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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[color=darkblue]The legal age to do a lot of things, like move out of the house, are around 18 years. In the meantime, there are support services out there if the circumstances are extremely severe.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Kato came out from behind Laitina and placed a gourd of water in front of her chest. She looked down at the refreshing liquid, then behind her.[/i] Kato: Now, I wouldn't think that you had to suffer this much. Laitina: Thanks...I think. [i]Nepenthe turned her attention to Kato.[/i] Nepenthe: Well, I'm glad you can join the fun. Kato: You have a bit of explaining to do. [i]Still partly drunk, Laitina spoke her mind.[/i] Laitina: Keep it down, you're...loud. Jenica: Grr, don't wash that potion down yet. Siren: Let her do what she wants, she's old enough. Kato: She's gotta learn how to take her fermented fruits someday. Laitina: Can we stop talking about me now!? [i]Kato shrugged and stood back against the wall.[/i] Nepenthe: I think you have a lot of explaining to do as well. [i]The door opened, and Rinalph slowly walked in, eyeing everyone in the room. Laitina knocked back the water, neturalizing the rest of the potion's effects.[/i] Jenica: I think you stand corrected, my friend.[/COLOR]
Gaming Grand Theft Auto Vice City Cheats, Polls and more
RicoTranzrig replied to a topic in Noosphere
[color=darkblue]Post any GTA topic in the GTA fourm, not here. And I think you need to rewrite your topic and do it in the GTA fourm because this thread tries to answer too much. Read the rules and be mindful when posting.[/color] -
[COLOR=darkblue]I'm okay with Mid-terms, I actually have one for my math course tomorrow. Usually, if I've been keeping up with the homework and getting it, I'll do fine. Plus it's an ticket to out of class early and do other things, like going home and sleeping. The real nervousness comes right before I get it back to see what I got.[/COLOR]
Gaming JSRF doe's anyone like posin jam gang?
RicoTranzrig replied to Gundam_Heavyarm's topic in Noosphere
[color=darkblue]There's already a thread about this game, post there instead of making a new topic. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=19125]Jet Set Radio Future[/URL] [/color] -
[color=darkblue][i]Dash was enjoying his afternoon snack during a visit to his parents house on the other side of planet Katina. The sun began to go down, the light reflecting off the blanketing smog across the city. They sat out on the balcony, four stories above ground, overlooking the cityscape. He was still in uniform, recently excused for a carefully planned vacation to the outskirts of the Lylat system using the Scouter craft that was issued to him. His first stop was his old home after six months of training, away from civilization, and away from current events. He received a warm welcome from his father and mother, not blowing anything out of proportion, but letting Dash know that he was still part of the family. He was an only child; the only survivor out of the many babies his parents? had. He hardly noticed the polluted atmosphere, his commanding officer claiming they could adapt and they would have the advantage in hostile environments. What he did notice were the advertisements and large posters all around the city when he flew in. They all promoted the military effort, as if some war was waging on again.[/i] Dash: Mom, dad, what?s going on around this place? Dash?s Father: Haven?t you heart? They?ve detected unexplained activity in Venom. Several other planets have already shown sabotage and terrorist activities, including our sun and an isolated section of Katina. But investigations couldn?t find any leads. Our planetary system?s leaders suspect another threat rising. I wonder why your officers haven?t informed you about any of this yet. Dash?s Mother: Be careful when you set out tomorrow. I really want you to stay here, with us, or at the base where you?re not alone. [i]Dash thought about the news he got from his parent?s and their advice to stay on the planet until they find out something, anything that was causing these events to occur. He also wondered why he and his new team of rookies were kept silent about it. However, now that he knew what was going on, it was hard to think about going back and telling them, risking getting in trouble. He decided to stay. He headed upstairs, towards the roof, to unload his gear and settle in for the two weeks he would have used to explore space on his own.[/i] Dash: I?ll be back. I need to get my stuff. Father: Okay, don?t be too long? [i]Dash rolled his eyes as he walked out of their parent?s place and upstairs to where his small craft was parked. Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out the remote to his Scouter and unlocked the reinforced glass overhead leading into the cockpit. He reached in, checked his systems, and folded his seat forward to retrieve his bag of clothes and his standard issue survival knife. His short stature gave him trouble when he reached for his bag and fell into the back of the plane. Just then, his ears stood straight up as he heard a loud siren in the distance. Slowly, he grabbed his bag, repositioned himself, and jumped out of the plane, his feet making a large thump on the roof. He looked out into the cityscape and noticed a thick patch of smoke rising up from the city?s municipal buildings. With eyes wide open, he locked up his ship and ran downstairs, back into his parent?s home. They had been hit as well? [/i][/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Laitina stubled around the campsite with the enjoyment of hiccups, slurred speech, and good laughs. Kato had to talk her through it, until she sobered up.[/i] Kato: Gosh, how much did you eat? Laitina: Oh, iono...more than you did. Kato: Obviously you haven't been enjoying yourself these past couple of years. Laitina: Hey.........Shut up! Kato: Not so loud, someone might hear us. Laitina: You worry too much. *hic* Kato: Dear... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Up the top of the light cliffs overlooking the forest of the ages, Kato and Laitina continued walking, and found the pile of sticks, stones, and Frostberries laying on the ground, their camp was untouched and the surrounding area was a safe place to hide out. They looked around for any possessions they might have dropped, although, they didn't have anything of exceptional value, except themselves and each other. Tired from the hike, they picked up whatever they could still eat and sat down to continue their plans.[/i] Kato: Here we are again... [i]Looking up, Laitina, noticed that the rock wall they camped against had vines growing a few meters up, full of grapes. She walked to the wall and raised her hand, hoping that, in jumping distance, she would be able to reach it. But she came up short and walked next to Kato, who was paying attention to the dark smoke that was rising past his very eyes. Someone had set up a small fire again. She felt Laitina's footsteps beside him.[/i] Kato: What's up? Laitina: I think I found some real food. *Points* Look! [i]Kato looked up and saw what Laitina was pointing at. It was a distance up, but reachable if he gave her a boost. He led the way as they walked over, and he looked back at her.[/i] Kato: Do you think you can reach and get it? [i]Laitina nodded. She would be able to snatch a few pieces to share and eat with Kato. She stood and waited for him to lend her a hand.[/i] Laitina: Umm... Kato: What? Laitina: I need a lift. Kato: Can't you change and grab some? Laitina: I haven't recovered yet... [i]Kato kneeled down before her long flowing gown and set himself up for her to sit on his shoulders. Carefully, she circled him and hooked one leg around the back of his neck. Her other leg followed shortly after she got a hold of her balance.[/i] Laitina: Be careful, okay? [i]Slowly, he stood up, letting her steadly her self on the rock wall. He felt the weight of her body and her delicate skin pressing through the smooth piece of cloth she was wearing. It cut off part of the air he breathed in and a sharp pain pressed at the back of his neck. Laitina reached up and swiped at the vines strapped along the wall of rock. She got just enough for a quick meal and held it gently in her hand.[/i] Laitina: Okay, you can let me down now. [i]He lowered himself and helped her off of him. She stood up straight and held the cluster of fruit in her between her fingers.[/i] Laitina: Ta-da! Kato: Thanks for getting them off so we can finish our dinner with something better. Laitina: Here. [i]Laitina broke the vine, top from bottom, and gave the piece with more grapes to Kato. She delved into it quick. The shapeshifting and the events happened really made her hungry to bring back her strength.[/i] Kato: How are they? Laitina: Why don't you try some? They're right in your hand. [i]Kato popped in a few and felt satiated by the sweet taste bursting in his mouth. It was then when he felt the burning sensation of alcohol going down his throat.[/i] Kato: Ermmm... Laitina: Wha? [i]Her speech slurred...she...was drunk...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I'd have to say yes too...not neccesarily in the way where I would die for them, but I would give my life to someone I love so they would have a better future.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I'd have to say Fox from Starfox Adventures. Rare did a really good job on his details. The way his facial expressions are when you find something (or someone lol) or when he jumps out of his ship, to the way his tail and ears move...not to mention that real-time fur.[/COLOR]
Gaming The Addiction That is Phantasy Star Online...
