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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sat by the door and watched through the window as the protesters gathered in the numbers.[/i] Chole: An isolated society of hybrid haters...outcasts...why didn't we see it. Liam: Moreover...why did Siren or Pi not see it... Chole: Don't blame them...we have to get to the northern continent somehow... Liam: Yeah, in one piece... Chole: Maybe you're right about that...but what can we do now... Liam: Escape? Chole: Let's wait for Siren...she seems to be the brains of this whole thing. Liam: We can't put the pressure on her alone...put it on Pi too. Chole: *shakes head and laughs* Pi: *approaches them* Tough times huh... Chole: Did you find a way out? Pi: Siren's working on the recon stuff...I doubt that she'll get shot down with pitchforks and torches. Liam: Maybe we should keep a close eye on her from here...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]And then us guys...we're simple folk...well, some of us anyway...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The three try to walk normally and blend in with the people...but they were hardly normal...[/i] Chole: *head down* I wonder if we're ever going to meet up with the others... Karu: Treble, Cloud, Ken and all of 'em? Sephiroth: Once we get our ticket outta here, we can go look for them. [/COLOR]
  4. That was funny...but it does ring some truth...girls are evil, if not evil, then complex and clever...
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole wakes up before dawn and packs up quickly. He then sits and waits for Viper...[/i] Viper: *eyes open* Have you been watching me?! Chole: Only for a few minutes. Viper: Why? Chole: Couldn't sleep...besides, we need to slip into town before the sentries are in full... Viper: Good idea...I guess... [i]Viper packes up her things and they destroy the camp...They head towards the town, this time on foot...they passed the city gates without being noticed and looked around for the nearest tavern...[/i] Chole: Payback...:flaming:[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole ate his brekfast and sat by the fire, staring intently at it...the orange flames lighting up his eyes.[/i] Chole: Please... [i]Chole takes a deep breath and whispers, a small bright spark on his hand...[/i] Chole: :D [i]Liam comes up behind him...[/i] Liam: Looks like you've got your fire back... Chole: But I have to be warm to do it... Liam: Well, now that we know...it'll be handy once we go further north. Chole: Where's the others? Liam: We're getting ready to walk around the town... Chole: It's kinda strange...a small down built on a couple struts, high above the water. Liam: I guess they like to be isolated. Chole: Can you give me a few more minutes...? Liam: Sure thing... [i]Liam walks away and Chole stares back at the fire...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Viper and Chole set up camp a distance from the town...Viper makes a fire while Chole gathers some water.[/i] Viper: Man, this bites... Chole: The f-k was that all about?! Viper: I dunno, we saved her sorry áss and this is what we get in payment...f-k that sh-t! Chole: Such good use of words...*lays down and looks at the stars* Viper: At sunrise, we break inside the town, look for work. Chole: Okay... [i]They finish dinner and take a quick nap by the trees. Both experienced fighters, they were used to sleeping in the harshest conditions, waking up at the first sign of danger...[/i][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: They're not going to kill him since he's a friend of Siren's...but they will keep vigilant about him once his presence is known. Siren: I see...just in case he goes crazy. Liam: Yes...who's going while we keep watch? Lupos: I'll go... [i]Liam and Siren take a seat by the kneeling Zack and Lupos heads back downstairs...[/i][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Viper: Looks like they're in some deep sh-t... Chole: *readies arrows* Keep it steady... Peri: *Looks up* Looks like we've found our way out... Chole: Who's down there drooling? Viper: Good eyes...I dunno...either one of outlaw's crew or Alan. Chole/Viper: Alan... Viper: Hurry up... [i]Chole charges his arrows, a stream 30 raning down and homing in on their respective targets.