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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rex's head is currently still missing...Chole begins to wake up...[/i] Chole: Oww...may head...:worried: Iris: Hey there...you took a huge blow to the head...how many fingers am I holding up [i]Sticks up middle finger[/i] Chole: lol...very funny Iris...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos tried hard to reach Espa...but her barrier prevented him from doing so. Lupos: Espa... Espa: Yeah? Lupos: I think I can pull you out...but you'll have to let me hold onto your mind... Espa: ... Lupos: Trust me... *Espa let her guard down...before the weight could crush her, Lupos held onto her psychic form and slid her out...* Lupos: Are you okay? Espa: I...I dont know what happened... *Both of them were floating in a dark dreamworld. They couldn't see each other...but they could feel each other. Lupos' arms were firmly around Espa...protecting her and keeping her out of danger.*[/i][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole lays on his stomach, holding his scope...[/i] Chole: Siren, Night, Selen, and Roux should be okay...we'll just give them a few more minutes... Iris: That's good to hear... Mike: Oh, if you were here earlier, you would of heard something realy sweet... Iris: And that would be... Liam: Oh nothing...*looks at Chole* Iris: Right...:rolleyes: Pi: Hey, Siren's got the most experience out of us...why is her group last? Chole: Maybe they like to take their time... Rena: When's Roux gonna wake up fully...I wanna play with him...! Rev: He'll be okay in a few days...give him some time to rest... [i]Gunfire...[/i] Chole: *Looks through scope* Rev: EVerything alright? Chole: Sh-t...Selen's down...it's her bad ankle... Iris: Are they in danger... Chole: No...Siren and Night are helping her up right now...I don't think anyone noticed... Pi: What was all that gunfire... Chole: Probably a weapons demo... Iris: Keep a close eye on them Chole... Chole: *Sweat starts forming on the top of his head...* Liam: Is everything okay? Chole: *Sets down scope* Anyone wanna join me in a rescue attempt... Iris: :eek: No way! Chole: They took Selen hostage...Siren and Night are at the ready...but I think they can't do much... Pi: I'll go...Chole...you too... Chole: Okay... Pi: Rev...you stay with Liam and Rena and secure this point... Iris: And me? Chole: Come with us...we need a good element of surprise... [i]The three speed back down the hill and enter the city...[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Kool: If we can find the boat... Iris: It's not that hard...all we have to do is circle the island once and we'll find it... Liam: Easy for you to say...what if it's stolen... Kool: Hey...coconuts aren't so bad... Iris: Eeesshh.. Chole: :sleep: Liam: Well...just to be sure, I'm going to walk around the island for the boat...anyone coming with? [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Treble and Chole put on their Tracer glasses.[/i] Chole: Ah, I can see clearly... Treble: These are hard to move around in...it tracks motion and theres all this info I can see... Cloud: You see anything? Chole: Nothing much...I can see you guys...everything is bright and ....wait...hold up...it's tracking something... [i]Chole locks onto the moving object and hands over the glasses to Cloud...[/i] Cloud: Definitely something... Ken: Don't say anything until we really know what it is... Treble: ...We can't use lights either...shoot... Chole: We'll have to track it's movements...whatever it is...when it comes around again... Cloud: Keep guard...chances are...it'll be something else besides Karu...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, Mike, and Liam reach the edge of the small city and climb the hill leading to another junction corridor.[/i] Chole: I hope the others are okay... Liam: Siren and Night'll do well...Pi, Rev, Rena, and Iris...that's a different story. Mike: How so? Chole: Well...Iris is a lot prettier than Siren or Selen... Liam: How would you know?! Chole: C'mon...trust me, I can spot out beautiful women in a heartbeat. Mike: Oh...geezz... Liam: Anyone gotta scope? Chole: *Reaches into pack* Here... [i]Chole puts the scope on and zooms into the market district. He spots Pi joking around with the merchants and Iris getting into a shoving contest with one of the locals.[/i] Liam: How are they? Chole: They'll be alright... Mike: Think we should head back? Chole: Nah...*Zooms at Siren making her way out of the market with Night and Selen...* They'll be okay...I hope[/COLOR]
  7. I'm not sure how we can help you...that's a whole lot of info to absorb in a short amout of time...I think the best thing you could to is to take classes at a community college to catch up.
