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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
OOC: Asar...who's "she"? we're both males...right? ~~~~~~~~ IC: Chole: Okay, battle's over... Alan: What? Chole: Once you get knocked down...it's all gone, your advantage. Alan: I'll do better next time...C'mon...let's go again! Chole: We have other matters to attend to... Alan: *looks behind him* Peri, you've been there the entire time?! Peri: Looks like you're getting a little better... Outlaw: Who's he? Peri: I'm shadowing him...er training him in battle. Name's Alan... Outlaw: Hey... Alan: Pleased to meet you, cousin of Peri... Chole: Why are your being so formal...? Alan: *shrugs* Peri: Okay, so we head north... Chole: Alright...but let me ask you one question...where?
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole concentrates and uses his Magic Arrows formed from his own psyche...[/i] Alan: Cool....Hey, I thought warriors couldn't use magic... Chole: Er, it's the bow... Alan: Oooo... Chole: Ready?! Alan: Sure thing *draws sword* [i]Chole goes easy on Alan, walking closer and closer to him...Alan swipes his sword and Chole blocks the attack.[/i] Chole: A wooden training sword? Alan: They woudln't give me anything better than this... Chole: You know you can't win any battles with that... Alan: *sigh* Chole: Tell you what...*sets down bow* hand to hand... Alan: *gulp*[/COLOR]
Issues...geez...taking thinks a little personally..eh....
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sits down by a tree and writes in his journal...[/i] Chole: They're taking a while... Alan: Give them time it's been a while since they've talked... Chole: But I'm so boared... Alan: If you want to train with me, I could use the experience... Chole: This might be interesting... [i]Chole puts his journal in his pack and picks up his crossbow...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: That'll be easy for me... Peri: We should get going... Chole: To where?! Peri: The nearest town... Alan: Umm...umm.... Peri: What is it? Alan: Nevermind... Outlaw: So how have you been doing? Peri: I've been doing good...I guess you could say buisness is at a slump lately... Chole: ...*bored* [i]Chole raised his crossbow and aimed at objects up high. He shot an apple and caught it. He shook it at it split up into 6 small pieces...[/i] Alan: Interesting... Chole: You better not try to copy that... Peri: Can you and Alan talk somewhere else...I'm having a serious conversation... Chole: Pff...whatever you say...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Don't drag me like that you phag... Alan: What did you say?! Chole: Phag...as in phagocyte...aka germ..? Alan: *falls to the ground...* Chole: Outlaw! Outlaw: I can take care of this... Chole: Why'd you pull me back... Alan: Peri might use her best weapon against Viper...so we have to be careful not to fall into it's light... Chole: To hell with that! [i]Chole jumps out of the rocks and bushes and fires his arrows wildly while strafing around Viper, many of them hitting her chest...but not affecting her dramatically.[/i] Viper: You still missed.... Chole: WTF...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole took out his M92...[/i] Karu: No need for that here... Chole: *conceals it* [i]Chole put his hand up and was about to knock when Sephiroth kicked down the massive metal doors...revealing the stylish room.[/i] Karu: Seph...you really gotta control your temper... Chole: I think that's the second time that's happened.... Mayor: What's the meanigng of all of this! [i]The mayor of Solhara stands up and confronts the three...[/i][/COLOR]
I guess you should just interview a lot of people around the campus and different people of all ages...and, just like Heaven Cloud said...the history where the emotion originated and well...use the animals as a last resort...
Just watch your weight and weightlift a lot. One trick I think they'll eventually teach you is to circle your opponent...once you get behind them successfully and control them there...you'll have him pinned in no time.
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Wait a minute...you just held us up just so you can catch up with an old friend?! What kinda person are you?! Outlaw: ... Chole: Oh, only talking to your lady huh? Alan: Master Chole...please don't be angry... Chole: Don't call me master Chole...just call me Chole...[/COLOR]
Whats the most romantic you have ever done? and........
