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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Yes...just so it would make sense later on... I happened to write this a few days after I met you...which was a while back. It gets weired here since I skipped Akiu Kaze. I'll have to change some parts later also... ~~~~~~~~~ [i][b][u]Chapter 5: Cohesion[/i][/b][/u] Rico fires three bursts at the target, the nine bullets all missing their wooden targets, ?Damn.? He reloads and fires another nine shots, seven of them actually clipping the wood, bursting the shells causing splinters to spray across the area. He steps back to dodge the sharp projectiles hurling at his tall and strong build, ?Yeah.? Rico pauses and stays silent. The wooden frame finally collapses on the ground as he takes a look around. Along with the silhouette of his spiky hair, he notices someone in the shadows, ?Hello? Anybody there?? The person lurking in the shadows steps out, revealing a tall woman with short, green hair, sporting the standard uniform, and M16 in hand. ?Nice shot,? she passes Rico and steps up to the counter. She picks up a clip and locks it into her pistol. She takes aim and fires a single shot, hitting the neck of the target, decapitating it without any flying splinters, ?But I?m better,? she unloads the pistol and starts to walk away. Rico taps on her shoulder causing her to turn around, ?Nice shot,? she ignores the compliment and continues walking. He speaks in surprise, ?Hold on, where?d you learn how to do that?? She turns around again in complete surprise, ?Pardon?? ?How?d you learn how to shoot like that,? Rico looks at her identification tag, ?Tasha Kaitlin Adelle?? ?That?s right, but I prefer being called T.Kay, please. My shooting skills? Thanks for the compliment. Let?s just say I had a bit of practice these couple of days,? T.Kay holsters her gun, ?Didn?t get your name.? ?Rico Tranzrig, pleased to meet you,? they shake hands, ?You new here?? ?First day on the job,? T.Kay says as she holsters her gun, ?I?m getting a bit sleepy, so I?ll see you around,? she walks out of the shooting range. ?Bye,? Rico waves his rifle as the doors close. He walks back to his locker, unloads and goes out for lunch at the café across the street. She wasn?t extraordinarily attractive but she sure did catch Rico?s attention. He needed a partner as all Meteo police did and he thought T.Kay would prove an ideal counterpart. Her stealthy demeanor and shooting ability, along with his technological prowess and fighting adeptness would make a fine combination. Rico had to find this mystery woman again. He felt compelled to do so. ?Hey, have a seat,? one of the bouncers greets Rico and walks away. Café ala Verso has been in business for around twelve years in the same location, across from the hospital and police station. Available here is a wide selection of sandwiches and drinks. Computer ports are at every seat with the staff circulating the room to take your order. The bar is off to the side and leather seats are neatly ordered near the windows with photogenic lighting. Rico takes a seat at the bar counter to order, ?Hey, I?d like a Ruben sandwich with a soda,? he takes a quick glance around and notices T.Kay forcing stacks of cookies and tall froth coffee. The staff really takes their time in making orders so Rico finally decides to talk to her. T.Kay stops gorging and looks up, ?Oh, hello again,? she says in a cheerful voice, ?Rico, right?? ?Just having lunch, mind if I join you?? ?Hey, go ahead,? Rico takes a seat and grabs a cookie. T.Kay gulps down her cup and continues to eat, ?This? your first day also?? ?How?d you know?? ?Talked to a couple people in the message board room before I got here, ?ooh?some new guy named Rico?s joined our section, I wonder what he looks like.? ?Word gets out pretty quick,? Rico?s face turns red, ?You make it sound like these ladies are aroused. You sure that isn?t just you talking, T.Kay?? he starts laughing. T.Kay jumps up, infuriated, ?What! Oh shut up!? ?Sorry- but you really have a knack for imitation,? Rico says as he stands up, ?Hold that thought, let me get my meal,? Rico walks to the counter and gets his food, ?Hey tender,? He points over to T.Kay, ?See that woman over there? Get her a malt chocolate sundae, its on me,? Rico says. He swipes his credit card and the staff gets to work. Rico walks back to join T.Kay. T.Kay got ticked off from Rico?s last remark but she wasn?t going to fry him to a bloody pulp smear. Instead she decides to scan his mind, to understand him fully. Ever since the psychotherapy she went through for two long years, she was able to look into peoples? minds and alter reality to a limited extent. She experiments with her new talent on her roommate Adrian. T.Kay would dive into his mind, burn him, and eventually put him to a deep sleep without any memory of what happened to him. But she couldn?t delve into Rico?s mind. For some reason beyond her comprehension, T.Kay couldn?t will herself to scan his upper story. Reading other people?s minds like the bouncer outside and the lady sitting behind her was a breeze, why not Rico? He did seem to be a nice person who did not seem to have any mischievous motives towards her besides to lust for her drop dead gorgeous looks. But it still bothered her that she could not probe around his mind let alone fry him to the ground should the need arise. Rico, with food in hand, walks back to T.Kay?s table, ?That sure took a while, sorry,? he says as he starts biting into his sandwich. T.Kay stares at Rico for a while before finally speaking, ?Rico, this is your first day on the job, right?? Rico tries to talk back only to spurt out muffled sounds from his stuffed mouth. Instead, he nods. ?I don?t have the energy right now to match wits with you so I?ll be blunt. Do you wanna partner up with me?? ?Rico swallows his food in one big gulp, feeling the indigestion run through his chest, ?Owww?I?ve been meaning to ask you the same question. It?s kinda like you read my mind or something.? ?Yeah, right. I wish. So is that a ?yes??? ?Yup,? Rico says. They shake hands, ?I heard lots of benefits can come out of a nice start.? ?We?ll see how things work out,? T.Kay says. She reaches for a terminal and accesses LiveWire police database. They both look at the monitor and immediately notice the extra benefits that come with their new partnership: New car, increased mission clearance, and to top it all off, a two bedroom apartment at a section of their choice. Rico whistles in enthusiasm. T.Kay speaks in relief, ?Not bad, I?ll be able to get away from that jerk Adrian.? ?Who?s he? Roommate?? Rico finishes the sandwich and soda. ?I hate the guy. Always trying to hit on me. Just last night, he called up his ?buddy? Eddie so they could frolic in my beauty the next day,? T.Kay screams with arms flailing. She inputs their names and registers. A new screen pops up. T.Kay reads it over, ?C?mon let?s get our keys,? she stands up and smacks his head, causing Rico to cough on his soda. ?Yes! No more cramped up quarters for me!? Rico jumps up and they walk out of the café. ?Heeeyyy!? A man shouts running down the sidewalk with a cup in hand, ?You forgot you Sundae!? ?Sundae?? T.Kay asks Rico. ?Oh yeah, oops.? Rico takes it from the tender, ?Lazy ***,? he mumbles and gives it to T.Kay, ?Here, stay awake from now on.? ?Thanks, I think.? She slowly ate it with impeccable manners. Unlike the restaurant, public areas didn?t give her the privacy to pack her mouth. Both of them were looking forward to partnering up with each other in the various missions they would receive from their database. T.Kay was glad that she wouldn?t have to confront the slick coffee bastards Adrian and Eddy again but she was still cautious towards Rico since he didn?t know anything about him. Rico, on the other hand, was very eager to relocate with all the new benefits given to them. However, he was still skeptical since not only did they meet for the very first time, they would be working together and living together also. The Meteo police encourage teamwork offering more than adequate benefits. If they partner or even group together was not only beneficial but also mandatory to do so. After relocating, partnered officers seldom visit the station. Instead, they get their missions through the Live Wire system and keep daily logs on the cases they work on. Rico and T.Kay head over to the parking garage behind the large complex to pick up their keys to the car and apartment, which was located in the eastern section of Meteo. Rico walks up to the counter, shows his badge and the attendant gives them two pairs of keys. They located their Laguna blue V-8 sedan and unlocked the car. ?Nice car,? Rico comments. Before they get in with Rico at the wheel, T.Kay puts down her drink asks him, ?Rico, you do know how to drive something like this right?? ?Yeah, piece of cake, I used to drive a small vehicle when I was sixteen,? Rico says. They both slip into their black leather bucket seats, put on their seatbelts, and engage the engine, emitting a threatening roar. Rico puts it in gear and bursts off in screeching tires. The only problem was that T.Kay was still trying to be flawless. SPLAT! T.Kay was now wearing her new sundae, ?Damn you Rico Tranzrig!? She growled. ?Uh, sorry about that.? He reaches into the glove compartment and hands her some napkins; ?Here you go.? ?Thank you,? T.Kay says coldly and wipes the adhesive ice cream off her