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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, Karu, and Sephiroth walk the temple ruins, covered in vegitation and a blanket of heat...[/i] Karu: How long is it to Solhara...? [i]Chole cheked his map and calculated the distance.[/i] Chole: Not that far...700-1000 miles...difficult to say. Sephiroth: Still...that's a long way!! Chole: I wish we still had that magic carpet... Sephiroth: What is he talking about? Karu: Nothing...it's dead now... Chole: I know...but Chocobos! Seph: If we find any... [i]They passed the huge stone-step temple and took a look around the vast empty space.[/i] Karu: You don't think they would mind if we took a better view of the place, would they? Sephiroth: Couldn't hurt... Chole: But isn't this sacred land... Seph: Yeah, and I'm a half-sacred guy...so let's go...I'll feel more comfortable knowing how long this jungle actually is.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Liam fireed and the sharp hook caught on Night's wing...[/i] Pi: Don't yank him out... Liam: I know! Rev: C'mon...let's help him... [i]The three grab onto the rope as they reeled the string in slowly. They saw Night's wings float to the surface.[/i] Pi: C'mon...almost there! [i]With one last pull, Night's transformed body surfaced and came alive as he jerked and clung onto the boat.[/i] Night: Help! Liam: Hold on... [i]The three let go of the rope and grab onto Night. The pull him over, soaked and bleeding.[/i] Pi: We're glad to see you... Night: The kids? Pi: Safe...they're on the island..but first we need to patch you up quick... [i]Rev took the helm again and sped back towards shore.[/i][/COLOR]
  3. OOC: Sounds interesting.... ~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico sat down in his home garage, playing GT3, when the phone rang. He put it on pause and got up to answer...[/i] Rico: Hello? ???: Whas up? Rico: Why are you talking all ghetto like that? Speak up! ????: I heard you gotta new ride. Rico: Yeah, so? ????: Mazda Rx-7, Red Coat...brand new rotary... Rico: Yeah... ????: Wanna pit it up against a couple of guys for some cash? Rico: I haven't broken into it yet. ????: That's too bad...well, hit me up when you can push it past 10,000RPM. *click* [i]Rico set down the phone and went back to playing...[/i] Rico: The hell was that? *shakes head* [i]His computer went off...8:15[/i] Rico: Sh-t...class time... [i]Rico saved his game and shut off his PS2. He grabbed his backpack, suede jacket and got his keys to his Acura TL Type-S. He didn't feel ready yet to take on 750 Horses of untapped Mazda Speed. He popped the trunk, set his pack down, closed it and got into the driver seat. He started the engine, hearing the Comptech mufflers roar. He put it in drive and sped out of his neigborhood at 80MPH...He clicked on the HomeLink system to shut his door as Rico cornered at 40 onto the main road.[/i] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]As I come up to the plate My face becomes flushed as the catcher behind me Crouches down and prepares to catch the next pitch. I know the pitcher's moves Seen him pull the same trick on me for years Always fell for it each and every time. He nods, I nod, ready my bat, and swing... Crack! The ball speeds off with all of my power into it. I hit first, the crowd goes wild I hit second, the crowds jump up and down I hit third, the crowd stands motionless. As I head for home plate, I see the crowd's glued faces. Then I realize, it's not a home run As I see the pitcher's face smile. I dash back to third. And the crowd exhales a sigh of relief. I'm safe there, but I want to go home. As I look at the catcher. To my surprise, It is not a man, But a woman. And I know I'm going to be here for a long time...:D[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Karu: Not a bad idea... Chole: We'll have to keep our heads low though...since we don't know if they're looking for us or if they've turned their heads towards some other matters. Seph: Just as long as we don't go back into the slums...I'm fine. Chole: How are we gonna get there anyway? Saron: Chocobos aren't a bad method of transportation...with speeds up to 80MPH...yeah... Karu: There are chocobos here? Saron: Somewhere around here...I