RicoTranzrig replied to Vegitto4's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkblue]It was a while back...but a really romantic thing that I've done was surprise my G/F...I called her first to let her know I was coming (It's just polite that way). She had skidded on the asphalt in a rollerblading accident and broke her collarbone, her arm, and a few ribs. So I stopped by the Sony's Metreon early and picked up a plush Vivi doll and a music CD. I went to her house and stuffed those things in a fancy chocolate box and gave it to her. Since she was taking some kind of drugs, she thought they might interact with the chocolate and put it on the table. We talked...before I left, I talked her into eating some. She opened it and well...surprise![/COLOR] -
How is Yuna fat? She looks relatively skinny to me...she does sound like an airhead, isn't cute as the others but...fat?
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole stands behind the tree while the two girls fight...[/i] Peri: Bit-h, stealing men and using them to your own evil will... Viper: I thought you would agree that men are just useless dogs! Peri: Fortunately, I have guy friends who are very nice to me... [i]Viper covers the area in white smoke, blinding Peri's clear shot...[/i] Viper: I'm taking the man...whether you like it or not... [i]Viper walks around behind the tree and swings her Aeon staff. Chole sidesteps...[/i] Chole: Umm...you missed.... Viper: Dámn it! Chole: I'll have you dead and your scalp and breasts for sale before the end of this day! [i]Chole raises his crossbow to the cloudy mist and fires...[/i] *SQUEAL* [i]Arrow hits a pig...[/i] Chole: O...kay...how about this then!!! :flaming: [i]Chole fires another shot[/i] *Squak!* [i]Arrow hits a rare bird...[/i] Chole: :therock: Viper: Hahahaha!!!! Peri: WTF is going on?! [i]The mist clears up and everyone is visible, and everything...including the trees, shrubs, the dead pig and bird....[/i] Peri: Whoever you are...you have good aim...straight through the necks of the pig and the bird...WHY NOT THE BIT-H!? Viper: Such harsh use of words my dear...I'll be back!! Muhahaha!!! [i]Viper casts the mist again...finally disappearing...[/i] Chole: *scrathes his head* Who was that? Peri: A dragonheart...one gone sour.... Chole: A dragonheart? Peri: Once that come into a near death experience with a dragon become those lost creatures... Alan: That's my first encounter...facinating... Peri: I'm traning him... Chole: Ah, I see... Peri: I take it you've been in many battles with farm animals...? Chole: *looks at the dead bird and pig* Peri: Well? Chole: Not really...I guess the mist she was making misguided my shots and hit something else dead on... Peri: Luckily it wasn't any of us... Chole: Yeah...so umm...who are you? Peri: My names...Peregrine, lady Peregrine...but just call me Peri for short... Alan: Name's Alan...nice to meet you... Chole: I'm Chole...a Ranger and a Bowman...[/COLOR]
OOC: I understand... ~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: We have been starting this temptation island game... Sere: Sounds cool...I know that you and Iris got paired up a while back...who else... Liam: Well...*holds Kool's hand* Kool: *slap* Not yet...[/COLOR]
I'm incredibly quiet and people actually notice and get mixed feelings about it since they say I'm friendly but...it looks like I'm about to explode on someone when I get quiet....