face. At nearly 70Mph, they turned onto the streets of inner section Meteo, weaving through heavy traffic. He notices T.Kay getting sleepy and says, ?Hey, you should get some sleep right now. It?ll be a couple hours before we get to our new apartment.? ?No it?s okay, I?d rather talk.? T.Kay finishes her drink and throws the cup out the window. ?First thing?s first, I barley know you.? ?Well, what to you wanna know about me?? Rico pauses. ?I?m eighteen, born and raised in Meteo City, have a nice family back in the Far Eastern section.? He picks up the speed to 145Mph and interlocks cruise control, ?How ?bout you?? T.Kay looks out the side window and talks, ?I?m eighteen too, and to tell you the truth, I don?t have a family. I woke up in a hospital not knowing anything except my name and the language.? ?You?ve had it pretty rough, I?m sorry.? Rico consoles T.Kay by running his fingers through her smooth hair. Rico felt an attachment to her. He felt comfortable talking to her only after a few minutes of meeting her. Usually, he was never good at being a social person but he was well known to many as kind person. ?I could tell you my short life story, but we would have to go to the apartment. I don?t wanna be freaking out when I?m getting to the sensitive parts because of your driving.? T.Kay looks out the window and sees a sky rise building in the distance different from the others which seemed to be the apartment complex. ?Okay, sounds good. You know how to cook. Right?? Rico said hopefully. ?We just ate, and I?m not gonna be your homemaker!? ?I know, this is only for later reference,? Rico reassured her. ?Well, yeah, I sort of know how to cook, just as long as I don?t taste it before I serve it.? ?Great.? Rico turns into the parking lot of the apartment complex and finds a parking space. They never did trust the valet parking with adolescent drivers at the wheel of their new car. Once inside, T.Kay immediately began relocating the furniture. All the couches were moved the beds were remade and fixed up, and she also cleaned the kitchen part way when she realized that she was turning into a homemaker. ?Do you mind helping a little?? She said. ?Well-? Rico starts to head for the door. ?Here, work for awhile!? Throwing a towel in his face, she plops a bottle of Windex in his hand, ?Get those mirrors and windows, they?re disgusting!? ?Um, okay.? Squirting the blue liquid, he quickly wipes the surfaces with the towel. After a couple of minutes, Rico had the neat mentality that T.Kay has and started looking for places that required cleaning. Meanwhile, T.Kay is trying to set up the computer without even touching it. The monitor, tower, keyboard and all the other accessories were floating around as she directs the items with her mind. Rico walks in on her little experiment. ?Very interesting, what are you doing?? ?Exercising my telekinesis. Dos this freak you out or something?? ?Well, actually, no. I just thought you were-? ?Normal? Well, I?m not but I?m working on that.? She drops the computer parts. ?Alright, just don?t start making float in public.? Rico says sarcastically. ?Fine, fine, I won?t.? She sighed. T.Kay finished up setting the computer with Rico?s careful instruction and her telekinesis. Eventually, they finished cleaning everything from the toilet to the grime outside on the balcony. The looked around and felt something about their apartment that made them feel blissful, yet exhausted at the same time. Diving into the nearest sofa, she rolled over, totally relaxed. ?Ah, so much better.? Rico follows suit and decides to continue T.Kay?s story, ?So you wanna tell me what?s going on right now with you?? ?Okay, some things may seem a little far fetched, or just plain inane. But believe me, everything I say is the absolute truth.? ?I?ll keep that bit of advice in mind,? Rico comments. Closing her eyes, T.Kay breathes deeply, then begins her story. ?My first given memory was waking up in a hospital, surrounded by doctors and psychiatrists. ?T.Kay looks up at the ceiling and continues, ?They told me I got into a ?bad car accident? and that I needed to go through a series of therapy sessions. I was sixteen, they told me. So for two years, they pit me through the same kinds **** leaving me exhausted every single day. The asked me question after question and my answers never seemed to satisfy them. After a couple of months, that?s when the headaches began. During my periods of inactivity, just lying in bed doing nothing but stare at the objects around the room, I discovered something about myself that was unique. I had the ability to scan and alter reality. I began to lift IV poles and medicine vials with my mind. When some of the people working nearby walked past my ?holding pin? I could feel their emotions towards me. I listened and looked more closely into their minds. Rico, I knew who they were, everything about them." ?What did they want with you anyway?? Rico asked. ?That was the strange part, I knew they had interest in me but I couldn?t see what it was. A classic case of ?just following orders.? They didn?t know the motive for keeping me in here.? Rico sits up, ?Wait, you?re saying that they keep you locked up in there and they don?t know why?? T.Kay leers at Rico for interrupting her for the second time, ?Yeah, I think the psychiatrist who was asking the questions knew why so I decided to scan his mind the next day.? T.Kay sits up. ?But by the next day, I was really fired up, literally. At the next meeting, I ignored all his questions and tried to scan his mine. But something kept me from reading his thoughts. I closed my eyes and tried harder only to breathe in burnt flesh. I opened my eyes to see a charred body by the door.? ?Well, now he knows when a girl gets a hot temper,? Rico comments. T.Kay giggles, ?Since I had adequate control over my abilities, I decided to break out. Kinda like the way you drive, I ran around the hospital floor trying to find and exit. All the nurses and doctors were chasing me so I decided to lift everything, including the people, clump it together and make an exit of my own. I ignited the clump and slammed it on the wall. Made a large gap that let to the outside world. I still had on a cheap hospital gown so I stole one of the doctor?s coats and fled to the nearby café.? Rico glance at the clock. ?Well, time flew by pretty quickly.? ?I?ll continue the story later then if it bores you that much, ?T.Kay said. She took a deep yawn, ?I guess I?m boring myself to death too.? ?Forget it, I?ll just sleep here, ?Rico says. He lies down and pops another question, ?Since you can read minds, do-do you know what I?m thinking right now.? ?Umm, something perverted?? T.Kay says, taking a wild guess. ?How did you know?? Rico says, feeling insecure and surprised. He ponders a thought about sugar honey pie and tests her mind again. ?Okay what about know? Give me absolute details too.? ?Okay, okay, I can?t really read your mind. I was just lucky.? ?Oh, why not?? ?I dunno why, I tried numerous things to you but all I can do is move you with my telekinesis. But I don?t know unless I try, ?T.Kay laughs. She raises her arm and lifts it, also lifting Rico. ?Ha, there we go.? She moves him around back and forth, up and down, side to side. ?I have the power!? She guides him into one of the rooms. Rico gets a little dizzy and complains, ?Hey, this isn?t fun!? ?Oh right.? Lowering her arm, she gently drops him on the bed. ?That was a rush,? he said, dazed. ?Well, that?s a good start. I?ll try to perfect my technique when you?re asleep.? ?WHAT?? Rico jumps up and grabs a pillow. ?I?ll set up the TABLE.? T.Kay says slowly. ?Oh, right, just checking,? Rico, in a dizzy stupor, collapses on the bed, ?Don?t pull anything on me okay?? T.Kay laughs maliciously, ?I won?t.? ?I?ll beat you up if I see any bumps, bruises, lacerations, avulsions-? ?I get the picture, good night Rico, and I solemnly swear that I will not hurt you,? She says seriously. Rico falls asleep without any trouble. T.Kay, on the other hand, was having an acute case of insomnia. She went out to the outside balcony of their apartment to ruminate about the events that took place in her short existence in Meteo. Her ex-roommate, Adrian, would be wondering about her whereabouts while Eddie, probably with packs of condoms and a video camera would be extremely disappointed in not seeing her today. What bothered her the most about Adrian was that his thoughts were disturbing. He had no compassion, no empathy, and an overcoming desire to take advantage of T.Kay any chance he got. She heard and saw thoughts that weren?t native to Adrian?s own mind, as if those thoughts were somehow infused into his psyche. But in Rico?s case, never, at one moment, was she able to read his mind. She would try hard listening and focusing her mind towards him, but all she got was a curious stare from Rico. T.Kay also took note that as she was playing with Rico?s body in the air, she couldn?t hurt him. At one point she wanted to slam him into the living room wall. Another time she wanted to release him in mid air, letting him drop to the floor, but she couldn?t. Maybe it had something to do with T.Kay?s attachment to Rico; she felt safe with him. T.Kay was able to lie on the couch or have her back turned in a position that would make any woman feel uncomfortable in public without any doubts about his integrity. Usually, she trusted no one, but she trusted Rico, her new partner, and her first friend.