RicoTranzrig replied to Subversive's topic in Noosphere
[color=darkblue]Well, it's certainly addicitng to play. I haven't tried the online function yet, mainly because I don't have the network adaptor or money/time to subscribe and get my money's worth. Usually, me and a bunch of my friends come together and import our characters, then try to get as far as we can before getting wiped out. I'm currently in the caves and I've stopped there to level up a lot. That place is rough... A fun game though. Tell us your experiences...are you online or off?[/color] -
[color=darkblue]You can find it right here [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=19470]GBA SP[/URL] So if you're curious again if a thread exists already or not, do a search on it.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]They were on the move again, being careful to go around the cave of Nelynn for fear of being violated again. It was unfortunate he wasn't awake to enjoy it. Inside him, he didn't mind for some reason. Though, a part of him worried because of her strange obsession with his animal form, which he overheard in her talks. Who knows? Maybe next time they meet, it might be on better terms, like him on top of her... They tried to find where they set camp to see if anything was lost when they fell asleep and began to walk the night using only their instinctive side. Laitina worried about Kato after the incident in the cave. During her time going in and out of consciousness, she caught glimpses of them...well, it was safe to say that her eyes hadn't seen anything like that before. She wondered whether or not it caused any permanent damage to him...[/i] Laitina: Kato? [i]He turned to look at her and walked slower.[/i] Laitina: Are you hurt? Kato: No, just...mad I guess. Laitina: Why? Kato: Because of our predicament. You've lived in this forest for many centuries now. It's gone through a lot...and now that it's fine again somehow, it's a shame it's being inhabited so quickly. Laitina: I was never appointed to be the protector of this place, but, with no one ever around to call this place their home, I was the only one to see that this forest isn't defiled like before you came around. Kato: Are you saying I have something to do with the forest being restored? Laitina: It's only a hunch, but I think your animal form brings life wherever you stop to rest. I've seen it when the sylph...had you, when you changed back into human form. [i]He knew what she was talking about and his face turned red.[/i] Laitina: I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you. Kato: So the flattened flowerbed in the cave was made by me reverting back. Laitina: I have reason to believe so. [i]Kato lowered his head. He still had a lot to understand about what was happening to him, along with the events occuring in the forest. They continued the trail up the mountain, giving each other idle chatter to keep from being bored. Both noticed the hissing sounds again as they neared the first rock wall. Latina wondered what it was. Too robust to be a snake and too loud to be anything of the forest. She had a urge to investigate, but her friend needed rest. So she decided to leave the issue alone until they got back to camp...[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Nelynn came back to her senses and stepped aside. She was mad, so close to getting what she wanted. She obeyed though...leaving the sight of Kato and Laitina to behold to Jenica and her companions. Laitina healed slowly, tears flowing from the shock. Kato looked up...revealing a face untouched.[/i] Siren: You're free to go... Laitina: *sniff* Kato: Let's get out of this place. [i]With one quick glance, he looked for his clothing, which was piled up in a corner to their right.[/i] Jenica: Are those yours? [i]Kato nodded.[/i] Jenica: Okay.. [i]Siren walked over and grabbed them, placing them in Kato's right arm. Holding his cloak and Laitina's arm to support her as she was still weak. The walked out of the cave. Kato's head hung low. Laitina looked back and burned the images, of the people remaning inside the cave, into her mind. They would meet again and she would find the answers as to why they are here... They walked for a time. Kato wished he could turn into his animal form and carry her back to a safe location. Once the cave was out of sight, they set down in a small clearing, behind an old tree. Kato removed his cloak and began putting on his clothes, not bothering to shield himself from Laitina. There was no reason to...[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]During her sleep, Kato and Laitina used her diverted attention to crawl right next to the wall. Groggy and in discomfort, with one hand holding the cloak that covered his body, she placed a hand on his shoulder and rocked him away from the shock. Kato's head hung low and his eyes closed, body closed as much as possible. [/i] Laitina: ...it's me. Oohh, what's been happening? [i]They looked towards the cave enterance where their captor was.[/i] Kato: ...the tall girl took me and broke me during my groggy state and took my clothing. I'm a mess... [i]Kato closed up his body and hid his head, still tired from the punishment his body had to endure.[/i] Laitina: ...these people are crazy, they can't just walk in and claim this place as their own just because it's been restored. [i]Laitina looked around for a way. ...she thought about shifting into it...then...perhaps into something else to use when they finished their planning.[/i] Laitina: Can you use a weapon? Kato: I have training in the staff and some archery skill. [i]This was good for both of them. At least they had a plan that had a chance of succeeding. And they could retreat to a safe place to recover. The sylph woke and stood, spotting the two huddled by the corner and advanced towards them with an angry face and heavy steps...[/i] Nelynn: What are you doing?... [i]Both stopped and looked foward at her piercing stare...Laitina whispered one last thing...