think, I don't get out much. Seph: Uh...huh...well... Saron: Oh! One more thing...about ressurecting Jasmine...if you really want to. There's an artifact called the Pheonix Tail...I'm sure one of you will know how to use it once you get your hands on it. Chole: Well, not me, that's for sure. Seph: Where is it? Saron: One of the four godesses has it...be nice enough and she might give it to you. Karu: ...we're very much grateful. Saron: I wish I could offer you guys more info... Chole: This is more than enough...thanks :) [i]The three packed up, said their goodbyes and continued north, back towards Solhara...hoping to find a Chocobo ranch somewhere in between them and the vast city.[/i][/COLOR]
  6. I'd say that both systems are good...but GCN is a lot easier (IMO) to get used to since it's Nintendo and it has all of its characters you've known for a long time now. Plus most of its games have close to no load times and the system is small and it's graphics are very strong.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]I love watching the sunsets from time to time...I on the west coast of the U.S. and sometimes I go on afternoon runs, ending up at the edge of the delta where I go hiking up a small hill and there I can overlook the bay area as the sun dips closer and closer towards the horizon, turing the skies all orangy-pinkish. It reflects off the water and some of the buildings so it looks like the bay is glowing and it does get a whole lot colder from that point on.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Odd, a corrupt godess.... Saron: It's believable...many pure beings grow corrupt for one reason or another. Plus...the fifth one...she was believed to be left out often. Seph: But if she is causing influence throughout the world...how can we seal her up again? Saron: That's beyond my knowledge. Karu: If god sealed her up...then I wonder if we'll be strong enough to reseal her. Chole: Question...if the fith goddess is still alive? How about the other four? Particularly Solhara? Saron: They're all very much alive...They don't have a physical form...but they're there. Seph: How can you tell? Saron: Look all around Solhara...there's a good amount of grasslands and beautiful scenery. There's no doubt that they didn't grow without the help of a higher being. Karu: Do you want us to do anything? Saron: Look for that temple...seal the fifth goddess... Chole: You make it sound so simple. Saron: It's no simple task...I assure you that. Seph: Any places to start? Saron: You can revisit all the places where the four other goddesses reign... Chole: Solhara? Karu: What's with you and that place? Chole: I have friends there...just didn't get a chance to introduce you to them... Saron: That wouldn't be a bad idea...you're familiar with that place so it would be a great place to start...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Pi: Getting Night?! No way man! Liam: Do we have a choice...we don't have any good divers that can see in blood. Pi: If we miss, we might kill him... Liam: It's worth a try, isn't it? [i]Rev stops the boat over the red spot in the water that is now spread several meters...[/i] Rev: *Looks down* It doesn't look good. Liam: *Raises harpoon/ Speargun* Pi: *raises hands* It's not on me! Liam: Grr...We have to save him. [i]Liam points the harpoon into the water...[/i] Pi: mmm... Liam: I need your infared... Pi: Okay...*reaches in pack and hands him his scope* Liam: *puts on scope and turns on the infared function* Pi: Better? Liam: Yeah, I can just barely make him out. Rev: Be careful. Liam: I know...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Iris: How in the world? Chole: :sleep: Liam: Attack the shark first before it attacks you...duh... Kool: Is that why you only escaped with a flesh wound to the leg. Liam: *kicks leg over the waterline* Ohh...yeah! Sere: *palm to forehead* Oh man....*shakes head* Liam: *Sticks up head and chest in much pride*[/COLOR]
  11. Chole: Bwah!!! Kool: Nice change, Ain't it? Chole: *wipes water off face* Yeah! [i]Chole sprinkles water all over Kools face.[/i] Kool: Hey! Stop that! [i]Kool does a backflip, her feet jumping out of the water, splashing Chole and kicking him under the chin[/i] Chole: Ugh! *knock out!* Kool: Ooops;...