  2. Don't worry...I'm on it... ~~~~~~~~ Throughout the night, Akiu lies in the leather couch with blanket and the remote control in hand. He talks to Michel for a while but he falls asleep soon after he shuts the lights off. After scrolling through parts the Live Wire system, trying to learn a good deal about the city before he begins to explore it. He finally manages to obtain a map of the city. Akiu memorizes the map in an instant and shuts the monitor off and goes to sleep. Various times throughout the night, Akiu dreams of his family and friends back in his village. He misses them and has a desire to head back once this entire ordeal is taken care of; though, he knows he must press on and continue his journey. He awakes to hear the ambient noises of the computers nearby and the humming of the electric lights. He goes to sleep again, soundly, until dawn comes. The sun?s light finally reaches the city of Meteo once again and Akiu and Mickel awake to the sounds of the computers starting up. Mickel once again tends to Akiu and feeds him a small breakfast of pretzels and hot noodle soup with a glass of orange juice. Rico, carrying packed bags, knocks on the door of the Drunkhouse and the bartender Mickel opens it. Akiu and Rico greet each other again. They talk about their past experiences and what they will do in the future. Rico has said his tearful good-byes to his parents and his neighbors but he his confidant he will see them again through Live Wire and constant leaves. Noon hits the small slum of Levin. The ambulance and police cruisers finally arrive. Rico prepares Akiu for transport, carrying his pack and spear. Mickel opens the door for the medics to go through with their equipment and stretcher to put Akiu on. They run a few tests, replace his bandages and load Akiu onto the stretcher. Rico greets the policemen, signs an electronic form and goes into the passenger seat of the lead cruiser. They wait for the medics to load Akiu into the ambulance with Aku floating around them. They drive away, finally getting a chance to see what the inner section of Meteo truly is. The trip takes an hour long. They pass hundreds of luminous, high buildings and thousands of people in high traffic areas with the sun high in the sky, warming the entire city. The ambulance follows the squad car Rico is in to clear way for Akiu. Cars and people move off to the side as the cruiser and the van speed by. They finally near the Meteo police main building, the largest building in the city of Meteo and they split ways. Rico is immediately assigned to the R&D department to be introduced to the force and begin his line of duty. Akiu is taken to the Meteo Hospital of Mercy a block away, into the emergency room. The medical team sedates Akiu, for the pain, once they get to the central infirmary. Aku watches and waits as the doctors begin to remove his clothes, and put him into a gown. The finally begin to operate, treating his internal injuries. Rico and Akiu connect together by fate, faith and act of good will. Only 28 days remain until the lockdown of the city begins. Will Akiu be strong enough to combat the cult members again? Rico?s orientation into the force is complete, tour with cookies, punch and the works. He is put into the R&D department, a huge room with spare parts, tools, originals, and computers at every workstation and every table. Rico gets to know some of the people he will be working with in the same room, and begins his work by fixing up his own arsenal of weapons. Rico accesses Live Wire as a guide and asks for help from the more experienced members. He successfully manages to modify a MP8 rifle to carry and deploy high velocity bullets using an electrified magnetic rail. Rico goes to the shooting gallery to test out his new creation. He shoots and misses the targets a couple of times. After a couple of minutes Rico begins hitting every target on the spot with complete accuracy, shredding the wooden targets. He stops firing and listens carefully as the noise dissolves. He hears someone else in the room with him, watching Rico in the shadows. Rico calls out to this person with a friendly greeting. She steps forward out of the shadows, and, with a quick glance at Rico, takes aim at the target. She is about the same height as Rico, except a bit shorter. She is wearing an all black suit with leather jacket, gloves, clothe black sweater, and hard black boots. Rico quietly watches as she pulls the triggers of her 9MM pistols and takes her first shots, green hair flowing as the blue and red shots discharge from the gun. [i][b][u]Chapter 4: Tasha K. Adelle[/i][/b][/u] [i]"My name is Tasha K. Adelle, and you?re a dead man, Say your prayers cause you have 5 seconds left. I suggest you begin writing your will,? the man pleads, "Oh, you've had a change of heart? That's just too bad, I just wish you could've said that a little sooner, "T?Kay calmly shot him through the neck, removed the silencer on her 9 mm, and slipped out of the room. It was true, she was an assassin, and a damn good one too.[/i] Her origins are of a mystery to herself and to the people around her. Reported in a Live Wire News article, Tasha, age 16, was the sole survivor of a fatal car accident when coming home from a restaurant with her parents. She awoke a couple of days later only to see the nurses? faces without any memory of her past. Dazed and confused about her past, she recovers slowly from her injuries in the rehabilitation center at the Meteo Hospital of Mercy. Tasha had frequent trips to the psychologist, trying to find out more about her past. For two years, the doctors grilled her with burning questions for many hours, but to no avail. Each night she goes back to the bed she woke up in, with the same clothes, exhausted and upset. Tasha could not endure her sessions of intense therapy much longer. The sessions caused Tasha to develop severe migraines, which the doctors diagnosed as a normal reaction to repressed memories. Tasha knew she would die under these conditions soon, so she decided to escape. She planned it spontaneously after her 328th session. Tasha still in her patient gown quietly got out of her bed. She peeked out the window and noticed two guards in black leather suits; both were women and armed with electrified clubs. Experiencing another one of her severe headaches once again, she tentatively opened the door and asked for help while limping towards the guards. The two women in black noticed her deep breathing, approached Tasha and seized her by the arms to take her back to bed. Tasha?s body became limp as they dragged her back to the room. With a final burst of energy, Tasha concentrated on the guards, every single aspect of them, their style of walk, their malicious facial expressions, she even focussed onto their innermost thoughts. She hated them. For the first time in her new life, she felt hatred towards another person. Tasha closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and felt the guards? grip loosened. Tasha opened her eyes to see the guards were holding their heads, they were screaming in pain. They finally let go of their grip on Tasha, causing her to drop on the floor with a small thud. She sat up in awe, staring at the two women as their minds tore apart. They fell to the floor, unconscious; faces saturated with sweat. Tasha stood up and inspected the bodies of the guards. Looking out through a nearby window, she felt the cold draft of the outside air under her gown. She walked back towards one of the guards and removed her black suit. Though she is only 18 years of age, the suit is a perfect fit as she slides in. She throws her wrinkled, blue spot gown in the trash chute and heads towards the back of the hospital. Before she leaves, she notices there is no one in the area besides her and the two guards. Tasha zips up and walks out the back door of the hospital, into the streets of Meteo, nowhere to go, alone in the world. Tasha looks out on the deserted streets of Meteo. Light streams from the scattered light sources, illuminating the city streets. The moon shines brightly overhead, giving a white glow to the dark concrete buildings and streets. She walks out of the alley way unto the center divider of the street, pauses, and takes a look around. Most businesses are closed at this time so she walks to the sidewalk, then she peeks around the corner of the hospital, and she sees no guards, no personnel ready to accept dying patients. Something catches Tasha; a large sign in neon color saying, ?Leverato Café.? With no idea of her true consciousness, she heads towards the restaurant. A bouncer, also dressed in a black outfit, greets and seats her. Tasha looks outside at the cityscape: She can see the large hospital where they held her until she was 18 years of age. Off to the side, she notices a tall skyscraper with a blue glowing sphere at the top. She looks around the café, pondering on what she will do with her new life as a lost teen. The waiter gives her a cup of hot coffee. She again experiences another one of her migraines and sets her head down. Tasha is in torpor, evoking a memory from long ago. From an unknown point and time. ?T?Kay, what?re you doing back there?? a woman turns calls out from the front of the car they are in, ?You better not be causing trouble back there.? T?Kay recognized her mother saying those words, though she could only make a silhouette of her mother?s face with a bright haze clouding her surroundings. T?Kay jumps back to reality when she feels three taps on her shoulder. She turns around and notices a guy. Tall, strange, hairstyle, and a lean build. The man grins at her and takes his position standing next to T?Kay. [i][b]Scene 4: -Luna Café- Midnight -March 18, 2166[/i][/b] [i][b]T?Kay-[/i][/b] Hello, go away. [i][b]Adrian-[/i][/b] I thought you could use a little company, name?s Adrian. [i]They shake hands and T?Kay tries to go back into a trance, but cannot so she continues the conversation.[/i] [i][b]T?Kay-[/i][/b] Tasha, now go away! [i]T?Kay kicks his shins and spills his drink on her suit.[/i] [i][b]T?Kay-[/i][/b] Well, that?s gonna leave a mark. Please leave, now would be a good time. [i] T'Kay shrugs, then sets down her coffee.[/i] [i][b]Adrian-[/i][/b] So sorry, lemme clean that stain. [i]He Reaches for her leg with a napkin. T?Kay slaps his hand, stands up and delivers a hard kick to his lower extremities. Adrian sits down back in his booth, clutching his crotch in pain.[/i] [i][b]Adrian-[/i][/b] Alright , Alright?I?m sorry [stands up] maybe this?s a big mistake, sorry for the trouble. [i][b]T?Kay-[/i][/b] Wait?can...can I have a place to stay? [i][b]Adrian-[/i][/b] You do now? Do you? [i][b]T'Kay-[/i][/b] Don't rub it in! Are you going to take me in or not!? [i][b]Adrian-[/i][/b] Let's go back to my car, then we'll talk. [i][b]~End Of Scene 4~[/i][/b] That was the last seen of T'Kay Adelle that night. Adrian shoved her into his car and shut the door. After a few moments of violence, the car remained still and it started up. Adrian sped away. T'Kay was brutally beaten up, but she wasn't going to stop there. Bruised and bloodied, she willed herself to enter Adrian's mind and give him the pain she endured for many, many years. The car weaved through the empty streets and finally stopped. She had control now...
