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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: :sleep: Liam: Still knocked out... Kool: Great..., just great... Rex: Hey...*shakes chole* wake up... Chole: Hmm...Iris... Rex: :eek: eee..[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Siren: Let's follow him... Chole: Why is that? Siren: If we stay here...the kids are going to drown... Iris: It's a long way down there... Chole: I can stand a lot of pressure on my legs... Iris: Let's go then...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Iris looks around for trouble as she takes care of Chole...yet again...*sigh*[/i] Kool: Iris! Are the boats still there? Iris: *Looks around* Was it on this side of the island? Liam: Yeah...have you seen it? Iris: I just got here...and no... Rex: This is bad...bad, bad, bad... Kool: *Smacks Rex on the back of the head* Could you stop!? Liam: Well...at least the cameras are off our backs... [i]Rustling in the nearby bushes[/i] Iris: :therock: you spoke too soon...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Sunset was coming. Ken, Chole, Cloud, and Treble keep walking south towards the Metreon Caves...it was closer and there was less risk of being attacked. The group was greeted by an old man in his late 70's...holding Kyshal Greens...[/i] Chocobo Rancher: Hey! Welcome... Chole: Hi...we were wondering if we could stay here for the night... Rancher: I think I can make room for the four of ya's...wanna rent out some of my birds after? Treble: Sure thing old man...we gotta get to Physar by tomorrow. Rancher: That's a long way's off...you're better off in the Metreon Caves than on the road. Cloud: And why is that? Rancher: If you're not afraid of monsters... Ken: Hell N- Rancher: It's a shorter path... Chole: Okay...but can we set our packs down now? Rancher: Hold your Chocobos! I'll get supper... All: :rolleyes: Treble: Hey at least we've got a place to stay... Cloud: WHy do I have a bad feeling about this? Chole: Well, looks like we have more visitors.. [i]A figure came over the bend, heading for Bon Bon's Chocobo Ranch...(Karu)...[/i][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks around another time...[/i] Chole: Liam! Liam: *Waves and keeps looking around* Chole: I wonder what happened? Siren: ... Iris: Is there something you're not telling us? Siren: Raid... Chole: Is that some kind of invisible group? Er, a one man thing? Siren: Inivsible, yes...one man...no... Pi: I heard they were the last remaining survivors of the Zophar massacre... Iris: What happened? Pi: Bacically they blew themselves up in a massive civil war. Siren: Not everyone escaped, but the ones who did...they're around here. Using cloaks and other pieces of machinery they could find. Chole: I can't feel them around... Iris: Wait...where's Liam? Chole: I saw him a minute ago... [i]Everyone takes a look around...no Liam in sight...[/i] Night: What's going on? Siren: you've finally come to... Chole: Liam's gone... Night: Ugh...*Tries go get up* Pi: No...you'll hurt yourself... Chole: We gotta find him... Iris: But Night's hurt... Siren: And the sun's about to reach above us... Iris: We should start looking for a way under the desert sands...it's the only way... Pi: I'll help out Night... [i]The group scours nearby, looking for any types of cracks in the sand or search for wandering minds...[/i] Chole: If all else fails...we can always use brute force. Siren: Not yet... [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole coughes uncontrollably and closes his eyes.[/i] Liam: Man, are you okay? Chole: Sorta... Liam: You got hurt pretty badly. Chole: And how would you know? Liam: C'mon, he grabbed you by the neck and threw you around like a rag doll... Kool: :rolleyes: Chole: It hurts a little...by the throat...ugh...*gives up on the ground* Rex: He out? Liam: Sorta. Rex: Maybe we ougtta take him back and find a nice place for him to rest up...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole rolls out of the way clutching his neck.[/i] Chole: *Cough, Cough* Oh man... Liam: Umm...why not... [i]Liam jumps into the fray...[/i] Rex: :D Ahhh!!! [i]Jumps in with Liam...[/i][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Careful Siren... Siren: I'm way ahead of you...just watch Espa... [i]Lupos holsters his gun with the safety off and supports Espa's head.[/i] Neil: You sure you can handle it? [i]Craig's head begins to regenerate[/i] Zack: It's Siren's fight... Liam: He's right...we gotta get out to a safe distance...this might get ugly. Craig: *Breathes deeply* WTF... Lupos: NO time for that yet...we gotta take cover...