  8. First time I took a plane (~16 hour flight) I rode economy class (AKA 3rd class) crammped up seats, strange looking food, and just a lot of noisy people around, but they were friendly. But next time i'll probably take buisness class where there's more leg room and better food from what I've heard. I wish they offered parachutes in planes though...
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Playing 4 hours of non-stop tennis rounds is torture, especially when my energy is drained and I don't realize that the ball is coming directly at me and *smack*...on the upside, I did lose a lot of weight at the time (which was probably all fluids).[/COLOR]
  10. Most likely the thunder plains...I was trying to dodge lightning and I got caught off guard with the volume on high...
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Rockstar is a very good company with it's new Renderware platform...especially with GTA 3 and Max Payne...now only if they add multiplayer in their future titles...[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole put on his vest and visor and set it to night vision, then infared and took a look around...nothing[/i] Ken: Didn't I tell you? Chole: He's gotta be somewhere... Ken: He 'aint out here Chole... Cloud: How about the Metreon Caves...they're not far off and he might be hiding there for the night. Treble: That's a possibility...do you think he knows what he's doing though?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Rex: Poor Chole's gonna be shot...*BOOM!* Kool: *With her gun smoking* wrong... Liam: I wonder what he dreams about... Iris: I guess no thought bubble this time... Chole :sleep: Liam: I wonder what kinda food they have here... Kool: Human...maybe... Iris: It was a mistake coming to this island. Liam: There's gotta be some food we can eat. [/COLOR]
  14. I don't know, and I don't want to know...I do have pretty good grades...and I do score some 97th - 99th percentiles on standardized tests...
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, Mike, and Liam split up from Pi and walk a different portion of the market...a raid stops them with a weapons proposition.[/i] Raid dealer: I'll trade you this A-K for those shoes of yours... Chole: They're not for sale... Raid: Oh? No, just look and listen at the power of this here rifle... [i]The raid dealer points the gun upwards and fires 200 rounds in only a matter of seconds...bullets and sand rain down on the area...[/i] Chole: Hold on... [i]They move off to the side...[/i] Chole: Man, I dont think he's gonna let us turn him down... Mike: What if we just walk by... Chole: He'll probably take us down... Liam: You think we should kill the guy? Chole: It would save us a lot of trouble...but no...we can't do that...we'd be less than human... Liam: Aren't we already? Chole: You know what I mean...look...here's the plan...break into that building over there...climb the roof and take position. If he tries to kill me, I'll be able to dodge his first round before I run out of energy temporarily... Mike: Then we tackle him and take him out... Chole: Got it? Liam: Yeah... [i]Liam and Mike run into the abandoned building and reach the rooftop and look at Chole from up above. He walks back to the merchant.[/i] Raid dealer: Are you gonna trade?! Chole: *Walks by* Raid: Hey, I was talking to you!!! [i]The dealer takes aim...[/i] Liam: Chole watch out! [i]Liam and Mike jump down and tackle the dealer. A few bullets go up into the air, scathing Liam's face a little. Liam transforms and claws the merchant until he goes unconscious. Mike takes the A-K away from him and they catch up with Chole.[/i] Chole: Good job...it looks like the others didn't notice... Mike: With stuff like that happening everyday...I think they'd get used to violence like that... [i]They make it out of the market district...[/i] Chole: I guess we're out of the hot zone...for now...I wonder how the others are doing....[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]"Siren...Siren...[/i] Siren: Who's there?! ????: A friend...hold on...we're getting you out of here...somehow... Siren: Wait! Hey! Don't leave! [i]Liam dove out of the room and into the hallway where Craig and Zack stood by...