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole rolls on top of Iris and slides down until his head is around her stomach. He carefully runs his lips through it lightly before puckering up and kissing her side...[/i] Iris: Ugh...that's it...:demon: Chole: *bite* Iris: *jumps* Chole: :D[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks up and notices a long ladder, reaching up towards a light on the top of the strut...[/i] Chole: Freedom, right there! Siren: No...we can't risk being ambushed or coming on to the surface of this complex. Chole: Aw.... Iris: You'll get used to it... Pi: *checks his scope* Okay...there doesn't seem to be anyone peeking through. Siren: We stick to the plan...move towards the ducts underwater and exit through there. Liam: Some of us can't swim... Iris: *raises hand* I can sorta...but not deep... Siren: Sh-t... Chole: C'mon, don't tell me you didn't anticipate this. Siren: I did...but we can be creative... Pi: Like? Siren: Someone pair up with Iris and give her breaths and swim for her to the surface. Rev: That's not a bad idea.... Siren: It's safer than getting shot up once we reach the surface. [/COLOR]
  5. It probably will...I miss those fast paced videogames that dominated the 16-bit systems IE: Ninja Turtles IV, Smash TV...
  6. OOC: You're in the hot springs with Kool, Liam, and Sere...now only if those three would come on more...
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The group tiptoes through the sewage system, covered in lead pipe, only lit by Pi's floodlight and Siren's green glow...[/i] Chole: *cough* Iris: Are you alright? Chole: Yeah...it's just the smell that's getting to me. Iris: Good thing you don't breathe fire right now... Chole: hah... Siren: Methane...and huge levels of it... Pi: The readings are off the scale on my scanners...we must be close to a septic tank of some sort... [i]They keep walking slowly towards the darkness, the horrid odors getting stronger. The group coveres their mouths with their hands, cloth, anything they could find.[/i] Liam: You don't think there could be anything around here that could harm us...could there? Chole: Besides the gas...I don't know... [i]They hear something approaching behind them.[/i] Iris: *looks behind her* OMG! Siren: Just Run! [i]The group takes off...water rushing in behind them.[/i] Pi: They must've figured it out that we're down here... [i]They near the opening of the pipe and start to slow down, the water level rising up to their knees.[/i] Iris: Ahhahaaaa! Chole: Don't run too fast...we might miss the safety rails. Siren: If they were smart enough to make them... [i]Pi walks ahead and finds a huge room, filled with a cesspool and two paths surrounding it. He shines his light around the room and signals to the others.[/i] Pi: Run towards the left! Don't fall in! [i]The group runs to where Pi's position is and they stop. The full brunt of the water flow finally reaches the room and bursts through the pipe, soaking everyone.[/i] Siren: Dry yourselves off...we'll rest here for now...no one get sick on me![/COLOR]
  8. Woops...:whoops: Yeah, I'll make the next part easier to read...BTW...I wrote the diolouge in script form for the first 4 chapters. Also to note that I wrote this three years ago and my writing style has improved a bit after this. ~~~~~~~ [color=darkblue] [u][b][i]Chapter 3: Akiu Kaze[/u][/b][/i] If you take a long stroll past the outskirts of Meteo, you?ll notice a small trail just off to the east, connecting with the slums of Levin. The grassy trail continues for a couple hours until you discover a small, primitive village. Step out of the tall grass and you end up in the village center where water well is. Follow the various dirt paths to different parts of the village and you?ll see the inhabitants are lively, but cautious. Unlike the city, the people here grow and hunt their own foods from nature. They still have a good deal of technology to keep up with the city: Electric generators, lights, television, and a variety of machines. Though they still retain a deep appreciation for what it has to offer. These inhabitants are secluded and are rarely seen outside of the village. Not even Live Wire has a record of these peoples? vast, but unknown history. From the well, head to the right and you?ll see a cluster of huts facing the tall grass. The house at the end is Akiu Kaze?s, A humble member of the village and the son of Ayala and Rizar Kaze. They were very wise parents whom some of the village people looked up to when they had problems. Thus, Akiu was born into a peaceful life. He was never a troublesome child, always obeying his parents? wishes. Akiu studied at the village school and learned how to read and write many different languages without much difficulty. Though when he played with his peers, he always ended up being the ?Black Sheep.? He tried hard to fit in, showing kindness to the other children. Unfortunately, they still rejected him somewhat. Akiu stayed an active child despite this set back. He made friends with some of the more nice children and a person can never go wrong bonding with the elderly. At the age of 16, Akiu developed into an extremely agile and tough, but kind teen. He had fairly long hair, was thin, and sported his own style of clothing. Since he was different from other teens his age, he was mocked at constantly until he could not take it any longer. [i][u]Scene 2 -Village Square in grasslands- Daytime- Flashback to September 18, 2152[/i][/u] [i]Akiu is spending his break playing a game with several other children. They have been playing the same game for a couple of months now with Akiu always being the antagonist.[/i] Akiu: "What? Why am I the bad guy again. Not fair!" [i]Akiu throws his mask down on the ground and begins to walk away.[/i] Child: C?mon Akiu, you?re the biggest so you?re the monster K? Just this last time. Akiu: You said that last week! Forget it, I?m outta here. [i]Akiu heads towards his house and goes inside. He walks past his parents and goes inside his room, upset, he lies down on his bed and begins to cry on his pillow. Akiu?s father goes into his room and sits by his side.[/i] Rizar: "Akiu, something wrong?" [i]Akiu sits up, wipes away his tear and faces his father.[/i] Akiu: "C?mon dad. Don?t you see them, when I play with them, they laugh at me. They have been since I can remember." Rizar: "Hmm?then why do you spend time with them even though you know you?re going to be hurt again?" Akiu: "What do you mean dad?" Rizar: "As much as it pains me to say this. Those kids you play with follow on impulse, not truly stopping to think the consequences of their actions; words go through their ear and out the other, or words go through both ears and out the mouth. They are not mature enough to go out of the village yet and experience different cultures and life as our ancestors have did for many generations. They have brought stories that will fuel and develop our culture for many years to come." [i]Akiu walks with his father out to the edge of the village on a rocky hill and look out to the giant city of Meteo with flowing grass surrounding it.[/i] Akiu: "What is that place? I?ve been wondering what it is for some time now." Rizar: "That is where young people who have enough wisdom and courage go. It is a highly advanced place with a completely different culture." Akiu: "But what does it have to do with me? Have you ever been there before, dad?" [i] They begin to walk back to their house, and the sun begins to set.[/i] Rizar: "Unfortunately, no. Not very many people ever pass the hunt, which tests people?s overall abilities in one night. This is to ensure that nothing will happen to someone who leaves our village for a long time. That is why I?ve told you all this now, Akiu. You are unique, as with your true friends, despite the fact that they are not numerous. Tonight, you and your friends will go on this ?hunt.? Keep in mind that tonight will be very difficult. Only the people who are able to complete the hunt without being knocked out will be able to go and experience culture." Akiu: "What to I have to do to prepare for this?" [i] Rizar tosses a spear at Akiu and he beings to walk out of the village into the grasslands. Akiu follows and he meets his friends there, the ones who have always stuck by him. They stand by and receive instructions from Akiu?s father. Rizar: You will have one night to complete this hunt. Find a very large bird, called a Wyvern and take it down. However, do not take this creature lightly. I?ll be following you from a distance. Good luck, don?t get knocked out.