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: No! Really! What took you so long? Espa: I can't say. Lupos: Why not?! Espa: Because, I just don't wanna talk about it. Lupos: Pff...whatever. Espa: Fine... [i]Lupos pulled up to the building and they got out of the car. A Nosferatu took their car as they went inside.[/i][/COLOR]
  13. I'll just keep watch on this one to cheer me up...I can make jokes...but don't have the time. (School Sucks!)
  14. [COLOR=darkblue][i]As Lupos and Espa neared the complex, Lupos finally brought it up.[/i] Lupos: Okay...I've had it. Espa: What? Lupos: You can't run out on me like that whenever you feel like you need some extra time. Espa: Then what am I supposed to do? Lupos: Couldn't you just meditate nearby? Espa: Uncle Fong's shop is a place where I feel most comfortable... Lupos: You should have told me where you were going. Espa: I couldn't. Lupos: Why not? Espa: Because I wanted to be alone...really alone, without anyone knowing where I am to find me. Lupos: I see.[/COLOR]
  15. Usually, I listen to some music that's really "dream" like...maybe Trance or New-Age stuff. Sometimes I pray or meditate or just try to blank out and let my mind wander.
  16. The one that I almost fell for was getting the White Chocobo which was rumored to be able to go under the marshes so you could get some kind of special materia...I bred a couple gold chocobos...but no white one...
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I walk through the thick brush of the forest. Taking in the sweet air around me. Everywhere, children frolick happily, Without a cary in the world. It's sad though... In an instant, All that can be taken away from them. In an instant, Everything that made them happy, Will do nothing for them now. In an instant, They will know sorrow and woe Instead of hapinness and delight. Yet... Just let them play Give them their innocence Just for one day longer... Let them grow slowly... For our innocence is what keeps us alive.[/COLOR]
  18. Yeah, I think it's gonna be good, despite what people say about that new image of Link...with the "almond" eyes and all...it was a shock the first time I saw it...but it looks kinda cute after a while.
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The three went into the guest quarters...four beds, evenly spaced out...[/i] Sephiroth: Did it seem like Saron was a little paranoid about that entire deal of the temples being taken over? Karu: It is a serious issue to her, isnt' it? Sephiroth: But it is protected by a strong shield...I wouldn't think Metropod technology would be able to take it down. Chole: Please don't discriminate me because I'm Metropod... Karu: Don't worry...we know you're neutural in all of this. You've lost most of your gear too... Chole: Yeah...I'm not so tech dependant as I was a while back. Seph: Good...but, where should we go from here? Karu: Back to Solhara? Seph: No way! Chole: That might be the only way we can tell if they are planning to take down the temples. Karu: But why though? Seph: Because they hold a lot of information that's useful to magic users...but not them... Chole: Good point...but our techs have always compared with magic... Karu: I dunno...I'm getting kinda sleepy...let's talk about this tomorrow. Seph: Fine... [i]The three set down their gear, blow out the light and rest up for the next day.[/i][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos threw the towels in the hamper and followed Iris to the bed...[/i] Lupos: What happened to us? Espa: What do you mean? Lupos: I mean...I embraced you willingly, with love...and now...we're just stuck here. Espa: That's because there's nothing to do right now... Lupos: We could always go out and hunt... Espa: But we've been doing that for a while. Lupos: Any good suggestions? Espa: Visit Zack? Lupos: When Siren calls. Espa: That could take a while... Lupos: Fine... [i]Lupos kissed Espa and got up. He threw on his jacket and walked downstairs. Espa followed him as he went outside and got into the car.[/i] Espa: I'm coming, right? Lupos: Get in. [i]Espa hopped in and they sped off back to HQ...[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Good thing I'm out of the wackyness... Kool: Then where's all the fun coming outta you, man? Chole: *points to Iris, Ryan and Liam* Over there... Kool: LOL! Chole: It's funny watching those three... Kool: Just don't start complaining when it's your turn to play around. Chole: I won't :D[/COLOR]