[/i] Chole: Let go of me... Viper: Why? Chole: Just do it! [i]Chole falls to the ground at high speed...[/i] Chole: C'MON!! *points cross bow at the remaining people...[* [i]Just before Chole lands, the screen freezes, rotates and continues...[/i] Chole: Bullet Time! [i]Everything slows down as he fires and turns around for the next salvage of arrows. He lands as the last guard falls dead to the ground.[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Iris went back downstairs...holding hands with the letter...[/i] Iris: Hey, this is kinda fun...:D Chole: Holding hands? Iris: Yeah...feels nice. Chole: Aww...:) I've never told you this...but I'm kidna fond of you. Iris: *Blush* Save it for later... Chole: Okay. ;) [i]The walked downstairs, broke their hold, and met up with the others..[/i][/COLOR]
  11. OOC: :eek: Sorry...yeah...posting early in the morning since I can't sleep might do that to me sometimes...umm...I changed the posts so some of the dignity is salvaged...again...my apologies... ~~~~~~~~ Chole: You think we should head back to where Peri and Alan are? Viper: They're probably long gone... Chole: Well, it doesn't hurt to try...what's that trick you did to get me outta that prison? Viper: Oh...jumping? Chole: Yeah...jhumping... Viper: OMG...cut it out... Chole: Okay, it's outta my system now... Viper: Sure...so you want me to take you up... Chole: They said they might have some work for me... [i]Viper wraps her arms around Chole's waist and jumps high into the air...they suspend...[/i] Viper: Happy? Chole: Nice view... Viper: I see them... [i]Viper points to Peri's head...[/i] Chole: Wow...you can spot that thing from a mile away... Viper: Thing? Chole: Person...I mean...person... Viper: Let's catch up with them... Chole: Your brother... Viper: My brother can find me if he wants to...we won't be that far apart from each other...umm...just remember, don't pull anything on my if he's around... Chole: No problem...I can exercise proper restraint...
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Morning came and everyone eventually woke up from their long hard earned rests...most of the adults woke up first. Siren got out of her room bright and early also so she could survey the entire town with Night. [/i] Night: *spreads wings* You ready... Siren: Hey, whenever...*charges up* [i]Night and Siren launched off into the cold morning sky, wearing a good amount of thick clothing. They began to circle the town and took pictures of it through Pi's cameras...[/i] Night: So the aim of this is to make a map, right? Siren: Yup...so do a good job of being a shutterbug... Night: I'm a blackbird... Siren: :rolleyes: [i]Pi, Rev, and Liam got out and headed over to the kitchen of the inn...[/i] Pi: I wonder what they got here? Liam: Let's just go look...I don't think we'll be rejecting any kind of food since we're starving right now... [i]~Upstairs...[/i] Chole/Iris/Rena/Roux: :sleep: [i]A cloaked figure walked over to the window of the room and slipped a letter under the thin gap...the person then tapped it...[/i] Iris: *opens eyes* Huh? [i]Iris woke up, noticing that Chole was right beside her, sleeping soundly...she quickly got out of the bed and snatched the envelope from the window and sat back down on the bed to read it...[/i] Chole: Iris...what's up? Iris: A letter *holds up* Chole: Read it... [i]Iris: "To the travelling party from Meteo City and Celes...if you plan on heading north, there is a force there I know of that will enter and crush the young man who carries the blood of a baby dragon and a tiger. Do not bring him there yet...I beg of you.[/i] Chole: Interesting... Iris: Who's a baby dragon and a tiger? Roux? He doesn't say much... Chole: Iris...that person's talking about me... Iris: Why, do you know what's up north? Chole: No...but I might have an idea... Iris: Give it... Chole: Okay, the person said that there's something that'll kill me when we reach north...Pi told me something about a Cristal...something that houses immense power... Iris: Overload... Chole: I guess so...umm, maybe we should show the letter to everyone else. Iris: Agreed...*streches and yawns* Chole: *jumps out of bed* Let's go! Iris: How about the kids? Roux/Rena: :sleep: Chole: Leave them...and lock the door... [i]Chole and Iris grabbed their keys and walked out of the room. As Chole closed the door and locked it...he walked the other way, facing a window and the roof access ladder...