[/i] [i]~End Of Scene 2~[/i] It was a full moon that night and it happened to be the day Akiu was born 16 years ago. They had celebrated the night before with a village festival with all his friends and relatives. After searching for a couple of hours with his group, they finally found what seemed to be a wild boar. Akiu is the first to investigate only to discover that Akiu had found the giant bird, attacking a small nest underground. The huge bird props up in the air and a wave of wind knocks back everyone, except Akiu. He prepares for battle but also gets knocked back by a near fatal blow after dealing a couple of strikes to the Wyvern?s abdomen and chest. Akiu gets back up, only to see his three other friends unconscious and the grassy battlefield. In an act of rage, Akiu concentrates his energies and delivers a powerful blast of energy from his spear, knocking the Wyvern out, cold. Akiu inspects his friends they seem to be unharmed. Next, Akiu inspects the small nest. A small, ball shaped animal with illuminated eyes flies out of the small, underground cave. He hears his father and a couple of the other village members, including the parents of his three other friends, coming up fast. The small creature hides inside Akiu?s backpack and closes it with its ears. Akiu and the others help his unconscious friends up and back towards the village. Akiu and his father go back to their house. Rizar congratulates Akiu on his rare victory and they celebrate with a small feast. Just Akiu, Rizar, and Ayala Kaze at the dinner table. They tell Akiu that he can go explore the world anytime he wanted to. They also warned Akiu that the journey he must face will take much time to complete and that he may never see his parents or his village again. After a full stomach, Akiu goes back to his room, blows the candle and lies down on his bed. The creature that was in Akiu?s back-pack pokes out and sits diligently on Akiu?s chest. The strong light from the creature?s eyes wakes Akiu. He sees the creature and jumps up. The creature begins talking to it while Akiu diligently listens. They greet each other and talk about themselves for the rest of the night, then rest. It turns out that the little creature?s name is Aku, similar to Akiu?s name and he belongs to a species that resides in the grassy plain?s tiny underground caverns. Akiu also found out that the Wyvern attacked Aku home, causing his family to flee. He was stuck with the giant bird biting at the tiny hole. The next day, Akiu introduced Aku to Akiu?s parents; Unfortunately, Ayala and Rizar were not able to understand his language. Akiu and Aku spent time training together out in the grasslands and in school, preparing for their journey to the great city of Meteo, to experience other cultures and ideas. For two years Aku and Akiu have trained to take on the most strongest creatures located in the grassland, still, everyone knew that going to the city was not going to be easy. Aku developed his abilities of using his mind to cause objects to pause in time; though, Aku is only capable of using it once or twice before tiring out. Aku, with the help of Akiu attempted to find Aku?s parents every day but to no avail so they stopped the searching in hopes that his father, mother, brother and two sisters would be unharmed and well. They vowed to find Aku?s his parents someday At Akiu?s eighteenth birthday, a new moon, after the celebration, Akiu finally decides to say goodbye and depart with the village. He packs a few clothes, first aid materials, and food. He comes out of his house with spear in hand and goes to the village center where all the inhabitants await to say goodbye to him. Akiu embraces each and every one of them and tells them a certain quality that makes that person unique. When the time came to say good-bye to his parents, Akiu fell to his knees and began crying bitterly. Ayala and Rizar helped him up and told him to be strong for everyone in the village for Akiu and Aku?s future will be a difficult and bumpy road filled with sadness, joy, and other strong emotions. With those words of encouragement, Akiu said a final good-bye and began to walk to the city of Meteo in an energetic stance with Aku hovering quickly around him. Knowing Akiu and Aku may never see their kin again, they press on. Sunset approaches as Akiu and his companion approach the outskirts of Meteo. A small wind, throwing around dust, small pieces of scrapped metal, and garbage bid Akiu and Aku an unusual welcome, he can hear voices in the distance; Voices of children playing, a man shouting vociferously, the top of his lungs and a strange clanking noise. Darkness completely overtakes the city and electric light illuminates the area in a white light as Akiu and Aku pass the first house the see. Both can see children playing about the cracked streets with murky water to the sides from a recent downpour a few days ago. Akiu goes up to the first house and is greeted by a middle-aged woman with tangled hair and ragged clothes. Akiu explains that he is a newcomer from outside the city, looking for a place to stay. ?Well, welcome to the slums of Levin, Akiu,? the woman says to her. He then asks the woman where he can find a place to stay. The woman kindly points to a cluster of tall buildings nearby with a red glowing sign above the door of one building. Akiu heads towards the small building composed of concrete with Aku following him closely. As he approaches the building entitled, ?Drew?s Drunkhouse,? two huge men creep slowly behind and ambush both Akiu and Aku and drag both of them into the alleyway, secluded from the electric lights. Aku is knocked out cold and is thrown to the side near a pile of garbage cans filled to the rim. Both men begin beating Akiu severely in the chest, head, and stomach area, attempting to knock him out. Drops of blood, sweat, and saliva begin trickle down Akiu?s face. His pack and spear are dropped to the side next to Aku, hidden from the two men?s sight. [i][u]Scene 3 -Slums of Levin, inside alleyway next to Drew?s Drunkhouse -Night -May 25, 2166[/i][/u] [i]Two men are brutally beating Akiu, pushing against the wall, punching and kicking his stomach, head, and chest. Akiu is bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth, dripping down and soaking his clothing.[/i] Thug 1: "Hey Marl, how come this guy ain?t goin? down? We?ve been beatin? em? for a couple-a minutes now. The hell?s up with this guy?" Marl: "Jes shut up and keep beatin? on em,? Carl, he?ll break soon." Man?s Voice: "Hey! The hell you guys doin??" [i] He approaches the two men with a glowing match in his hand walking slowly. Akiu looks up and sees this person trying to save him. The two men continue to beat Akiu. The man picks up a pipe and readies it.[/i] Mystery Man: "Get away from him! I?m Rico Tranzrig. I?m the co-runner of this establishment. I won?t let you kill that guy in or outside my bar!" [i] Still, the two men do not adhere to Rico?s commands as they continue to bash Akiu in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground again, bleeding even more from the mouth. Appalled, Rico fiercely throws the lead pipe at one of the thugs, hitting his skull with great force and causing him to fall to the ground on a slick of oil in pain. The other thug turns around.[/i] Marl: "Hey! Why you gotta mess wit us? If you wanted us to bash your skull in, ya coulda jes said so!" [i]He lets go of Akiu?s bruised head and charges at Rico, slowly. He his quite bigger than Rico, much taller and more toughly looking, but slow. Rico recognizes the outfit of the thug. It was similar to the one worn by the leader of his heist a few years back.[/i] Rico: "Seems I?ve met your kind before. What kinda people are you? Whatever, C?mon, go ahead and bring it ya baby." [i] Rico picks up a jagged piece of wood and lights it with his match. The flames expand and around the oil-soaked area of the piece of wood.[/i] Rico: "Oh, you ásses are gonna regret this sooo bad!" [i] They engage. Rico waves the flaming chunk of wood in the air, keeping the large thug at bay. Rico manages to score a few flaming hits, causing the thug?s shirt to ignite. The thug rips his burning clothes off and flees in tears.[/i] Carl: "Marl, where ya goin?" [i]The other thug gets up with his bald head-cracked open, exposing a portion of his skull, blood spewing forth.[/i] Carl: "You dirty bastard. Ya never did know when to quit did ya? C?mon Rico, death and despair await you!" [i] He picks up the pipe, blood smeared all over and takes his stance. He charges forward after collecting his thoughts and strength. [/i] Rico: "Well, be prepared to get your *** kicked, hope your lover Marl understands. I?ll bet he?s in bed, crying, waiting for you!" [i] After a small chuckle, metal and wood clash, causing the flames to expand in midair, briefly illuminating the alleyway with a dark orange. Sweat begins to flow down Rico?s face from the heat. After absorbing a couple of hits, Rico gets knocked back by a shoulder charge into the chest, forcing Rico to drop the stick on a slick of oil from a drained bucket. The flames spread again and spill onto the thug?s soaked clothing. Yet he still charges forward with the pipe raised high over his head. Rico falls to the ground after a hit to the stomach.[/i] Carl: "Well, now who?s the one who?s gonna get his *** kicked?" [i] The thug readies for the attack, then swings. Rico crunches up into a defensive position, awaiting the blow. But does not feel it. Rico looks up to see a small, flying creature with glowing eyes, glaring at the thug. Rico seizes the opportunity and uses a devastating kick, sending the thug flying, hitting his head on the concrete wall knocking him out. Aku goes next to Akiu and then looks at Rico.[/i] Rico: "Hey! You ok? Damn, HEY! Mike! I need help over here!" [i]Rico sits by Akiu, examining the damage done to Akiu, the bartender runs out of the bar, into the alleyway and kneels by Rico, tending to Akiu?s wounds.