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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos knelt by Espa and held her hand...she lay, motionless...[/i] Lupos: Espa... Espa: ... Lupos: Nevermind... [i]Lupos let go and lay down beside her. He looked at her glowing, palce face and sighed...[/i] Lupos: My dearest... [i]He turned away and closed his eyes...he was tired...from life, not sleeping for two days...everything...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: ...What are you standing there for? Peri: Wha! Have you been awake all this time?! Chole: Yes....c'mon I'm a ranger...I sleep in the wild. Peri: I see... Viper: Cared to join us? Peri: Yeah... Viper: ... *looks back along with Aeon and Obsidian in the book* Chole: What are you doing here? Peri: Thought we'd might catch up...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Iris: If you want to turn cannibal on me...now's a good time... Chole: Let's go look for that chopper... Liam: Who's going to go while the others stay and guard our stuff? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole took one of the nearby torches and proceeded with Sephiroth down the narrow path.[/i] Chole: Do you think it was wise to leave Karu out guarding? Sephiroth: He's a good fighter...we won't get into too much trouble. Chole: O...okay...I guess... Seph: No faith? Chole: Oh, I have faith...but one man out in the jungle... Seph: It's a lot more dangerous in here... Chole: I guess so... [i]The continue walking and reach a dead end, a rock barrier, once again...[/i] Seph: Oh... [i]Sephiroth puched the wall and his fists go straght through, but with some resistance, like punching water...[/i] Chole: Huh? [i]Chole touched the rocky surface and pressed in...but his hand didn't go through...[/i] Seph: I guess I'm the only one who can pass...sorry... Chole: I'll wait here...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: We haven't searched the entire island...maybe we might find some of the transmitter equipment there... Liam: Yeah, sure...including one private aircraft or good quality helicopter. Rex: The cannibals are still out... Kool: Who cares about them? We can mess them up easily.[/COLOR]
[i]The group took cover behind the stone arches of the island while Liam was hot with his finger on the trigger, spotting the hunters and firing shots. A few bullets made it through, stopping the hunters dead in their tracks...[/i] Chole: How the hell did they find us?! Siren: We'll figure that out later...but first, we gotta help Liam. Iris: How?! [i]Pi reached into his pack and got out a few of his scopes. He set them all to infared mode and passed them around...[/i] Pi: Just look around for more hunters and tell Liam where to fire!
[COLOR=darkblue][i]As the sun began to rise, Siren and Zack got up from the couch and looked out onto the closing city lights...[/i] Siren: Liam should be on his way back...are you alright? Zack: I feel a little better...well actually *clutches stomach* I think that's all I feel... Siren: You're not hungry? Zack: Not really...nothing that would go into my mouth anyway. Siren: That's strange... Zack: No kidding...it's probably the metamorphisis... [i]Siren looked at Zack and smiled, she looked over his shoulder and saw one of her guest room doors shut...[/i] Siren: Uh.oh...:naughty:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole stayed behind...[/i] Chole: Viper's the one who needs help, not me! Peri: Why are you here?! Chole: What happened to your other friends? Ditched them as well?! Peri: Grrr!!! :flaming: They happen to be around Manfort, waiting for my arrival. Chole: Are you going to give it to them or are they going to have to look for you? Peri: Shut UP! Chole: Why should I? I helped you out so I could join with you in some extra dealings to earn some Ducats...but you sold out! Peri: Can we forget about that? Chole: Yeah, I can forget about everything, including you. Peri: Fine... [i]Peri crossed her arms again and turned away...signaling Chole to leave her in peace. But Chole calmed down and stood his ground.[/i] Chole: I thought I was never going to see you again... Peri: What would it matter? Chole: You're human, right? Peri: More or less...with spell arts... Chole: I'm surprised that you've carried this amount of discipline so far. Peri: And why is that? Chole: You didn't sleep with Obsidian. [i]Lady Perigrine smirked and turns around[/i] Peri: And how would you know that...Sir Chole? Chole: I have a couple of ways to tell...but, I should be helping out my party. [i]Chole left the room with Peri looking at the empty hallway, long after he parted.[/i] Liam: I heard a lot of shouting up there.. Chole: It was nothing... [i]Chole sat down on one of the elegant chairs as Lord Obsidian helped out Aeon and Viper find the correct spell book.[/i] Aeon: Good thing you decided to stop your affairs with your mistress and turned to a fellow DragonHeart... Obsidian: Be greatful...I wouldn't do this to commoners like yourselves. Viper: We're hardly common around here...