark did it. She wanted to beat Chole up for what he said, grab her daggar and rip his throat out...but, like last time, she just couldn't and the tears kept rolling until her face turned a bright red. That was when Chole knew that that was enough...and he back off his attacks...[/i] Chole: ...and then, once you leave...you're heart broken?! What kind of life is that worth leading? Peri: I get my way... Chole: So when you want something, you'd spread your legs for them? Peri: That's not my style, I'm not a whore... Chole: Nevertheless...you lead a troubled life.... Peri: *sniff* I'd never expect this to come out of you. Chole: Then you don't know me well enough. Peri: Is that why Viper decided to tag along with you? Chole: She rescued me...I owe it to her with a partnership. Peri: That all you do? Buisness? Chole: A man has to make a living... Peri: Sit down... [i]Chole looked around and saw a desk with a polished wooden chair. He picked it up and set it down in front of Peri and sat down, backwards with spread legs on the back of the chair, facing her.[/i] Chole: But that's not the life I want to lead... Peri: We all have lives that we want to live...but we can't... Chole: Yeah, so now you know... [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Hand in hand, they went deeper into the island's jungle, crossing lots of huge trees and insects along the way...but no cannibals yet...[/i] Chole: Ahh, it's peaceful. Iris: Well, aside from the stupid bugs! Chole: They're not bothering us... Iris: You maybe...but just having them around creeps me out! Chole: We still have the entire day, maybe we can rest if we find a small cave or something...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos remained still and lowered his head with his hands on the side.[/i] Espa: What's wrong? Lupos: It's not gonna happen again... Espa: What's not gonna happen? Lupos: You leaving, me getting hurt...you keeping secrets...all of that... Espa: ...I know... Lupos: I want to be a good mentor for you...not only that but a good lover as well...and I can't do that if you keep running away. Espa: ... Lupos: It's just hard on me... [i]Lupos turned away and faced the front of the room. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath...[/i][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Ummm....are we all splitting up? Iris: Of course ;) Liam: Don't go too crazy now... [i]Liam, Sere, and Ryan go off in one direction while Chole and Iris go off in another...[/i][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: A land...legend to some...a mystical reality to a select bunch... Peri: You know your stuff... Chole: What about it? I've only heard about what great wonders lie there. Peri: I wanna go there someday. Chole: If you know where it is.. Peri: I was hoping Lord Obsidian might... Chole: Why do you keep calling him a Lord? He's just the same as the rest of us. Peri: Proper respects...just as I could call you "Sir Chole" Chole: Oh...no Lord title? Peri: Please...don't do that... Chole: Sorry...[/COLOR]
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