  22. I prefer GT3...but WRC does compare very well to GT2 since the rally mode for that game wasn't that good. And it is a game that I have long since been trying to look for since they didn't release that many copies of it. (I think)
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Oh you were expecting us?! Peri: Yes...more or less. I saw the mess you made out there... Chole: Draped in silks and elegance...like true royalty. Peri: Do I sense a hint of sarcasm? Chole: Are you going to tell your wench to let us through or are you going to tell him to try to kick us out? Peri: Why so hostile...servant...please let them in. [i]The servant moves aside and gets pushed by Chole, then Aeon, and then Viper, Liam passes by peacefully.[/i] Viper: You left Chole and me stranded in the middle of the forest!? After we rescued your áss! How noble is that? Peri: We had special circumstances...we didn't need you to interfere. Chole: Fine then...we have nothing more to do with you...where's Obsidian? Obsidian: Lord Obsidian to you Warror! [i]Obsidian walks behind Peri and wraps his arms around her waist. An evil smirk comes on his face as he looks at Chole.[/i] Aeon: Obsidian, my sister's in danger...the Venom's taking over her. Obsidian: Oh really now is it? Well...it's about time it finally hit her. Viper: What the hell are you talking about? Obsidian: Don't you see...it won't kill you...it only makes you stronger! Just like your brother... Viper: And a lot less beautiful... Obisidian: Some insult...that goes for your brother as well. Aeon: Like I give a sh-t! Peri: Don't be so rude in front of Lord Obsidian! Mind your manners! Chole: Woman! We have no manners! Obsidian: Then I'm going to have to ask you to leave... Chole: We didn't come here for proper respects, sir...we came here so we could cure Viper. Obsidian: I'm afriad there is no cure... Aeon: There is and you know it! You have way more resources than any other DragonHeart in this region...you should have access to Manfort's library and records hall... Obsidian: If you ask nicely... Liam: Please? Obsidian: Fine...do as you wish...my servant will lead you there. Chole: And you? Obsidian: As you can see...I have my own buisness to attend to... [i]Obsidian turns Peri around and they walk back upstairs into a private room...[/i] Chole: Heh...some Lord... Viper: Don't mind him...he means well...but his attitude is far from friendly towards DragonHearts like us... Chole: And Peri...that b-tch! Aeon: Not so loud... Chole: What the hell is she doing here? Frolicking around with him? Liam: Jealous? Chole: Hardly! I thought women like her would have more dignity and sense to spend time with a sleaze ball like Obsidian. Viper: He is a very resourceful man...don't disrespect him...he's old...but he has a good history... Chole: Fine...I'll just forget about them... Viper: *pats Chole on the back* C'mon, let's get me fixed up![/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Pi takes out his scope and looks out into the open waters...he notices a small patch of dark red mixed in with the blue sea...[/i] Pi: We gotta go save him! Chole: No wait! This was no accident! He was shot down! Siren: What? Iris: Don't tell me you don't know anything about this Siren! Siren: I dont! Liam: You and Chole stay here...Pi! Rev! [i]Liam, Pi, and Rev get on the boat fully armed and head over towards where Night's pool of blood is.[/i] Chole: I hope they'll get him...safely.. Rena: Chole! Iris!! Iris: *picks her up* Nice to see you... [i]They look at the boat as it gets further and further away from the safety of the island...[/i][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos gets up from the bed and takes Espa's hand. He leads her over to their washroom, still intact...[/i] Espa: I guess they had no interest in this room. Lupos: Perhaps... [i]He reaches down and turns on the faucet...cool running water starts to flow out of it. He reaches lower and pushes the plunger in, trapping the water in the large tub.[/i] Espa: Is it okay with you if I wash up? Lupos: I don't mind at all... [i]Lupos heads out and brings some towels and a robe for his lady...[/i][/COLOR]
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