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos takes out his .45 and locks it in[/i] Lupos: Are we gonna take out the bastard or not? Liam: Let's not rush things... [i]Hears footsteps in front of Siren's door...[/i] Lupos: He know's we're here... Siren: So how many other people have grudges against him besides me? [i]Craig, Liam, and Lupos raises their hands.[/i] Zack: You can't kill your own kind, can you? Liam: It doesn't say anything about that...the books I mean. Lupos: If he comes blazing in... [i]The footsteps stop[/i] Espa: *Holds head and tries hard not to scream* [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: Hey, where'd my character go? Now I'm completely lost...:flaming: ~~~~~~~~~ [i]Chole makes his way out of Solhara and gets on the country road. He takes a break by the grass and takes sets down his vest and helmet. Chole removes a pack of water and takes a breather.[/i] Chole: *Looks at watch* [i]Chole notices two figures coming up the road, very familiar...[/i] Chole: *Waves* Cloud: Hey...who's that? Treble: Beats me...he's hiding under the grass...*Waves back* Cloud: He looks kinda, familiar... [i]They stop in front of Chole.[/i] Chole: Hello. Treble: A Metropod... Chole: Hey I remember you...from Solhara right? [i]Treble and Cloud look at each other...[/i] Cloud: Kid...inline skates, tough looking... Treble: Oh yeah, thanks for helping us chase around that kidnapper...what happened to you? Chole: Afterwards I just went back home... Cloud: What are you doing here then? Chole: My apartment got ransacked...took everything... Treble: Sorry to hear that... Chole: So I'm moving to a easier life... Cloud: Well, you're gonna have to take off all that machina on you... Treble: Kinda like me... Chole: Kay, thanks for the tip... Cloud: Well...are you headed that a way? *Points in the direction of the Physar kingdom* Chole: Yeah...heard it's a lot less complicated there... Treble: I guess... Cloud: DO..you wanna join us? Chole: Yeah, okay...*Stands up* Name's Chole... Treble: Hi...I'm Treble... Cloud: Cloud...nice to meet you, again... [i]Chole picks up his gear and walks alongside Treble and Cloud.[/i][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I'll shut up now... Iris: ?? Chole: *Takes out blade and stands ground.* Liam: Chole, are you insane?! [i]The Balrog approaches Chole and looks at him and screams in front of him...[/i] Kool: Chole!! Chole: Ahh...*Jumps up and slashes around and around* [i]The Balrog flinches and grabs Chole by the neck. Chole: Ugh *closes eyes* [i]It tightens it's grip on Chole, causing him to scream out...[/i] Rex: Some high-pitched scream... Chole: I-can't...breathe...*squeak*[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole raises his hand and clenched it into a fist, he crouches down and madly sprints by Rena and Rev, keeping their speed.[/i] Rev: You think you can catch up with us? Chole: I'm right by you two, ain't I? [i]Siren looks at them from up above.[/i] Siren: Chole, don't be too hard on them... Chole: Don't worry... Liam: Hey, I thought he was just a dragon? What's with the fancy feet? Siren: Beats me...his records say he's just a dragon/human...nothing more... Chole: *Shrugs and takes the lead*[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Iris barely got enough sleep throughout the night...but they managed to catch a few hours. Iris held Chole throughout the night, her sleeves soaked with Chole's tears. Siren kept a vigilent eye on the two with Night. Pi rested behind them with his gun tucked between his knees. Dawn finally broke...Rena, Selen, and Liam were the first to wake up.[/i] Rena: Hey, Iris! Where are you! Iris: :sleep: [i]Rena runs around, looking for her. She comes around a corner and spots her, holding Chole by the dying fire.[/i] Rena: Ooh... [i]Chole's eyes flicker open and squint from the sun rising behind Rena...[/i] Chole: Morning Rena? Rena: That's right...what have you two been doing? Chole: Huh? [i]Chole looks at the arm of Iris around his shoulders.[/i] Chole: Oh...it's a long story... Rena: Kindly tell... Chole: M...aybe later... Rena: Haha! Okay... [i]Rena runs off to Liam and Selen.[/i] Chole: Iris... Iris: Mmmm... [i]Chole taps her arm and shakes her gently.[/i] Iris: Huh.? Chole: Sleepy? Iris: You could say that. Chole: It's morning... [i]Chole reaches down for Iris' hand. She grabs on and gets up.[/i] Iris: How much sleep did we get? Chole: Not much...hey... Iris: What is it? [i]Chole looks blankly at Iris... Chole: Thanks... Iris: Thanks for what? Chole: Last night... Iris: ... She smiles.