[/i] Iris: No, it's this way... [i]Iris took Chole's hand and lead him towards the other side of the hallway...[/i] Chole: Kay, Iris...I know my way...you can let go now... Iris: :D Chole: Oh... [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Siren, Lupos, and Liam stood by the door and watched Zack as he knelt down motionless...[/i] Siren: What's going on?! Lupos: He's undergoing a sort of transformation unheardof in this world... Liam: Strange, isn't it? First humans, then nosferatu, then tristies...now Zack's kind. Siren: I wonder what we should name it. Lupos: Let's hope he resembles a human after all of this. His aura's so different... Liam: Lupos spotted it from his house... Siren: Oh... Lupos: Well...let's just wait and see what happens to him... Liam: You know this could take a while... Lupos: Let's go talk to the council then...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Aeon: We're in a middle of a reunion? Nabashi: I said I was sorry... Viper: Wait a minute...who's gonna die? Nabashi: The old man...wizard...he fought the dragon and well, got hurt real bad. Chole: He should have known that it's nearly impossible to kill a dragon...*sigh* now look, if he survives...he's gonna become a dragon heart... Viper: And there 'aint nothing great about that... Aeon: Of course there is...unless you happen to be a high class wizard then you've got no spells left. Nabashi: Can you help me!? Chole: Who? Nabashi: Aeon... Aeon: *sigh* I guess so...our catch up will have to wait, Viper... Viper: Sh-t! Chole: Don't worry...you'll meet him again soon... Aeon: I'll be wathcing you closely... [i]Nabashi and Aeon walk away into the forest...Leaving Chole and Viper...[/i] Viper: What now? I'm just waiting to meet him for so long...and then he's gone... Chole: We could go back to Peri and Alan... Viper: Nah... Chole: Aeon gave me the dirty look... Viper: He's always protective of me when he's around...which is about oh %5 of the time...it makes no sense so I guess I wanna knock some sense into his head...that you're safe and all. Chole: So he thinks you and I are...well...a couple? Viper: maybe...we've kissed, have we not? Chole: Yeah...:rolleyes: Viper: Don't tell me that you didn't like it! Chole: Oh no...I did enjoy it...but I usually never kiss.. Viper: Even if you go wh0ring? Chole: Yes...I just f-k them, I'd never put my mouth anywhere on their bodies...that's just nasty... Viper: And you think that is any different? Chole: Let's not talk about it...It's just that I kiss people I really like...besides, you forced it on me. Viper: :shifty: Let's head back...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]Aeon: So you've caught up with me... Viper: Chole, could you excuse us...please... Chole: Ohp...no problem... [i]Chole sidesteps into the timberline and hold his large crossbow.[/i] Aeon: We finally meet, beloved sister... Viper: Beloved? What is that supposed to mean?! Aeon: It seems like you're memory is a little rusty nowadays... Viper: I have been alive for almost 400 years or something like that...I refuse to keep count since it doesn't matter anymore. Aeon: *teleports right in front of Viper* An ageless beauty... [i]Aeon reaches for her face...[/i] Viper: Where have you been all this time? Chole: *takes position* Aeon: It looks like you're still using men to accomplish your ordeals... Viper: This one's a little different, he volunteered... Aeon: Hehe...it looks like you don't really have to work that hard anymore. Viper: It's nice to see you *hold Aeon's hand* Chole: Nice reunion... [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: Lupos...it's time... [i]Liam pulled out a suitcase from under the seat and unlocked it, revealing a long black trenchcoat and a longsword, diamond cut and composed of ceramic properties. Nearly unbrekable, Lupos immediately recognized these articles once he put his finger to the blade, drawing blood.[/i] Lupos: It's about Zack, isn't it? Liam: It's been a pressing matter between us and Siren... Lupos: How about Craig. Liam: He has his own personal matters to deal with, this is our matter. Lupos: Just because we've known each other for how many years. This blade, this coat...the 1930's...when I was embraced. Liam: Yes...by me...with Siren at my side. Lupos: :smirk: Well, whataya know...the person who took away my life would acutally be you. Liam: It's a debt I have to repay you...for losing your first love...I'm not letting the same thing happen to you twice. Lupos: That means nothing to me now...the past is long dead...it's lessons learned...now...Espa is the one I'm concerned about. Liam: Zack first... Lupos: Agreed...