[/i] Liam: She's in there...but I felt someone else in the shadows with me... Zack: ANy idea? Liam: Could be Sion, giving her a hard time... Craig: Are we busting through? Liam: No...he's had more experience than I have... Zack: SO he some old áss... Liam: He also commands a higher level of dark arts than I do...so bullets can't touch him... Craig: Zack... Zack: I have some tools down in the SUV...will a UV light work on him? Liam: Just don't point it at me... Craig: I'll go with you... [i]Craig and Zack head down the hall towards the stairway.[/i] Liam: Wait... Zack: What is it? Liam: If Siren's in danger...I'm going to engage Sion...move quickly...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Damn! Liam: We have to go after her... Craig: I thought Nosferatu weren't supposed to make malice with each other... Lupos: They're not...but Sion is an exception. Liam: One who doesn't follow the rules...takes advantage of anyone that can benifit him and uses the dark arts at will.[/i] Zack: Bástard... Lupos: You got that right...it's been a while... Craig: The Dark Arts... Liam: We have not choice... Zack: Any idea on where he might be? Liam: I'll go scour around in the shadows *melts into the walls* Zack...Craig, you should also...Lupos...look after your mate... Lupos: Mate? [i]Liam fully enters the shadows and moves around the building stealthily...Zack and Craig exit out through the bullet riddled door and into the stairs where the begin a floor by floor search. Leaving a quiet Lupos and Espa...Lupos turns around to find her asleep.[/i] Lupos: Espa... Espa: :sleep: Lupos: ESPA! *Shakes her* [i]No response...[/i] Lupos: This isn't my day...at all... [i]Lupos takes Espa's cold hand and closes his eyes...[/i][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hey, why not me?!?! Siren: [i]C'mon...don't you start depending on me once things start getting hot...[/i] Chole: I'm not gonna... Siren: [i]Show 'em your stuff kid...[/i] Chole: Okay... Night: Siren, I'll go with you... Siren: Much better... Night: Huh? Pi: All the teams have to be balanced out before we go...and hurry...there's no telling if we'll be spotted or not. Selen: I'm with Night...Roux comes along too. Liam: I'll hit it with Mike... Mike: Alright...Chole, you with us? Chole: Yeah! [i]The three slap hands[/i] Iris: That leaves me, Rev, and Rena... Siren: Wait...no...that won't work out...Pi, you're with them... Chole: SO the teams are set...we have to get through this area and continue on north until we find a safe exit... [i]Team 1: Siren, Night, Selen (w/Roux) Team 2: Chole, Liam, Mike Team 3: Pi, Iris, Rena, Rev[/i] Pi: That's it...see you on the other side... [/COLOR]
  19. Yeah, just act normal and friendly...but not too friendly...you know what I mean? And about the strict catholic private school thing....it'll take some getting used to...especially if you come from a public school...you'll probably have less freedom...but you'll find ways to get around that once you get to know some people there. Good luck.;)
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Maybe it's tame... Treble: I never thought...but this is a Chocobo Ranch... Cloud: Maybe it's more of a refuge than a ranch... Chole: Well, if they're not dangerous...it's best if we leave them alone. Cloud: Let's go ask Karu er...the Chocobo Rancher... [i]They went inside the fairly large house and looked around for Karu...no Karu so they looked around for the old man...no old man...so finally, they just made themselves at home and waited for them to come back. They sat down on the living room couch and thought about what to do.[/i] Chole: Ken's still fixing up our weapons? [i]Cloud peeked through the outside window. Ken was pounding, melting and cooling their weapons.[/i] Cloud: Hard at work... Treble: Lucky he joined up with us... Chole: I wonder where gramps went? Cloud: Beats me... [i]Cloud grabbed the remote from the nearby bookshelf and turned on the TV...[/i] Chole: I didn't know they had TV out here... Treble: Believe it...but there's barely any reception here... [i]Blank screen[/i] Treble: Chole, you're Metropod right? Chole: Yeah... Treble: You're helmet...it should carry log entries...er video stuff... Chole: Those are kinda personal... Cloud: Why? You have a girlfriend you're not telling us about? Cloud/Treble: LOL Chole: Hey, I just met you guys... Cloud: *Looks around for something to drink* And we have all night... Chole: To what? Treble: Since the TV's busted...it's getting dark and the grasslands are not the most friendliest places in the world...I say we entertain ourselves... [i]Outside, Ken put out the fire and went back inside the house, carrying all the newly sharpened weapons...