[/i] Bartender Mickel: "The hell? How?d this happen right outside my bar!? C?mon, let?s get him inside." [i]Rico and Mickel carry Akiu inside with Aku following them closely. They lay him down onto the couch. Rico goes to the cabinet, taking a bunch of towels while the bartender gets a sterile wash cloth and a bottle of whiskey. Rico wipes away the blood from his wounds, then his nose and mouth. The bartender tilts the whiskey bottle onto the wash cloth and applies it onto a gash in his cheek. Akiu finally begins to regain consciousness, Aku flies off the counter and lands on the couch. Akiu looks at Aku, then at Rico and Mickel.[/i] Akiu: "Hey, where am I? What happened to those strange men that attacked me?" Rico: "Don?t worry about them, you?re safe now." [i] Rico tends to Akiu?s wounds while Mickel contacts the Meteo police, telling the officer of their situation. The dispatcher says they?ll have an ambulance tomorrow afternoon, which will take Akiu to the Meteo Hospital of Mercy.[/i] Rico: "I?ve never seen you around here, what did you say your name was?" Akiu: "Oh, I?m Akiu Kaze, from the grasslands outside of Meteo. Thanks for saving me back there." Rico: "No problem, Akiu Kaze?nice to meet ya. I?m Rico Tranzrig." [i] They shake hands. Akiu retracts his hand back and clutches his chest in pain. Rico removes his armor plating and examines his bones.[/i] Rico: "You punctured a couple of ribs, we can patch you up a bit, but we gotta get you to a hospital soon. Mickel, you think you can look over him for the night? I gotta pack up for tomorrow." [i] Mickel tends to Akiu while Aku begins to sleep in a basket of roasted peanuts by the counter. Mickel wraps a small cloth around Akiu?s wounds and applies ice and warm water to his bruises.[/i] Mickel: "I?ll get it taken care of, I?ll see you tomorrow then." Rico: "Kay see ya tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for everything, don?t worry Akiu, you?ll be all right. I?ll see you first thing in the morning, my pickup doesn?t come until noon." Akiu: "Pickup? Going somewhere?" Rico: "Yeah, new job at the Meteo police department." [i]Rico gives two pats on Akiu's shoulder then walks out of the bar.[/i] [i][b]~End Of Scene 3~[/i][/b] [/color]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]I don't know where or why I made this up and started writing like crazy about it...but here it is...unedited and original... Chapter 1: Introduction To City of Meteo 2166 A.D. Sitting dead center of a grassy plain is the city of Meteo. There are no oceans or mountains surrounding it, just a vast field of grass stretching out to the horizon, extending forever. There is no visible way out or in the city, no road to travel; only small specks of light that launch and land from a small section of the city carrying passengers off into the distance until they cannot be seen anymore, heading off to their final destination. The sun beings to set off in the distance now in a fiery sphere, warming the field of grass. Light quickly escapes the calm surrounding and darkness takes over. Back at the city of Meteo, however, darkness is when the city becomes alive. When the final rays of the sun die down in a giant haze of fire, the moon sits upon the top of the tiny metropolis, feeding its white glow to the inhabitants below. The city is littered with ominous skyscrapers patterned with the bright lights of businesses that shine from above onto the crowded city streets, and the people walk around a big portion of the city to shop, eat, and be entertained. The inhabitants of this high-class portion of the city rarely get to see the beauty nature has to offer. All they see is themselves, the moon and the bright lights of the various promenades. Though to the sides and outskirts of the city, there are numerous houses, all varying in size and shape, though it is apparent that they are all run down. Previous slums turned into farmlands and desolate grasslands, the houses, from far away, appear to be scattered garbage, poor people thrown away by the very society that they live in, to wobble and toil with whatever they have left. Multicolored lights found in the inner section are absent in these sorrowful areas; only the sun?s yellow luster and the moon?s white glow shines light on their everyday lives. Though the people living in these desecrate areas live simple lives, taking it one day at a time and share stories for entertainment. They have many skills and talents than can help the city. Unfortunately, their cries are usually never heard. Instead, they use their talents to make the areas they live in better places. Live Wire, a company situated within the inner section of Meteo, enables computers across the city share and store information through a simple cable or remote link. News and broadcastings are fed into every computer, providing people with up to date information. Live Wire also lets people share anything they decide whether it be music, knowledge, or letters to loved ones. Though the system does have its evils. Malicious hackers invade peoples? privacy. Hackers with enough skill can even obtain a person?s darkest secrets if they delve deep enough into the Live Wire system. The keepers of peace gain valuable advantages because of this system. In the police force of Meteo, only the best people who have extensive physical and mental disciplines make it to the higher ranks. They use Live Wire to recruit hundreds of new officers, research new tactics and tools, and post warrants and most wanted lists. They even have a division of computer experts that track down and neutralize hackers or restore order in the system. As always, they need to expand their force to new horizons, therefore, a research and development team was assigned recently. These people get the job done quick and effective. Though their methods are fierce and involve using the most advanced armaments, they are able to restore peace to the city. At the center of Meteo, there is no tall skyscraper or, flashy chain store for people to go to. Instead, there in the center lies a peaceful park where the moon?s light shines the brightest. Many couples go there at the strike of twelve and sit in front of a large pond with a silver sphere floating at the center, depicting the image of the moon. The sphere houses all the information of the city and conducts throughout its 120 remote mile range, making it the heart of the Live Wire system. It was also used as a monument to commemorate such a grand city on the day of its founding fifty years ago. After their long talks about each other?s lives, it is nearly dawn; the moon is long gone and their parents are enraged with anger and concern. They share a long kiss goodbye and part ways at the pond until the next rendezvous where history repeats over even after the hours of scolding they will receive from their parents. Daytime is here, all is calm, or at least it should be. There is a heavy uproar in the city of Meteo, for the past few weeks. Seemingly random murders have broken out throughout the inner section?s districts; even parts of the outer section are affected by these acts of violence. Before the police ever arrive at the location of the disturbance, scattered bodies are on the floor. Riddled with bullets and cuts, cold, lifeless, dead, they are taken away by a cluster of ambulances to a local hospital to be studied for clues and motives, then cremated or given a proper burial, never to be seen again. The police investigate the scene for hours, only to find the same, redundant, circular mark of what appears to be an emerging cult. The inside motif is a shape of a glass vase with triangular covers on both ends. It glows an ominous blue when basked in a full moon?s glow. When the mob will strike again is a mystery and the loss of life will continue. The police will be ready this time around and they will not take any chances. Large syndicates of the media are spreading a simple explanation to the riots that citizens have come to know. Live Wire posts state that the inhabitants of the outer section are to blame for these acts of terrorism. Unfortunately, the police cannot confirm their findings. Though the people are still baffled and frightened by the carnage that takes place throughout the city, the police will be prepared to stage a total lockdown of the city if necessary. Until then, the people of Meteo can only speculate on what will transpire. Chapter 2: Rico Tranzrig In the outskirts of Meteo, each slum is divided into its own specific area and therefore entitled to its own name. For the past couple of weeks, the government has granted this outer section with electricity from the power plant underneath the city to run their technology instead of the people using their own generators. They also have access to Live Wire because of the new lines being installed that go to the inner section of Meteo. Groceries are right around the corner. Meats, breads, vegetables are grown fresh off the shelf thanks to advancements in agriculture and refrigeration. Meats are synthesized using a high protein mixture and are grown in the same way. Everything else, liquor, cable, even a computer is a luxury. Often, these more expensive items are found all in the same store, which the inhabitants call Drunk Houses. People buy elixirs to wash away their pains and go access Live Wire through the computers there and take in whatever it has to offer. In an eastern section of the slums called Levin, RicO Tranzrig spent most of his childhood life in Drunk Houses and on the streets. Child of a happy