[/i] Siren: Hey you two...sleep well. Chole: :D Iris: Cut it out... [i]Siren: Iris, you did good... Iris: Why are you so concerned with what I do to him? Siren: I know him... Iris: From where? Siren: Back in Celes...[/i] Pi: Who's up for breakfast...? Liam: Whatdaya got? Pi: Rations... Mike: Ugh... Pi: Hey, its all I've got... [i]A huge cloud of sand dust is seen from the distance outside the oasis. High-speed motors can be heard...[/i] Night: Looks like we should leave soon. Chole: Not again... Selen: *Picks up Roux* [i]The group takes what they can and heads north, out of the oasis before the Hunters can catch up. The dust clears, and they stop running.[/i] Chole: Open desert... Iris: We should keep moving before we're toast... Siren: Let's just hope we find shelter soon... Night: I'll go scout out... [i]Night jumps into the air and flies off.[/i] Mike: Good luck! Chole: Hope he finds something... Pi: He probably will...Let's keep following him until he gets out of range... [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I know I should...*starts crying* Iris: Oh, Chole...letting go is hard... Chole: Don't worry about me, I'll get through this. Iris: Good. Chole: We all have our reasons to fight...I guess my reason is for Ten. Iris: So your not letting her go until all this is over? Chole: Maybe... Iris: But... Chole: You kinda remind me of her. Iris: Oh? Chole: You seem, mature for your age... Iris: Thanks, I think. Chole: Well...goodnight... Iris: Are you gonna be okay? Chole: *sniff* No...I'm letting her go tonight...*lays down tears streaming down his face* Iris: Chole...*Sits down beside him* [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: What are you, some kinda therapist? Iris: Just a friend... Chole: She took care of me a lot...she knew I had no parents to begin with...she was so young and I was even younger. Iris: ...go on... Chole: She knew how I worked...what I liked, what I didn't like... Iris: Uh-huh... Chole: And it was like she was a mother to me... Iris: I see... Chole: No I have no one... Iris: You have us... Chole: No...it's not just that...it's...I want... Iris: What do you want? Chole: Just one person...someone I can strive for...a purpose, a reason...now that reason is gone. Iris: Love for Ten...? Chole: Yeah... Iris: Nothing will ever be able to replace her...but you have to let her go. Chole: What do you think I've been doing? Iris: What's your purpose now? Chole: Meteo City...a place that can only give me shelter, nothing more. Iris: What do you seek in life. Chole: I can't say... Iris: Why not? Chole: Because you'll change to suit that... Iris: So you know... Chole: I'm not that innocent... Iris: *Looks down* Chole: *Sits up* You know you can never take Ten's place. And you can't search my mind to find what I really want out of life. Iris: I know...I know... Chole: So please...don't....[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: Um, Chole...you're covered in...ewww. Kool: Chole, take a bath... Chole: I can't move... Liam: What's in these guys' stomachs? Iris: Paralyzing agent... Liam: Hey! Back off from Chole and the rest of us...Or else :flaming: Chole: *Raises fist and collapses* :sleep: Kool: *pinches nose* Oh...geezz...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sleeps soundly in a fetal position by the fire, next to Iris...[/i] Chole: Te.n..Ir..i.s... Iris: :sleep: [i]In Chole's mind..[/i] Chole: [i]Ten![/i] Ten: *Walks around Chole...smiles...and fades away* Chole: [i]Ten! Don't leave me!![/i] [i]He falls to his knees and starts crying...[/i] Chole: No...no! ????: It'll be alright...Chole... Chole: Huh? ????: Even though Ten's gone...you still live. Don't let her death be in vein. Chole: But she's gone...we're worked so hard. ????: You may have been close to her but you can't hold on to her. Chole: You're right... ????: I know, I'm always right? Chole: Whoa, who are you anyway? ????: ... [i]Back in real life...[/i] Chole: *Sniff*[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Inside the stomach of a cannbal.[/i] Chole: Ouch...it's hot and smelly down here...and how'd I fit in the first place? [i]"You're small?"[/i] Chole: Oh yeah, that's right...ooh, I hear voices...Iris...Liam...Kool!!! Kool: Chole! Where are you!? Chole: I'm here!!! INside one of these guys...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks down at his legs and feet and off into the horizon.[/i] Chole: Hey, where'd everyone go? Siren: [i]Chole...be smart...