[/i] Cloud: Thanks man... Ken: No probelm...*sticks hand out* [i]500gil to Ken weapons go to Cloud and Treble[/i] Treble: If you ever need anything fixed up...just ask Ken... Chole: Okay... Ken: So what are you guys doing? Cloud: Sharing stories... Chole: You want me to go first? [i]The front door slammed hard and the old chocobo rancher walked into the kitchen, not paying attention to the group.[/i] Cloud: Looks like it'll have to wait... [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole leads the way through the dark and cold corridor. He looks back...[/i] Chole: Liam...we were looking for you... Liam: Yeah...I accidently fell into one of the holes... Siren: Luckily we found you...sooner than we expected. Night: *Limping behind* You said that Raids were cloaked... Pi: Yeah...you'll know they're coming since Chole's flame is pretty bright. Chole: They'll appear as a blur and you can see their shadow... Siren: How do you know that... [i]Chole stops and throws the fireball into the corridor, eventually hitting something and igniting it...the figure screams and runs around with their arms flailing...[/i] Iris: I don't think that was a good idea... Liam: Like it matters...it was obvious he was going to kill us anyway. Chole: *Picks up the knife left behind* You're right... Pi: Think you can use that Chole? [i]Chole breathes another flame into his hand.[/i] Chole: I don't really have anything better on me... Siren: We should get moving...they'll track us... Chole: Run? Siren: No...we can't risk wasting our energy just in case we do need it for later. Chole? [i]Chole continues walking, followed by the group. The look around cautiously for any blurs or shadows they can see. After a few minutes of walking, they reach a huge underground cavern, carved out in the underlying rocks...in that cavern, a small city with running water and ample lighting from cracks above.[/i] Chole: *Shakes off flame* It's huge... Siren: Try to blend in with them...they don't know we're here yet... Liam: How do you know that? Siren: From past experience, the cloak their cities also... Night: Past experience? Siren: It's a long story... Pi: These are frugal people, meaning that they use whatever they find... Siren: Anything goes in this town...so watch your back. Chole: So we're safe right? Pi: They probably won't suspect us as intruders...but these people do not treat their kind kindly... Liam: It would seem the next thing we would do is split up...right? Siren: Yes...groups of 2 or 3 should be enough for them not to suspect us.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue]Chole: Good thing I'm still a kid... Iris: Be sure you stay that way.... [i]Chole breathed fire into his hands and positioned his hand up, lighting the small corridor...[/i] Rev: Looks like they carved it out... Chole: Well, at least it's cool and all...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hey... Karu: Hey yourself...what brings you here? Chole: Travellers from abroad... Karu: You mean Solhara, Metropod... Chole: Name's Chole... Cloud: (What's up with this guy?) Treble: (Beats me...) Ken: Umm... do you guys have a well and fire wood? Karu: What for? Ken: Tempering weapons... Karu: Over to the back... [i]Ken ran around the back of the ranch and started a small fire. He took out his weapons and started his routine.[/i] Karu: Does he do that for a hobby? Cloud: Of course not...so...umm, what's your name? Karu: Name's Karu...make youselves at home...now if you'll excuse me, I have work to attend to... Chole: Huh? [i]Karu disappeared into the stables[/i][/COLOR]
  24. If I really knew for sure that they were going to die, I would...at least they should know and be totally at peace...
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos draws his silenced .45 and aims it at the door along with Ebony and Ivory.[/i] Lupos: This is it... [i]The door opens[/i] Zack: Uhhh....FIRE! [i]Lupos, Zack, and Craig's guns fly like crazy, ripping the door to shreds and no body outside...[/i] Siren: No! Espa: What is it? Siren: You can use dark arts here... Liam: Yes...*Takes a postition behind a statue in Siren's living room* Lupos: Careful...[/COLOR]
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