couple and raised in the same area, Rico always felt the need to expand his intellect and use the things he has learned from the teachings of his parents, Marina, and Moriel Tranzrig. Through the careful teachings of Rico?s parents, he was able to read, write, and able to possess a variety of skills involving his hands and mind put together. Though not swift, Rico possesses great strength, able to lift full-grown people with only a single arm. Though he never had a true talent for visual arts, when involved with technology, Rico is able to manipulate any tool or machine to his specifications or the specifications of others with the amount of knowledge he has. He began offering his services to others in the area for a small price. Usually friends and neighbors call Rico up and tell him to do repairs or improvements with different home appliances. He even received free groceries for a month because he altered the amplification chambers to produce food at a higher rate, boosting the area?s economy. Inevitably, Rico took advantage of all his hard earned money and decided to indulge himself in research, intensifying his studies to a whole new level at the age of 16. By then, Rico was tall, had short, dark hair, was tough looking, and had a unique wardrobe. Though he needed a place to expand his mind to a higher degree. The best approach to this was to attain membership at the local Drunk House and access the latest information on Live Wire, which offered up to date information on any topic a person could think of. He spent most of his teenage years in the local Drunk House typing and reading for hours at a time. He gained extensive knowledge about the world. Rico eventually ended up renovating the shop by modifying every computer and cable line to offer swift access to Live Wire. Rico also gained expert techniques through his experience in computers. He is able to hack, repair, and improve computers with ease. Unfortunately, possessing those skills would give Rico trouble sooner or later. A cyberpunk gang began organizing a league of hackers within the slum of Levin. This put the Levin section?s access to Live Wire and the power grid in jeopardy. The Drunk House decided to put a stop to this. They were finally able to trace the whereabouts of each and every member by planting cookies and cream at critical parts of the Live Wire system. The owner of the Drunk House and a group of three other people, including Rico, geared up with heavy duty gloves, bats, a hefty supply of bottles, and a list of suspects and locations of their computers. Their course of action was a success; the four raided each and every cyberpunk house in the area. Though overcoming the leader of the gang would be a much different ordeal. When the four Drunk House members attempted to raid the last cyberpunk, a hail of projectiles came their way and struck Rico in the arm, wounding him severely. The four knew that raiding the leader?s house directly would be impossible. With quick thinking, Rico and the three moved off to the side behind a brick wall to take cover from the bullets coming from the house. Rico was able to locate a section of the power grid under the muddy ground and tear it off, exposing the wire. Next, Rico attached the wire to a garbage can lid nearby as a shield. Rico charged toward the house with his wooden bat, and electrified shield. The bullets moved around Rico and missed him because the grid had a strong positive electric current, which deflected the bullets. Rico then threw the lid through the window onto the cyberpunk?s body, knocking the gun off his hand and disorienting him until the four rushed into the house. A huge battle ensued, despite the fact the cyberpunk was at a disadvantage. He had a rather tall and large body, tough looking, enough to absorb severe blows to the head and thoracic cavity. Eventually, Rico and his group apprehended the final cyberpunk of Levin. After the gang leader?s arrest by the Meteo police, Rico stayed behind to search for clues. In the closet, he found an arsenal of weapons and advanced hacking devices. This shocked Rico, since it seemed he was going to plan a section-wide massacre by blowing out the system so the Meteo police would never find out in time to save them. Rico had a feeling that something horrific was going to transpire in the future, but the problem was, he did not know the magnitude of the problem. In his bedroom, Rico removed the window covers, exposing the moonlights? glow inside the room discovered an insignia of a glass vase with lids on both ends printed on his wall. Rico found this very unusual and took a digital photograph of it and posted the picture in his private Live Wire journal. Rico never reported this to the police. By the time he hit age eighteen, Rico was highly educated and became the top member of the Drunk House. The owner finally decided for Rico to give it a name. Rico insisted that he name it after his favorite Live Wire writer. Thus, it was aptly named Drew?s Drunk House. Rico was running low on money again so he decided to apply for a job in the inner area of Meteo through Live Wire to make some quick cash. Scene 1-Inside Drew?s Drunk House- Night May 25, 2166 Rico Tranzrig is sending in his application to Live Wire through E-mail to be reviewed and passed on to other businesses who might require his line of work. The owner is working the night shift and is standing by small talking with Rico while cleaning the counter. Drunk House Owner: "Yo Rico! You sure you wanna do this? You?ve never even been to the inner section before. The hell you expect to get by in there?" Rico: "I?ll manage, I?m jes gonna make a small amount of money so I can live on my own. My parents are kinda pushing me to go out and explore the world. Besides, I?ve never been outa town or to the slums before." Owner: "I?m jes sayin?, be careful out there. It?s all safe in the slums, but out in the high life, anything can happen." The bartender opens the counter door and joins Rico at the computer while wiping off the last of his cups. Moments later, Rico receives a message back from Live Wire; listing all the jobs he was qualified for. 32 in all, though he could only pick one. Rico and the Owner are rolling over his choices, pointing at different jobs trying to pick the best one. Owner: "Wow you qualified for all of those, congrats. Now, the hard part, picking which one you wants." Rico: "Dunno, so many. Hey, look at this job. Looks pretty good, but I?ve never done anything like that before." Owner: "What is it?" [i]Rico reads the description of Tech Specialist: "Must be able to work eight hours a day everyday except holidays and Saturdays. Must have good experience with a wide variety of guns. Must be able to lift ?machinery? that weighs 200 Lbs. Must also know how to use a gun in action and with precision."[/i] Rico: "Looks like hard work, but guns?ve always caught my eye, but I?ve never got around to study it. I guess I could try that one for a while. Hope I catch on quick." Owner: "Go ahead, I?ve known you for a long time, Rico. I know, and everybody knows you always learn quickly cuz you always learn the hard way. Cuz you were never a b-tch to anyone." After a good laugh, Rico responds to the letter and gets added to the company?s list. Then the computer connects Rico to a short addendum on the job he applied for. They sit back on a huge couch and watch on the big screen monitor. The addendum flashes the symbol of a silver sphere with bumps craters, the mark of the city of Meteo. Addendum: "Welcome Rico Tranzrig to your new job as a tech specialist working for the Meteo Police force. In this job you are required to work full time for six days a week and are expected to perform tasks assigned to you. You will be working inside the lab and on the street to areas of your choice. Often, you will be called to a different area if needed. You will be picked up in the afternoon tomorrow by one of our vehicles at your house. You will be offered quarters, clothes and food. In your quarters, you will find a computer terminal with access to Live Wire to conduct your research. Good hunting Rico Tranzrig, we?ll see you tomorrow." Rico: "Well, I guess I?m in. Don?t worry though; I?ll be back in a couple of months if my wallet gets any fatter. Vacations?ll come around too?so I?ll see ya around then K?" Owner: "K take care of yourself out there. I?ll see ya!" ~End of Scene 1~ Rico heads out of the bar and looks at the blank sky. For tonight is a new moon. Rico has not been keeping up to date with Live Wire?s current city events, the random acts of terrorism in the inner and outer areas of Meteo by a strange new cult. Rico has encountered one of their members already, the cyberpunk leader. In twenty nine days, the destruction will begin again inside the inner section, and this time, the police will be ready, however, will Rico be too? Rico heads out into the alleyway to get home quickly and tell his parents his acceptance into the Meteo police. He stops and hears grunting and smashing of metal in the darkness. Rico lights a match to investigate. He approaches slowly with the orange, flickering light in his hand. To Be Continued...[/COLOR]
  10. RicoTranzrig


    It was an okay system...not really popular. Innovative in using 3D images (not polygons)...but short lived. The games are good, I especially like the tennis game.