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Night managed to revert back to his human form...[/i] Night: ... Siren: He's alright...*wipes forehead* I'm alright...we all are...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sephiroth: Well, I think it'd be better if I go around the temple with more than just myself. Chole: Okay...*sigh* Karu: what's wrong? Chole: It's tough to recall bad memories. Karu: They're just memmories they cant hurt you physically. Chole: But mentally... Sephiroth: I'm hurting right now... Chole: Alright... [i]Chole takes a deep breath and walks between the two pillars...they emit their field and the images come to his mind...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sere/Kool: Okay...0=0 [i]The group starts to pack their things while Liam and Rex go out to find the boat. Chole and Iris sit by, packing up all the food...[/i] Chole: Iris? Iris: Huh? Chole: Whatcha wanna do once we get to the island...? :D Iris: :rolleyes: Well...:devil: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: he must still be out hunting... Siren: Espa, you look...tired...you're welcome to use some of the rooms I have here... Espa: Thank you... [i]Siren and Zack turn back to each other, talking in soft whispers as Lupos and Espa pick a room to stay for the day...[/i][/COLOR]
[i]Chole came in with his gloved hands and crossbow and Viper with her Aeon staff...[/i] Chole: F-king whore! First you flake out on us, then you play around with this båstard! Obsidian: *stands up* a bastard?! Me?! haha!!! Viper: What's so funny? Obsidian: You're so paranoid... Viper: I'm just trying to stay alive...you know something about those books...tell us!!!
[COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I think Forrest Gump was the most accurate war movie there is today...even though it was more of a humerous type. Saving Private Ryan is good too...great balance of action and drama. I'm not too positive about the recent one "Black Hawk Down"...just violence most of the time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: But...the nachoes... Kool: Greenpeace probably cleaned it up by now. Liam: Who's Greenpeace? Kool: Just friends of mother earth. Rex: Freaks... Kool: NO! -.-' Iris: They're just nice people who do nice things. Sere: Do we still have our boat? Chole: So you really wanna go back? Liam: Yes, very much so! Rex: Well, now that you've mentioned it. Chole: Heh...now I'm starting to miss that waterfall... Iris: Hehe...*innocent smile*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Sephiroth trembled as the images engulfed his mind. The two stone pillars projected the images in a blurry mist.[/i] Chole: Oh...*looks away* Karu: Seph...something's happening. [i]Sephiroth opened his watering eyes and looked up. The temple's seal was no longer there and a passage appeared in front of him.[/i] Sephiroth: Well...*wipes face* That wasn't too hard. Chole: Now we can get the pheonix tail. [i]Chole tried to walk to where Seph was, but got blocked off by a huge forcefield...he was thrown back onto the dusty rock.[/i] Karu: Are you alright? Chole: Yeah... [i]Karu helped him up and dusted him off.[/i] Seph: It looks like I'm the only one who can go in...unless you have some kind of traumatic experience... Chole: ... Karu: I can't recall any...but Chole? Chole: It's not really traumatic...but living in the slums ever since I was a kid...brings back painful memories.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Liam: Pull up a chair, it's going to be a long night. Especially for those two upstairs. [i]The four move a huge table from the main hall and set it dead center of the libarary. They asked the servant to provide comfortable seating and free rooms afterwards.[/i] Viper: C'mon...we should start looking. [i]Chole climbed up to the top shelf and got the first book. He sat down and opened it...[/i] Chole: UGha!!! *turns away* Aeon: What is it? Chole: This book reeks! Liam: Hmm?? *waft* Whoa! He's right. Viper: Wait a minute, don't be stupid...Lord Obsidian's not dumb enough to just put these books on for show. He must've read them all. Aeon: You're right...we should go ask him. Chole: Yes! Right now! Viper: :rolleyes: If you insist.... Aeon: LoL Liam: You and Viper can go...us two have no issues with them. Aeon: My sister is my issue...but I think I'll just stay here where it's quiet. Viper/Chole: :flaming: [i]Viper and Chole marched quickly upstairs, passing the servant...[/i] Servant: Hey...where do you think you're going? Viper: Paying a visit! What does it look like?! Servant: You can't do that! Chole: Oh yeah? Watch us. [i]The servant stopped while the two searched around and listened in on every room on the second floor hall for Obsidian and Peri...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I've seen that effect once...but it I noticed it only for a few seconds before it disappeared from view....that was when the smog where I live in was a lot less than what it is today...