*sheaths sword* Liam: *pulls out his Katana* We might encounter resistance from Zack himself...and Siren might be in danger...this is a lone mission...no Nosferatu are backing us up on this one. Lupos: Even though we are at HQ...? Liam: Our problems are our own...ones that endanger our very existance are ones we collectively gather, seek, and destroy. Lupos: Let's do this... [i]The limo stopped in front of HQ...Lupos and Liam got out and headed inside to where Siren and Zack were...[/i][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]You have my well wishes also...good luck...hopefully, the ovarian cysts won't be too much of a problem once they're out. I know a person who had it and, well...she's doing fine today.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]That sketch is heka good work! Her cloak makes her seem kinda big and broad...but other than that...cool! ~~~~~~~~ Chole: Aeon...aeon...I know you call your staff that...but...is that the guys' name? Viper: Well, not the barbarian...but the man that just passed us... Chole: Someone important? Viper: I suggest that we catch up with the man... Chole: Oh...Hey, Peri...mind if you wait here for a while...we're going somewhere... Peri: Where!? Chole: I'm gonna do something for Viper over here... Peri: :flaming: Viper: Look so pissed...don't worry...we're just hunting for a little friend of mine...ta-ta... [i]Chole runs through the branches while Viper takes off into the skies, trying to find this little silvered hair person...[/i] Alan: Aww...I coulda used the battle exp by observing... Peri: You'll get your chance kid... Durumir: Can you help me? Peri: Well... [/COLOR]
  19. OOC: I'll let that slide...if you can't really think of anything brilliant to write...simplify...just to get your mind jogging. ~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Siren: Okay...time to get our rooms... Rena: Finally! A warm cozy bed! :D Iris: She's sleeping with me. Siren: Of course...we chose 2 rooms with 2 large beds each...I think that's enough...:rolleyes: [i]Chole Iris Liam Siren Pi Night Rena Rev Roux[/i] Siren: If only Selen were her, it'd make it even...oh well... Chole: *stood up* are we going? Siren: Yes, dear... Iris: Dear? Siren: Umm...just pair up with someone and pick a room mate. We're going to be here for a while. Night: To do exactly what, Siren? Siren: Think of a way go push further up north... Liam: What's there? Pi: Can we talk about this later...we're getting kinda sleepy... Chole: Roux's with me... Night: Liam... Pi: Rev... Rena: Iris! Siren: *sigh* I think we're gonna need a 3rd room... Chole: Roux is small...I think 3 of us'll fit in one big bed... Roux: :confused: Siren: I prefer my bedspace... Night: You think you need bedspace? *Flairs wings* Iris: Just forget it...I wanna get some stuff done soon... Chole: The action type, eh? [i]The group went upstairs while Siren stayed behind and ordered an extra room for herself.[/i] Chole: So how are we gonna split the rooms? Pi: Children in one room, Adults in the other...I think it's appropriate... Chole: I guess that includes me... [i]Chole lifted up Roux...[/i] Iris: *pulls out keycard* At least they're not that crude about their inns... [i]Iris unlocked the door, revealing a surprisingly large room...[/i] Rena: *eyes brighten up* This is great! [i]Rena jumped on the bed and coaxed Roux to join her...[/i] Chole: Go ahead...*throws Roux gently to Rena* Rena: Haha! Roux: :confused: Iris: Cute...*sat down* Chole: *closed the door* Finally...some shuteye....[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Sorry Rico, but i gotta go round my grandmas (technology free zone :bawl: ) so u can finish the fight, win or lose, i dont care. byeeee [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Okay... ~~~~~~~~~ [i]The timer rings and both fighters go to their respective corners...[/i] Rico: Good match... DBZman: Maybe sometime later...*spits on the bell KaCHING!* [i]Rico gets out of the ring and goes upstairs to one of the observation windows upstairs...