OOC: Sere, I'm suggesting that you stay...try to be here more... ~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Yay! *Runs up and hugs Sere* Iris: Don't get too luvie dubbie...:rolleyes: Sere: I'm glad that someone's going to like me staying here... Liam: Well, if you can stand Rex... Rex: Hehe :demon: Sere: Ummm...I think I'll stay single for a while...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole woke up, realizing the truth of Viper...he gets up and takes position behind the trees.[/i] Chole: Bit-h! [i]Chole takes aim with his crossbow and loads an arrow loaded with sleep toxins...[/i] Chole: I thought she liked me Whoa!...:flaming: [i]Chole dodged the incoming fires and hid behind the tree.[/i] Chole: I guess this isn't my fight after all... [i]Chole climbed up the tree and watched the fight down below, his crossbow pointed straight at Viper should she be the victor...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I think he'd be kinda better off with Rikku...but eh, the story doesn't go that way...except maybe in one of the dreams that Tidus has...[/COLOR]
I'm from north america...you spelled some of the countries wrong and you left out Australia (which is an important continent...)...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Karu ended up in a quiet resturant with few people inside...[/i] Karu: Isn't Sephiroth coming? Chole: *looks out window* I guess not... Karu: So what do you wanna eat? Chole: I guess...*looks up at menu* Maybe the Valefor special... Karu: I'm having the...hot dogs... Chole: I'm not into that kinda fast food stuff... [i]Karu and Chole order their meals to go and come back to where Sephiroth was sitting with a blank face on...[/i] Chole: You okay? Sephiroth: Yeah...just wondering what' we're gonna say to the mayor once we get there....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]They entered the inn and saw that it was relatively quiet. Not many people were there besides them. A few people playing cards and the person behind the desk...[/i] Siren: Hi, we'd like several rooms. Clerk: We'll you're in luck...since it's winter time and all...there's barely anyone visiting this nice resort city. Siren: SO...how much...? Clerk: About §20 a night per room. Pi: I got that covered... [i]Pi pulled out his ID card and gave it to the Clerk.[/i] Clerk: Pi Fortune...sounds interesting... Siren: Wait...don't use credit... Pi: But I have a Celes account... Siren: Oh fine... [i]The clerk swiped the card and accepted the money...[/i] Clerk: Thank you...how long are you guys staying? Siren: About a week... [i]Chole seperated from the party and ran over to the warm fireplace in the lobby.[/i] Chole: Oh good! [i]Liam and Night took a seat by the couch with Rev while the kids sat by Chole to warm up. Iris kept a close eye on the three...[/i] [/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole wakes up inside a smelly dungeon cell reeking of fecal matter, dead bodies, and something else he couldn't distinguish...[/i] Chole: Ugh...stupid bástard that doesn't show himself and hits me with lightning and captures me...*sigh* I wish I had friends that were kind enough to rescue my sorry hide... Woman's Voice coming from a different cell: But you do... Chole: Huh? Who's that? Woman: *cough* Chole: You okay? Woman: I've been here for over 10 years...do you think I'm okay?! Chole: Sorry...so what' you in for? Woman: Whoring... Chole: But I saw all those other... Woman: ...too much...in other people's houses other than my own's and my clients... Chole: Oooohhh....why do such a dumb thing like that? Woman: I dunno why...I'm just a whore... Chole: Nevermind...have you found a way out..or are you trying to find a way out? Woman: Sorry...but no... [i]Chole saw his pack at the corner of his cell and grabbed it...[/i] Chole: They were dumb enough to leave my pack... Woman: Luck you... Chole: Why...don't you have anything? Woman: I wasn't wearing anything when I was arrested... Chole: *gets excited* Really?! Woman: Yep... Chole: Don't you get cold or anything? Woman: They let us outside the courtyard sometimes...we get zapped and then we get stuffed back inside our cells. Chole: So when's the next rotation? Woman: Not for a couple of hours...you think you can find a way out? Chole: Is there anyone else in this block? Woman: Nope...just you and me... Chole: You know I really wish that we could have a cell together... Woman: Well, once we get thrown back in our own dungeon block, we can do whatever we want... Chole: Sounds good to me...by the way...what's your name? Woman: I'm not telling you... Chole: Fine, be that way...I'm gonna look for a way out... Woman: Good luck trying... Chole: If that sorry excuse for an overlord ever shows up, I'll thank him... Woman: FOr what? Chole: Stuffing me in with you... Woman: *giggles* Stop it, you're embarassing me... Chole: SO yeah...my first friend... [/COLOR]
It's you're choice...it all depends on how you feel about what's good or not...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico ducks even lower, on his stomach, between DBZman's legs.[/i] Rico: Bend and snap... DBZman: WTF? [i]Rico puts his hands on the mat and snaps back up, his shoulderblades hitting in between DBZman's legs and throwing him over. DBZman rolls and recovers from the blow.[/i] Rico: You know I always thought it would take a little longer for someone to recover from that kind of blow... DBZman: Cups... Rico: OH...thank god for that... [i]Rico stands poised and waits for DBZman's next move...[/i][/COLOR]