[/i] Chole: Huh? Iris: What is it? Chole: *Looks at Siren nodding* Nothing... Siren: *Sigh...joins Selen and Liam* Iris: What are you thinking about? Chole: Life...where we're going...everything... Iris: What do you think is going to happen? Chole: I wish...I hope that everything'll turn out well for our people back in Meteo City. Iris: Something else is bothering you...what's up? Chole: *Tucks head between knees* Nothing... Iris: Talk to me...;) It'll help you feel better... Chole: *Shakes head* It's Ten Iris: Your lab partner... Chole: Yeah... Iris: Lemme guess, you miss her... Chole: A lot...doesn't seem like I'm going to see her again. Iris: And why the pessimistic attitude? Chole: I saw her on the 'table'...she was...dead... [i]Tears begin to stream down his face[/i] Iris: Oh, Chole...I'm so sorry.. Chole: I tried to go after her...but I had to escape with Selen... Iris: ...it seems like you were, close to each other... Chole: You could say that...countless nights in the Meteo City laboratory, hundreds of take-outs and night drives. Iris: No, what i meant was did you feel for her? Chole: In an adult sense...I had feelings for her. Iris: Oh... Chole: Even though she was way older than I am... Iris: ? Chole: 23...I'm 16... Iris: :therock: Chole: Akward isn't it? Iris: Sorta...but what about girls your age...? Chole: It doesn't matter to me... Iris: ...I'm sorry. Chole: For what? Iris: Brining all of this up... Chole: No big deal...it's okay. But...we gotta big day tomorrow...better get some rest... Iris: Okay... [i]Chole lays by the fire, looking into it with tears streaming down his face...Iris watches him close by, still sitting by the fire...[/i] Siren: [i]Good job Iris...[/i] Iris: [i]What?[/i] Siren: [i]He won't be able to feel for you...[/i] Iris: [i]I know...[/i] Siren: [i]He'll learn though...[/i] Iris: *Blows her hair out of her face and walks over to Chole* Chole: What is it? Iris: *Turns head sideways* (May I sleep by you? Looks like everyone has someone else to keep them warm...) Chole: If you want to...*smiles* [/COLOR]
  20. I think I'll just stay home with my G/F for valentines day...we kinda percieve it as an excuse for having that boost of love energy that should happen every single day...but since her parents are giving her some extra freedom on that day...why not take advantage of that to get a little closer.
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Some kinda monster? Ken: Sorta... Chole: Umm...okay, I guess...I have all the time in the world...*Puts on helmet and activates his body suit* Ken: Nice suit... Chole: Thanks... Ken: Let's go! *Makes a mad dash back to Moon and Treble* Chole: Speed...:D *Activates his blades and charges after them, weaving carefully this time through the large groups of people.* [i]Deeper and deeper they go into the center of Solhara...Ken and Chole finally catch up with Moon and Treble.[/i] Ken: Man you guys are fast... Moon: Well...yeah... Chole: Who are we after anyway... Treble: A kidnapper...we can't let him get away... Chole: It's a big city, no doubt that there'll be terrible things like this going around. Ken: Which is why we aim to stop it... Moon: He's gonna turn... [i]The Kilhir makes a sharp turn into the alleyway.[/i] Moon: Didn't I tell you... Treble: Whatever...good job though... Moon: :rolleyes: Chole: I wonder why though...[/COLOR]
  22. Slept in the nude...well almost once...during a heat wave. I had the door locked and everything...but it's not really sanitary...so I kept my boxers on.
  23. I remember my Junor prom...I had a fun time, but my date just used me...and...well, I used here just for one night. Well, my senior prom's coming up and I'm not gonna make the same mistake like that again. Let's see...Limosene, a wad of cash, my G/F, tickets, and my Tux...
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole weaves through the crowds of people and the high city lights...he looks behind him at a waving woman...he looks forward and just barely gets a glimpse of a two men and a woman with wings before crashing into them.[/i] Chole: *falls to the ground* OW! Ugh... Ken: Hey watch it... Chole: I'm sorry...*deactivates body suit, blades, and takes off his helmet. Moon: Hey, beat it kid...we're conducting important buisness... Chole: *gets up* I'm sorry... Treble: Out of the way...the Kilhir's getting away! [i]Treble pushes Chole out of the way...Moon and Ken follow.[/i] Chole: *sniff* What a great way to end the night...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole wakes up in the center of a cannibal ring...[/i] Chole: Ahhh! :bawl: Cannibal: There really is no escape... Chole: So what are you gonna eat me? Cannibal: Maybe... Chole: Yes or no... Cannibal: I said maybe... Chole: Well, while you're thinking...maybe you can let me find my friends... Cannibal: *falls to the ground* Chole: Help!!!!![/COLOR]
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