[/i]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks disappointed...[/i] Chole: I'm not gonna last? *sigh* [i]With head and ears pointed down, Chole walks over to one of the single huts and shuts the door...[/i] Liam: *hits head with one eye open* :therock: she didn't mean it that way...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos looked about the city lights of L.A. and meditated on those lights as he thought about everything...a million thoughts going through his mind...[/i] Lupos: What am I gonna do...she's out of control... ????: Don't sweat it...she'll learn. Lupos: Perhaps... ????: Just dont forget what Siren told you...don't let the behaivor of a fledgling bother you. Lupos: Who are you? Liam: It's just me, Lupos... [i]Liam stood up from the corner and joined Lupos..[/i] Lupos: What are you doing here? Liam: I had a feeling that you'd be here...Zack's having a few problems with himself... Lupos: He's metamorphasizing...isnt' he? Liam: Yes...but we're not sure what...is aura's different...way different... Lupos: ... Liam: Don't let me get in the way of your train of thought...I'll exucse myself. Lupos: Wait... Liam: *turned around* It's Espa, isnt it? Lupos: I fear she's out of my control... Liam: Dont worry about it...she's young...foolish...if she won't listen to you, its her loss... Lupos: You're probably right about that too. Liam: Lupos, you're a great nosferatu to hang around with...you have no rivals and yet you manage to kick áss in a lot of things. Lupos: ... Liam: You're good at dealing with other people...and Espa's no different. Lupos: She's my kin! Liam: That maybe so...but if she's breaking away from you because of something else, she's no kin of yours...I mean, you're almost as old as Siren...why risk your maturity over something trivial...you've been with women before in your life before you were embraced. Lupos: Yes...once...and only once...until she died...I could have embraced her...but she wasn't accepting of my new nature. Liam: This path was meant for you Lupos...the Council of Nine knew that you were to serve for a higher purpose. I'm not saying that you've made the wrong choice with Espa... Lupos: What then? Liam: I've been monitoring her activities for the past few days...they seem rather odd...but I don't know her motives. However...if she is breaking away from us...we'll have to make her a mere mortal once again by... Lupos: Handing her over...to the Tristae witches... Liam: It's difficult...but if she can't be trusted under your guidance... Lupos: Are you that confident in my abilities to teach? Liam: You're a wise man...Lupos...remember that... [i]Liam jumped off Lupos' roof and went inside the limosene parked in the back...[/i] Liam: Are you coming with? We're going back... [i]Lupos jumped down and got into the limo...they drove back to HQ...[/i][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos: Well, if you end up getting into a heap of trouble...don't expect me to come running to your rescue.. He heads out of the shop and runs back to his manor in the L.A. hills...[/i][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Oh, I see...PBS... Iris: *eye twitch* Kool: Anyway...great houses! Liam: Thanks...so now...I guess we can get away from the cannibals... Chole: You got rid of them too? Liam: Sorta...they kinda got "relocated" Sere: Relocated where? [i]~On the other side of the island...[/i] Cannibal: OMG!! Someone please help us! *Tied upside down with water dripping in their noses.* [i]Back on the beach...[/i] Rex: We can sleep heartily now...[/COLOR]
  25. OOC: Hey, I thought I was alone at my masion?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Ugh...you had me running around the entire city looking for you...a wild goose chase. [i]Lupos took a seat on the floor by Espa.[/i] Espa: I'm sorry... Lupos: *sighs and closes his eyes* Put it this way...if you stray away from me...you're not good enough for me because everything I've done wasn't put to good use. Espa: The embrace... Lupos: Yes... [i]The sun began to come up. Lupos stood up and shut the rusty door at the front of Fong's shop to block the light.[/i] Lupos: You already know some of the things that I admire and despise...yet you keep following the latter... Espa: I just need some time to my own... Lupos: Why? So you can let yourself go?[/COLOR]
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