[/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RicoTranzrig replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkblue]As a child I knew what love was; Something pure, wholesome, warm, safe. That's how it's always been. That's how it should be. But now, older, more mature. I've lost such a feeling I try to look for it. Only to come back empty. Other feelings try to replace it, Though nothing truly can. Someday I'll find it again. I'll feel safe, warm, wanted. I won't have to worry about anything. Because nothing will be able to break me. My patience may be shattered, But my hopes, my love, my life... They will always be there. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Where can we go though? They promised this would be a vacation of a lifetime. Iris: It was...but now I wanna go home! Chole: I have no home...so I don't really care. Liam: But I think most of us do..and you should be in a foster home or something. Chole: ...I guess so. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The group pulls night towards the shore, bloodied...[/i] Siren: Oh my god...Night... Pi: Chole! We need all the pressure we can get! [i]Chole runs over and slides to stop as he takes a piece of cloth and pushes on the open wounds of Night's wings.[/i] Liam: Man...try to transform, we can help you better... Night: I...I can't! Pi: Dámn it! Siren: I'll be back... [i]Siren runs off and passes by Iris, Rena, and Roux.[/i] Siren: Are you gonna help or what?! Rena: I don't know how... Iris: Siren? Siren: He's gonna die... [i]Siren reaches into her pack and takes out two syringes.[/i] Iris: What are you going to do? Siren: Try to ease his pain...he's lost a lot of blood...and he's going to need rest. Rena: I should go help! *runs off* Iris: Roux...stay here Siren: No...it's not safe here anymore! Stay with him. Iris: Okay... [i]Siren runs to Night carrying the two needles and plunges one after the other into Night.[/i] Night: Uhh....ggg....mmmm....*tears come to his eyes* Pi: It's gonna be alright...just relax...you're gonna make it...we just need you to transform...[/COLOR]
Much like the Atari Jaguar (ack!) the higher the bits does mean that you'll get somewhat more efficient processing...other than that...it's the other components that really compose a good system. With the GBA, I think it would do very well being a "sprite mosnster." If the system did go fully 3D...the games might look something a lot like an enhanced SNES version of StarFox or StunRaceFX.
[COLOR=darkblue][size=1]OOC: lol...I kinda laughed myself a little when I posted that...[/size] Chole: I don't think that's who I got my rage from... [i]Everyone looks at Iris...[/i] Iris: :wave: Hehehe....*smiles innocently* Kool: Wait...just a minute...how did everyone get here? Chole: They happened to rescue me from a trading barge I was in. Kool: You were a slave? Chole: Almost...until they saved me. Ryan: They did bring good to him..but how about the rest of us? Liam: They just pulled me off the street and asked me if I wanted to be in a TV show. Iris: Same here... [/COLOR]
OOC: Oops again...which page is the map on anyway? ~~~~~~ Karu: Well, we better hurry if we want to get at least somewhere by sundown. Chole: *nods* [i]The trio sped up their pace, wishing they had Chocobos with them. They continued on without saying much, headed for the first temple. If it didn't carry the item to cure Jasmine, then it provided ample shelter for them.[/i] Chole: I never really realized how huge and unexplored this world really is. Seph: You'd be surprised... Chole: What are you gonna do once you save Jasmine? Seph: .... Chole: *turns head sideways* ? Seph: I don't know... [i]The sun began to fall as the skies turned pink and orange...they were only a few miles away from the safety of the temple, but they decided to take a short break.[/i] Karu: Chole, do you still have any form of weaponry? Chole: *reaches into his pack* All I have now is an energy pistol and and a survival knife. Karu: Okay..don't use the gun...just the knife if you're in danger. We might need that power later on... Chole: Gotcha... Karu: Oh, and one more thing before we enter the temple. Chole: Uh-huh? Karu: Stick with Sephiroth...he probably knows his way around better than we do in there. Seph: I might...if I have enough of their blood in me... Karu: Okay...let's get going...we have a bit of distance to cover before nightfall... [i]They continued their hike towards the temple, as they neared it...it seemed that it was much, much larger than the previous one they saw with Saron...[/i]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Good thinking...you're really smart Kool. Kool: Ha! I know! Iris: :shifty: Kool: What was that? Iris: Nothing :D Kool: Nevermind...ummm [i]Takes pie, pulls the excess flap over and shoves it into the oven.[/i] Ryan: Can't wait! Chole: Can we bake that shark after? Liam: No!!! This shark is my best friend! Iris: W...T................................................................F? :therock: Liam: Waaahhhh!!! *hugs shark*... Shark: X_X[/COLOR]