[/i] Laitina: You'll be fine...we'll recover. Be patient. [i]They broke their stare and waited for what seemed to be a long time. The sound of a hard slap hit his ears, but he didn't feel it. He felt Laitina's head and shoulders resting on his left knee.[/i] Kato: What did you do that for?? Nelynn: I don't know what you two are still doing here, but you should've used your time to escape. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Name: Dash Flutail Age: 18 Race: Hare Description: Standard Cornerian uniform, plus headset with mic and data recorder to personally log data. Not very tall, except for the long ears that make up his height. Light brown fur. Not many know it, but he wears contacts because of his continued deterioration of perfect vision. Biography: Dash immigrated to the Lylat system with his family during the Andross war. They hoped for a better life here while Dash entered the Cornerian military when the Kareck took presence and promotional fliers about the Army began swarming the city. He is now a rookie pilot with improving skill but with only a scout craft, he can only do so much and wishes for the day he can pilot the legendary Arwing fighters. Faction: Cornerian military, flight division. Origin: On the outskirts of the Lylat system, moved to Katina, where he resides in the barracks. Alliegence: Good. Craft Type: Salvaged Wolfen Craft. Painted in the colors of the Cornerian military, these old refurbished ships serve well for beginner pilots, but hardly anything that packs a punch exists in these things. Hand Weapons: Small semi-auto laser gun and a solar-powered beam knife. Magic: None. [/COLOR]
[color=darkblue]Well, it's not as expensive as it was a while back. Normally, it plays all your old PSX games and the laser pick-up is better than the old PS models for sure. I can actually play my old FF 7 discs now. Graphics can vary a lot depending on how well the game was made. Some games are really good (GT3, MGS2), run at high speed and all. Others can look like PSone games so you might want to avoid the ones that look like they didn't put a lot of time into them.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kato: Ugh... Laitina: Are you alright? Kato: Yeah...it was weird...like something happened to me, but it really didn't...at least not yet. Laitina: What are you talking about? Kato: I- I don't know...we were walking in the forest in our other forms and something jumped on me and hit me. Laitina: That's weird...are you sure you're alright? Kato: Yes...nothing to worry about unless I turn back and we ride into the forest. Laitina: I'm curious...if that were to happen, what then? Kato: I dunno, look up a lot. [i]They continued walking. Laitina hung her head and stared at the moving ground in front of her feet.[/i] Laitina: I'm worried. What if it does happen? Kato: I'm sure you'll turn into a stone and have her land on it. Laitina: Her? :therock: [i]Kato rechecked his thoughts. He just blurted it out without thinking. Could it be a premonition to the things that will come? He wasn't sure, but he was now aware that something or someone in the forest was looking to see what had happened. Kato shrugged and said nothing.[/i] Laitina: It'll be dark soon...and we won't make it down to the forest floor in time. Kato: Do you think we should camp? Laitina: Let's find a safe secluded place so no one'll catch us off guard. [i]They walked, Kato following Laitina down the light mountain trail. They didn't know if his little "flashforward" was going to be true so they prepared their minds for any surpises that would come. The sun began to fall towards the desert. They set camp before the bright lights completely went out. They found a spot behind a small thicket of trees and foliage of the bushes, which were untended for years. Laitina had the expertise on survival, being this was her home. They split up and gathered rocks and pieces of wood laying on the ground. As an option, if they found something that was edible, that would be preferable too. When the sun finally went down and the moon showed itself, they met back up, arranged the wood and rocks, and started a small fire. Neither of them found anything more than a few frost berries growing nearby. Kato opened up his hand by the fire to show her what he found. Her eyebrows raised.[/i] Laitina: This is it? Kato: It's all I found lying on the ground. I hope we can eat it. Laitina: Give me them... [i]He handed the small beads over to her and brushed away the white dust that hid the true reddish skin. She picked out and threw the poisionous ones. What was left were 7 berries to share and feast over.[/i] Laitina: Sorry, I hope this is okay. I know it's not like what you have for supper wherever you lived before. [i]Kato pops one of the berries in, munching on it carefully, and sorting through the different tastes in his mouth.[/i] Kato: *chew* Not bad...I don't mind at all...at least I'm not starving to death. Laitina: I suppose you're right... [i]She looked delighted to finally have company after so many years. Too bad her eyes began to feel lazy, struggling to keep open. She put on a look of worry.[/i] Laitina: Uh-oh...Kato? [i]Her breathing quickened...Kato got up and circled the fire to see what was wrong with her. He sat next to her and put his hand on her shoulder.[/i] Kato: What's going on? Laitina: I know I sorted through our food carefully... [i]Poisoned...*cough* Kato felt the effects beginning to dawn on him too and he began to perspire, tears of pain streaming down his face.[/i] Laitina: We're in trouble. If someone doesn't find us, we might not wake. Kato: Has this *pant* ever happened to you? [i]She shook her head and fell unconscious...[/i] Kato: Lai...tina? [i]Kato's memory faded into black.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry, Alice, for posting before you. Just pretend that our posts are behind yours so you can continue with your follow up... My character and Juu's get knocked out. I shift into a unicorn again and Juu drifts along with me as a ghost. We run fast down the trail and hit the forest floor before Juu regains her senses and turns back into her elvish form, where she guides the horse in the middle of the dark forest, which is where you come in and ambush us. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I think it's more of a balance of all the factors, putting overall gameplay/storyline as a priority that would make me purchase a game. Of course, you don't want to have a game that doesn't appear with the times. Having excellent state-of-the art specs, graphics and sound really makes for a good first impression. Online play is starting to become a plus too. As mentioned before, making it affordable is a large factor. A lot of people won't be able to afford a popular console and a whole lot of games until it gets cheap so what's their choice? Probably the GBA. Another factor that I'd like to include is the reputation and hype of each of the systems. A lot of people bought the PS2 because the original Playstation was such a success and I remember that commercial of the PS9 :bluesweat: I dunno about that happening...X-box pushes a lot of commercials and promotions so it does appeal to people, in the U.S. anyway. GCN plays a lot of commercials on it's exclusive games and all of those are really just to raise hype. You're the judge on what you like and don't like by trying the games out first.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kato: Do you know the place where the smoke is coming from? [i]Laitina thought about it for a while. He waited patiently.[/i] Laitina: Well, from how thin the smoke was, I'm guessing that someone put out their fire recently. A lot of the wind always comes from away the mountain, out into the wastelands. [i]She stopped, as did Kato. She looked around while they were still in the moderately high elevation, looking for anything different about the forest.[/i] Laitina: Nothing yet, maybe they took camp against the mountain to shield themselves against the conflicting elements of dry and cold gathered here. Kato: We should keep going then...and hope I don't turn into a unicorn. Laitina: I guess, if you do, I can help your animal form so you don't go out of control. Who knows? Maybe we'll find something quicker if you give me a ride. I don't think you have any violent tendencies...at least I haven't seen any. Kato: Don't worry about me, I have no reasons to do bad things. Laitina: Let's hope so. [i]Laitina walked ahead of Kato as they trailed down the mountainside, back into the deep forest. Both knew something was here and she knew a lot of good hiding places against the mountain's walls...she kept a smile to herself. There was more company than she expected to be in such a short time...[/i][/COLOR]
Gaming Where do you go for your gaming info?
RicoTranzrig replied to SS5 Gogeta's topic in Noosphere
[color=darkblue]I tend to visit GameFAQ's or [url]www.RPGamer.com[/url]. I also go to GameSpy, GameSpot, and IGN sometimes, but I can't pay for their premium services.[/color] -
[color=darkblue]Well, since it's not an x-box exclusive, I doubt that this is the game that can save it. Besides, it doesn't need any saving right now. The Two Towers is the better of the two games, featuring a short sequence of the first movie, then it's sequel is played out for the majority of the game. It doesn't give you all the detail of the storyline but it brushes through a lot of the important parts. Good game for all three consoles.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][size=1]OOC: And where have I been lately...busy...apologies too.[/size] Laitina: Furnace? Kato: Place where you burn stuff. Laitina: Oh...how can that be? Kato: I guess you have visitors now. [i]She became nervous. She had never dealt with something like this before alone. She was not sure if she wanted to take the responsibility of being the forest's master and guardian.[/i] Kato: Are you alright? Laitina: Yeah...it's just that I never expected for people to cross this place so soon and settle. [i]Both realized that they haven't slept for a few days now, unconsciously walking upwards to the top of the forest at the foot of the mountain. Distracted by each other's company their minds drifted away from their present problems.[/i] Kato: I think someone with a long range scope of vision must've seen this place, now beautiful. [i]This was the first time she had been up since before the forest carried on the disease. The expansive view brought back memories that she chose not to share at the moment. And a sigh came over hear breath and her head shook.[/i] Laitina: I'm not sure what I should do. Confront them or let them be? Kato: Well, look at us right now. We look normal. Let's just walk up and see if they have good intentions or not. Laitina: Yeah, good intentions to take all this fresh wood and use it for their buildings. Kato: We will see... [i]Kato pushed himself up and started walking. Laitina took one last look at the forest that she was living in for so many years. In her mind, she took a photo of it, because, to her, it was the last time she might see it again this way. Pure, untouched, peaceful. She stood and caught up with Kato, seeming small next to him, even though she had the experience.[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Ah we talked about this a while ago. And now that it's about to come out, a lot of us are eagerly awaiting to play this crazy game. I hope they've improved on a lot of the elements...like story and voice acting. Even still, it's mostly the action that makes Devil May Cry good.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]They might be working on it, just for the sake of being prepared for the next generation, but I don't think that they'll be serious about producing it until later on. There's no real reason to start it because of their standing on statistics. With a 733Mhz processor and a custom Nvidia graphics chip, it is considered the most powerful out of the three consoles. And I doubt that too many people would be happy not seeing their system not live for more than a few years. It's fine as it is, the developers just have to work on bringing out the system's power.[/COLOR]