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]The last time I had a sudden surge of bravery was when I told my G/F that there's something telling us that we should be more than friends...to my surprise...she actually said yes.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]All: *nods in approval*... Night: Okay, kiddos...hop on... [i]Rena and Roux climb onto Night's back. He spreads his wings and starts hovering in the air.[/i] Iris: Be good for me, okay!? Rena: Don't worry Mom...ooopss... Siren: Hehe... Iris: :rolleyes: Rena: It...it just slipped out... Chole: *Looks out the window* The owners still outside...we can go! Pi: Alright...Rev, Liam...gimme a hand. [i]The three go inside the bathroom and rip open the toilet seat, uncovering a small hole big enough for each person to fit in through.[/i] Siren: Where does it go? Pi: My probe said it curves a bit, then dumps into the sewers and out through the bottom sea level. Chole: Gross... Iris: You said it... Liam: It's a shame though that we never really got to explore the town much. Chole: Forget this place...it was obviously a trap from the beginning. Siren: I never could have imagined that they would turn out to be a bunch of hybrid haters. Iris: No matter now... Siren: Ready? Chole: Anytime... Siren: GO! [i]Night breaks through the wooden rooftop with his head, his wings shielding Rena and Roux from the splinted edges. They make their way up high into the sky and take off...[/i] Pi: That takes care of phase one... [i]Pi jumps into the hole next to the fallen toilet bowl, followed by Liam, Rev, Siren, Iris, and Chole...before the protesters could break their way inside. They were long gone deep under the struts.[/i][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Grr...so what if I Do leave? What then? I'll be wussing out! Aeon: Better that than have her dead. Chole: No, Aeon. I'm saying that, if I leave, then Viper might be in worse pain than she is right now. Liam: That's true also, if Chole leaves...her heart's gonna be broken again... Viper: oooo... Chole: Its rough...being immortal, yet vulnerable in some ways. Aeon: Yes...but I say you should go, Right now! Chole: And I say I stay! Liam: Shut up! Both of you! How about Viper?! Viper: ...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Yeah, I know... Iris: It's okay... [i]Iris kisses Chole and lays on her back, taking deep breaths....[/i] Chole: Are you okay? Iris: Yeah...definitely... Chole: *holds her hand*[/COLOR]
  15. OOC: Nico (hey our names rhyme :D) You can choose one of 3 classes: DragonHeart, Warrior, Wizard...each have their strengths and weaknesses. The story takes place in medival times with dragons, squires, knights and all so you'd wanna change your bio and class. ~~~~~~~~~ Chole: Viper, I'm sorry... Viper: Go away. [i]Chole looked around the cave, speaking to the walls.[/i] Chole: Please, I never meant to hurt you, I just didn't know... Aeon: That's because he's too ignorant of our kind. Chole: That's true... Viper: Heh...dont' push your luck next time...
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I'm waiting... Iris: *points to herself* Are you talking dirty to me?! Chole: :D Iris: LOL! [i]Chole slowly moveed his legs around Iris and pinned the rest of her body down quickly.[/i] Chole: I have your lower body... Iris: But where is a ticklish person more vulnearable...? Chole: The lower body! [i]Chole started running his knee around the inner thigh of Iris before she could pinch him again.[/i] Chole: Gotcha! [i]Iris only closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.[/i] Chole: Huh? Hey! I thought you were supposed to be ticklish there? Iris: ...:hippy: Chole: :wow: Iris? [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole puts down his magazine and reaches into his pack to take out his shades...[/i] Chole: Whew...its getting hot... Karu: Not used to semi-tropical weather? Chole: Not really...*activates shades and looks around in tracking mode* Jasmine: See anything? Chole: Nope...just insects and plants moving by the wind. Sephiroth: Zoom ahead... Chole: *presses Zoom 1000x* Whoa! Sephiroth: Huh? Chole: All I see is Jasmine's scalp...! Karu: A little to the right... Chole: *takes 2 steps* OH... Jasmine: See anything now? Chole: Fish...a lot of fish, actually... Sephiroth: Why? Chole: I don't know...they're just pooling there...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole gave Roux a tracking device and his scope...[/i] Chole: Take good care of these, okay? Roux: *nods* Chole: Cool...let's grab something to eat before we go... [i]Chole takes Roux and and they walk downstairs to the kitchen...[/i][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Uh oh... [i]Iris starts poking and tickling Chole's stomach and chest.[/i] Iris: Hehe....:demon: Chole: Haha! Stop! Iris: If I don't? Chole: :rolleyes: [i]Chole pushes Iris' arms away and starts tickling her as well...[/i][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: It's either that, or we make a swim for it. Iris: That might be a problem on my part. Chole: Well, I wish I could fly so I could carry you... Iris: *blush* Chole: Well, I can wish... Iris: Rena, Roux...are you two gonna be okay with Night? Rena: Sure thing! Right Roux...? Roux: :D Chole: Does he ever say anything...? Roux: :confused: Rena: Chole...don't say that...it hurts his feelings, he talks to me. Roux: :) Chole: Oh... Iris: Are we going yet? Chole: Siren's going over the plan...they're protecting the youngest ones in the sewers... Iris: Which means that we don't have to do much? Chole: Yep... Iris: Grrr... Chole: Well, you know that'll never happen, we'll have a piece of the action too... Iris: So, shouldn't we be listening in? Chole: Not really...we just follow them and provide cover fire...Siren'll knock on our door when they're ready.[/COLOR]
  21. I'm part filipino and part chinese...I don't really do much of the traditional stuff since I'm so American...j/k Let's see...I know the food, the dances, the languages, the home life, public life, respectful gestures (there's some strange ones...) and how find it on a map...
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]That's a really good starting set for the PSone...I believe that THPS 3 is also for the PSone...but the quality isn't that good as the PS2 version or THPS 2. FFVII: Redefined the RPG genre to become more than just a target for a select group of gamers. (Easy to learn how to play, but it can get really deep, especially during Disc 3). THPS 2: Further improved the original by adding Manuals that can add up to some large combinations and much more options and modes. I guess better graphics also.[/COLOR]
  23. All I can tell about this story is that its' about a group of "dimension hoppers" trying to capture some kind of "subject" it's really abstract. It's a good idea, but yeah, more info!
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Aeon lit a torch as the light was being absorbed by the caves as they dove deeper...[/i] Chole: Where is she? Aeon: Be patient! [i]They came up to to an open section, a natural cave. They started to hear small, minute weaps and breaths, coming from a saddened woman.[/i] Chole: Oh... Liam: Don't sweat it... Aeon: Are you going to talk to her or not? [i]Chole cleared his throat and walked around, looking to find her just by the distinct sound of her cry.[/i] Chole: Viper?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]It's a great day today...but I'm not really doing anything today, the 14th of february since my G/F's got classes. *sigh* oh well...doesn't matter it's just a giving thing with a lot of pink and red colors flying.[/COLOR]
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